Js LocationPicker retrieving location data individually and apply to form - javascript

I have a JS Googlemaps LocationPicker on my webpage, however I cannot make the autocomplete autofill the form.
Here is the code I am using:
<div class="form-horizontal" style="width:434px;">
<div id="us2" class="mapclass"></div>
<label id="citylable" for="city">Location</label>
<input id="cityinput" name="City" type="text" class="my-form-control"
placeholder="Enter Your City" required> </input>
<input id="citylat" name="citylat" type="text" class="my-form
control" placeholder="Enter Your Latitude" style="display:none;">
<input id="citylong" name="citylong" type="text" class="my-form-
control" placeholder="Enter Your Longitude" style="display:none;"></input>
<input id="address2" name="address2" class='my-form-control'/>
<input id="locality" name="locality" class='my-form-control'required />
<input id="state" name="state" class='my-form-control' required />
<label for="postal_code">Postal code*</label>
<input id="postcode" name="postcode" class='my-form-control'required />
<input id="country" name="country" class='my-form-control'required />
location: {
latitude: 52.9470322,
longitude: -1.1901637
radius: 50, addressFormat: 'locality',
inputBinding: {
locationNameInput: $('#cityinput'),
latitudeInput: $('#citylat'),
longitudeInput: $('#citylong'),
enableAutocomplete: true
Also I am aware that there is Json, but I am very new to json and not sure how to receive the json data.
Currently the full address is returned using
locationNameInput: $('#cityinput')
which appends to the div cityinput.
However to apply this to the address form i am struggling with as LocationPicker does not provide this, only the google Places API does.
I have been watching Youtube videos and reading the Google API and the JS locationPicker Docs, however I am still very unsure how to approach this.
I tend to work by finding working code then amend it for my own purposes, however I cannot find the code I need.


What is the best way to do form validation before submitting

Please some one suggest me on,
What is the best way to do form validation before submitting?
Actual scenario is like, i have a button called save,so when user press save button.
I need to validate the data and pass the flow to server to store the data in the tables.
Instead of doing form data validation in server side, is there any possible way to check those in client side itself
<h1>Testing </h1>
Receipt number:
<input type="text" id="grn" class="tb1" onkeypress="return isNumber(event)" /> Type
<select name="evalu" id="evalu">
<option value="electrical">Electrical</option>
<option value="mechanical">Mechanical</option>
<select name="cd" id="cd">
<option value="unit1">xv</option>
<option value="unit2">ed</option>
<input type="button" id="find" value="Find" class="button0" />
<br> Report No
<input type="text" name="irepno" id="irepno" class="tb1" maxlength="8" /> date
<input type="text" name="idt" id="idt" class="tb1" value="<%= new SimpleDateFormat(" dd-MM-yyyy ").format(new java.util.Date())%>">
<input type="button" id="search" value="Search" class="button0" />
<input type="button" value="Save the record" id="saverecord" class="button0">
Javascript itself is developed with an intention to add client side processing of data and validations.
The best way depends on the situation where you are applying and also the
javascript technologies.
If you are not using any specific client side technologies or frameworks for example angularjs or emberjs etc.
You can try using jquery validation plugin
which is avialable ate
$(function() {
// Initialize form validation on the registration form.
// It has the name attribute "registration"
// Specify validation rules
rules: {
// The key name on the left side is the name attribute
// of an input field. Validation rules are defined
// on the right side
firstname: "required",
lastname: "required",
email: {
required: true,
// Specify that email should be validated
// by the built-in "email" rule
email: true
password: {
required: true,
minlength: 5
// Specify validation error messages
messages: {
firstname: "Please enter your firstname",
lastname: "Please enter your lastname",
password: {
required: "Please provide a password",
minlength: "Your password must be at least 5 characters long"
email: "Please enter a valid email address"
// Make sure the form is submitted to the destination defined
// in the "action" attribute of the form when valid
submitHandler: function(form) {
input {
display: block;
label.error {
color: red;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-validate/1.16.0/jquery.validate.min.js"></script>
<div class="container">
<form action="" name="registration">
<label for="firstname">First Name</label>
<input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" placeholder="John" />
<label for="lastname">Last Name</label>
<input type="text" name="lastname" id="lastname" placeholder="Doe" />
<label for="email">Email</label>
<input type="email" name="email" id="email" placeholder="john#doe.com" />
<label for="password">Password</label>
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" placeholder="●●●●●" />
<button type="submit">Register</button>
There are many ways to validate a form. I prefer validating a form using HTML elements which is a quick way to check the input details.
Here is a code snippet I used to validate details entered by the client in a simple form.
<legend>Enter Your Details</legend>
<label for="fave"> Mobile:
<input maxlength="10" autofocus="on" autocomplete="on" name="mobile" placeholder="Mobile number"/>
<label for="name"> Name:
<input maxlength="30" pattern="^.* .*$" required size="15" name="name" placeholder="Your name"/>
<label for="password"> Password:
<input type="password" required name="password" placeholder="Min 6 characters"/>
<label for="email">
Email: <input type="email" pattern=".*#mydomain.com$" placeholder="user#domain.com" id="email" name="email"/>
<label for="tel">
Tel: <input type="tel" placeholder="(XXX)-XXX-XXXX" id="tel" name="tel"/>
<label for="url">
Your homepage: <input type="url" id="url" name="url"/>
Few elements like
type, maxlength, pattern, required, size
are used for validating a form in client side.
I like the book The Definitive Guide to HTML5, where you can learn to validate a form using front-end development.
Hope this solves your problem.
On form submit, write javascript or jquery script to validate and pass form values to your servlets.
you can use this jquery plugin too.
There are some great validation libraries out there. One I like in particular is jQuery.validate.js as it is well documented and easy to use.
If you would prefer to write your own, a good place to start would be this W3Schools article on Javascript form validation
I suggest you to options, you can choose yourself:
1) Write your validate code inside the function when you click saverecord button.
2) Validate input field (in your case I guess that "Receipt number" and "Report No" is only number), you can write function to handle onkeypress ( or onchange) event to validate which typing from users.

Populating error message with field name in Parsley js

I couldn't find anything in the Parsley docs or in Google.
Is there an easy way to set an attribute in input and populate the error message with custom message.
For example:
<label>First name
<input type="text" required/>
with give a standard error "This value is required."
But it would be nice to have something like
<label>First name
<input type="text" required data-parsley-field-name="Last name"/>
with error like "Last name is required"
Or as an option, just grad string from<label>.
I know that I can set custom messages, but you have to do it on each input.
This will your job
<form method="post" id="myForm">
<input type="text" name="phone" class="form" data-err="last name" value="" class="required" data-parsley-required="" />
<input type="text" name="phone" class="form" data-err="First name" value="" class="required" data-parsley-required="" />
<input type="submit" value="Go">
$(document).ready(function() {
$.listen('parsley:field:error', function(){
var i = 0;
$("#myForm .form").each(function(k,e){
var field = $(e).data("err");
$(e).next("ul").find("li:eq("+i+")").html(field+" is required");
here is working fiddle JsFiddle

BrainTree Hosted Fields onPaymentMethodReceived function not working returning nonce

I am having a hard time figuring out why the onPaymentMethodReceived in a hosted fields is not returning any values.
<form action="" id="my-form" method="post">
<label for="a">Amount</label>
<div id="amount">
<input type="text" name="amount" value="400" id="amount" />
<label for="card-number">Card Number</label>
<div id="card-number">
<input type="text" name="cardNumber" value="4111111111111111" id="cardNumber" />
<label for="cvv">CVV</label>
<div id="cvv">
<input type="text" name="CVV" value="020" id="cv-v" />
<label for="expiration-month">Expiration Month</label>
<div id="expiration-month">
<input type="text" name="expirMonth" value="10" id="expirMonth" />
<label for="expiration-year">Expiration Year</label>
<div id="expiration-year">
<input type="text" name="expirYear" value="20" id="expirYear" />
<input type="submit" value="Pay" id="btn_submit"/>
var nonce0 ;
braintree.setup(clientToken, "custom",
id: "my-form",
hostedFields: {
number: {
selector: "#card-number"
cvv: {
selector: "#cvv"
expirationMonth: {
selector: "#expiration-month"
expirationYear: {
selector: "#expiration-year"
console.log("in onPaymentMethodReceived");
nonce0 = nonce;
return false;
onError :function(obj){
console.log('BTree = '+ nonce0);
I wanted to store the nonce returned but nothing is happening, console.log is not showing any values. Even the onError is not doing anything either.
Using breakpoints,I can tell that the hidden nonce is coming back but the callback function is not getting fired.
I tried it with the Dropin-UI and it does work and I can get the nonce from the onPaymentMethodReceived.
Not sure what I am doing wrong.
Full disclosure: I work as a developer for Braintree
When using Hosted Fields, the form should only include a div container for each payment field. Your implementation would look something like this:
<form action="" id="my-form" method="post">
<label for="a">Amount</label>
<div id="amount"></div>
<label for="card-number">Card Number</label>
<div id="card-number"></div>
<label for="cvv">CVV</label>
<div id="cvv"></div>
<label for="expiration-month">Expiration Month</label>
<div id="expiration-month"></div>
<label for="expiration-year">Expiration Year</label>
<div id="expiration-year”></div>
<input type="submit" value="Pay" id="btn_submit"/>
The Braintree setup script will then render iframes to handle payment field inputs. If you continue to have issues, you can always get in touch with Braintree support.
In "onPaymentMethodReceived" method you need to try "nonce.nonce" var to check nonce in responce.
Like -
onPaymentMethodReceived:function(obj) {
var nonce_from_braintree = obj.nonce
Also you can check below link to get more detailed script to manipulate braintree payment gateway integration with hosted field.
Hope this helps you...:)

Why is my form is not posting with jQuery .submit()?

I am working on a system where users are allowed to add books to their library. I am using a jquery UI dialog box and have inserted about 20 rows into the database using the first half of this script.
However, as I was adding in the second half all of a sudden the post information is not showing up on the posted page and I am completely lost as to why.
This was supposed to be a quick addition that's turned into a headache.
<form id="addbookform" action="../models/Books/addBook_submit.cfm" method="POST">
<div style="display: none;" id="addBook" title="Add a Book to Your Library">
<input type="hidden" id="InputType" name="InputType" value="Add"/>
<input type="hidden" id="bookempID" name="bookempID"/>
<label class="labelstyle" >ISBN:</label>
<input type="text" maxlength="17" id="ISBN" name="ISBN">
<label class="labelstyle" >Title:</label>
<input type="text" maxlength="100" size="50" id="Title" name="Title">*
<label class="labelstyle">Author's First Name: </label>
<input type="text" maxlength="50" id="AFName" name="AFName">
<label class="labelstyle">Author's Middle Name:</label>
<input type="text" maxlength="50" id="AMName" name="AMName">
<label class="labelstyle">Author's Last Name:</label>
<input type="text" maxlength="50" id="ALName" name="ALName">*
<label class="labelstyle">Date Read:</label>
<input type="text" id="DateRead" name="DateRead">
function addBook() {
autoOpen: true,
width: ($(document).width()*.55),
height: ($(document).height()*.7),
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Add Book": function() {
Cancel: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }
The above piece was working before I started building checkBook(). However, now it's no longer working.
The form is initiated by:
<input type="button" class="buttonstyle" value="Add Book" onclick="addBook()" />
(this works)
I think your form must be "visible" in order for the elements to be posted. jQuery can certainly see and access all of the elements regardless of css Display type, but I believe the "submit" action requires the elements that are getting posted to the server be visible. I noticed all the form elements you are attempting to submit are inside of a DIV element with the css property of Display:none;
It seems to me that you are binding a submit event to the form somewhere else in the code.
So, you can try submitting the form without jQuery.
Or unbind any event that might be in the form.

How do I order by node depth and then by tabindex?

I've got an HTML form that's built dynamically using templates at runtime - dictated by user action.
I need to set the tab index across the form based on the tabindexing specified within each of the pieces of the form.
Given this, is there a way in jQuery to order items within a set? For instance something that follows this pseudo structure would be awesome, but I can't figure out how to achieve it:
<div name="firstTemplate" templateIndex="0">
<input type="text" name="field0" tabIndex="1" />
<input type="text" name="field1" tabIndex="2" />
<input type="text" name="field2" tabIndex="3" />
<div name="firstTemplateRpt" templateIndex="1">
<input type="text" name="field0" tabIndex="1" />
<input type="text" name="field1" tabIndex="2" />
<input type="text" name="field2" tabIndex="3" />
<div name="secondTemplate" templateIndex="2">
<input type="text" name="field0" tabIndex="1" />
<input type="text" name="field1" tabIndex="2" />
<input type="text" name="field2" tabIndex="3" />
I could then use some variation of the following concept:
$("input, textarea, select, input:checkbox, input:radio").orderBy("templateIndex, tabIndex");
Where templateIndex would be the index of the template within the form and the tabindex would be the tabindex of the control within the template. A template could be added to the form multiple times at runtime, which is causing havoc on manually specified tabindexes.
When another template is added to the form, it would be assigned the templateIndex="3" with its manually set tabIndexes starting again at 1.
Collect the divs with a templateIndex attribute into an array, then sort them like:
divArray.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.getAttribute('templateIndex') - b.getAttribute('templateIndex');
Then iterate over those and sort the inputs inside the array using a very similar function:
inpArray.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.tabIndex - b.tabIndex;
Then move the elements in the required order in the document using something like node.parentNode.insertBefore(node, firstChild).
