EasyPaisa MA Transaction Error: Incomplete merchant information - javascript

I am trying to initiate an MA transaction using easy paisa api. The response error I get after executing the following code is as follows.
'RESPOSNE: '{"orderId": "XYZ123", "responseCode": "0017", "responseDesc": "Incomplete merchant information", "storeId": "xxxxx"}
The response code "0017" is not even mentioned in the documentation.
This is my code
const otcTransaction = async () => {
try {
let url = `https://easypaystg.easypaisa.com.pk/easypay-service/rest/v4/initiate-ma-transaction`
let body = {
emailAddress: 'example#gmail.com',
mobileAccountNo: '03xxxxxxxxx',
orderId: 'XYZ123',
storeId: XXXXX,
transactionAmount: 10.0,
transactionType: 'MA',
const response = await axios.post(
headers: {
'Credentials': 'base64(username:password)'
console.log('RESPOSNE: ', response.data)
} catch (error) {
Let me know if anyone has worked on EasyPaisa MA Transaction
Thanks in advance!

Ask for store Id from EasyPaisa,
I have checked its working fine with proper payload

I got in contact with the easypaisa team and i found out that the code i have written is fine. What needed to be done was that since i was in development and using development credentials i could only use the test phone number provided to me by easypaisa.
(PS keep in mind in test mode we can only make a transaction of Rs 10.0)


HubspotClient - Update contact by email id is not working

In NodeJS, I'm using "#hubspot/api-client": "^7.1.2".
Created hubspot client using accessToken as follows
const hubSpotClient = new hubspot.Client({ accessToken });
When I try to update the contact using email it's throwing error
const idProperty = 'email';
const response = await hubSpotClient(store).crm.contacts.basicApi.update(email, idProperty, contact);
"statusCode": 404,
"body": {
"status": "error",
"message": "Object not found. objectId are usually numeric.",
"correlationId": "71e911d3...",
"context": {
"id": [
"category": "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND"
Create contact is working fine with this client but updating by email is not working.
Anything out of place or syntax error in passing the idProperty?
The problem is in your implementation, because it seems like you are not using properly the Hubspot API.
If you check the function signature of the basicApi.update
public async update(contactId: string, simplePublicObjectInput: SimplePublicObjectInput, idProperty?: string, _options?: Configuration): Promise<RequestContext> {
Basically, you need to pass down a contactId, and then a simplePublicObjectInput that is basically an object that represents your update.
Your code should look like this:
import { Client } from "#hubspot/api-client";
const hubspotClient = new Client({ accessToken: YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN });
const contactID = 1234;
const response = await hubspotClient.crm.contacts.basicApi.update(contactID, {
properties: { email: 'my-new-email#gmail.com' },
Keep in mind that Hubspot always tries to follow their same guidelines as their endpoints. If your check the endpoint specification you will see the following:
Think about the Hubspot node client as just an abstraction of some http client, but at the end does exactly the same as the endpoints described in their implementations.
For that reason, in your implementation, Hubspot is returning an appropriated error, since you are not giving the contactId in the first argument, Hubspot is telling you: "Object not found. objectId are usually numeric." Because indeed a Contact ID is numeric and you are using the value of an email --string-- instead.
If you want to "update by email"
I think that there is no direct way to do it, you might need to do a previous search of the contact by email.
You could use the searchApi.
And after getting the id just run the update.
const searchResponse = await hubspotClient.crm.contacts.searchApi.doSearch({
filterGroups: [
filters: [
value: 'email-to-search#gmail.com',
propertyName: 'email',
operator: 'EQ',
sorts: [],
properties: [],
limit: 1,
after: 0,
// Off course you need to improve a lot the error handling here and so on.
// This is just an example
const [contactID] = searchResponse.results;
const contactUpdateResponse = await hubspotClient.crm.contacts.basicApi.update(contactID, {
properties: { email: 'my-new-email#gmail.com' },
I hope this helps you!
You CAN use email as the idProperty for the hubspot/api-client get contact function, but it only works if you fill in all the other query fields before idProperty, even if they are undefined.
Here is my example of a getContactByEmail as a Google Cloud Function in Node, using the api-client, and it works great!
exports.getContactByEmail = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const email = data.email;
const contactId = email;
const properties = ["firstname", "lastname", "company"];
const propertiesWithHistory = undefined;
const associations = undefined;
const archived = false;
const idProperty = "email";
try {
const apiResponse = await hubspotClient.crm.contacts.basicApi.getById(
console.log(JSON.stringify(apiResponse.body, null, 2));
return apiResponse.properties;
} catch (error) {
error.message === "HTTP request failed"
? console.error(JSON.stringify(error.response, null, 2))
: console.error(error);
return error;

Google cloud dataflow job creation error: "Cannot set worker pool zone. Please check whether the worker_region experiments flag is valid"

I try to create a dataflow job to index a bigquery table into elasticSearchwith the node package google-cloud/dataflow.v1beta3.
The job is working fine when it's created and launched from the google cloud console, but I have the following error when I try it in node:
Error: 3 INVALID_ARGUMENT: (b69ddc3a5ef1c40b): Cannot set worker pool zone. Please check whether the worker_region experiments flag is valid. Causes: (b69ddc3a5ef1cd76): An internal service error occurred.
I tried to specify the experiments params in various ways but I always end up with the same error.
Does anyone managed to get a similar dataflow job working? Or do you have information about dataflow experiments?
Here is the code:
const { JobsV1Beta3Client } = require('#google-cloud/dataflow').v1beta3
const dataflowClient = new JobsV1Beta3Client()
const response = await dataflowClient.createJob({
projectId: 'myGoogleCloudProjectId',
location: 'europe-west1',
job: {
launch_parameter: {
jobName: 'indexation-job',
containerSpecGcsPath: 'gs://dataflow-templates-europe-west1/latest/flex/BigQuery_to_Elasticsearch',
parameters: {
inputTableSpec: 'bigQuery-table-gs-adress',
connectionUrl: 'elastic-endpoint-url',
index: 'elastic-index',
elasticsearchUsername: 'username',
elasticsearchPassword: 'password'
environment: {
experiments: ['worker_region']
Thank you very much for your help.
After many attempts I manage yesterday to find how to specify the worker region.
It looks like this:
await dataflowClient.createJob({
job: {
name: 'jobName',
type: 'Batch',
containerSpecGcsPath: 'gs://dataflow-templates-europe-west1/latest/flex/BigQuery_to_Elasticsearch',
pipelineDescription: {
inputTableSpec: 'bigquery-table',
connectionUrl: 'elastic-url',
index: 'elastic-index',
elasticsearchUsername: 'username',
elasticsearchPassword: 'password',
project: projectId,
appName: 'BigQueryToElasticsearch'
environment: {
workerPools: [
{ region: 'europe-west1' }
It's not working yet, I need to find the correct way to provide the other parameters, but now the dataflow job is created in the google cloud console.
For anyone who would be struggling with this issue, I finally found how to launch a dataflow job from a template.
There is a function launchFlexTemplate that work the same way as the job creation in the google cloud console.
Here is the final function working correctly:
const { FlexTemplatesServiceClient } = require('#google-cloud/dataflow').v1beta3
const response = await dataflowClient.launchFlexTemplate({
projectId: 'google-project-id',
location: 'europe-west1',
launchParameter: {
jobName: 'job-name',
containerSpecGcsPath: 'gs://dataflow-templates-europe-west1/latest/flex/BigQuery_to_Elasticsearch',
parameters: {
apiKey: 'elastic-api-key', //mandatory but not used if you provide username and password
connectionUrl: 'elasticsearch endpoint',
index: 'elasticsearch index',
elasticsearchUsername: 'username',
elasticsearchPassword: 'password',
inputTableSpec: 'bigquery source table', //projectid:datasetId.table
//parameters to upsert elasticsearch index
propertyAsId: 'table index use for elastic _id',
usePartialUpdate: true,
bulkInsertMethod: 'INDEX'

Braintree Node.js cannot get transaction.sale to work

I am building a reactjs app that among others will include Braintree Dropin UI integration. So far, I have managed to make the UI show up and send a payload to the back end. However, I cannot get the gateway.transaction.sale() part to work. Here is my code's relevant parts:
When the user clicks the pay button, this is fired:
instance.requestPaymentMethod().then(function (payload) {
completePayment(amount, payload.nonce, userId, sessionId).then((result) => {
console.log( result );
}).catch(function (err) {
And this is the code that should handle the transaction:
return gateway.transaction.sale({
amount: amount,
paymentMethodNonce: nonce,
customFields: {
session_id: sessionId,
user_id: userId
options: {
submitForSettlement: true
}).then(function (result) {
if (result.success) {
console.log('Transaction ID: ' + result.transaction.id);
} else {
}).catch(( error ) => {
Every time this function is fired, I get this error from catch:
TypeError: can't assign to property "success" on :not an object
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Please note that I am not very familiar with react, node etc so my code may not be the best thing around...
Check these points:
make sure you assigned your environment to the sandbox (braintree.Environment.Sandbox);
double check (merchantId, publicKey, and privateKey).

Paypal Checkout client integration - Problem with returning order id promise

i have a problem integrating paypals payment gateway. I am using javascript for the client, python for the backend and the checkouts v2 api.
Creating a order on the backend works without trouble, but while waiting for my servers response the createOrder function raises a error:
Object { err: "Expected an order id to be passed\nLe/</<#https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/smart/buttons?style.layout=vertical&style.color=blue&style.shape=rect&style.tagline=false&components.0=buttons&locale.country=NO&locale.lang=no&sdkMeta=eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5wYXlwYWwuY29tL3Nkay9qcz9jbGllbnQtaWQ9QWJmSjNNSG5oMkFIU1ZwdXl4eW5lLXBCbHdJZkNsLXpyVXc1dzFiX29TVUloZU01LXNMaDNfSWhuTnZkNUhYSW5wcXVFdm5MZG1LN0xOZ1gmZGlzYWJsZS1mdW5kaW5nPWNyZWRpdCxjYXJkIiwiYXR0cnMiOnt9fQ&clientID=AbfJ3MHnh2AHSVpuyxyne-pBlwIfCl-zrUw5w1b_oSUIheM5-sLh3_IhnNvd5HXInpquEvnLdmK7LNgX&sessionID=e2ea737589_mtc6mtu6mdi&buttonSessionID=de4bfb3626_mtc6mjm6mtk&env=sandbox&fundingEligibility=eyJwYXlwYWwiOnsiZWxpZ2libGUiOnRydWV9LCJjYXJkIjp7ImVsaWdpYmxlIjpmYWxzZSwiYnJhbmRlZCI6dHJ1ZSwidmVuZG9ycyI6eyJ2aXNhIjp7ImVsaWdpYmxlIjp0cnVlfSwibWFzdGVyY2FyZCI6eyJlbGlnaWJsZSI6dHJ1ZX0sImFtZXgiOnsiZWxpZ2libGUiOnRydWV9LCJkaXNjb3ZlciI6eyJlbGlnaWJsZSI6ZmFsc2V9LCJoaXBlciI6eyJlbGlnaWJsZSI6ZmFsc2V9LCJlbG8iOnsiZWxpZ2libGUiOmZhbHNlfSwiamNiIjp7ImVsaWdpYmxlIjpmYWxzZX19…", timestamp: "1593537805136", referer: "www.sandbox.paypal.com", sessionID: "e2ea737589_mtc6mtu6mdi", env: "sandbox", buttonSessionID: "de4bfb3626_mtc6mjm6mtk" }
Error: Expected an order id to be passed
Error: Expected an order id to be passed
12V21085461823829 // ticks in a few seconds later
Console screenshot
The problem seems to be that createOrder does not wait for the promise before raising the error, or that the promise is not given in the correct way. Something like that. Anyways here is the client side code:
// button styling removed for clarity
createOrder: function() {
// purchase information
var data = {
'track_id': vm.selectedTrack.id,
'lease_id': vm.selectedLease.id,
// post req to api with lease and track ids
// create payment on server side
fetch('http://localhost:5000/api/paypal/create-purchase', {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(data),
}).then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(data) {
return data.order_id
// conatiner element to render buttons in
And the server side:
#app.route('/api/paypal/create-purchase', methods=['POST'])
def paypal_create_purchase():
# cart validation removed for clarity
# create paypal purchase
environment = SandboxEnvironment(client_id=app.config['PAYPAL_PUBLIC'], client_secret=app.config['PAYPAL_PRIVATE'])
client = PayPalHttpClient(environment)
paypal_request = OrdersCreateRequest()
paypal_request.request_body (
"intent": "CAPTURE",
"purchase_units": [
"amount": {
"currency_code": "USD",
"value": lease.price
# Call API with your client and get a response for your call
response = client.execute(paypal_request)
order = response.result
except IOError as ioe:
print (ioe)
if isinstance(ioe, HttpError):
# Something went wrong server-side
# note that it is the same key as on the client
return jsonify(success=True,order_id=order.id)
I found this similar thread, but i dont consider the origin of the error to be the same as in that thread (incorrect json key on client)
Also see this relevant page in the docs which supplies this code:
createOrder: function() {
return fetch('/my-server/create-paypal-transaction', {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
}).then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(data) {
return data.orderID; // Use the same key name for order ID on the client and server
Damn, just as i was typing out the last part of the post i noticed the error. A missing return before my fetch call. Will leave this up for other people with the same mistake.

How to Login to MediaWiki (Wikipedia) API in Node.js

I'm trying the Wikipedia client login flow depicted in the API:Login docs, but something wrong happens:
1) I correctly get a token raised with the HTTP GET https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=tokens&type=login&format=json
and I get a valid logintoken string.
2.1) I then try the clientlogin like:
HTTP POST /w/api.php?action=clientlogin&format=json&lgname=xxxx&lgtoken=xxxx%2B%5C
and the POST BODY was
"lgpassword" : "xxxxx",
"lgtoken" : "xxxxx"
But I get an error:
"error": {
"code": "notoken",
"info": "The \"token\" parameter must be set."
"servedby": "mw1228"
If I try to change lgtoken to token I get the same result.
2.2) I have then tried the old method i.e. action=login and passing the body, but it does not work, since it gives me back another login token: HTTP POST https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=login&format=json&lgname=xxxx
and the same POST BODY
I then get
"warnings": {}
"login": {
"result": "NeedToken",
"token": "xxxxx+\\"
where the docs here states that
NeedToken if the lgtoken parameter was not provided or no session was active (e.g. your cookie handling is broken).
but I have passed the lgtoken in the json body as showed.
I'm using Node.js and the built-in http module, that is supposed to pass and keep session Cookies in the right way (with other api it works ok).
I have found a similar issue on a the LrMediaWiki client here.
This is my current implementation:
Wikipedia.prototype.loginUser = function (username, password) {
var self = this;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var cookies = self.cookies({});
var headers = {
'Cookie': cookies.join(';'),
'Accept': '*/*',
'User-Agent': self.browser.userAgent()
// fetch login token
self.api.RequestGetP('/w/api.php', headers, {
action: 'query',
meta: 'tokens',
type: 'login',
format: 'json'
.then(response => { // success
if (response.query && response.query.tokens && response.query.tokens['logintoken']) {
self.login.logintoken = response.query.tokens['logintoken'];
self.logger.info("Wikipedia.login token:%s", self.login);
return self.api.RequestPostP('/w/api.php', headers, {
action: 'login',
format: 'json',
lgname: username
lgpassword: password,
lgtoken: self.login.logintoken
} else {
var error = new Error('no logintoken');
return reject(error);
.then(response => { // success
return resolve(response);
.catch(error => { // error
self.logger.error("Wikipedia.login error%s\n%#", error.message, error.stack);
return reject(error);
where this.api is a simple wrapper of the Node.js http, the source code is available here and the api signatures are like:
If the currently accepted answer isn't working for someone, the following method will definitely work. I've used the axios library to send requests. Any library can be used but the key lies in formatting the body and headers correctly.
let url = "https://test.wikipedia.org/w/api.php";
let params = {
action: "query",
meta: "tokens",
type: "login",
format: "json"
axios.get(url, { params: params }).then(resp => {
let loginToken = resp.data.query.tokens.logintoken
let cookie = resp.headers["set-cookie"].join(';');
let body = {
action: 'login',
lgname: 'user_name',
lgpassword: 'password',
lgtoken: loginToken,
format: 'json'
let bodyData = new URLSearchParams(body).toString();
axios.post(url, bodyData, {
headers: {
Cookie: cookie,
}).then(resp => {
// You're now logged in!
// You'll have to add the following cookie in the headers again for any further requests that you might make
let cookie = resp.headers["set-cookie"].join(';')
And you should be seeing a response like
login: { result: 'Success', lguserid: 0000000, lgusername: 'Username' }
The second post request was where I got stuck for several hours, trying to figure out what was wrong. You need to send the data in an encoded form by using an API like URLSearchParams, or by just typing up the body as a string manually yourself.
I think from what you are saying you have lgtoken and lgname in the URL you are using, and then lgpassword and lgtoken (again!) in a JSON-encoded POST body.
This is not how the Mediawiki API works.
You submit it all as POST parameters. JSON is never involved, except when you ask for the result to come back in that format. I can't help you fix your code as you don't provide it, but that's what you need to do. (If you edit your question with your code, I'll do my best to help you.)
After seeing your code, I'll presume (without knowing the detail of your code) that you want something like this:
return self.api.RequestPostP('/w/api.php', headers, {
action: 'login',
format: 'json',
lgname: username,
lgpassword: password,
lgtoken: self.login.logintoken
