Dynamically adding data attribute to element - javascript

How to add data-name dynamically to an element but not dataset what add data=" ", but only data?
Something like this:
<div class="battle-screen__bullet" data-bullet></div>

const el = document.querySelector('div.battle-screen__bullet')
el.dataset.bullet_new = ''
dom will become
<div class="battle-screen__bullet" data-bullet data-bullet_new></div>


How to fetch querySelector for name containing numerics

I have the below url
<h1 id="header_2" title="mytitle" data-id="header_title" class="sampleclass " xpath="1">mytitle<span aria-label="sometest" class="sampleclass ">- Saved</span></h1>
Based in the id(header_2)I wabt to fetch title.
My id may also contains like this id="header_mdfa3fad" but for sure after "_" it is numeric.HOw do I write querySelector for it
You can apply regex to filter like this
var divs = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("[id^='header_']")).filter(function(el){
return el.id.match(/^header_[0-9]+/i);
<div id="header_1"></div>
<div id="header_2"></div>
<div id="header_3"></div>
<div id="header_abc"></div>
<div id="header_xyz"></div>
You can use this solution:
const headers = document.querySelectorAll("[id^='header_']");
const titles = [];
headers.forEach((header) => titles.push(header.getAttribute('title')));
// Do something you want with titles array
If I understand you correctly, try something like this:
#select h1 elements with id attribute whose value begins with "header"
headers = document.querySelectorAll("[id^='header_']");
#loop through the elements and extract the part of the attribute value following "_"
for (let header of headers) {
target = header.getAttribute('id').split('_')[1]
#check for the presence of a digit
if (/\d/.test(target)) {

Trouble setting the HTML of a variable in JQuery

What I've done is loaded some HTML from a file and I am attempting to modify some elements within that HTML.
The initialization looks like this:
var id = player_info["ID"];
$("<div />").attr({class: "player_container", id: "player_" + id}).css("display", "none")
// Add all information to the player container
var player_container = $("#player_" + id);
With player_layout.html looking like this:
<div class="player_name">
<div class="player_chips">
<span class='bidding'></span>/<span class='chips'></span>
<div class="player_stats">
Wins / Losses
<span class="wins"></span>/<span class="losses"></span>(<span class="total_games"></span>)
Chips Won / Chips Lost
<span class="chips_won"></span>/<span class="chips_lost"></span>
<button class="player_won">Player Has Won</button>
I then want to modify some of the elements, specifically classes. An example of the way I was initially doing this is:
This wasn't working so I then tried to switch find with children and text with html but that didn't seem to work. I then tried this:
$('> .player_name', player_container).html(player_info['username']);
but that also didn't work. I understand that I can use DOM to grab the childNodes and compare the class names but there are a lot of classes that need modifying and I'd also like to know if this is possible in JQuery. Thanks in advance for any help.
You need to use complete callback method of .load()
var player_container = $("#player_" + id);
player_container.load("player_layout.html", function(){

How to select elements from a handelbars template?

We have a div within our webpage:
<div id="person-details">
We select the relevant elements from this div using the following jQuery code:
var person = $("#person-details");
var children = release.find("div");
var fullname = children.first();
We use a render function to perform an ajax request to get a handlebars template that we're storing in an external file:
function _render() {
var templateScript;
template.getTemplate(filename).done(function(template) {
templateScript = Handlebars.compile(template);
The template looks like the following:
After the render function has been called, we want to select any of the elements from within the template. For example we have tried using:
but as the content has been dynamically generated we aren't able to get the nodes from within the DOM.
Is it even possible to select elements from within a generated handlebars template like this?
Thanks to #DanielShillcock for highlighting render() being asynchronous. Here is a solution:
function _render() {
var templateScript;
template.getTemplate(filename).done(function(template) {
templateScript = Handlebars.compile(template);
value = selector.find("div");

Get the id of elements dynamically created

I want to select the elements created dynamically using ajax by id, the code is:
$.getJSON('getData.php', function(json) {
var output="<ul id='feedsList'>";
for(var i=json.posts.length-1;i>=json.posts.length-31;i--){
output+="<li class='post'>";
output+="<div class='text' id='"+json.posts[i].id+"'>"+json.posts[i].shortmsg+"</div>";
The html codes:
<div class="posts">
<!--dynamic content here-->
I tried to get the id using $(this).attr("id"):
var this_id =$(this).attr("id");
But it said undefined. How could I get the id correctly?Thanks!
$(".post") should be $('div.post'), because you're creating li from ajax request with same class. As div.post is existing in your DOM and you're appending you list to it.
That is,
$("div.post").on("click","li.post div.text",function(){
var this_id = this.id;
Numbers are not valid ids. Ids need to start with letters.
You will need to use something like this:
output+="<div class='text' id='post_"+json.posts[i].id+"'>"+json.posts[i].shortmsg+"</div>";
Here'se the structure of a valid id: What are valid values for the id attribute in HTML?

How Do I Replace/Change The Heading Text Inside <h3></h3>, Using jquery?

How do I change/replace the <h3> text: "Featured Offers" using javascript to say "Public Offers" instead?
</div> <!-- FEATURED OFFERS -->
<div class="panel">
<div class="head">
<h3>Featured Offers</h3>
<div class="body">
If you can select it, you can manipulate it.
Try this:
$(".head h3").html("your new header");
But as others mentioned, you probably want head div to have an id.
you don't - not like this.
give an id to your tag , lets say it looks like this now :
<h3 id="myHeader"></h3>
then set the value like that :
myHeader.innerText = "public offers";
Just use method "text()".
The .text() method cannot be used on form inputs or scripts. To set or
get the text value of input or textarea elements, use the .val()
method. To get the value of a script element, use the .html() method.
Give an id to h3 like this:
<h3 id="headertag">Featured Offers</h3>
and in the javascript function do this :
document.getElementById("headertag").innerHTML = "Public Offers";
try this,
$(".head h3").html("New header");
$(".head h3").text("New header");
remember class selectors returns all the matching elements.
Something like:
$(".head h3").html("Public offers");
jQuery(".head h3").html('Public Offers');
You can try:
var headingDiv = document.getElementById("head");
headingDiv.innerHTML = "<H3>Public Offers</H3>";
Hope that help someone:-
Element with a class attribute with the value of "className":
<h3 class="className"></h3>
You will make a refernce of by the class name:
const newTitle = document.querySelector(".className");
Then change the content:
newTitle.textContent = "New Title";
