Strapi CMS Get Bad Request when starting Admin Panel - javascript

i have a really strange behavour. I dockerized my Strapi CMS App and everything worked fine until a few days ago. Now i cannot start the application without getting the following error on loading:
In console:
[2022-04-25 11:40:11.922] error: Malicious Path BadRequestError: Malicious Path
at resolvePath (MY_PATH/backend/node_modules/resolve-path/index.js:78:11)
In Browser:
It calls the following URL:
I noticed the // after the port. When i curl i get the following response:
But that doesnt help me.
This is my server.js:
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
host: env('HOST'),
//url: env("PUBLIC_URL"),
app: {
keys: env.array('APP_KEYS'),
In my .env file is set the following:
It would be awesome if anyone could help me, i am stuck with this problem for a few days. :/
Thank you!

After testing a loooot of stuff i was really with my latin at the end, like we germans like to say for "i have absolutely no idea what is going on here". So at some point i thought this was a bug within strapi. After heavy weird "hooking into my node_modules and editing urls their" i realized, that when i use docker-compose to spin up my containers there is some kind of cache even if i rebuild the images.
So i started docker compose with:
docker-compose up --build -d
So turned out a few days ago i added a backslash to the STRAPI_ADMIN_BACKEND_URL and/or PUBLIC_URL environment variable and this was some kind of cached the whole time..
So if you have the same problem, make sure that your .env file inside your docker container is correct and do compose with the --build flag to make sure everything is builded new until you fixed your bug.
You can also exec -it into the container als check with nano how the .env file looks.
Hope this saves someone some time.


Error pushing React app to Heroku - "remote rejected main-> main (pre-reseive hook declined)"

I'm gettig this very frustrating erro while trying to push my React app to Heroku. I was able to push it up with no problem in the application's earlier development, but for some reason it now gives me the same error message all the time:
! [remote rejected] main -> main (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to ''
The only thing I can think of is that there is some issue with the version of react I'm using (I tried react 18 and 17, both gave the same results). But again, I was able to push it up before with no problem so I'm not sure. My other thought was that it's the client-side package.json since it's saying the build is failing.
Another thing worth mentioning is that I re-named the Heroku app, but afterwards I removed my local git remote and created a new git remote with the updated Heroku app name. So maybe this had something to do with it? This is basically what I did:
*rename heroku app*
$ git remote rm heroku
$ heroku git:remote -a sapient-origin-alpha
If anyone is able to help me on this I would very greatly appreciate it.
Nevermind I'm just dumb. It literally told me what was wrong in the error message slightly above the text in the image I provided.
The problem was in the client-side package.json because of some dependency I was using. Make sure to double check your package.json file for things that could be causing a similar error, and delete your package-lock.json then run npm i again to refresh the file.

4 FOSJSRouting callback=fos.Router.setData & Route not found in production only

I am developing a page within Symfony 4 that requires the FOSJSrouting bundle. Within my DEV environment - using docker - I got it working fine using the steps below.
However, in my prod environment I keep getting the errors:
- http://url/js/routing?callback=fos.Router.setData 500 (Internal Server Error)
- router.min.js:1 Uncaught Error: The route "get_coinTicker_from_platform" does not exist.
My steps to get it working in DEV:
$ composer require friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle
Adding the following to routes.yaml:
resource: "#FOSJsRoutingBundle/Resources/config/routing/routing.xml"
Adding the following to my base.html.twig
<script src="{{ asset('bundles/fosjsrouting/js/router.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ path('fos_js_routing_js', { callback: 'fos.Router.setData' }) }}"></script>
This was sufficient to get my exposed routes to work:
* #Route("/ticker/{coin}/{plat}", name="get_coinTicker_from_platform", options={"expose"=true})
Then in my JavaScript I did:
method: 'POST',
url: Routing.generate('get_coinTicker_from_platform', {coin: coin.val(), plat: exch.val()})
}).done(function(data) {
I installed the routing bundle using composer on my Linux server and even tried the steps included in the docs to publish assets as well as dump routes like so:
bin/console fos:js-routing:dump --format=json --target=public/js/fos_js_routes.json
I have checked the symfony and Apache logs. Nothing is hinting about this issue there. Everything else is running fine, just FOSrouting is causing trouble.
Also, I tried:
npm install fos-routing --save
This actually temporarily solved the issue, but the next day, after I did another rsync from my local repository it was broken again.
I had the same problem and it has been solved by giving the right rwxrwxrwx on the folder var/cache/prod.
I am a fair bit late to the party but anyway let's get into it.
I think your issue - as hinted by #Samiul Amin Shanto comes from cached content that is not wiped out before dumping the routes.
In prod environment, symfony caches the Router. So if you do not wipe the cache
and update your code with new actions in your controller for example, they won't
be available at all because the route is not referencing them yet.
Hopefully you somehow managed to find this out because at some point you did run cache:clear --env=prod
So I'm just putting out this response here for any other internet user who might come across this question.
Take care.
Just in case someone has the same issue, I also spent about 2 hours on this, the actual issue is the right permission on the var folder inside your symfony project. Just refer to symfony official docs for giving the right permission here!

knexfile.js does not read Dotenv variables

So I am trying out knexjs and the first setup works like a charm. I've set up my connection, created a datastructure and in my terminal i ran $ knex migrate:latest.
It all worked fine... the migrated tables showed up in my database ran the migrate again and got Already up to date.
Now here is where I get an issue: Using Dotenv... Here is my code:
module.exports = {
development: {
client: process.env.DB_CLIENT,
connection: {
host: process.env.DB_HOST,
user: process.env.DB_ROOT,
password: process.env.DB_PASS,
database: process.env.DB_NAME,
charset: process.env.DB_CHARSET
As far as i can see nothing wrong with it and when i run the script through node no errors show up.
Then I wanted to check if I still could do a migrate and i get the following error:
Error: ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: Access denied for user ''#'[MY IP]'
(using password: YES)
I am using the same vars only this time from my .env file. But when i look at the error nothing is loaded from it, and yes both the knexfile.js and .env are in the root of my project :) Among the things i tried is setting the path in different ways within require('dotenv').config(); but then it would throw an error from dotenv meaning the file was already correctly loaded.
Can anyone help me figuring this out?
So after some trial and error i finally figured out what was wrong. I don't know what caused it but somehow the install of Knex wasn't done properly...
I un- and reinstalled Knex (local and global). Then first I installed it on the global level and than as a dependency. After that I initialized Knex again ( $ knex init ) and started from the ground up.
I think, but i am still not sure why because i could not find any info about it, the order of installing Knex matters (or mattered in my case and i am not even sure what i did wrong the first time).
On the side
If you are new to Knex and just blindly follow a random tutorial/article and just create a new file for Knex (i.e. knexfile.js), Knex will still work but other packages could fail to execute properly. This is what i don't see in most articles i found, read the documentation on how to generate the files needed (migrations and seeds). Most articles don't cover these steps properly.
Hope this is worth anything

I am getting error in console "You need to enable JavaScript to run this app." reactjs

I am new to reactjs, I am working on a app. It was running fine, but when I've run npm run build command, I am getting error "You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.". I have made changes in server.js file even I've given "homepage": "./", but it did not solved my issue.
And I've checked by running laravel project, javascript is enabled in browser, also tried different browsers.
Someone please help me to overcome this error.
I received this message when no proxy to the server was specified inside client package.json file.
"proxy": "http://localhost:5000"
(where 5000 should be changed to whatever port number the server was setup to listen to. In my case it also required server restart once added)
I had same problem. My workable solution:
"homepage": "."
app.use(express.static(__dirname)); //here is important thing - no static directory, because all static :)
app.get("/*", function(req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, "index.html"));
I received this error because an API call that I was making was being blocked because of an invalid API key.
Try to run in other browser and see if it is working.
If it works there then please try below things and refresh your website.
Right click and select Inspect.
Go to Application Tab.
Clear everything from local storage, session storage and cookies.
Refresh your website.
This resolved similar issue in my case and hope it will work for others.
Just make sure that this route must be appeared after at all other routes
app.get("/*", function (req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '../client/build', 'index.html'));
I had the same problem. In my case, the class name wasn't following the patterns (must starts with uppercase). As soon as I corrected it everything started to work well.
Go to your SignIn component or Register component, change the form tag to a div tag OR prevent the form default i.e (e.preventDefault). Also make sure that Javascript is enabled in your browser.
after adding proxy in react package.json restart the reacr server. This works for me.
I had some cookies set in the same url (localhost:8080), probably from a previous development, and it was somehow messing with my React project.
I only found out because (out of despair) I tried with another browser and it worked.
I deleted the cookies and it worked perfectly.
Also a react newbie, I hit this issue. Remembering to add ReactDOM.render(<MyClassName />, document.getElementById("root")); fixed it for me.
In your react project folder install serve if you haven't installed it before;
npm install -g serve
Then serve your project with a static server;
serve -s build
The build is a folder generated by 'npm run build'.
That's it! Visit
by default.
If you are facing the error "You need to enable JavaScript to run this app." in reactjs then 9/10 times there is an issue with your API call. Please cross check API url string, parameters, action type, endpoints, action names, controller names and API call status. You'll be able to find the issue.
verify endpoint url again and again. You'll definitely find a solutions. Also check ur VPN access if you're able to hit the end point.
Go to console --> network tab and see ur API status
Had the same issue, when I was trying serve react static files in node js server. Was missing the following in index.js of server side code.
app.use(express.static(path.resolve(__dirname, '../client/build')));
I had been struggling with this issue the whole morning and after trying all the different hacks of setting up proxy and homepage, it still did not resolve.
And then I checked my js files, and because there was an error which was not being caught while npm start, it was not enabling javascript internally.
How I got to know that this did resolve the issue: Stopping the current run and correcting the issue that was there and then rerunning the server.
I had same problem right now. I forgot to bring ${REACT_APP_API}
before error
const res = await axios.get(`/api/products`)
final solution
const res = await axios.get(`${process.env.REACT_APP_API}/api/products`)
It is case sensitive. Needs to start with upper case:
const router = createBrowserRouter([
path: "/",
element: <**I**ndex />,
errorElement: < ErrorPage />,
path: "/login",
element: < **L**ogin />,
path: "/register",
element: < **R**egister />,

MONGO_URL for running multiple Meteor apps on one server

I have one Meteor application running on my Ubuntu server (Digital Ocean). I use Meteor Up (MUP) to deploy and keep the app running. Everything works fine.
However, when I try to deploy a second app on the same server, something goes wrong in connecting to the MongoDB. I get a long and unreadable error message that starts "Invoking deployment process: FAILED" and then ends with
Waiting for MongoDB to initialize. (5 minutes)
myapp start/running, process 25053
Waiting for 15 seconds while app is booting up
Checking is app booted or not?
myapp stop/waiting
myapp start/running, process 25114
And the app refuses to run. I have tried a number of things to fix this and will edit this post if more info is requested, but I'm not sure what's relevant. Essentially I don't understand the Error message, so I need to know what the heck is going on?
I want to add that my app runs fine if I go into the project folder and use the "meteor" command. Everything runs as expected. It is only when I try to deploy it for long-term production mode with MUP that I get this error.
I moved on to trying mupx instead of mup. This time I can't even get past the installation process, I get the following error message:
[Neal] x Installing MongoDB: FAILED
Error response from daemon: no such id: mongodb
Error: failed to remove containers: [mongodb]
Error response from daemon: Cannot start container c2c538d34c15103d1d07bcc60b56a54bd3d23e50ae7a8e4f9f7831df0d77dc56: failed to create endpoint mongodb on network bridge: Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
But I don't understand why! Mongod is clearly already running on port 27017 and a second application should just add a new database to that instance, correct? I don't know what I'm missing here, why MUP can't access MongoDB.
It's tricky without your mup.json to see what's going on here. Given what you said, it looks like your 2nd app deployment tries to override/boot mongodb over the 1st one which is locked, the mongodb environment fails to boot, causing then the fail. You should tackle this different ways:
If your objective is to share your mongoDB, point the MONGO_URL from your 2nd mup.jon on your first mongodb instance. It's generally something along the 2701X ports. As it's a shared DB, changes in one database could affect the other.
meteor-up oversees the deployment of your app from a meteor-nice-to-test thing to a node+mongodb environment. You can spawn another mongod instance with :
mongod --port 2701X --dbpath /your/dbpath --fork --logpath /log/path on your DO server and then point MONGO_URL there.
Last but not least, mupx having docker under the hood. Using mupx for your deployments should isolate both apps from each other.
