I have some data wanted to be represented using datable with jQuery. As you can see, it is easy to use by including totally two, css and javascript, files. Since, as my project requirement, neither I include any file in project folder or somewhere nor I’m able to connect to the Internet, I need to escape all javascript code into a string variable then use it between <script></script> tags. To do so, I make use of the website. I think it works pretty well since its result doesn’t yield any compiler error or warning. Whenever I include it as,
<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\" src=\"https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.19/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js\"></script>
it works. But when I put the content of the jquery.dataTables.min.js into a string variable by escaping via the website, I get the following error.
44th line’s the following part is hightlighted with the cross end symbol on chrome. (I’m not able to put whole code here becuase SO doesn’t permit it.)
.warn("jQuery.Deferred exception: "+e.message,e.stack,t)},E.readyException=function(e){g.setTimeout(function(){throw e})};var $=E.Deferred();function F(){v.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",F),g.removeEventListener("load",F),E.ready()}E.fn.ready=function(e){return $.then(e)["catch"](function(e){E.readyException(e)}),this},E.extend({isReady:!1,readyWait:1,ready:function(e){(!0===e?--E.readyWait:E.isReady)||(E.isReady=!0)!==e&&0<--E.readyWait||$.resolveWith(v,[E])}}),E.ready.then=$.then,"complete"===v.readyState||"loading"!==v.readyState&&!v.documentElement.doScroll?g.setTimeout(E.ready):(v.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",F),g.addEventListener("load",F));var z=function(e,t,n,r,i,o,a){var s=0,u=e.length,l=null==n;if("object"===T(n))for(s in i=!0,n)z(e,t,s,n[s],!0,o,a);else if(void 0!==r&&(i=!0,x(r)||(a=!0),l&&(a?(t.call(e,r),t=null):(l=t,t=function(e,t,n){return l.call(E(e),n)})),t))for(;s<u;s++)t(e[s],n,a?r:r.call(e[s],s,t(e[s],n)));return i?e:l?t.call(e):u?t(e[0],n):o},_=/^-ms-/,U=/-([a-z])/g;function V(e,t){return t.toUpperCase()}function X(e){return e.replace(_,"ms-").replace(U,V)}var Q=function(e){return 1===e.nodeType||9===e.nodeType||!+e.nodeType};function Y(){this.expando=E.expando+Y.uid++}Y.uid=1,…………….. STACKOVERFLOW DOESN’T PERMIT LONG TEXT…………………..function(e,t,n){var r,i;if(e&&e.preventDefault&&e.handleObj)return r=e.handleObj,E(e.delegateTarget).off(r.namespace?r.origType+"."+r.namespace:r.origType,r.selector,r.handler),this;if("object"==typeof e){for(i in e)this.off(i,t,e[i]);return this}return!1!==t&&"function"!=typeof t||(n=t,t=void 0),!1===n&&{return g.$===E&&(g.$=xt),e&&g.jQuery===E&&(g.jQuery=bt),E},e||(g.jQuery=g.$=E),E});
What’s wrong with my idea? Cannot I apply my idea?
In an HTML script, a call to fetch a package ending in vega#n where n is a version number, is being incorrectly expanded and causing a 404 error. I'm trying to find out why, and to prevent this.
Apologies in advance for the long-winded explanation, but I'm not sure where the problem lies so I'm trying to be as specific as possible.
I'm following the user guide to try and load a vis into a jupyter notebook. This executes the script in-browser, I believe, but for some reason has support for requireJS, which means that global modules aren't correctly loaded when using the import method, which basically uses html's <script> tags to load the module.
This can be worked around by calling define, as described in a similar problem with D3, here: https://github.com/mpld3/mpld3/issues/33#issuecomment-32101013.
I've written this gist to show a working example:
However, for some reason (either requireJS or something else - my JS knowledge is limited), expands URLs of the form https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega#3 into something like https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega#3.js?v=20180324103700 which results in a 404 error.
Using the github URL (i.e. without the #3) works fine though.
Any idea if this is requireJS doing this, or the CDN? How would I work around it?
I'm using codeigniter, my program is fine in localhost but get mistakes online.
It's hard to describe but everything like pictures tell:
Even worse, if I write code in js like this:
var a='{"status":0,"message":"Operation succeed!"}';
var b=$.parseJSON('{"status":0,"message":"Operation succeed!"}');
It becomes:
And throw exceptions that I can't analyze JSON codes.
This issue is caused by the BOM at the beginning of PHP files.
After using a text editor that allows me to remove the BOMs, the problem is gone.
I'm trying to pass parameters from Flash (as 3.0) to JavaScript.
Tried all methods I found in via. Google, as:
ExternalInterface.addCallback ("fonts", recieveFromJS);
Always one and the same problem; when I try to call the fonts () swfobject, JavaScript gives the error that the method doesn't exist.
Assuming your javascript code does not have a syntax error somewhere, this usually happens because of jquery (or some other js bundle) is stepping on your code. Try using a test page with just the javascript you need, removing all other code and header entries. If it works, then add scripts and links back, one at a time, and you will find which code is breaking it. If it does not work even in your test page, then you have a code/syntax/logic problem with the snippet of code you are working with. If you still have a problem with a code snippet, post it here and I or someone will surely help debug it for you.
I am editing an existing site, which is a typical merchant site. A series of PHP files with one main index that loads in the various content pages.
The main index.php, using <script>, loads in jsFunctions.js.
When ever I modify the jsFunctions.js file, the index only loads the jsFunctions.js partially. For example I will get a firebug error such as 'unterminated string literal' or 'missing end }' or similar. The errors themselves make sense, because the js file isn't fully loading, a brace or quote is missing and throwing an error. It is seemingly random, sometimes it will load 100 lines of the js, then sometimes 105 lines, etc.
But why would the file be partially loading if i edit it? If i remove the single line of my code, no matter how simple, it starts working again?
Any ideas?
Are you editing a file with inconsistent line-endings, which editor? Issues like line-ending or weird unicode characters cause the issues like you've described.
I would take the contents of the file after your edit do a copy/paste exact as it is to JSLint: http://www.jslint.com/
JSLint is a validation tool for your script, before checking for best practices though, it'll check that your script is valid at all. See if you get the same error, it could be a weird character that's slipped in there causing issues, JSLint will alert you to this and where it's at.
Apparently it was some kind of server serving issue. If I refreshed a random amount of times, the full js would load. Once loaded it works 100% after that, well until I uploaded a new copy, then I would have to refresh a couple of times (or possibly wait 1-2 mins).
Filezilla was showing that the upload was complete, but the server simply didn't seem ready to output it.
Thanks guys
When we write in a Javascript expression :
expression < <%=variableJsp%>
the double "<" seems to be a problem and the JSP is not interpreted ?
Is it a fault of the other servers that should not accept this type of expression ? Or WebSphere that bugs ?
Your small code-sample looks like something we do without problems.
Try creating a JSP that illustrates the problem, and nothing else. Either create a new from scratch, or remove everything not relevant to the problem.
Chances are, you will find that the error is not in your code-sample. But if you can make a small JSP-file (a few lines) that illustrates the problem, please show it to us.
I find it generally a bad idea to inline javascript on jsp pages.Your problem is only one of the reasons to make javascript functions external.
Although I do not know websphere, this has happened to me on other containers.
If you insist on keeping it inline, you can probably use
expression < <%=variableJsp%>