I'm a novice web developer trying to use Firebase for my capstone project.
I'm trying to send HTML form input to the firebase DB using a function in an external js file that's declared earlier in the html file, but it keeps throwing the error: Uncaught ReferenceError: testThree is not defined at HTMLInputElement.onclick.
I'm using webpack, so all of my code is in a bundle.js file that's handling all of the javascript.
// Import the functions you need from the SDKs you need
import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";
import { getAnalytics } from "firebase/analytics";
import { getFirestore } from "firebase/firestore";
// TODO: Add SDKs for Firebase products that you want to use
// https://firebase.google.com/docs/web/setup#available-libraries
//this was taken from our firebase console, ask for source if inaccessible. Source: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/stubby-42865/settings/general/web:OGE0YTc1NTgtYjAyNy00NmFlLWExZTctYjExYTY3YzAzM2Ix?nonce=1674237869676
// Your web app's Firebase configuration
// For Firebase JS SDK v7.20.0 and later, measurementId is optional
const firebaseConfig = {
//Firebase config
// Initialize Firebase SDKs
const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
const analytics = getAnalytics(app);
const db = getFirestore(app);
//library imports
import { collection, doc, setDoc, getDoc, addDoc } from "firebase/firestore";
//TEST ONE: add a document to the cities collection
// Add a new document in collection "cities"
await setDoc(doc(db, "cities", "LA"), {
name: "Los Angeles",
state: "CA",
country: "USA"
//TEST TWO: read the document LA from the cities collection
const docTestRet = doc(db, "cities", "LA");
const docTestGet = await getDoc(docTestRet);
if (docTestGet.exists()) {
console.log("Data: ", docTestGet.data())
} else {
console.log("get fail");
//TEST THREE: add a document to the cities collection via HTML input
async function testThree() {
const abbrEle = document.getElementById('abbr').value;
const nameEle = document.getElementById('name').value;
const countryEle = document.getElementById('country').value;
const stateEle = document.getElementByID('state').value;
await setDoc(doc(db, "cities", abbrEle), {
name: nameEle,
state: stateEle,
country: countryEle,
The function testThree is being sent to my index.html file, shown below:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link type="text/css" href="/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="/dist/bundle.js"></script>
<!--Header for Home page. Displays navbar and image-->
<!-- <img src="../img/Stubby.png" style="height:50px;width:50px;border-radius:50%;background-color:#808080";/> -->
<li><a class="active" href="index.html">Home</a></li>
<li><img src="/img/Stubby.png" style="height:45px;width:45px;float:right" /></li>
<!--note: columns will inevitably have unequal height, the row class fixes it-->
<div class="row">
<!--Main column div class.-->
<div class="column main">
<h2>Main column</h2>
<p>This column will have content in it garnered around supporting the chatbot. This would include stuff like timers, reminders, etc.</p>
<!--Chatbot column div class-->
<div class="column chat">
<h2>Chatbot column</h2>
<p>This column will have the chatbot, its text window it uses to respond as well as our text window that we would use.</p>
<form id="test">
Abbreviation: <input type="text" id="abbr" name="abbr"><br>
Country: <input type="text" id="country" name="country"><br>
Name: <input type="text" id="name" name="name"><br>
State: <input type="text" id="state" name="state"><br>
<input type="button" onclick="testThree()" value="Submit">
<div class="row">
<div class="footer">
<p> This is where our contact information, as well as significant contributions to our website will be! </p>
It should send data to the firestore database, but I keep getting the aforementioned error above. Another SO question had changed the onclick="function()" to onclick="function" that had helped, but it hasn't for me.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
Edit: the way we fixed it was to use window.testThree = testThree to make the function global.
I work about a Movie App on The Movie DB API with VueJS but I have a problem; I'm trying to pull the poster_path data from The Movie App and print the picture on the page. The problem is; data is being get, the image is also visible, but when I refresh the page, the data cannot be retrieved. But when I remove or add ( / ) between w500 and ${movie.poster_path} in <img :src="`https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/${movie.poster_path}`" > it's coming back. What should I do since we cannot do this all the time?
<script setup>
import axios from 'axios'
var movies = []
async function getMovies() {
const data = axios.get('https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/popular?api_key=**********&language=en-US&page=1')
const result = await data
result.data.results.forEach((movie) => {
async function fetch() {
await this.getMovies()
<div class="">
<div class="">
<div class="" v-for="(movie, index) in movies" :key="index">
<div class="">
<img :src="`https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/${movie.poster_path}`" >
<style scoped lang="scss">
#import '../public/Home.scss';
I'm trying to run this example in the browser
Specifically this code here
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="assets/face-api.js"></script>
<script src="assets/commons.js"></script>
<script src="assets/faceDetectionControls.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/styles.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/materialize/0.100.2/css/materialize.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/materialize/0.100.2/js/materialize.min.js"></script>
<div id="navbar"></div>
<div class="center-content page-container">
<div class="progress" id="loader">
<div class="indeterminate"></div>
<div style="position: relative" class="margin">
<video onloadedmetadata="onPlay(this)" id="inputVideo" autoplay muted playsinline></video>
<canvas id="overlay" />
<div class="row side-by-side">
<!-- face_detector_selection_control -->
<div id="face_detector_selection_control" class="row input-field" style="margin-right: 20px;">
<select id="selectFaceDetector">
<option value="ssd_mobilenetv1">SSD Mobilenet V1</option>
<option value="tiny_face_detector">Tiny Face Detector</option>
<label>Select Face Detector</label>
<!-- face_detector_selection_control -->
<!-- check boxes -->
<div class="row" style="width: 220px;">
<input type="checkbox" id="hideBoundingBoxesCheckbox" onchange="onChangeHideBoundingBoxes(event)" />
<label for="hideBoundingBoxesCheckbox">Hide Bounding Boxes</label>
<!-- check boxes -->
<!-- fps_meter -->
<div id="fps_meter" class="row side-by-side">
<label for="time">Time:</label>
<input disabled value="-" id="time" type="text" class="bold">
<label for="fps">Estimated Fps:</label>
<input disabled value="-" id="fps" type="text" class="bold">
<!-- fps_meter -->
<!-- ssd_mobilenetv1_controls -->
<span id="ssd_mobilenetv1_controls">
<div class="row side-by-side">
<div class="row">
<label for="minConfidence">Min Confidence:</label>
<input disabled value="0.5" id="minConfidence" type="text" class="bold">
class="waves-effect waves-light btn"
<i class="material-icons left">-</i>
class="waves-effect waves-light btn"
<i class="material-icons left">+</i>
<!-- ssd_mobilenetv1_controls -->
<!-- tiny_face_detector_controls -->
<span id="tiny_face_detector_controls">
<div class="row side-by-side">
<div class="row input-field" style="margin-right: 20px;">
<select id="inputSize">
<option value="" disabled selected>Input Size:</option>
<option value="128">128 x 128</option>
<option value="160">160 x 160</option>
<option value="224">224 x 224</option>
<option value="320">320 x 320</option>
<option value="416">416 x 416</option>
<option value="512">512 x 512</option>
<option value="608">608 x 608</option>
<label>Input Size</label>
<div class="row">
<label for="scoreThreshold">Score Threshold:</label>
<input disabled value="0.5" id="scoreThreshold" type="text" class="bold">
class="waves-effect waves-light btn"
<i class="material-icons left">-</i>
class="waves-effect waves-light btn"
<i class="material-icons left">+</i>
<!-- tiny_face_detector_controls -->
let forwardTimes = []
let withBoxes = true
function onChangeHideBoundingBoxes(e) {
withBoxes = !$(e.target).prop('checked')
function updateTimeStats(timeInMs) {
forwardTimes = [timeInMs].concat(forwardTimes).slice(0, 30)
const avgTimeInMs = forwardTimes.reduce((total, t) => total + t) / forwardTimes.length
$('#time').val(`${Math.round(avgTimeInMs)} ms`)
$('#fps').val(`${faceapi.utils.round(1000 / avgTimeInMs)}`)
async function onPlay() {
const videoEl = $('#inputVideo').get(0)
if(videoEl.paused || videoEl.ended || !isFaceDetectionModelLoaded())
return setTimeout(() => onPlay())
const options = getFaceDetectorOptions()
const ts = Date.now()
const result = await faceapi.detectSingleFace(videoEl, options).withFaceExpressions()
updateTimeStats(Date.now() - ts)
if (result) {
const canvas = $('#overlay').get(0)
const dims = faceapi.matchDimensions(canvas, videoEl, true)
const resizedResult = faceapi.resizeResults(result, dims)
const minConfidence = 0.05
if (withBoxes) {
faceapi.draw.drawDetections(canvas, resizedResult)
faceapi.draw.drawFaceExpressions(canvas, resizedResult, minConfidence)
setTimeout(() => onPlay())
async function run() {
// load face detection and face expression recognition models
await changeFaceDetector(TINY_FACE_DETECTOR)
await faceapi.loadFaceExpressionModel('/')
// try to access users webcam and stream the images
// to the video element
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: {} })
const videoEl = $('#inputVideo').get(0)
videoEl.srcObject = stream
function updateResults() {}
$(document).ready(function() {
renderNavBar('#navbar', 'webcam_face_expression_recognition')
Unfortunately this is not working ( I have loaded the associated libraries into assets, i.e., https://github.com/justadudewhohacks/face-api.js/tree/master/dist and moving the other files from this example here
What am i doing wrong? I am loading this on a page on my site here
https://moodmap.app/webcamFaceExpressionRecognition.html in case you want to see what's happening in the browser.
Based on changes below,
Here is the node server where I am setting where things are held - is it possible to just change this instead? As it is coming up with a separate issue with the shard needed in the model as well now when making the changes suggested below.
const config = require('../../config');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const server = require('http').createServer(app);
const io = require('socket.io')(server, { wsEngine: 'ws' });
const mysql = require('mysql');
const expressSession = require('express-session');
const ExpressMysqlSessionStore = require('express-mysql-session')(expressSession);
const sharedsession = require('express-socket.io-session');
const path = require('path');
const utils = require('./utils');
// remove from header "X-Powered-By: Express"
server.listen(config.serverParams.port, config.serverParams.address, () => {
console.log(`Server running at http://${server.address().address}:${server.address().port}`);
global.db = mysql.createConnection(config.db);
const sessionStore = new ExpressMysqlSessionStore(config.sessionStore, db);
const session = expressSession({
store: sessionStore,
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, './src/assets')))
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, './src/assets/weights')))
//can reaplce * with website we want to allow access
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
], (req, res) => res.sendFile(path.join(`${config.frontendDir}${req.path}.html`)));
io.use(sharedsession(session, {
autoSave: true
io.on('connection', socket => {
socket.use((packet, next) => {
if (packet[0]) {
console.log('METHOD:', packet[0]);
const sessionData = socket.handshake.session.user;
const noSessionNeed = [ 'login', 'signup', 'checkAuth' ].includes(packet[0]);
let error;
if ( ! sessionData && ! noSessionNeed) error = { code: -1, message: 'You need to login in extension!' };
if (error) return next(new Error(JSON.stringify(error)));
else next();
const auth = require('./auth')(socket);
socket.on('checkAuth', auth.checkAuth);
socket.on('login', auth.login);
socket.on('signup', auth.signup);
socket.on('logout', auth.logout);
const users = require('./users')(socket);
socket.on('users.get', users.get);
const sentiment = require('./sentiment')(socket);
socket.on('sentiment.get', sentiment.get);
socket.on('sentiment.set', sentiment.set);
socket.on('disconnect', () => {
Reason being still getting an error for some reason as below,?
fetchOrThrow.ts:11 Uncaught (in promise) Error: failed to fetch: (404) , from url: https://moodmap.app/assets/tiny_face_detector_model-weights_manifest.json
at fetchOrThrow.ts:11
at step (drawContour.ts:28)
at Object.next (drawContour.ts:28)
at fulfilled (drawContour.ts:28)
(anonymous) # fetchOrThrow.ts:11
step # drawContour.ts:28
(anonymous) # drawContour.ts:28
fulfilled # drawContour.ts:28
async function (async)
run # webcamFaceExpressionRecognition.html:142
(anonymous) # webcamFaceExpressionRecognition.html:158
j # jquery-2.1.1.min.js:2
fireWith # jquery-2.1.1.min.js:2
ready # jquery-2.1.1.min.js:2
I # jquery-2.1.1.min.js:2
Thanks in advance!
So, the error you were talking about in the question is:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: failed to fetch: (404) , from URL:
So, this error implies that the file tiny_face_detector_model-weights_manifest.json could not be found. And this is happening for all other manifest.json files as well, as I see in your website.
You mentioned in the question that all your associated libraries are into assets folder. So, your tiny_face_detector_model-weights_manifest.json file and other manifest.json files also in assets folder and I am giving you the solution according to that but if you change location of files to another folder, just replace assets with that whatever folder where your file is in.
face-api.js Line:1976
Here, in line 1976 you see defaultModelName. This tells about the file to load.
1. So if your app has only the issue with loading tiny_face_detector_model-weights_manifest.json [ For this case, It is showing 404 error for all manifest.json so jump below] then
face-api.js Line: 5627
Go to line 5627 in face-api.js and change
"tiny_face_detector_model" with
2. If all your manifest files are showing 404 error while loading, which true for this case because all your files are in assets folder.
So, in that case go to line number 1976 of face-api.js,
just replace:
var defaultManifestFilename=defaultModelName+"-weights_manifest.json";
var defaultManifestFilename="./assets/"+defaultModelName+"-weights_manifest.json";
That means just concatenate the folder name or path where the manifest file exists to the mentioned variable. And this will fix the path issue for all manifest.json files in your application.
NOTE: If there is a problem finding the code with line number I mentioned then use search.
I am learning to deal with VueJS and made a simple todo app. It works well, but I want to store data locally and make it persistent even if there is a page reload.
This is the code produced following instruction of a few useful tutorials (leaving CSS outside to ease readability):
<div class="main-container">
<div class="header md-elevation-4">
<h1 class="md-title">{{ header }}</h1>
<div class="todo-list">
<div class="row"></div>
<div class="row">
<!-- add new todo with enter key -->
<md-field class="todo-input">
placeholder="Add a todo! It's easy!"
<!-- for all todos, set class of edited todos -->
<ul class="todos">
<div class="list-div">
<li v-for="todo in todos" :key="todo.id">
<!-- binds checkbox to todo model after each instance; -->
<!-- starts editing process on double click -->
:class="{ completed: todo.completed }"
>{{ todo.label }}</span
<!-- concludes editing with enter click -->
<!-- deletes todos using removeTodo method -->
alt="remove toDo"
export default {
name: "RegularToolbar",
data() {
return {
header: "A VueJS ToDo App",
todos: [],
currentTodo: "",
completed: false, // add a completed property
editedToDo: null // add a edited property
methods: {
addTodo() {
id: this.todos.length,
label: this.currentTodo,
completed: false, // initializes property
edit: false // initializes property
this.currentTodo = "";
mounted() {
// console.log('App mounted!');
if (localStorage.getItem("todos"))
this.todos = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("todos"));
watch: {
todos: {
handler() {
// console.log('Todos changed!');
localStorage.setItem("todos", JSON.stringify(this.todos));
deep: true
removeTodo(todo) {
// allows users to remove todos
var index = this.todos.indexOf(todo);
this.todos.splice(index, 1);
editTodo(todo) {
todo.edit = true;
completedEdit(todo) {
todo.edit = false;
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>
As it is, all the JS part referring to mount and watch does not work. I am able to add new todos and delete them as I wish, but it does not retain the data if the user reloads the page.
Could some of the colleagues spot what I am missing here?
It's a problem of code organization:
Your mounted and watch sections are currently inside the methods section, which will prevent them from firing as expected.
Move those out into their own sections (both should be at the same level as methods) and you should be all set.
With those edits and nothing else, I've got your code working in a fiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/ebbishop/dc82unyb/
I would like to execute a function in a Javascript file, since this same function is defined on another file, which is called Header.vue, I tried with module.export, but no result, the function in Header.vue is activated at the click of a button. I searched on Google and I think that module.export is only adapted between two .js files. my code is so below.
Header.vue :
<header id="header" class="flex">
<ul class="control">
<button #click="next" :disabled="connectionState !== 'open'">Next</button>
import { mapState, mapMutations, mapActions } from 'vuex'
module.export {
export default {
name: 'app-header',
computed: mapState(['localStream', 'connectionState']),
methods: {
...mapMutations(['createPeerConnection', 'closePeerConnection', 'addLocalStream', 'removeLocalStream']),
...mapActions(['getUserMedia', 'hangUpCall']),
next () {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
and test.js
var common = require('./src/components/Header.vue');
I keep getting this error when attempting to update a component with new data fetched from a server.
I have an app that has a portfolio where the projects of the site are shown. When you click an item in portfolio, you are redirected (with react-router) to the individual project.
The project component uses the fetch api to retrieve data from a server. Which works perfectly because when the url specifies the project to be show like: /portfolio/project/:id, and based on the id received the data is fetched and displayed correctly.
The data retrieved
What is retrieved trough fetch api is just the result of a AJAX POST request to a server with the only parameter of the project id, which only returns the info of the project. (name, description, images, and other ones not much important)
The issue:
As far I've analyzed the application to see when this error is triggered, I found that this warning comes out when the amount of images for the new project loaded is smaller than the amount of images of the project already rendered.
An example:
We are inside a project. The url is portfolio/project/1 and the server data returned that this project has 5 images. They are loaded and you can view the project correctly.
Now, we use the menu to react-router-redirect to portfolio/project/2 and the server returned data with 7 images. They are loaded and the project data as well to view the project.
So, let say that we choose the option in the menu to view the project portfolio/project/3 which has 3 images, and then the warning comes up.
Console log:
The code:
Since the error says the problem is inside Project.js, I am only adding this code so the question doesn't look overloaded and full of weird code.
import React,{Component} from 'react'
import Footer from '../Footer/Footer'
import Header from '../Header'
import SubNav from '../SubNav'
import Details from './Details'
import {Link} from 'react-router-dom'
import {Configurations} from '../AppConfig'
class Project extends Component{
state = {
projectInfo: null,
reloadHandlerActive: false,
projectID : this.props.match.params.id,
projectName: "",
topProjectInfo: [],
images: []
createImages = (project) =>{
let Images = Object.values(project.images),
ImagesURI = Images.map((img, index)=>{
if( img.includes('Desarrollos.jpg') || img.includes('Home.jpg') || img.includes('H.jpg') ){
return null
return project.path+img
ImagesURI = ImagesURI.filter(function (e) { //Clear null values
return e != null;
return ImagesURI
reloadHandler = (id) =>{
const {createImages} = this
.then((result)=>{return result.json() })
if(project === "error"){
projectInfo: project,
images: createImages(project)
const {createImages} = this
.then((result)=>{return result.json() })
if(project === "error"){
projectInfo: project,
images: createImages(project)
window.onload = window.initShit()
const {projectInfo,images} = this.state
return(<h1>. . .</h1>)
<div >
<Header />
<SubNav reloadHandler={this.reloadHandler} />
<div className="content full-height no-padding">
<div className="fixed-info-container">
<Link to="/portfolio"><button className="goBackBtn">Desarrollos</button></Link>
<div className="separator" />
<div className="clearfix" />
<span className="project-status">{projectInfo.project.status}</span>
<Details price={projectInfo.project.price} features={projectInfo.project.features} />
<Link className=" btn anim-button trans-btn transition fl-l" to={"/contact/?project="+projectInfo.id}>
<i className="fa fa-eye" />
{/* fixed-info-container end*/}
{/* resize-carousel-holder*/}
<div className="resize-carousel-holder vis-info gallery-horizontal-holder">
{/* gallery_horizontal*/}
className="gallery_horizontal owl_carousel"
return (
<div key={index}className="horizontal_item">
<div className="zoomimage">
<img src={img} className="intense" alt="" />
<i className="fa fa-expand" />
<img src={img} alt="" />
<div className="show-info">
<div className="tooltip-info">
<h5>Imagen de muestra</h5>
Imagen del desarrollo
{/* resize-carousel-holder*/}
{/* navigation */}
<div className="customNavigation">
<a href="/" className="prev-slide transition">
<i className="fa fa-angle-left" />
<a href="/" className="next-slide transition">
<i className="fa fa-angle-right" />
{/* navigation end*/}
{/* gallery_horizontal end*/}
<Footer />
export default Project
I'm currently looking how to fix this, but if someone could give me an advice or the origin of the issue would be really helpful.
By the time your question was posted, there was an issue open at reactjs github repo talking about something similar. It is now solved, but you may want to read the article.