Can anyone please suggest Javascript for inserting Chatbot inside Excel 2021? [closed] - javascript

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Closed yesterday.
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Unable to Identify the proper code structure of Javascript using Excel 2021
Try to inserting javascript for office 2021 to display the result in a particular cell inside the excel using Chatgpt


How to create a YAML based editor in html [closed]

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Closed 8 days ago.
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I have a website that is used in a local area environment. I need to give an option to the users to upload and edit the YAML file on this website. I have seen a lot of online editors like this. My only requirement is to validate and highlighted the syntax. Can someone please give me a hint is there any javascript library that gives me the option to add a YAML editor to the website?

How to display an input like stackoverflow answer box [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm working on a Django chat app and I want a <textarea> or <input type="text"> with the markdown format, like this own input, that I can format code, put images, etc.
Personally I like TinyMCE, however just do a search on Google for JavaScript WYSIWYG editor. Some will come with markdown plugins.

Parsing from C to Javascript with pycparser [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am trying to parse some code in C into Javascript to use it on a website. I have downloaded pycparser as said in the github documentation but I donot know how to use it.
For example what commands do I need to use and how to do a preprocessing of the code with clang or cpp.
¿Can anyone help me?

How can I load an existing pptx file with PptxGenJs [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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how can I load an existing pptx file? Our customers would like to create a master pptx file with their own coporate branding. They are users and not developers. Is it possible?
You can't do it with PptxGenJS, as you can see it is listed as a feature they will not be implementing:
If your data does not have to be in pptx format, then you can reproduce an HTML table and use it within PptxGenJS:

How to make a textarea in which the text can be formatted? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How do I make a textarea's format editable, such as the textareas on this site, by using javascript or php?
I'd suggest using a 3rd party plugin rather than rolling your own.
A quick google reveals the follwoing for jQuery :
