Google Drive API Not Writing Body To File - javascript

I've been trying to create a file using the Google APIs for Browser. I reused some of the code that I used to communicate with the api from NodeJS in the past and repurposed it for the browser.
const content = "this is some content";
const fileMetadata = {
name: "my-file.txt",
alt: "media",
const media = {
mimeType: "text/plain",
body: content,
const {
result: { id: fileId },
} = await{
resource: fileMetadata,
media: media,
fields: "id",
I typically get a successful response saying that my file was created.
However, when I try to get the contents of the file the body field is an empty string.
const { body } = await{
fileId: fileId,
// ""
I think the request to create the file might not be formatted correctly but it works when it runs on the backend so I'm confused as to why it doesn't work in the browser.

You are mentioning that you are using the Google APIs for browser, and not node.js.
I would recommend to send the request directly against the Google REST API, as appears to have problems sending the actual binary file (while sending metadata appears to work). Look here, for example:, or
You can send the data as a blob and create the request using the FormData class.
async upload(blob, name, mimeType, parents = ["root"]) {
const metadata = { name, mimeType, parents };
const form = new FormData();
form.append("metadata", new Blob([JSON.stringify(metadata)], { type: "application/json" }));
form.append("file", blob);
return fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: new Headers({ Authorization: `Bearer ${gapi.auth.getToken().access_token}` }),
body: form,
I have not tested if you can send a String instead of a Blob, but you can easily create a Blob from a String:
const content = "this is some content";
const blob = new Blob([content], { type: 'text/plain' });

The body of the file should be in the form of a stream. Not plain text.
var media = {
mimeType: 'text/plain',
body: fs.createReadStream('files/my-file.txt')
as for console.log(body)
Also file.get returns a file.resource File resource does not give you the option to see the contents of the file. Google Drive doesn't have the ability to read the file itself it can only tell you about the file.


Unable to get video file for S3 upload. (using Expo Camera)

I have been stuck with trying to upload a video to S3 for a while and was hoping to get some pointers. Currently, what I've read and was told is that we need to send an actual file to S3 and not the url (which we might do if we were sending it to the backend before aws).
I am trying to do this by
const getBlob = async (fileURi) => {
console.log('THIS IS IT', fileURi);
const resp = await fetch(fileURi);
const videoBody = await resp.blob();
The problem I am having is I am unable to actually get the video file. When I stop recording a video with await camera.stopRecording(); what I get in return is
Object {
"uri": "file:///path/",
Is there a recommended approach in order to successfully get the actual file in order to send it to S3 through the client?
The way I am trying to currently send the video which doesn't work is:
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', video.uri);
await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
body: formData,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
url: refers to the presignedUrl we get in return from aws.
P.S - Sending to the server through a fetch call does work but I noticed this approach also leave the User waiting for 10+ seconds since I need to send the video to the server then wait for it to finish uploading in AWS.
Thank you for all the help.
If I understand correctly you know how to upload file to your own server, but you want to send it directly to S3.
In that case I would suggest to use presigned URLs.
You can generate presigned URL on your backend, it is basically regular URL pointing to S3 file and some key values. You need to send those values to mobile app and do the same fetch call you are already using, but replace url with the one generated on backend and add all key-values to FormData.
Example for node backend would look like this
import AWS from 'aws-sdk';
const client = new AWS.S3(config);
const presignedUrl = client.createPresignedPost({
Bucket: 'example-bucket-name',
Fields: { key: 'example-file-name' },
and in mobile app you would
const form = new FormData();
Object.keys(presignedUrl.fields).forEach(key => {
form.append(key, presignedUrl.fields[key]);
form.append('file', fileToUpload);
await fetch(presignedUrl.url, {
method: 'POST',
body: form,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
My solutions. Please review the sample application.
const response = await fetch(video.uri);
const blob = await response.blob();
const params = {
Bucket: myBucket,
Metadata: {
long: long.toString(),
lat: lat.toString(),
size: videoSize.toString()
Key: myKey,
Body: blob

How to get Google Sheet Id after sheet creation via API?

I have a method that creates and upload a sheet to Google Drive. When a user clicks on a button that says "create a report", the report is created and uploaded to the user google drive. It works great. However, the response from Google after the sheet is being saved to google drive doesn't contain the sheet id nor the sheet URL. Users are saying that when they click on the "create report" button, they want the google sheet to open in a new tab after it's being saved to their google drive. They don't want to go in their drive to open the file manually. I was thinking that the response being return after the sheet is being uploaded would've contained at least the sheet id or the URL to the resource that's being created in google drive. Does anyone have an idea on how to accomplish what I am driving to do? I am using Google API to upload the file to the users drive.
Here is the response that get sent after the sheet is uploaded
uploadType=multipart&fields=id%2Cname%2Ckind", redirected: false,
status: 200, ok: true, …}
body: ReadableStream
bodyUsed: false
headers: Headers {}
ok: true
redirected: false
status: 200
statusText: ""
type: "cors"
url: ""
//Here is the code:
let metadata = {
name: excelFileName,
mimeType: "application/",
let form = new FormData();
form.append('metadata', new Blob([JSON.stringify(metadata)], { type: 'application/json' }));
form.append('file', excelFile);
let url = new URL(''); = new URLSearchParams({ uploadType: 'multipart', fields: 'id,name,kind' });
try {
let res = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: new Headers({ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + gapi.auth.getToken().access_token }),
body: form
if (res.ok) {
alert(`"${excelFileName}" has successfully saved to your google drive!`);
} else {
console.error(`Encounter a problem saving excel file, ${excelFileName}, to google drive`);
} catch (ex) {
console.error(`Oops excel file for "${excelFileName}" wasn't saved. ${error}`)
When you uploaded a file, you want to retrieve the file ID and URLs of the uploaded file.
You want to achieve by modifying your current script.
If my understanding is correct, how about this modification?
Modification points:
In order to return the file ID and URLs, in this case, these fields are used.
In order to retrieve the returned values from res, it uses res.json().
When above modification points are reflected to your script, it becomes as follows.
Modified script:
Please modify 2 parts of your script as follows.
From: = new URLSearchParams({ uploadType: 'multipart', fields: 'id,name,kind' });
To: = new URLSearchParams({ uploadType: 'multipart', fields: 'exportLinks,id,kind,name,webContentLink,webViewLink' });
if (res.ok) {
if (res.ok) {
res.json().then((value) => {
Files: create
If I misunderstood your question and this was not the direction you want, I apologize.
You need to do 2 changes to obtain the URL from the file:
1) You have to add the webViewLink attribute [1] between your fields in the search parameters: = new URLSearchParams({ uploadType: 'multipart', fields: 'id,name,kind,webViewLink' });
This attribute is the link to open the file in the web.
2) The response body you get is a ReadableStream, you need to convert it to a json object that you can manipulate. This can be done using the json() function [2] to the response you’re getting, which will return the response body parsed to a Json object with the attributes: id, webViewLink, etc.
I tweaked and tested your code and worked as expected, showing the URL for the newly created file in the alert message:
let metadata = {
name: excelFileName,
mimeType: "application/",
let form = new FormData();
form.append('metadata', new Blob([JSON.stringify(metadata)], { type: 'application/json' }));
form.append('file', excelFile);
let url = new URL(''); = new URLSearchParams({ uploadType: 'multipart', fields: 'id,name,kind,webViewLink' });
try {
const res = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: new Headers({ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + gapi.auth.getToken().access_token}),
body: form
//Convert response to json
const resJson = await res.json();
if (res.ok) {
alert(`"${excelFileName}" has successfully saved to your google drive!: ` + resJson.webViewLink);
} else {
console.error(`Encounter a problem saving excel file, ${excelFileName}, to google drive:` + res.Json);
} catch (ex) {
console.error(`Oops excel file for "${excelFileName}" wasn't saved. ${ex}`)
All the code above inside a sync function of course, to be able to use the await statement.

Google Drive API and file uploads from the browser

I'm trying to upload a file with the Google Drive api, and I have the metadata correct, and I want to ensure that the actual file contents make it there. I have a simple page setup that looks like this:
<div id="upload">
<h6>File Upload Operations</h6>
<input type="file" placeholder='file' name='fileToUpload'>
<button id='uploadFile'>Upload File</button>
and I have a the javascript setup where the user is prompted to sign in first, and then they can upload a file. Here's the code: (currently only uploads the file metadata....)
let uploadButton = document.getElementById('uploadFile');
uploadButton.onclick = uploadFile;
const uploadFile = () => {
let ftu = document.getElementsByName('fileToUpload')[0].files[0];
'content-type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
uploadType: 'multipart',
mimeType: ftu.type,
fields: 'id, name, kind'
}).then(response => {
console.log(`File: ${} with MimeType of: ${ftu.type}`);
//Need code to upload the file contents......
First, I'm more familiar with the back end, so getting the file in bits from the <input type='file'> tag is a bit nebulous for me. On the bright side, the metadata is there. How can I get the file contents up to the api?
So According to some resources I've found in my three day search to get this going, the file simply cannot be uploaded via the gapi client. It must be uploaded through a true REST HTTP call. So let's use fetch!
const uploadFile = () => {
//initialize file data from the dom
let ftu = document.getElementsByName('fileToUpload')[0].files[0];
let file = new Blob([ftu]);
//this is to ensure the file is in a format that can be understood by the API{
'content-type': 'application/json',
uploadType: 'multipart',
mimeType: ftu.type,
fields: 'id, name, kind, size'
}).then(apiResponse => {
fetch(`${}`, {
method: 'PATCH',
headers: new Headers({
'Authorization': `Bearer ${gapi.client.getToken().access_token}`,
'Content-Type': ftu.type
body: file
}).then(res => console.log(res));
The Authorization Header is assigned from calling the gapi.client.getToken().access_token function, and basically this takes the empty object from the response on the gapi call and calls the fetch api to upload the actual bits of the file!
In your situation, when you upload a file using, the empty file which has the uploaded metadata is created. If my understanding is correct, how about this workaround? I have experienced the same situation with you. At that time, I used this workaround.
Modification points:
Retrieve access token using gapi.
File is uploaded using XMLHttpRequest.
Modified script:
Please modify the script in uploadFile().
let ftu = document.getElementsByName('fileToUpload')[0].files[0];
var metadata = {
'mimeType': ftu.type,
var accessToken = gapi.auth.getToken().access_token; // Here gapi is used for retrieving the access token.
var form = new FormData();
form.append('metadata', new Blob([JSON.stringify(metadata)], {type: 'application/json'}));
form.append('file', ftu);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'post', ',name,kind');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken);
xhr.responseType = 'json';
xhr.onload = () => {
In this modified script, it supposes that Drive API is enabled at API console and the access token can be used for uploading file.
About fields, you are using id,name,kind. So this sample also uses them.
If I misunderstand your question or this workaround was not useful for your situation, I'm sorry.
When you want to use fetch, how about this sample script?
let ftu = document.getElementsByName('fileToUpload')[0].files[0];
var metadata = {
'mimeType': ftu.type,
var accessToken = gapi.auth.getToken().access_token; // Here gapi is used for retrieving the access token.
var form = new FormData();
form.append('metadata', new Blob([JSON.stringify(metadata)], {type: 'application/json'}));
form.append('file', ftu);
fetch(',name,kind', {
method: 'POST',
headers: new Headers({'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accessToken}),
body: form
}).then((res) => {
return res.json();
}).then(function(val) {
const makeUploadUrl = (fileId: string, params: Record<string, boolean>) => {
const uploadUrl = new URL(
uploadType: 'media',
}).map(([key, value]) => uploadUrl.searchParams.append(key, `${value}`))
return uploadUrl
const uploadDriveFile = async ({ file }: { file: File }) => {
const params = {
enforceSingleParent: true,
supportsAllDrives: true,
// create file handle
const { result } = await, {
// CAN'T have the upload type here!
mimeType: file.type,
// any resource params you need...
driveId: process.env.DRIVE_ID,
parents: [process.env.FOLDER_ID],
// post the file data
await fetch(makeUploadUrl(!, params), {
method: 'PATCH',
headers: new Headers({
Authorization: `Bearer ${gapi.client.getToken().access_token}`,
'Content-Type': file.type,
body: file,
return result

how to attach a file to request so that it shows up as request.files in python

The way I have found examples are:
const file = fs.readFileSync(filePath)
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('userId', userId)
formData.append('file', file)
const options = {
method: 'post',
url: 'http://localhost:5000/uploadFile',
headers: {
'content-type': 'multipart/form-data'
data: formData
await axios(options).then(res => { console.log(res) }).catch(err => { console.log(err) })
But this doesn't attach the file in request.files which is required for python. Since it doesn't attach it as file, the information about file type is also lost.
I have also tried using the following. It does attach the file to request.files but the contents are not of the proper file and all I get is a text string which assumingely is a buffer string output.
const file = new File(fs.readFileSync(filePath), fileName, { type: 'text/csv' })
The aim is to preserve the file type information so that server can save the file properly. What am I missing?
Note that the requests are not sent from nodejs (which has file access) directly.

How to send image from image Uri through HTTP request? (React Native and Django Backend)

I’m using Expo’s image picker and I’m getting this output:
Object {
"cancelled": false,
"height": 468,
"uri": "file:///data/user/0/host.exp.exponent/cache/ExperienceData/%2540jbaek7023%252Fstylee/ImagePicker/9a12f0a3-9260-416c-98a6-51911c91ddf4.jpg",
"width": 468,
I could render my image, but I just realized that the URL is the phone’s local URI.
I’m using Redux-Thunk and Axios to send HTTP POST request:
export const sendPost = ( imageUri, title, content ) => async dispatch => {
let response = await`${ROOT_URL}/rest-auth/registration/`, {
image, <<<<- I can't put image uri here :( it's LOCAL path
if( {
dispatch({ type: POST_CREATE_SUCCESS, payload: })
} else {
dispatch({ type: POST_CREATE_FAIL })
UPDATE I changed a request call
let headers = { 'Authorization': `JWT ${token}`};
if(hType==1) {
headers = { 'Authorization': `JWT ${token}`};
} else if (hType==2) {
headers = { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`};
let imageData = new FormData();
imageData.append('file', { uri: image });
let response = await`${ROOT_URL}/clothes/create/`, {
image: imageData,
text, bigType, onlyMe ...
}, {headers});
!! sorry for the complication but image variable name; image is uri for the image. I didn't want to change the name of original variable name
and on server, it's printing
'image': {'_parts': [['file', {'uri': 'file:///data/user/0/host.exp.exponent
I found that gzip compression is a way to send image data. Does it help?
Another option is to convert your image to base64 and send the string. Downsize is that usually the base64 strings has a bigger size than the image itself.
Something like this:
function readImage(url, callback) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onload = function() {
var file = new FileReader();
file.onloadend = function() {
};'GET', url);
request.responseType = 'blob';
It has to be a local URI, there's no issues with that, how else are you going to point to the image.
Now to upload the image you should first wrap it inside of FormData:
// add this just above the axios request
let img = new FormData();
img.append('file', { uri: imageUri });
Then inside of your axios request body add:
image: img,
EDIT: This question in it's current form is unanswerable.
I'm using the same Expo’s image picker with React-native in one of my projects as OP and everything works just fine, there's no issues with FormData.
After having talked with OP in a stackoverflow chat, couple of days ago, and stripping the request down to just an image, the server started throwing encoding errors:
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 168: invalid start byte
So the issue is with OP's Django backend not being setup correctly in parsing the image, and not with the sending of the image itself - which makes the question unanswerable.
you cant use react-native-fetch-blob .....
import RNFetchBlob from " react-native-fetch-blob"
RNFetchBlob.fetch('POST', "[URL]", {
"x-session-id": "SESSION_ID", //or Custom headers
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
}, [
{ name: 'image', filename: 'vid.jpeg', data: RNFetchBlob.wrap(PATH) },
// custom content type
]).then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
// error handling ..
for reference react-native-fetch-blob
