I've checked the document and source code for pagination implementation (advanced-example-server.component.ts).
And found that the ServerDataSource it used had only implemented pagination via HTTP GET (_sort, _limit, _page, etc parameters expose in URL)..... as my current project worked on required to use POST to send front-end parameters to back-end Restful APIs,
using extends to HTTP post call implement, I don't know how to add the extra parameters in pagination request. I Need To pass the request_server to extendsplugin.ts
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/internal/Observable';
import { ServerDataSource } from 'ng2-smart-table';
export class PostServerDataSource extends ServerDataSource {
protected requestElements(): Observable<any> {
let httpParams = this.createRequesParams();
return this.http.post(this.conf.endPoint, request_server, { observe: 'response' });
swiftListTable() {
const request_server = { "userType": this.currentUser.role, "authName": this.currentUser.username }
this.source = new PostServerDataSource(this.http,{endPoint: this.service.apiURL + 'swift/pagination', dataKey: 'content', pagerLimitKey:"_limit",
sortDirKey: "pageable",
sortFieldKey: "pageable",
There are two ways you can handle it,
one way is attaching the params in query string and append to url like,
this.service.apiURL + 'swift/pagination?param1=p¶m2=q'
Other way could be handling it in requestElements and swiftListTable functions like below.
swiftListTable() {
const request_server = {
"userType": this.currentUser.role,
"authName": this.currentUser.username
this.source = new PostServerDataSource(http,
{ endPoint: url, dataKey: 'content', pagerLimitKey:'_limit'}, request_server);
export class PostServerDataSource extends ServerDataSource {
params: any;
constructor(http: HttpClient, config: any, params?: any) {
super(http, config);
this.params = params;
protected requestElements(): Observable<any> {
let httpParams = this.createRequesParams();
if (this.params) {
let keys = Object.keys(this.params);
keys.forEach((key) => {
httpParams = httpParams.set(key, this.params[key]);
return this.http.post(this.conf.endPoint, httpParams, { observe: 'response' });
I want to display the ngx-wheel using api but I'm having trouble displaying the data.
Here my Service :
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders } from '#angular/common/http';
providedIn: 'root'
export class RestServices {
restEndpoint:string = 'https://gorest.co.in/public/v2/users'
private httpClient: HttpClient
) { }
async getServiceId() {
const httpOptions = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
return this.httpClient.get<any[]>(this.restEndpoint, httpOptions)
Here my Component :
private subscription: Subscription | undefined;
items: any = []
ngOnInit(): void {
this.subscription = this._restService.getServices()
let item = res
this.items = item.map((v:any) => ({
text: v.name,
id: v.id,
textFillStyle: "white",
textFontSize: "16"
ngOnDestroy(): void {
Here for html
<ngx-wheel #wheel [width]='350' [height]='350' [spinDuration]='8' [disableSpinOnClick]='true' [items]='items'
[innerRadius]='10' [spinAmount]='10' [textOrientation]='textOrientation' [textAlignment]='textAlignment'
pointerStrokeColor='black' pointerFillColor='white' [idToLandOn]='idToLandOn' (onSpinStart)='before()'
I hope to find the answer here. Thank you
First, you don't need await, async and ,toPromise()... remove them and simply return
return this.httpClient.get<any[]>(this.restEndpoint, httpOptions);
inside your component you should use your constructor only for simple data initialization: if you have to consume a rest api it is a better approach to move that piece of code inside the ngOnInit method:
items: any[] = []
constructor(private restService: RestService){}//dependency injection
ngOnInit(): void {
this.restService.getServiceId().subscribe(response => {
console.log('response success: ', response);
this.items = response; //this may change a little based on your api
console.log('items: ', this.items);
}, errorLog => {
console.log('response error: ', errorLog)
The above solution is valid, you can enrich it by adding a *ngIf="isLoaded" on your html element and set to true the isLoaded INSIDE subscribe method. but if you prefer you can do the following in the component.ts
items$: Observable<any> = EMPTY;
constructor(private restService: RestService){}//dependency injection
ngOnInit(): void {
this.items$ = this.restService.getServiceId();
then, in your html it would change to the following:
<ngx-wheel #wheel *ngIf="items$ | async as items" [width]='350' [height]='350' [spinDuration]='8' [disableSpinOnClick]='true' [items]='items'
[innerRadius]='10' [spinAmount]='10' [textOrientation]='textOrientation' [textAlignment]='textAlignment'
pointerStrokeColor='black' pointerFillColor='white' [idToLandOn]='idToLandOn' (onSpinStart)='before()'
Is there anyway to make the 'post' action string type safe below? Right now it accepts Any word to substitute in for 'post', example 'abcd', will Not create compilation error.
saveUsers(body?: UpdateIdentityUserDto): Observable<any> {
return this.httpClient.request<IdentityUserDtoBaseRequestResponse>('post',`${this.baseUserUrl}`,
body: body
Here is another option below, however, I prefer to use string option above since those are auto generated from Swagger IO proxy generator.
saveUsers(body?: UpdateIdentityUserDto): Observable<any> {
return this.httpClient.post<IdentityUserDtoBaseRequestResponse>(`${this.baseUserUrl}`,body);
Currently using Angular 10
I suggest wrapping it around and making it a generic method. Make a separate file for these generics.
type HttpMethods = 'post' | 'get' | 'patch' | 'delete';
request<T>(method: HttpMethods, body: any): Observable<any> {
this.httpClient.request<T>(method, this.baseUrl, { body: body });
Then if you want to make a call an api call in a separate file, call this
import { request } from '...'
saveUsers(body?: BodyInterface): Observable<ResponseInterface> {
return request<IdentityUserDtoBaseRequestResponse>('post', body)
Create a namespace and export constants for the different types of request methods.
export namespace RequestMethod {
export const GET:string = "get";
export const HEAD:string = "head";
export const POST:string = "post";
export const PUT:string = "put";
export const DELETE:string = "delete";
export const CONNECT:string = "connect";
export const OPTIONS:string = "options";
export const TRACE:string = "trace";
export const PATCH:string = "patch";
Then you can utilize this namespace inside of a service
import { RequestMethod } from '../request-method.ts';
saveUsers(body?: UpdateIdentityUserDto): Observable<any> {
return this.httpClient.request<IdentityUserDtoBaseRequestResponse>(RequestMethod.POST,`${this.baseUserUrl}`,
body: body
Understand that this does not prevent a developer from typing any string they want. But it does give you a type-safe way of ensuring your strings are consistent through the app when utilized as a standard within your team.
I am trying to create a config.json file with just a few urls and read the data in a Service.
"registration" : "localhost:4200/registration"
"login" : "localhost:4200/login"
export class ConfigService {
configUrl = '../../assets/config.json';
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
getConfig() {
return this.http.get(this.configUrl).subscribe((data) => { this.result = data });
In the specific login.service.ts and registration.service.ts I call the getConfig() to handle the specific urls. The problem is that in this services the return value is undefined but I need the result out of the subscribe/getConfig method.
Now I am watching about 3 hours for a solution but I do get much more confused as more as I read so I would like to ask for help.
I saw solutions with .map() method (but I guess this method does not exist anymore), with "Promises", with export interface but nothing worked.
example for ../registration.service.ts
export class RegistrationService {
private api_url;
constructor(private http: HttpClientModule, private cs: ConfigService) {
this.api_url = this.cs.getConfig();
Your Config Service:
getConfig() {
return this.http.get(this.configUrl).toPromise();
Your Registration Service :
async exampleMethod() {
try {
this.api_url = await this.cs.getConfig();
} catch(e) {
throw Error(e);
NestJS uses validation with validation pipes and
If this fails it throws an exception. This is fine for REST APIs that return JSON.
How would one validate parameters when using HTML rendering and return
{ errors: ['First error'] }
to an hbs template?
You can create an Interceptor that transforms the validation error into an error response:
export class ErrorsInterceptor implements NestInterceptor {
context: ExecutionContext,
call$: Observable<any>,
): Observable<any> {
return call$.pipe(
// Here you can map (or rethrow) errors
catchError(err => ({errors: [err.message]}),
You can use it by adding #UseInterceptors(ErrorsInterceptor) to your controller or its methods.
I've been driving myself half mad trying to find a "Nest like" way to do this while still retaining a degree of customisability, and I think I finally have it. Firstly, we want an error that has a reference to the exisiting class-validator errors, so we create a custom error class like so:
import { ValidationError } from 'class-validator';
export class ValidationFailedError extends Error {
validationErrors: ValidationError[];
target: any;
constructor(validationErrors) {
this.validationErrors = validationErrors;
this.target = validationErrors[0].target
(We also have a reference to the class we tried to validate, so we can return our object as appropriate)
Then, in main.ts, we can set a custom exception factory like so:
new ValidationPipe({
exceptionFactory: (validationErrors: ValidationError[] = []) => {
return new ValidationFailedError(validationErrors);
Next, we create an ExceptionFilter to catch our custom error like so:
export class ValidationExceptionFilter implements ExceptionFilter {
view: string
objectName: string
constructor(view: string, objectName: string) {
this.view = view;
this.objectName = objectName;
async catch(exception: ValidationFailedError, host: ArgumentsHost) {
const ctx = host.switchToHttp();
const response = ctx.getResponse<Response>();
const request = ctx.getRequest<Request>();
response.render(this.view, {
errors: exception.validationErrors,
[this.objectName]: exception.target,
url: request.url,
We also add an initializer, so we can specify what view to render and what the object's name is, so we can set up our filter on a controller method like so:
#UseFilters(new ValidationExceptionFilter('blog-posts/edit', 'blogPost'))
#Redirect('/blog-posts', 301)
async update(
#Param('id') postID: string,
#Body() editBlogPostDto: EditBlogPostDto,
) {
await this.blogPostsService.update(postID, editBlogPostDto);
Hope this helps some folks, because I like NestJS, but it does seem like the docuemntation and tutorials are much more set up for JSON APIs than for more traditional full stack CRUD apps.
I have a contentful service like so..
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { createClient, Entry } from 'contentful';
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject';
const CONFIG = {
space: '<spaceid>',
accessToken: '<accesstoken>',
contentTypeIds: {
programItems: 'programItem'
export class ContentfulService {
private cdaClient = createClient({
space: CONFIG.space,
accessToken: CONFIG.accessToken
public weekNumber = new BehaviorSubject<any>(1);
constructor() { }
// Get all the program items
getProgramItems(query?: object): Promise<Entry<any>[]> {
return this.cdaClient.getEntries(Object.assign({
content_type: CONFIG.contentTypeIds.programItems
}, query))
.then(res => res.items);
but I only want to bring in the programItems sys.ids in the contentful documentation.. you can modify api calls and return only certain values like this modify api calls
but Im not sure how I would implement the same thing, the way they do angular calls.. I could just do a http request but I would prefer to keep it the same way as I have done above
any help would be appreciated
You add a select property to your getEntries call.
// Get all the program items
getProgramItems(query?: object): Promise<Entry<any>[]> {
return this.cdaClient.getEntries(Object.assign({
content_type: CONFIG.contentTypeIds.programItems,
select: 'sys.id'
}, query))
.then(res => res.items);
You can read the full documentation, including javascript snippets, here: https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-delivery-api/#/reference/search-parameters/select-operator/query-entries/console/js