Why am i able to add multiple images in html? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 days ago.
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enter image description here
I don't know why i am not able to insert multiple images in html but I do get multiple images in console.log


how to highlight percentage in marksheet created with array objects in javascript guide plz [closed]

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Closed yesterday.
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enter image description here
this is my array of objects, I have displayed it in table. now I want to hightlight the percentage column
plz guide

Logic building problems in javascript [closed]

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Closed 5 days ago.
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Create a javascript program that prints an odd number after every 5 even numbers in the range of 0-1000
I am trying for loop with conditionals in javascript

adding tab to reduce the width of the words shown in conversation box, how to solve the proble [closed]

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Closed 4 months ago.
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please am building a chart app using react and firebase , upon submit of conversation how do I add tab to my input filed to reduce the width

How to hide image/video if it cannot be loaded [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to be able to hide img/video if it cannot be loaded in website
You need to use javascript,for video.
x = document.getElementById("video");

How to replace an image in website with a image in local folder [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to replace ’San Francisco’ image in the following picture with an image in local folder in my computer temporarily. How can I do that?
Using chrome, you should be able to reference an image using file://path/to/file. If this doesn't work, let me know that I'm wrong.
