I want to sort array by timestamp, but getting unsorted error
var userValue = {
this is the array i am getting
userArray.sort(function(a, b) {
return a[0]['timestamp'] - b[0]['timestamp'];
i want sorted array on timestamp basis
This code
userArray[childDatamsg.timestamp] = userValue;
adds an object at timestamp index. This is why you have an array with the length of 1563533788! Instead push the userValue object to the userArray
Now, it will have indices from 0.
Then you can sort the array like this:
userArray.sort((a, b) => a.timestamp - b.timestamp)
The following code sorts by the numerical value of timestamps. It ignores skips over array entries and performs string-to-number conversion of timestamps, if necessary. It assumes that besides 'string' and 'number', timstamps are of no other data type.
userArray.filter ( px_item => {
return (px_item !== undefined);
.map ( px_item => {
if (typeof px_item === "string") {
return parseInt(px_item);
} else {
return px_item;
.sort(function(a, b) {
if (typeof a === "undefined") {
return -1;
} else {
if (typeof b === "undefined") {
return 1;
} else {
return Math.sign ( a['timestamp'] - b['timestamp'] );
The original code had the sort function wrong. This function is actually a comparison function to determine the relative order of two elements (which in the given use case would be array entries). The order is expressed as one of the numerical values -1 (a < b), 0 (a = b), and 1 ( a > b ) (in fact, for the result of the comparison to be processed correctly, it suffices that the result has the proper sign, so Math.sign could be eliminated).
Im new to react js and im trying to sort the dates...the problem is the dates have null value and i want the null dates to always appear at the last irrespective of the order('asc' or 'desc')....i have seen so many examples in stack overflow where they are using customsort by checking with the order...whether its asc or desc....im using materialtable and im unable to get hold of the sortingorder....how can i gethold of the sortingorder so i can implement the customsorting where the null dates always appear at the last....irrespective of asc or desc
i have tried
return (b.paymentDate != null) - (a.paymentDate != null) || a.paymentDate - b.paymentDate ;
this type....on my columns....but its working only for one way.....i want to gethold of the order...so i can write it according to asc or desc
Based on your example, it looks like your customSort function is expected to behave like Array.sort()'s compare function.
Additionally, it looks like the customSort function gets passed the string "desc" as a 4th arg if the order is descending:
if (columnDef.customSort) {
if (this.orderDirection === "desc") {
result = list.sort((a, b) => columnDef.customSort(b, a, "row", "desc"));
} else {
result = list.sort((a, b) => columnDef.customSort(a, b, "row"));
So you can add a 4th param to your customSort, and handle the sorting of null values differently based on it; taking into account that the caller swaps a and b if order == 'desc'. What about:
customSort: (a, b, type, order) => {
let desc = order == "desc";
if (a.paymentDate !== null && b.paymentDate !== null)
return a.paymentDate - b.paymentDate;
else if (a.paymentDate !== null)
return desc ? 1 : -1;
else if (b.paymentDate !== null)
return desc ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
I'm trying to recursively search an object that contains strings, arrays, and other objects to find an item (match a value) at the deepest level however I'm always getting undefined as the return result. I can see through some console logging that I am finding the item but it gets overwritten. Any idea where I'm going wrong?
var theCobWeb = {
biggestWeb: {
item: "comb",
biggerWeb: {
items: ["glasses", "paperclip", "bubblegum"],
smallerWeb: {
item: "toothbrush",
tinyWeb: {
items: ["toenails", "lint", "wrapper", "homework"]
otherBigWeb: {
item: "headphones"
function findItem (item, obj) {
var foundItem;
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === item) {
foundItem = obj;
} else if (Array.isArray(obj[key]) && obj[key].includes(item)) {
foundItem = obj;
} else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj[key])) {
findItem(item, obj[key]);
return foundItem;
var foundIt = findItem('glasses', theCobWeb);
console.log('The item is here: ' + foundIt); // The item is here: undefined
Edit: cleaned up the code a bit based on feedback below.
function findItem (item, obj) {
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === item) { // if the item is a property of the object
return obj; // return the object and stop further searching
} else if (Array.isArray(obj[key]) && obj[key].includes(item)) { // if the item is inside an array property of the object
return obj; // return the object and stop the search
} else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj[key])) { // if the property is another object
var res = findItem(item, obj[key]); // get the result of the search in that sub object
if(res) return res; // return the result if the search was successful, otherwise don't return and move on to the next property
return null; // return null or any default value you want if the search is unsuccessful (must be falsy to work)
Note 1: Array.isArray and Array.prototype.includes already returning booleans so there is no need to check them against booleans.
Note 2: You can flip the value of a boolean using the NOT operator (!).
Note3: You have to return the result (if found) immediately after it is found so you won't waste time looking for something you already have.
Note4: The return result of the search will be an object (if found) and since objects are passed by reference not by value, changing the properties of that object will change the properties of the original object too.
Edit: Find the deepest object:
If you want to find the deepest object, you'll have to go throug every object and sub-object in the object obj and everytime you have to store the object and it's depth (if the depth of the result is bigger than the previous result of course). Here is the code with some comments (I used an internal function _find that actually get called on all the objects):
function findItem (item, obj) {
var found = null; // the result (initialized to the default return value null)
var depth = -1; // the depth of the current found element (initialized to -1 so any found element could beat this one) (matched elements will not be assigned to found unless they are deeper than this depth)
function _find(obj, d) { // a function that take an object (obj) and on which depth it is (d)
for (var key in obj) { // for each ...
// first call _find on sub-objects (pass a depth of d + 1 as we are going to a one deep bellow)
if (typeof obj[key] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj[key])) {
_find(obj[key], d + 1);
// then check if this object actually contain the item (we still at the depth d)
else if (obj[key] === item || (Array.isArray(obj[key]) && obj[key].includes(item))) {
// if we found something and the depth of this object is deeper than the previously found element
if(d > depth) {
depth = d; // then assign the new depth
found = obj; // and assign the new result
_find(obj, 0); // start the party by calling _find on the object obj passed to findItem with a depth of 0
// at this point found is either the initial value (null) means nothing is found or it is an object (the deepest one)
return found;
"I'm trying to recursively search an object that contains strings, arrays, and other objects to find an item (match a value) at the deepest level however I'm always getting undefined as the return result."
var foundIt = findItem('glasses', theCobWeb);
console.log('The item is here: ' + foundIt); // The item is here: undefined
"The item is here ..." – where?
Well what exactly do you want as a return value? Should it just say "glasses" when it's all done? In my opinion, that's kind of pointless – fundamentally it's no better than just returning true or false.
I wrote this function a while ago because I needed to search a heap of data but also know specifically where it matched. I'd probably revise this a little bit now (or at least include type annotations), but it works as-is, so here you go.
// helpers
const keys = Object.keys
const isObject = x=> Object(x) === x
const isArray = Array.isArray
const rest = ([x,...xs])=> xs
// findDeep
const findDeep = (f,x) => {
let make = (x,ks)=> ({node: x, keys: ks || keys(x)})
let processNode = (parents, path, {node, keys:[k,...ks]})=> {
if (k === undefined)
return loop(parents, rest(path))
else if (isArray(node[k]) || isObject(node[k]))
return loop([make(node[k]), make(node, ks), ...parents], [k, ...path])
else if (f(node[k], k))
return {parents, path: [k,...path], node}
return loop([{node, keys: ks}, ...parents], path)
let loop = ([node,...parents], path) => {
if (node === undefined)
return {parents: [], path: [], node: undefined}
return processNode(parents, path, node)
return loop([make(x)], [])
// your sample data
var theCobWeb = {biggestWeb: {item: "comb",biggerWeb: {items: ["glasses", "paperclip", "bubblegum"],smallerWeb: {item: "toothbrush",tinyWeb: {items: ["toenails", "lint", "wrapper", "homework"]}}},otherBigWeb: {item: "headphones"}}};
// find path returns {parents, path, node}
let {path, node} = findDeep((value,key)=> value === "glasses", theCobWeb)
// path to get to the item, note it is in reverse order
console.log(path) // => [0, 'items', 'biggerWeb', 'biggestWeb']
// entire matched node
console.log(node) // => ['glasses', 'paperclip', 'bubblegum']
The basic intuition here is node[path[0]] === searchTerm
Complete path to the matched query
We get the entire key path to the matched data. This is useful because we know exactly where it is based on the root of our search. To verify the path is correct, see this example
const lookup = ([p,...path], x) =>
(p === undefined) ? x : lookup(path,x)[p]
lookup([0, 'items', 'biggerWeb', 'biggestWeb'], theCobWeb) // => 'glasses'
Unmatched query
Note if we search for something that is not found, node will be undefined
let {path, node} = findDeep((value,key)=> value === "sonic the hog", theCobWeb)
console.log(path) // => []
console.log(node) // => undefined
Searching for a specific key/value pair
The search function receives a value and key argument. Use them as you wish
let {path, node} = findDeep((value,key)=> key === 'item' && value === 'toothbrush', theCobWeb)
console.log(path) // => [ 'item', 'smallerWeb', 'biggerWeb', 'biggestWeb' ]
console.log(node) // => { item: 'toothbrush', tinyWeb: { items: [ 'toenails', 'lint', 'wrapper', 'homework' ] } }
Short circuit – 150cc
Oh and because I spoil you, findDeep will give an early return as soon as the first match is found. It won't waste computation cycles and continue iterating through your pile of data after it knows the answer. This is a good thing.
Go exploring
Have courage, be adventurous. The findDeep function above also gives a parents property on returned object. It's probably useful to you in some ways, but it's a little more complicated to explain and not really critical for answering the question. For the sake of keeping this answer simplified, I'll just mention it's there.
That's because the recursive call doesn't assign the return to the variable.
And you should check the return from the recursive call and return if true or break from the for loop if you have other logic after it.
function findItem(item, obj) {
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === item) {
return obj;
} else if (Array.isArray(obj[key]) === true && obj[key].includes(item) === true) {
return obj;
} else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object' && Array.isArray(obj[key]) === false) {
var foundItem = findItem(item, obj[key]);
return foundItem;
I have the following response I get from my server:
The responses come in a different order every time as the server does not guarantee order. Thus I need to sort the response like this after I receive it:
First sort so the smallest KIND is first so 'a' should come before 'b'. I then need to make it so name of the username is the first ordered within the 'a'.
var username = '5';
var response = [
response = entities.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.key.kind != b.key.kind){ return a.key.kind < b.key.kind}
else if(a.key.name == username){ return a.key.name < b.key.name }
else return a.key.name > b.key.name;
This is the code I use to sort, but it does not work. It sorts the KIND correctly, but then when it needs to sort by NAME (username should come before other names) it does not work.
The actual result I get is equal to this:
But the result I want is this:
As you can see my username is equal to 5, so {"key":{"name":"5","kind":"ap"} should come before {"key":{"name":"1","kind":"ap"} .
return a.key.name < b.key.name is not saying that a < b.
They actually will be compared.
Try to replace it with return -1; to say to comparator:
a is lesser than b in that case.
When you use .sort() methods, you have to pass a compare function which will say who should comes first between two elements.
When you are comparing numbers, you can simply do :
function compare(a, b) {
return a - b;
this will sort an array of numbers ascending.
However, when you are comparing string, you have to define some ordering criterion, in order to tell which element should be comes first.
If compare(a, b) is less than 0, sort a to a lower index than b, so a comes first.
If compare(a, b) is greater than 0, sort b to a lower index than a, so b comes first.
If compare(a, b) is equal to 0, there is no change
So will get something like :
function compare(a, b) {
if (a is lower than b by your criteria) {
return -1;
if (a is greater than b by your criteria) {
return 1;
return 0;
In your case, you can write function generator that takes the property of the object to sort, and a custom sort function. This is useful when the function needs to be applied in more than one situation.
const username = '5';
const response = [
//Retrieve the value at 'props' into 'obj'
function retrieve(props, obj) {
return props.reduce((result, current) => {
result = result[current];
return result;
}, obj);
//Custom sort function for Kind properties
function sortKind(a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : (a > b) ? 1 : 0;
//Custom sort function for name properties
function sortName(a, b) {
return a === username ? -1 : 1;
//Generic sort function
function sortByProp(...props) {
const callback = props.pop();
return function(a, b) {
const v1 = retrieve(props, a);
const v2 = retrieve(props, b);
return callback(v1, v2);
//Then you just have to call your sort function, and you can chain them
const res = response
.sort(sortByProp('key', 'kind', sortKind))
.sort(sortByProp('key', 'name', sortName));
You can see here a Working plunker
You missed "return" in this line
else if(a.key.name == username){ a.key.name < b.key.name }
I am using angular-translate for a big application. Having several people committing code + translations, many times the translation objects are not in sync.
I am building a Grunt plugin to look at both files' structure and compare it (just the keys and overall structure, not values).
The main goals are:
Look into each file, and check if the structure of the whole object
(or file, in this case) is the exact same as the translated ones;
On error, return the key that doesn't match.
It turns out it was a bit more complicated than I anticipated. So i figured I could do something like:
Sort the object;
Check the type of data the value contains (since they are translations, it will only have strings, or objects for the nestings) and store it in another object, making the key equal to the original key and the value would be a string 'String', or an object in case it's an object. That object contains the children elements;
Recursively repeat steps 1-2 until the whole object is mapped and sorted;
Do the same for all the files
Stringify and compare everything.
A tiny example would be the following object:
key1: 'cool',
key2: 'cooler',
keyWhatever: {
anotherObject: {
key1: 'better',
keyX: 'awesome'
aObject: 'actually, it\'s a string'
aKey: 'more awesomeness'
would map to:
aKey: 'String',
key1: 'String',
key2: 'String',
keyWhatever: {
aObject: 'String',
anotherObject: {
key1: 'String',
keyX: 'String'
After this, I would stringify all the objects and proceed with a strict comparison.
My question is, is there a better way to perform this? Both in terms of simplicity and performance, since there are many translation files and they are fairly big.
I tried to look for libraries that would already do this, but I couldn't find any.
Thank you
EDIT: Thank you Jared for pointing out objects can't be sorted. I am ashamed for saying something like that :D Another solution could be iterating each of the properties on the main translation file, and in case they are strings, compare the key with the other files. In case they are objects, "enter" them, and do the same. Maybe it is even simpler than my first guess. What should be done?
Lets say you have two JSON objects, jsonA and jsonB.
function compareValues(a, b) {
//if a and b aren't the same type, they can't be equal
if (typeof a !== typeof b) {
return false;
// Need the truthy guard because
// typeof null === 'object'
if (a && typeof a === 'object') {
var keysA = Object.keys(a).sort(),
keysB = Object.keys(b).sort();
//if a and b are objects with different no of keys, unequal
if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) {
return false;
//if keys aren't all the same, unequal
if (!keysA.every(function(k, i) { return k === keysB[i];})) {
return false;
//recurse on the values for each key
return keysA.every(function(key) {
//if we made it here, they have identical keys
return compareValues(a[key], b[key]);
//for primitives just use a straight up check
} else {
return a === b;
//true if their structure, values, and keys are identical
var passed = compareValues(jsonA, jsonB);
Note that this can overflow the stack for deeply nested JSON objects. Note also that this will work for JSON but not necessarily regular JS objects as special handling is needed for Date Objects, Regexes, etc.
Actually you do need to sort the keys, as they are not required to be spit out in any particular order. Write a function,
function getComparableForObject(obj) {
var keys = Object.keys(obj);
keys.sort(a, b => a > b ? 1 : -1);
var comparable = keys.map(
key => key + ":" + getValueRepresentation(obj[key])
return "{" + comparable + "}";
Where getValueRepresentation is a function that either returns "String" or calls getComparableForObject. If you are worried about circular references, add a Symbol to the outer scope, repr, assign obj[repr] = comparable in the function above, and in getValueRepresentation check every object for a defined obj[repr] and return it instead of processing it recursively.
Sorting an array of the keys from the object works. However, sorting has an average time complexity of O(n⋅log(n)). We can do better. A fast general algorithm for ensuring two sets A and B are equivalent is as follows:
for item in B
if item in A
remove item from A
sets are not equivalent
sets are equivalent iff A is empty
To address #Katana31, we can detect circular references as we go by maintaining a set of visited objects and ensuring that all descendents of that object are not already in the list:
# poorly written pseudo-code
fn detectCycles(A, found = {})
if A in found
there is a cycle
found = clone(found)
add A to found
for child in A
detectCycles(child, found)
Here's a complete implementation (you can find a simplified version that assumes JSON/non-circular input here):
var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
function isObjectEmpty(obj) {
for (var key in obj) {
return false;
return true;
function copyKeys(obj) {
var newObj = {};
for (var key in obj) {
newObj[key] = undefined;
return newObj;
// compares the structure of arbitrary values
function compareObjectStructure(a, b) {
return function innerCompare(a, b, pathA, pathB) {
if (typeof a !== typeof b) {
return false;
if (typeof a === 'object') {
// both or neither, but not mismatched
if (Array.isArray(a) !== Array.isArray(b)) {
return false;
if (indexOf.call(pathA, a) !== -1 || indexOf.call(pathB, b) !== -1) {
return false;
pathA = pathA.slice();
pathB = pathB.slice();
if (Array.isArray(a)) {
// can't compare structure in array if we don't have items in both
if (!a.length || !b.length) {
return true;
for (var i = 1; i < a.length; i++) {
if (!innerCompare(a[0], a[i], pathA, pathA)) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
if (!innerCompare(a[0], b[i], pathA, pathB)) {
return false;
return true;
var map = copyKeys(a), keys = Object.keys(b);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (!hasOwn.call(map, key) || !innerCompare(a[key], b[key], pathA,
pathB)) {
return false;
delete map[key];
// we should've found all the keys in the map
return isObjectEmpty(map);
return true;
}(a, b, [], []);
Note that this implementation directly compares two objects for structural equivalency, but doesn't reduce the objects to a directly comparable value (like a string). I haven't done any performance testing, but I suspect that it won't add significant value, though it will remove the need to repeatedly ensure objects are non-cyclic. For that reason, you could easily split compareObjectStructure into two functions - one to compare the structure and one to check for cycles.
I have this code:
var showRegion = function(key) {
if (key in regionOptions) {
var entry = regionOptions[key];
var builder = entry.builder;
var layoutObj = entry.layoutObj;
var viewStarter = entry.viewStarter;
var view = new builder();
logger.info('Controller.' + key + ' => CreateAccountLayoutController');
What I need is that the parameter should be able to accept an array or a string, and should work either way.
Sample function calls:
showRegion(['phoneNumberRegion', 'keyboardRegion', 'nextRegion']);
This post is old, but here is a pretty good tip:
function showRegions(keys) {
keys = [].concat(keys)
return keys
// short way
const showRegions = key => [].concat(keys)
showRegions(1) // [1]
showRegions([1, 2, 3]) // [1, 2, 3]
var showRegion = function(key) {
if (typeof key === 'string')
key = [key];
if (key in regionOptions) {
No need to make a code for each case, just convert key string into an array of one element and the code for arrays will do for both.
you could use typeof to check for the type of your argument and proceed accordingly, like
var showRegion = function(key) {
if( typeof key === 'object') {
//its an object
else {
//not object
You can use the fact that string.toString() always returns the same string and Array.toString() returns a comma-delimited string in combination with string.split(',') to accept three possible inputs: a string, an array, a comma-delimited string -- and reliably convert to an array (provided that you're not expecting commas to be part of the values themselves, and you don't mind numbers becoming strings).
In the simplest sense:
So that
'a' -> ['a']
['a','b'] -> ['a','b']
'a,b,c' -> ['a','b','c']
1 -> ['1']
Ideally, you may want to tolerate null, undefined, empty-string, empty-array (and still keep a convenient one-liner):
( (x || x === 0 ) && ( x.length || x === parseFloat(x) ) ? x.toString().split(',') : []);
So that also
null|undefined -> []
0 -> ['0']
[] -> []
'' -> []
You may want to interpret null/empty/undefined differently, but for consistency, this method converts those to an empty array, so that downstream code does not have to check beyond array-having-elements (or if iterating, no check necessary.)
This may not be terribly performant, if that's a constraint for you.
In your usage:
var showRegion = function(key) {
key = ( (key || key === 0 ) && ( key.length || key === parseFloat(key) ) ? key.toString().split(',') : []);
/* do work assuming key is an array of strings, or an empty array */