I'm developing a WebGL game where the user would use the orientation of the device to control the camera ie look around. From the three rotations of deviceorientation event, I converted them to Quaternions.
THe problem starts here: I need to have the user to hold the device horizontally. In this position, the beta angle will be used to turn around the vertical axis y from the user's perspective.
However, the beta angle only goes from -180 to 180, any number outside will cause the other axes to change, to get a valid rotation. Due to how my WebGL camera is handled (I'm using Unity Engine), I need to separate the axes to remap them to the Camera coordinate accordingly, and to offset the angles from the horizontal pose (adding 90 degrees to the Y axis for example, because the device is rolled back). I have to convert the quaternion back to 3 euler angles and control each camera axis through those.
Is there a way to solve this?
Here's what I use to get the device orientation from the web:
var degtorad = Math.PI / 180; // Degree-to-Radian conversion
function getQuaternion(alpha, beta, gamma) {
var _x = beta ? beta * degtorad : 0; // beta value
var _y = gamma ? gamma * degtorad : 0; // gamma value
var _z = alpha ? alpha * degtorad : 0; // alpha value
var cX = Math.cos(_x / 2);
var cY = Math.cos(_y / 2);
var cZ = Math.cos(_z / 2);
var sX = Math.sin(_x / 2);
var sY = Math.sin(_y / 2);
var sZ = Math.sin(_z / 2);
// ZXY quaternion construction.
var w = cX * cY * cZ - sX * sY * sZ;
var x = sX * cY * cZ - cX * sY * sZ;
var y = cX * sY * cZ + sX * cY * sZ;
var z = cX * cY * sZ + sX * sY * cZ;
return [w, x, y, z];
function GyroEvent(e) {
var quat = getQuaternion(e.alpha, e.beta, e.gamma + 90);
// w
unityInstance.SendMessage("Main Camera", "GetGyroW", quat[0]);
// x
unityInstance.SendMessage("Main Camera", "GetGyroX", quat[1]);
// y
unityInstance.SendMessage("Main Camera", "GetGyroY", quat[2]);
// z
unityInstance.SendMessage("Main Camera", "GetGyroZ", quat[3]);
window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", GyroEvent);
So I have a solution to solving for location (point of intersection) of someone based on landmark angles (312.27) and (19.65) degrees and grid coordinates (1,5) and (9,7) of those landmarks. So the issue I'm having is how can I convert these formulas into something that I can dynamically plugin angles and grid coordinates and return the x and y intersection point for location?
Equations of the Lines based on land marks:
P1: y = cot(312.27)*x + 5 - cot(312.27)*1 ⇒ y = -0.91x + 5.91
P2: y = cot(19.65)*x + 7 - cot(19.65) * 9 ⇒ y = 2.80x - 18.21
solve point of intersection:
P1 = P2
-0.91x + 5.91 = 2.80x - 18.21
5.91 + 18.21 = 2.80x + 0.91x
24.12 = 3.71x
6.5 = x
y = -0.91(6.5) + 5.91
y = 0
Your position is (6.5,0).
So I'm looking at creating a function like:
function getLocation(angle1, angle2, coord1, coord2){}
but I just am having trouble trying to figure out how I can convert this solution into something that would output x and y. As I would have to pass around x or y which is unknown.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
note: angles are converted to radians.
You need to solve the system of equations in terms of the angles and the x,y coordinates:
// let phi1 be the first angle and phi2 be the second angle thus
// let P1 be the first point and P2 be the second point
y = x * cot(phi1) + P1.y - P1.x * cot(phi1)
y = x * cot(phi2) + P2.y - P2.x * cot(phi2)
Equating both sides:
x * cot(phi1) + P1.y - P1.x * cot(phi1) = x * cot(phi2) + P2.y - P2.x * cot(phi2)
Solving for x
x * (cot(phi1) - cot(phi2)) = P2.y - P2.x * cot(phi2) - P1.y + P1.x * cot(phi1)
x = (P2.y - P2.x * cot(phi2) - P1.y + P1.x * cot(phi1)) / (cot(phi1) - cot(phi2))
Once you get x you can plug x in any of the equations for y:
y = x * cot(phi1) + P1.y - P1.x * cot(phi1)
So to get x and y:
function getLocation(angle1, angle2, coord1, coord2) {
let num = coord2.y - coord2.x * cot(angle2) - coord1.y + coord1.x * cot(angle1)
let den = cot(angle1) - cot(angle2)
let x = num / den
let y = x * cot(angle1) + P1.y - P1.x * cot(angle1)
// do something awesome with x and y
The above expression was taken from the below method.
I know that to rotate a point around the center we have to
Move the point to the origin
Make the rotation and
Move the point back
But the pieces I don't get my head around are:
r[0] = x * Math.cos(angle) - y * Math.sin(angle);
why we use the minus sign here?
r[1] = x * Math.sin(angle) + y * Math.cos(angle);
And why here we use plus sign instead of minus?
Vec2.prototype.rotate = function (center, angle) {
//rotate in counterclockwise
var r = [];
var x = this.x - center.x;
var y = this.y - center.y;
r[0] = x * Math.cos(angle) - y * Math.sin(angle);
r[1] = x * Math.sin(angle) + y * Math.cos(angle);
r[0] += center.x;
r[1] += center.y;
return new Vec2(r[0], r[1]);
The book was to be great but it doesn't explain most of the code it simply spits out.
I got it! Just saw a video of Dr Peyam on transformation matrix.
To get x' and y' we multiply the transformation matrix by the current coordinate (x,y)
enter image description here
So I have an object rotating around an origin point. Once I rotate and then change the origin point. My object seems to jump positions. After the jump it rotates fine... Need help finding the pattern/why it's jumping and what I need to do to stop it.
Here's the rotation code:
adjustMapTransform = function (_x, _y) {
var x = _x + (map.width/2);
var y = _y + (map.height/2);
//apply scale here
var originPoint = {
var mapOrigin = {
x:map.x + (map.width/2),
y:map.y + (map.height/2)
//at scale 1
var difference = {
x:mapOrigin.x - originPoint.x,
y:mapOrigin.y - originPoint.y
x += (difference.x * scale) - difference.x;
y += (difference.y * scale) - difference.y;
var viewportMapCentre = {
x: originXInt,
y: originYInt
var rotatedPoint = {};
var angle = (rotation) * Math.PI / 180.0;
var s = Math.sin(angle);
var c = Math.cos(angle);
// translate point back to origin:
x -= viewportMapCentre.x;
y -= viewportMapCentre.y;
// rotate point
var xnew = x * c - y * s;
var ynew = x * s + y * c;
// translate point back:
x = xnew + viewportMapCentre.x - (map.width/2);
y = ynew + viewportMapCentre.y - (map.height/2);
var coords = {
return coords;
Also here is a JS Fiddle project that you can play around in to give you a better idea of what's happening.
EDITED LINK - Got rid of the originY bug and scaling bug
The direction of rotation is a consequence of the sign you pick for the elements in your rotation matrix. [This is Rodrigues formula for rotation in two dimensions]. So to rotate in the opposite direction simply subtract your y cosine term rather than your y sine term.
Also you might try looking at different potential representations of your data.
If you use the symmetric representation of the line between your points you can avoid shifting and instead simply transform your coordinates.
Take your origin [with respect to your rotation], c_0, to be the constant offset in the symmetric form.
You have for a point p relative to c_0:
var A = (p.x - c_0.x);
var B = (p.y - c_0.y);
//This is the symmetric form.
(p.x - c_0.x)/A = (p.y - c_0.y)/B
which will be true under a change of coordinates and for any point on the line (which also takes care of scaling/dilation).
Then after the change of coordinates for rotation you have [noting that this rotation has the opposite sense, not the same as yours].
//This is the symmetric form of the line incident on your rotated point
//and on the center of its rotation
((p.x - c_0.x) * c + (p.y - c_0.y) * s)/A = ((p.x - c_0.x) * s - (p.y - c_0.y) * c)/B
so, multiplying out we get
(pn.x - c_0.x) * B * c + (pn.y - c_0.y) * B * s = (pn.x - c_0.x) * A * s - (pn.y - c_0.y) * A * c
rearrangement gives
(pn.x - c_0.x) * (B * c - A * s) = - (pn.y - c_0.y) * (B * s + A * c)
pn.y = -(pn.x - c_0.x) * (B * c - A * s) / (B * s + A * c) + c_0.y;
for any scaling.
I think this is the best place for this question.
I am trying to get the heading and pitch of any clicked point on an embedded Google Street View.
The only pieces of information I know and can get are:
The field of view (degrees)
The center point's heading and pitch (in degrees) and x and y pixel position
The x and y pixel position of the mouse click
I've included here a screenshot with simplified measurements as an example:
I initally just thought you could divide the field of view by the pixel width to get degrees per pixel, but it's more complicated, I think it has to do with projecting onto the inside of a sphere, where the camera is at the centre of the sphere?
Bonus if you can tell me how to do the reverse too...
The goal is not to move the view to the clicked point, but give information about a clicked point. The degrees per pixel method doesn't work because the viewport is not linear.
THe values I have here are just examples, but the field of view can be bigger or smaller (from [0.something, 180], and the center is not fixed, it could be any value in the range [0, 360] and vertically [-90, 90]. The point [0, 0] is simply the heading (horizontal degrees) and pitch (vertical degrees) of the photogapher when the photo was taken, and doesn't really represent anything.
TL;DR: JavaScript code for a proof of concept included at the end of this answer.
The heading and pitch parameters h0 and p0 of the panorama image corresponds to a direction. By using the focal length f of the camera to scale this direction vector, one can get the 3D coordinates (x0, y0, z0) of the viewport center at (u0, v0):
x0 = f * cos( p0 ) * sin( h0 )
y0 = f * cos( p0 ) * cos( h0 )
z0 = f * sin( p0 )
The goal is now to find the 3D coordinates of the point at to some given pixel coordinates (u, v) in the image. First, map these pixel coordinates to pixel offsets (du, dv) (to the right and to the top) from the viewport center:
du = u - u0 = u - w / 2
dv = v0 - v = h / 2 - v
Then a local orthonormal 2D basis of the viewport in 3D has to be found. The unit vector (ux, uy, uz) supports the x-axis (to the right along the direction of increasing headings) and the vector (vx, vy, vz) supports the y-axis (to the top along the direction of increasing pitches) of the image. Once these two vectors are determined, the 3D coordinates of the point on the viewport matching the (du, dv) pixel offset in the viewport are simply:
x = x0 + du * ux + dv * vx
y = y0 + du * uy + dv * vy
z = z0 + du * uz + dv * vz
And the heading and pitch parameters h and p for this point are then:
R = sqrt( x * x + y * y + z * z )
h = atan2( x, y )
p = asin( z / R )
Finally to get the two unit vectors (ux, uy, uz) and (vx, vy, vz), compute the derivatives of the spherical coordinates by the heading and pitch parameters at (p0, h0), and one should get:
vx = -sin( p0 ) * sin ( h0 )
vy = -sin( p0 ) * cos ( h0 )
vz = cos( p0 )
ux = sgn( cos ( p0 ) ) * cos( h0 )
uy = -sgn( cos ( p0 ) ) * sin( h0 )
uz = 0
where sgn( a ) is +1 if a >= 0 else -1.
The focal length is derived from the horizontal field of view and the width of the image:
f = (w / 2) / Math.tan(fov / 2)
The reverse mapping from heading and pitch parameters to pixel coordinates can be done similarly:
Find the 3D coordinates (x, y, z) of the direction of the ray corresponding to the specified heading and pitch parameters,
Find the 3D coordinates (x0, y0, z0) of the direction of the ray corresponding to the viewport center (an associated image plane is located at (x0, y0, z0) with an (x0, y0, z0) normal),
Intersect the ray for the specified heading and pitch parameters with the image plane, this gives the 3D offset from the viewport center,
Project this 3D offset on the local basis, getting the 2D offsets du and dv
Map du and dv to absolute pixel coordinates.
In practice, this approach seems to work similarly well on both square and rectangular viewports.
Proof of concept code (call the onLoad() function on a web page containing a sized canvas element with a "panorama" id)
'use strict';
var viewer;
function onClick(e) {
function onLoad() {
var element = document.getElementById("panorama");
viewer = new PanoramaViewer(element);
function PanoramaViewer(element) {
this.element = element;
this.width = element.width;
this.height = element.height;
this.pitch = 0;
this.heading = 0;
element.addEventListener("click", onClick, false);
PanoramaViewer.FOV = 90;
PanoramaViewer.prototype.makeUrl = function() {
var fov = PanoramaViewer.FOV;
return "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?location=40.457375,-80.009353&size=" + this.width + "x" + this.height + "&fov=" + fov + "&heading=" + this.heading + "&pitch=" + this.pitch;
PanoramaViewer.prototype.update = function() {
var element = this.element;
element.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + this.makeUrl() + ")";
var width = this.width;
var height = this.height;
var context = element.getContext('2d');
context.strokeStyle = '#FFFF00';
context.moveTo(0, height / 2);
context.lineTo(width, height / 2);
context.moveTo(width / 2, 0);
context.lineTo(width / 2, height);
function sgn(x) {
return x >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
PanoramaViewer.prototype.unmap = function(heading, pitch) {
var PI = Math.PI
var cos = Math.cos;
var sin = Math.sin;
var tan = Math.tan;
var fov = PanoramaViewer.FOV * PI / 180.0;
var width = this.width;
var height = this.height;
var f = 0.5 * width / tan(0.5 * fov);
var h = heading * PI / 180.0;
var p = pitch * PI / 180.0;
var x = f * cos(p) * sin(h);
var y = f * cos(p) * cos(h);
var z = f * sin(p);
var h0 = this.heading * PI / 180.0;
var p0 = this.pitch * PI / 180.0;
var x0 = f * cos(p0) * sin(h0);
var y0 = f * cos(p0) * cos(h0);
var z0 = f * sin(p0);
// Intersect the ray O, v = (x, y, z)
// with the plane at M0 of normal n = (x0, y0, z0)
// n . (O + t v - M0) = 0
// t n . v = n . M0 = f^2
var t = f * f / (x0 * x + y0 * y + z0 * z);
var ux = sgn(cos(p0)) * cos(h0);
var uy = -sgn(cos(p0)) * sin(h0);
var uz = 0;
var vx = -sin(p0) * sin(h0);
var vy = -sin(p0) * cos(h0);
var vz = cos(p0);
var x1 = t * x;
var y1 = t * y;
var z1 = t * z;
var dx10 = x1 - x0;
var dy10 = y1 - y0;
var dz10 = z1 - z0;
// Project on the local basis (u, v) at M0
var du = ux * dx10 + uy * dy10 + uz * dz10;
var dv = vx * dx10 + vy * dy10 + vz * dz10;
return {
u: du + width / 2,
v: height / 2 - dv,
PanoramaViewer.prototype.map = function(u, v) {
var PI = Math.PI;
var cos = Math.cos;
var sin = Math.sin;
var tan = Math.tan;
var sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var atan2 = Math.atan2;
var asin = Math.asin;
var fov = PanoramaViewer.FOV * PI / 180.0;
var width = this.width;
var height = this.height;
var h0 = this.heading * PI / 180.0;
var p0 = this.pitch * PI / 180.0;
var f = 0.5 * width / tan(0.5 * fov);
var x0 = f * cos(p0) * sin(h0);
var y0 = f * cos(p0) * cos(h0);
var z0 = f * sin(p0);
var du = u - width / 2;
var dv = height / 2 - v;
var ux = sgn(cos(p0)) * cos(h0);
var uy = -sgn(cos(p0)) * sin(h0);
var uz = 0;
var vx = -sin(p0) * sin(h0);
var vy = -sin(p0) * cos(h0);
var vz = cos(p0);
var x = x0 + du * ux + dv * vx;
var y = y0 + du * uy + dv * vy;
var z = z0 + du * uz + dv * vz;
var R = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
var h = atan2(x, y);
var p = asin(z / R);
return {
heading: h * 180.0 / PI,
pitch: p * 180.0 / PI
PanoramaViewer.prototype.click = function(e) {
var rect = e.target.getBoundingClientRect();
var u = e.clientX - rect.left;
var v = e.clientY - rect.top;
var uvCoords = this.unmap(this.heading, this.pitch);
console.log("current viewport center");
console.log(" heading: " + this.heading);
console.log(" pitch: " + this.pitch);
console.log(" u: " + uvCoords.u)
console.log(" v: " + uvCoords.v);
var hpCoords = this.map(u, v);
uvCoords = this.unmap(hpCoords.heading, hpCoords.pitch);
console.log("click at (" + u + "," + v + ")");
console.log(" heading: " + hpCoords.heading);
console.log(" pitch: " + hpCoords.pitch);
console.log(" u: " + uvCoords.u);
console.log(" v: " + uvCoords.v);
this.heading = hpCoords.heading;
this.pitch = hpCoords.pitch;
This answer is unprecise, have a look at most recent answer of user3146587.
I'm not very good at mathematical explanations. I've coded an example and tried to explain the steps in the code. As soon as you click on one point in the image, this point becomes the new center of the image. Even though you have explicitly not demanded for this, this is perfect for illustrating the effect. The new image is drawn with the previously calculated angle.
Example: JSFiddle
The important part is, that I use the radian to calculate radius of the "sphere of view". The radian in this case is the width of the image (in your example 100)
radius = radian / FOV
With the radian, radius and the relative position of the mouse position I can calculate the degree that changes from the center to the mouse position.
When the relative mouse position is 25 the radian used for the calculation of the horizontal angle is 50.
radius = 50 / FOV // we've calculated the radius before, it stays the same
See this image for the further process:
I can calculate the new heading and pitch when I add/subtract the calculated angle to the actual angle (depending on left/right, above/under). See the linked JSFiddle for the correct behavior of this.
Doing the reverse is simple, just do the listed steps in the opposite direction (the radius stays the same).
As I've already mentioned, I'm not very good at mathematical explanations, but don't hesitate to ask questions in the comments.
Here is an attempt to give a mathematical derivation of the answer to your question.
Note: Unfortunately, this derivation only works in 1D and the conversion from a pair of angular deviations to heading and pitch is wrong.
f: focal length of the camera
h: height in pixels of the viewport
w: width in pixels of the viewport
dy: vertical deviation in pixels from the center of the viewport
dx: horizontal deviation in pixels from the center of the viewport
fov_y: vertical field of view
fov_x: horizontal field of view
dtheta_y: relative vertical angle from the center of the viewport
dtheta_x: relative horizontal angle from the center of the viewport
Given dy, the vertical offset of the pixel from the center of the viewport (this pixel corresponds to the green ray on the figure), we are trying to find dtheta_y (the red angle), the relative vertical angle from the center of the viewport (the pitch of the center of the viewport is known to be theta_y0).
From the figure, we have:
tan( fov_y / 2 ) = ( h / 2 ) / f
tan( dtheta_y ) = dy / f
tan( dtheta_y ) = dy / ( ( h / 2 ) / tan( fov_y / 2 ) )
= 2 * dy * tan( fov_y / 2 ) / h
and finally:
dtheta_y = atan( 2 * dy * tan( fov_y / 2 ) / h )
This is the relative pitch angle for the pixel at dy from the center of the viewport, simply add to it the pitch angle at the center of the viewport to get the absolute pitch angle (i.e. theta_y = theta_y0 + dtheta_y).
dtheta_x = atan( 2 * dx * tan( fov_x / 2 ) / w )
This is the relative heading angle for the pixel at dx from the center of the viewport.
Both relations can be inverted to get the mapping from relative heading / pitch angle to relative pixel coordinates, for instance:
dy = h tan( dtheta_y ) / ( 2 * tan( fov_y / 2 ) )
The vertical and horizontal fields of view fov_y and fov_x are linked by the relation:
w / h = tan( fov_x / 2 ) / tan( fov_y / 2 )
fov_x = 2 * atan( w * tan( fov_y / 2 ) / h )
The vertical and horizontal deviations from the viewport center dy and dx can be mapped to absolute pixel coordinates:
x = w / 2 + dx
y = h / 2 - dy
Proof of concept fiddle
Martin Matysiak wrote a JS library that implements the inverse of this (placing a marker at a specific heading/pitch). I mention this as the various jsfiddle links in other answers are 404ing, the original requestor added a comment requesting this, and this SO page comes up near the top for related searches.
The blog post discussing it is at https://martinmatysiak.de/blog/view/panomarker.
The library itself is at https://github.com/marmat/google-maps-api-addons.
There's documentation and demos at http://marmat.github.io/google-maps-api-addons/ (look at http://marmat.github.io/google-maps-api-addons/panomarker/examples/basic.html and http://marmat.github.io/google-maps-api-addons/panomarker/examples/fancy.html for the PanoMarker examples).