how to get videoCategoryId from videoID youtubube api - javascript

Website link if you want to know how it works -
i am building a site where only education category videos would be fetched and iframed. Like if someone inputs "cat" in my searchbar, i should only get cat videos/playlist which have category "education". I have the videoID, but i dont seem to find the category ID in the json returned.
function search(id,tit) {
var key = 'MY API KEY';
//playlistId = 'PLUl4u3cNGP6317WaSNfmCvGym2ucw3oGp';
var playlistId=id;
var URL = '';
`<h1>Playlist : ${tit}</h1>`
var options = {
part: 'snippet',
key: key,
maxResults: 60,
playlistId: playlistId,
function loadVids() {
$.getJSON(URL, options, function (data) {
var id = data.items[0].snippet.resourceId.videoId;
function mainVid(id) {
<iframe src="${id}" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
function resultsLoop(data) {
$.each(data.items, function (i, item) {
var thumb = item.snippet.thumbnails.medium.url;
var title = item.snippet.title;
var desc = item.snippet.description.substring(0, 100);
var vid = item.snippet.resourceId.videoId;
<article class="item" data-key="${vid}">
<img src="${thumb}" alt="" class="thumb">
<div class="details">
$('main').on('click', 'article', function () {
var id = $(this).attr('data-key');
so what i am doing is (code not shown here) i first get objects that are playlist type from searchbar, show the playlists and when someone clicks on a playlist, this search(id, tit) function starts which gradually fetches all the videos in that playlist. Now i want to filter only the education category videos but json doesnt have that part i guess.

I probably misunderstood your question and your usecase. Sorry for the confusion. But I think the answer and especially the comments are useful so I decided not to delete the answer.
Thanks #stvar for your comments
My recommendation
For me your usecase sounds like it would be better to use the API endpoint "serach/list" or "videos/list" instead of the API endpoint "playlistItems".
By using the endpoint "serach/list" or "videos/list" you can already restrict the results to the video category by specifiying the "videoCategoryId" in the initial request.
I would recommend to specify as much parameters as possible in order to have the best possible results for your site/application. But note that not all combinations are allowed.
Use the "Try this API" in the API documentation in order to narrow your request:
Keep in mind that the endpoint "search/list" has a significantly increased cost-factor for the API quotas. It provides more flexibility so you can include or exlude live streams and specify much more options in comparison to "videos/list".
Alternative method (not verified by testing it myself)
This is not working as explained in the comments because "id" and "videoCategoryId" are exclusive parameters.
If this is not an option for you then you can make an additional API call for each video in the result of your "playlistItems" API call.
Specify the "Video ID"" and "Video Category ID". If you get no result skip the video and do not show it on your site, e.g.:[YOUR_VIDEO_ID]&videoCategoryId=[YOUR_VIDEO_CATEGORY_ID]&...


Get and display data from API using JQuery

So guys, I need to get this API data: and put it on a HTML file.
So here is the JavaScript code I'm writing:
async function getData()
//await the response of the fetch call
let response = await fetch('');
//proceed once the first promise is resolved.
let data = await response.json()
//proceed only when the second promise is resolved
let newData = data.results;
return newData;
//call getData function
$.each(result, (index, user) => {
<div class='card'>
<h4 class='card-name'>${}</h4>
<input id="collapsible" class="toggle" type="checkbox">
<label for="collapsible" class="lbl-toggle">
<i class='fas fa-chevron-down'> </i>
So I'm getting the users info, but I need to display it on a list with limited quantity of users per page. How can I do that?
If you can use an external library, then Data Table is one good library that will give you search, filter, sort, and pagination capability. you just neet to create the table and pass the id of that table to the Data Table library. It will take care of your requirements. You can set max items per page.
instead of .each(), loop 'result' with a for loop.
var i;
//use result[i] in your html
offset if how many records you are in (so 0 for first page)
page is page num (so 1 for first page)
Looking at the documentation you provided.
The API will automatically paginate the responses. You will receive up to 20 documents per page.
The info field on the response will give you some useful information about the dataset, including how many pages there are, the next page & the count of documents.
info: {
count: 493,
pages: 25,
next: "",
prev: ""

How to do update in listing for web by using firebase

I am creating admin panel in website and I am using firebase as a database in backend.I am able to display listing but when I click on the particular listing there status should change from 'pending' to 'accept' but it doesnt.I dont know where I did mistake.Please give suggestion and I attach js file and database screenshot
var firebaseheadingRef = firebase.database().ref().child("user");
var title= datasnapshot.child("listing").child("title").val();
var userid= datasnapshot.child("username").val();
var type= datasnapshot.child("listing").child("title").val();
var publisheddate= datasnapshot.child("listing").child("publish").val();
var expirydate= datasnapshot.child("listing").child("expire").val();
$("#tablebody").append("<tr><td>"+title+"</td><td>"+userid+"</td><td>"+type+"</td><td>"+publisheddate+"</td><td><button type=button id=accept onclick=accept()>Accept</button><button type=button>Reject</button></td></tr>");
function accept()
setCommentValues(postElement, data.key, data.val().text, data.val().author);
listing display picture where I click on accept button then update of status should done
There are two places where you need to change your code:
First, in the code that generates the table, you have to pass the id of the node to the function call, as follows. You get the node id with the key property of the DataSnapshot.
$("#tablebody").append("<tr><td>"+title+"</td><td>"+userid+"</td><td>"+type+"</td><td>"+publisheddate+"</td><td><button type=button id=accept onclick=accept('" + datasnapshot.key + "')>Accept</button><button type=button>Reject</button></td></tr>");
And secondly you have to write your accept() function in such a way it updates the database value, with the set() method. Like the following
function accept(userId) {
var nodeRef = firebase.database().ref("/user/" + userId + "/listing/status");
return nodeRef.set('accept');

how to print array object array in html using angualrjs

I am trying to take data from a movie API (TMDB API) and want to display the details of the movie in my html view page.
I got the response from the API but i cannot figure out the way to handle the response that is in array of an object array.
This is my response
"title":"3 Idiots",
"original_title":"3 Idiots",
"overview":"In the tradition of “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” comes this
refreshing comedy about a rebellious prankster with a crafty mind anda
heart of gold. Rascal. Joker. Dreamer. Genius... You've never met a
college student quite like \"Rancho.\" From the moment he arrives at
India's most prestigious university, Rancho's outlandish schemes turn
the campus upside down—along with the lives of his two newfound best
friends. Together, they make life miserable for \"Virus,\" the
school’s uptight and heartless dean. But when Rancho catches the eye
of the dean's sexy daughter, Virus sets his sights on flunking out the
\"3 idiots\" once and for all.",
I want to display overview and other details that is in results in my html page using angularjs but i cannot figure out how to do that?
This is my js and html code snippet. Where i try this with another API but now it got private so i have to change the API.
function getItems(){
$http({method:'GET',url:"" + $})
.then(function (response) {
// body...
$scope.movies =;
<div class="movie-details col-sm-8" >
<ul class="details">
<li><img ng-src="{{movies.Poster=='N/A' && '' || movies.poster_path}}" class="movie-poster thumbnail"><a class="movie-title" href="{{movies.imdbID}}" target="_blank">{{movies.original_title}}</a>, {{movies.Year}} <span class="reviews">Reviews | Add your own review</span></li>
<li><span>Released On: </span>{{movies.results}}</li>
<li><span>Runtime: </span>{{movies.Runtime}}</li>
<li><span>Genre: </span>{{movies.Genre}}</li>
<li><span>Director: </span>{{movies.Director}}</li>
<li><span>Writers: </span>{{movies.Writer}}</li>
<li><span>Actors: </span>{{movies.Actors}}</li>
<li><span>Language: </span>{{movies.Language}}</li>
<li><span>Country: </span>{{movies.Country}}</li>
<li><span>Awards: </span>{{movies.Awards}}</li>
<li><span>IMDB Ratings: </span>{{movies.imdbRating}}</li>
<a class="links" href="{{movies.original_title}}" target="_blank">Watch Trailers!</a>
|<a class="links" href="{{movies.Title}}&l=" target="_blank">Get Subtitles!</a>
|<a class="links" href="{{movies.Title}}" target="_blank">Buy Online!</a>
You have to use ng-repeat in order to show data in your html, further correct the property names that you bind on html. (for example: results to release_date)
(see this screenshot of console log data)
Sample DEMO :
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.controller('ExampleController', ExampleController);
function ExampleController($scope, $http) {
function callapi() {
method: 'GET',
url: ''
}).then(function(response) {
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="ExampleController">
<ul ng-repeat="movies in moviesData">
<li><span>Released On: </span>{{movies.release_date}}</li>
<li><span>Runtime: </span>{{movies.Runtime}}</li>
<li><span>Genre: </span>{{movies.Genre}}</li>
<li><span>Director: </span>{{movies.Director}}</li>
<li><span>Writers: </span>{{movies.Writer}}</li>
<li><span>Actors: </span>{{movies.Actors}}</li>
<li><span>Language: </span>{{movies.original_language}}</li>
<li><span>Country: </span>{{movies.Country}}</li>
<li><span>Awards: </span>{{movies.Awards}}</li>
<li><span>IMDB Ratings: </span>{{movies.imdbRating}}</li>
It looks like you are not using the results exactly as you should be. For instance you have movies.results but you already set $scope.movies to your return results properties.
Make sure that you are using the properties within the results property that you set movies to.
For example you could access the overview by calling {{movies.overview}} in your HTML

Having issues tying together basic javascript chat page

I have the skeleton of a chat page but am having issues tying it all together. What I'm trying to do is have messages sent to the server whenever the user clicks send, and also, for the messages shown to update every 3 seconds. Any insights, tips, or general comments would be much appreciated.
Issues right now:
When I fetch, I append the <ul class="messages"></ul> but don't want to reappend messages I've already fetched.
Make sure my chatSend is working correctly but if I run chatSend, then chatFetch, I don't retrieve the message I sent.
var input1 = document.getElementById('input1'), sendbutton = document.getElementById('sendbutton');
function IsEmpty(){
if (input1.value){
} else {
sendbutton.setAttribute('disabled', '');
input1.onkeyup = IsEmpty;
function chatFetch(){
url: "",
dataType: "json",
method: "GET",
success: function(data){
for(var key in data) {
for(var i in data[key]){
function chatSend(){
type: "POST",
url: "",
data: JSON.stringify({text: $('input1.draft').val()}),
This seems like a pretty good project for Knockout.js, especially if you want to make sure you're not re-appending messages you've already sent. Since the library was meant in no small part for that sort of thing, I think it would make sense to leverage it to its full potential. So let's say that your API already takes care of limiting how many messages have come back, searching for the right messages, etc., and focus strictly on the UI. We can start with our Javascript view model of a chat message...
function IM(msg) {
var self = this;
self.username = ko.observable();
self.message = ko.observable();
self.timestamp = ko.observable();
This is taking a few liberties and assuming that you get back an IM object which has the name of the user sending the message, and the content, as well as a timestamp for the message. Probably not too far fetched to hope you have access to these data elements, right? Moving on to the large view model encapsulating your IMs...
function vm() {
var self = this;
self.messages = ko.observableArray([]);
self.message = ko.observable(new IM());
self.setup = function () {
self.message().username([user current username] || '');
self.chatFetch = function () {
$.getJSON("", function(results){
for(var key in data) {
// parse your incoming data to get whatever elements you
// can matching the IM view model here then assign it as
// per these examples as closely as possible
var im = new IM();
im.username(data[key][i].username || '');
im.message(data[key][i].message || '');
im.timestamp(data[key][i].message || '');
// the ([JSON data] || '') defaults the property to an
// empty strings so it fails gracefully when no data is
// available to assign to it
All right, so we have out Javascript models which will update the screen via bindings (more on that in a bit) and we're getting and populating data. But how do we update and send IMs? Well, remember that self.message object? We get to use it now.
function vm() {
// ... our setup and initial get code
self.chatSend = function () {
var data = {
'user': self.message().username(),
'text': self.message().message(),
'time': new Date()
$.post("", data, function(result) {
// do whatever you want with the results, if anything
// now we update our current messages and load new ones
All right, so how do we keep track of all of this? Through the magic of bindings. Well, it's not magic, it's pretty intense Javascript inside Knockout.js that listens for changes and the updates the elements accordingly, but you don't have to worry about that. You can just worry about your HTML which should look like this...
<div id="chat">
<ul data-bind="foreach: messages">
<span data-bind="text: username"></span> :
<span data-bind="text: message"></span> [
<span data-bind="text: timestamp"></span> ]
<div id="chatInput">
<input data-bind="value: message" type="text" placeholder="message..." />
<button data-bind="click: $root.chatSend()">Send</button>
Now for the final step to populate your bindings and keep them updated, is to call your view model and its methods...
$(document).ready(function () {
var imVM = new vm();
// perform your initial search and setup
// apply the bindings and hook it all together
ko.applyBindings(imVM.messages, $('#chat')[0]);
ko.applyBindings(imVM.message, $('#chatInput')[0]);
// and now update the form every three seconds
setInterval(function() { imVM.chatFetch(); }, 3000);
So this should give you a pretty decent start on a chat system in an HTML page. I'll leave the validation, styling, and prettifying as an exercise to the programmer...

Simple quiz - how to get clicked values and send it to php

I have to write a simple quiz app. As I picked it after someone this is what I have.
There are 10 questions with 3 answers each. All question are loaded at once and only one visible. After clicking the answer next question shows up etc.
However as javascript is kinda magic to me I have no clue how to get all answers and send it to php to check if user chose correct.
The code looks something like this:
<form action="result.php">
<div class=“quiz>
<div class=“question”> Some question ?
<li><a href=“#”>Answer A</a></li>
<li><a href=“#”>Answer B</a></li>
<li><a href=“#”>Answer C</a></li>
[… more question here …]
<div class="question">Last question ?
<li>Answer A</li>
<li>Answer B</li>
<li>Answer C</li>
<input type=“hidden” name=“answers” value=“answers[]>
So basically user click on answer, next question pop up and at the end I need to populate all answer and send it to result.php where somehow I would get results within array with chosen answers like {1,3,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1} or something like that.
There are many ways to accomplish this. Here's an easy one:
add a
<input type="hidden" name="questions[]" value="" />
inside each .question DIV
update the value of this input when one of the links are clicked:
$('.question a').on('click', function(){
var answer = $(this).text();
put a request method on your form, let's say POST
Then in your PHP script you'll get a numerically indexed array with the selected answer for each question, $_POST['questions'].
I do not know how your design looks like, but it may be possible to achieve this without any javascript, using hidden radio inputs and labels (I'm assuming here you're using links because of styling limitations on input fields).
Normally, you would create an HTTP request to your verification back-end. jQuery, for one, makes this quite easy. Also, I would try to generate the questions HTML, so that you're ready to generate quizzes with other sets of questions without having to re-type your html.
I'm trying to create a quizz-like app myself, currently, and would be glad to hear your feedback. A brief snipped of what I mean is on this fiddle:
Basically something like:
function verify(answers) {
{ async: true,
complete: function(response, status){
// e.g.
This request would be sent when all answers are completed. I would try to create the questions on-the-fly using javascript and the DOM, something like:
function retrieveQuestions() {
//TODO: get them from a json-request like http://yourquizz/quizz1/questions
return [{ text: "what if Zoo went to Blohom in a Flurk?",
options: { a: "he frunts and vloghses",
b: "the Blohom doesn't snorf anymore" }
{ text: "how many this and that",
options: { a: "1", b: "2", c: "14" }
// retrieve and create the questions elements
var questions = retrieveQuestions();
questions.forEach(function(question, index){
// what does a question element look like:
function createQuestionElement(question){
var li=document.createElement("li");
var options = [];
var o = document.createElement("div");
jQuery(o).on('click', function(){question.answer=jQuery(o).val();});
return li;
Your php backend verify.php script will check the arguments and return the result in json format, e.g.:
$correct = ($answers[ $_GET["question"] ] == $_GET["answer"]);
print("{ 'correct': '$correct' }");
(provided your answers are stored in an array $answers.
Yet another solution to the problem:
We use event handlers, to check if an answer was clicked, then add the index of the answer to an array. When the last answer was submitted, we send the data to a php page, where you can process it using the $_POST array.
$('.question a').on('click', function (e) {
var self = $(this);
var ans = self.parent().index() + 1;
var hasNext = nextQuestion();
if (!hasNext) {
type: "POST",
url: "/echo/json/",
data: {
"answers": answers
}).done(function (response) {
response = 'Stuff you output with PHP';
$('body').append('<p> Result: ' + response + '</p>');
