how to disable previous dates in JavaScript - javascript

I am trying to create a calendar in JavaScript and I am trying to disable the previous day from today.
for (var c = 0; c < 42 - r; c++) {
var v = e[c].day;
var m = g(new Date(t, n - 1, v))
? `<div id="${v}/${n}/${t}" class="today" type="button" onclick="addRow(this)">`
: z(new Date(t, n - 1, v))
? `<div class="past">`
: `<div id="${v}/${n}/${t}" type="button" onclick="addRow(this)">`;
m +
"" +
'<span class="month">' +
i[n - 1] +
"</span>" +
"" +
v +
So here v is a day, n is a month and t is a year. And here is g and z functions:
function g(e) {
return y(new Date()) == y(e);
function z(e) {
return y(new Date()) > y(e);
function y(e) {
return e.getFullYear() + "/" + (e.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + e.getDate();
So I am expection to have previous dates like this: <div class="past">, today is like this: <div id="${v}/${n}/${t}" class="today" type="button" onclick="addRow(this)"> and future is like this: <div id="${v}/${n}/${t}" type="button" onclick="addRow(this)">
But what I am having is <div class="past">, <div id="${v}/${n}/${t}" class="today" type="button" onclick="addRow(this)">, <div class="past">
So where do you think I am making things wrong?

The problem is that "2021/8/9" is greater than "2021/8/10" when you do string comparison (9 is greater than 1). You need those month/day values properly zero padded (2021/08/09) vs (2021/08/10).
function y(e) {
return e.getFullYear()
+ "/" + String(e.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, "0")
+ "/" + String(e.getDate()).padStart(2, "0");


Ignore Sundays from jQuery date range picker

I'm using the following jQuery date range picker library :
I would like to remove / hide all Sundays from all date range pickers while keeping a normal behavior on the date range pickers.
I tried to do something with beforeShowDay option :
beforeShowDay: function(t) {
var valid = t.getDay() !== 0; //disable sunday
var _class = '';
// var _tooltip = valid ? '' : 'weekends are disabled';
return [valid, _class];
but it only "disables" all Sundays whereas I want to remove / hide them:
Here's the fiddle I'm working on :
Updated fiddle with #Swanand code:
You could do it with just a little CSS but it does leave a gap:
.week-name th:nth-child(7),
.month1 tbody tr td:nth-child(7) {
display: none;
Hope this helps a little.
You need do changes in two functions in your daterangepicker.js file:
function createMonthHTML(d) { var days = [];
var lastMonth = new Date(d.getTime() - 86400000);
var now = new Date();
var dayOfWeek = d.getDay();
if ((dayOfWeek === 0) && (opt.startOfWeek === 'monday')) {
// add one week
dayOfWeek = 7;
var today, valid;
if (dayOfWeek > 0) {
for (var i = dayOfWeek; i > 0; i--) {
var day = new Date(d.getTime() - 86400000 * i);
valid = isValidTime(day.getTime());
if (opt.startDate && compare_day(day, opt.startDate) < 0) valid = false;
if (opt.endDate && compare_day(day, opt.endDate) > 0) valid = false;
date: day,
type: 'lastMonth',
day: day.getDate(),
time: day.getTime(),
valid: valid
var toMonth = d.getMonth();
for (var i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
today = moment(d).add(i, 'days').toDate();
valid = isValidTime(today.getTime());
if (opt.startDate && compare_day(today, opt.startDate) < 0) valid = false;
if (opt.endDate && compare_day(today, opt.endDate) > 0) valid = false;
date: today,
type: today.getMonth() == toMonth ? 'toMonth' : 'nextMonth',
day: today.getDate(),
time: today.getTime(),
valid: valid
var html = [];
for (var week = 0; week < 6; week++) {
if (days[week * 7].type == 'nextMonth') break;
for (var day = 0; day < 7; day++) {
var _day = (opt.startOfWeek == 'monday') ? day + 1 : day;
today = days[week * 7 + _day];
var highlightToday = moment(today.time).format('L') == moment(now).format('L');
today.extraClass = '';
today.tooltip = '';
if (today.valid && opt.beforeShowDay && typeof opt.beforeShowDay == 'function') {
var _r = opt.beforeShowDay(moment(today.time).toDate());
today.valid = _r[0];
today.extraClass = _r[1] || '';
today.tooltip = _r[2] || '';
if (today.tooltip !== '') today.extraClass += ' has-tooltip ';
var todayDivAttr = {
time: today.time,
'data-tooltip': today.tooltip,
'class': 'day ' + today.type + ' ' + today.extraClass + ' ' + (today.valid ? 'valid' : 'invalid') + ' ' + (highlightToday ? 'real-today' : '')
if (day === 0 && opt.showWeekNumbers) {
html.push('<td><div class="week-number" data-start-time="' + today.time + '">' + opt.getWeekNumber( + '</div></td>');
if(day == 0){
html.push('<td class="hideSunday"' + attributesCallbacks({}, opt.dayTdAttrs, today) + '><div ' + attributesCallbacks(todayDivAttr, opt.dayDivAttrs, today) + '>' + showDayHTML(today.time, + '</div></td>');
html.push('<td ' + attributesCallbacks({}, opt.dayTdAttrs, today) + '><div ' + attributesCallbacks(todayDivAttr, opt.dayDivAttrs, today) + '>' + showDayHTML(today.time, + '</div></td>');
return html.join('');
In this function i have added class hideSunday while pushing the element.
The 2nd function is getWeekHead():
function getWeekHead() {
var prepend = opt.showWeekNumbers ? '<th>' + translate('week-number') + '</th>' : '';
if (opt.startOfWeek == 'monday') {
return prepend + '<th>' + translate('week-1') + '</th>' +
'<th>' + translate('week-2') + '</th>' +
'<th>' + translate('week-3') + '</th>' +
'<th>' + translate('week-4') + '</th>' +
'<th>' + translate('week-5') + '</th>' +
'<th>' + translate('week-6') + '</th>' +
'<th class="hideSunday">' + translate('week-7') + '</th>';
} else {
return prepend + '<th class="hideSunday">' + translate('week-7') + '</th>' +
'<th>' + translate('week-1') + '</th>' +
'<th>' + translate('week-2') + '</th>' +
'<th>' + translate('week-3') + '</th>' +
'<th>' + translate('week-4') + '</th>' +
'<th>' + translate('week-5') + '</th>' +
'<th>' + translate('week-6') + '</th>';
In this file, I have added class to week-7 header.
Please note, I have not checked all the scenario but it will do trick for you.
I finally ended up by letting the Sundays appear (but completely disabling them).
These questions inspired me :
Moment.js - Get all mondays between a date range
Moment.js: Date between dates
So I created a function as follows which returns an array that contains the "sundays" (or whatever day you provide as dayNumber parameter) in the date range you selected:
function getDayInRange(dayNumber, startDate, endDate, inclusiveNextDay) {
var start = moment(startDate),
end = moment(endDate),
arr = [];
// Get "next" given day where 1 is monday and 7 is sunday
let tmp = start.clone().day(dayNumber);
if (!!inclusiveNextDay && tmp.isAfter(start, 'd')) {
while (tmp.isBefore(end)) {
tmp.add(7, 'days');
// If last day matches the given dayNumber, add it.
if (end.isoWeekday() === dayNumber) {
return arr;
Then I call this function in my code like that:
.bind('datepicker-change', function(event, obj) {
var sundays = getDayInRange(7, moment(obj.date1), moment(obj.date1).add(selectedDatesCount, 'd'));
.setDateRange(obj.value, moment(obj.date1)
.add(selectedDatesCount + sundays.length, 'd')
.format('YYYY-MM-DD'), true);
This way, I retrieve the amount of sundays in the date range I selected. For example, if there's two sundays in my selection (with sundays.length), I know I have to set two additional workdays to the user selection (in the second date range picker).
Here's the working result:
With the above screenshot, you can see the user selected 4 workdays (5 with sunday but we don't count it). Then he click on the second calendar and the 4 workdays automatically apply.
Here's the result if the period apply over a sunday (we add one supplementary day and Xfor X sundays in the period):
Finally, here's the working fiddle:
I want to thank any person that helped me. The question was hard to explain and to understand.
You can also do it by setting a custom css class and use it in beforeShowDay like below
beforeShowDay: function(t) {
var valid = t.getDay() !== 0; //disable sunday
var _class = t.getDay() !== 0 ? '' : 'hideSunDay';
// var _tooltip = valid ? '' : 'weekends are disabled';
return [valid, _class];
But it only hides the sundays beginning from current day.
Here is a working fiddle

JavaScript switch statement confusion

getDateRange = function () {
date = new Date();
var test;
selectedOption = $('#daterange').change().val()
console.log(selectedOption) // reusult 0
switch (selectedOption) {
case 0:
test = '/' + date.getFullYear() + '-' + 0 + date.getMonth() + '-' + date.getDate() + '/' + date.getFullYear() + '-' + 0 + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getDate()
return test
console.log($('#daterange').change().val()) // result 0
console.log(getDateRange()) // result "undefined". Why?
Why is the result of the switch statement always undefined?
Change your case statement to case '0' since val() returns a string.
Also: If you are not doing any other things after your switch statement except returning your test variable, you could also just return your value and get rid of var test.
getDateRange = function() {
date = new Date();
selectedOption = $('#daterange').change().val();
switch (selectedOption) {
case '0':
return '/' + date.getFullYear() + '-' + 0 + date.getMonth() + '-' + date.getDate() + '/' + date.getFullYear() + '-' + 0 + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getDate();
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="daterange" value="0" />
$('#daterange').change().val() returns a string, but in switch you compare with a number.
Also, in the current example, you don't need switch, because you have only one case:
getDateRange = function () {
var selectedOption = $('#daterange').change().val();
if (selectedOption === '0') {
return ...
I javascript your dataType should be tighly match with your comparision operatot, so compare it with ===
In this case type and data both will match together.
getDateRange = function() {
date = new Date();
selectedOption = $('#daterange').change().val();
switch (selectedOption) {
case '0':
return '/' + date.getFullYear() + '-' + 0 + date.getMonth() + '-' + date.getDate() + '/' + date.getFullYear() + '-' + 0 + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getDate();

JS: Formatting time and date display on website

I have a script that prints the current date and time in JavaScript, but when it prints time, it's missing one 0. Here is the code:
var currentdate = new Date();
var datetime = "0" + currentdate.getDate() + ".0"
+ (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "."
+ currentdate.getFullYear() + " "
+ currentdate.getHours() + ":"
+ currentdate.getMinutes();
It should print 04.03.2016 15:04 and prints 04.03.2016 15:4.
Two digit minutes print fine.
Any leads?
Try this
var formatDateDigit = function (i) {
return i <= 9 ? ("0" + i) : i;
var currentdate = new Date();
var datetime = formatDateDigit(currentdate.getDate()) + "."
+ formatDateDigit(currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "."
+ currentdate.getFullYear() + " "
+ formatDateDigit(currentdate.getHours()) + ":"
+ formatDateDigit(currentdate.getMinutes());
document.getElementById('my_output_here').innerHTML = datetime;
<div id="my_output_here"></div>

Render a RealTime Clock after append in Jquery

I have tried many ways to make a live clock (with seconds) appear in a rendered table but it's not working propperly. The clock stays static, not showing second by second. I'm doing the following :
function myTable(){
var table = $('<table></table>');
.addClass('col2 data')
.attr('rowspan', '2')
.attr('id', 'date_time')
var liveClock = function () {
date = new Date;
//some logic here to generate the data I need the result above ( no problems here )
result = '' + d + '/' + month + '/' + year + ' ' + h + ':' + m + ':' + s;
var setDateTime = function() {
return false;
var everySec = setInterval(setDateTime, 1000);
Your problem is that you're never updating result, so each time your code fires SetDateTime, it renders the same date in the table. Move these lines:
date = new Date;
//some logic here to generate the data I need the result above ( no problems here )
result = '' + d + '/' + month + '/' + year + ' ' + h + ':' + m + ':' + s;
Into your setDateTime function.

changing gethours in javascript to 1-12

i'm trying to use the gethours() method in javascript but it keeps returning military time. can someone please help me out fixing it so that it displays clock time? (1-12). Thank you so much!
// Reroute from the conf.js script
var chat = $( '.chat-output' ),
message = function ( message, userId ) {
var dt = new Date(),
time = dt.getHours() + ":" + dt.getMinutes(); // + ":" + dt.getSeconds();
return $( '<div class="chat-message color-' + users[userId] + '">' +
'<div class="chat-id color-' + users[userId] + '"></div>' +
'<div class="chat-user-message">' + message + '</div>' +
'<div class="chat-time">' + time + '</div>' +
'</div>' );
addText = function ( text ) {
// log.innerHTML += text;
// log.scrollTop = log.scrollHeight;
console.log( text );
addRemoteText = function ( userId, text ) {
// addText( '[' + userId + ']: ' + text+'<br>' );
chat.append( message( text, userId ) );
chat.scrollTop( chat.get( 0 ).scrollHeight );
function ampm(date){
var dt= date || new Date,
h= dt.getHours(),
m= dt.getMinutes(),
s= dt.getSeconds(),
h-= 12;
ampm= (h%12)? ' PM': ' AM';
else ampm= (h%12)? ' AM': ' PM';
m= m<10? '0'+m: m;
s= s<10? '0'+s: s;
return [h, m, s].join(':')+ampm;
/* returned value: (String)
11:52:55 PM
Something like this?
var dt = new Date();
var hours = dt.getHours();
var ampm = hours > 11 ? 'PM' : 'AM';
if (hours > 12) {
hours -= 12;
} else if (hours === 0) {
hours = 12;
var time = hours + ":" + dt.getMinutes() + ' ' + ampm;
Here's another version of formatting a time in 12 hour format:
// Returns formatted time for given Date object, or
// current system time if d is falsey.
function getTime(d) {
d = d || new Date();
var hrs = d.getHours();
var pad = function(n){return (n<10?'0':'')+ +n};
return pad(hrs%12 || 12) + ':' + pad(d.getMinutes()) + ' ' + (hrs<12? 'AM':'PM');
console.log(getTime(new Date(2014,2,24, 0, 5))); // 12:05 AM
console.log(getTime(new Date(2014,2,24,10,25))); // 10:25 AM
console.log(getTime(new Date(2014,2,24,20,15))); // 08:15 PM
Note that 24hr time is preferred in many cases to avoid anomalies like 12:00 AM (which is really neither AM or PM) and 12:00 AM being before 01:00 AM.
