Why isn't this code working to find the sum of multiples of 3 and 5 below the given number? - javascript

I've started with some problems on HackerRank, and am stuck with one of the Project Euler problems available there.
The problem statement says: Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below N
I've calculated the sum by finding sum of multiple of 3 + sum of multiples of 5 - sum of multiples of 15 below the number n
function something(n) {
n = n-1;
let a = Math.trunc(n / 3);
let b = Math.trunc(n / 5);
let c = Math.trunc(n / 15);
return (3 * a * (a + 1) + 5 * b * (b + 1) - 15 * c * (c + 1)) / 2;
console.log(something(1000)); //change 1000 to any number
With the values of num I've tried, it seems to work perfectly, but with two out of five test cases there, it returns a wrong answer (I can't access the test cases).
My question is what is the problem with my code? as the logic seems to be correct to me at least.
Edit: Link to problem page

Some of the numbers in the input are probably larger than what javascript can handle by default. As stated in the discussion on the hackkerrank-site, you will need an extra library (like: bignumber.js) for that.
The following info and code was posted by a user named john_manuel_men1 on the discussion, where several other people had the same or similar problems like yours
This is how I figured it out in javascript. BigNumber.js seems to store the results as strings. Using the .toNumber() method shifted the result for some reason, so I used .toString() instead.
function main() {
var BigNumber = require('bignumber.js');
var t = new BigNumber(readLine()).toNumber();
var n;
for(var a0 = 0; a0 < t; a0++){
n = new BigNumber(readLine());
function answer() {
const a = n.minus(1).dividedBy(3).floor();
const b = n.minus(1).dividedBy(5).floor();
const c = n.minus(1).dividedBy(15).floor();
const sumThree = a.times(3).times(a.plus(1)).dividedBy(2);
const sumFive = b.times(5).times(b.plus(1)).dividedBy(2);
const sumFifteen = c.times(15).times(c.plus(1)).dividedBy(2);
const sumOfAll = sumThree.plus(sumFive).minus(sumFifteen);


How to implement the nCr algorithm (combination) when n > 167 in JavaScript?

I just got this challenge and I got stumped, blank. The question somewhat goes like this:
There are chess players that will play in duels. For example, 4 players (A, B, C, D), paired by 2, will yield a total of 6 chess games: AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD. Write a function taking an integer value and returning the number of possible combination.
gameCount(4); // 6
gameCount(10000); // 49995000
I remember, many years ago, my math class on linear problems, and this was one of them. A very quick Google search yielded the nCr formula. So I quickly wrote the code:
const r = 2;
const factorial = n => {
let f = 1;
for (let i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
f = f * i;
return f;
const gameCount = n => factorial(n) / (factorial(r) * factorial(n - r));
console.log( gameCount(4) ); // 6
console.log( gameCount(10000) ); // NaN
The NaN baffled me at first, but then I realized that 10000! is quite a large number!
How can I optimise gameCount to accept large numbers by still remaining linear?
Note: I am aware that the factorial function is not linear, but this was what I wrote at the time. The ideal solution would be to have everything linear, perhaps removing factorials altogether.
What you currently do is calculate two very big numbers that share a very big common divisor, and then divide one by the other. You could just not calculate that divisor (factorial(n - r)) in the first place.
Change your factorial function to take a minimum argument.
const r = 2;
const factorial = (n, m) => {
let f = 1;
for (let i = n; i > m; --i) {
f = f * i;
return f;
const gameCount = n => factorial(n, n - r) / factorial(r, 0);
console.log( gameCount(4) ); // 6
console.log( gameCount(10000) ); // 49995000
Though note that this will only avoid the NaN issue as long as r is reasonably small. If you need it to work for cases where both n and r are big, you cannot use the native JavaScript number type. I suggest looking into BigInt for that case.
And for the sake of completeness, if the case r = 2 is all you care about, then your entire formula can be simplified to:
const gameCount = n => (n * (n - 1)) / 2;

Random from array seeded with today's date in JavaScript [duplicate]

Is it possible to seed the random number generator (Math.random) in JavaScript?
No, it is not possible to seed Math.random(). The ECMAScript specification is intentionally vague on the subject, providing no means for seeding nor require that browsers even use the same algorithm. So such a function must be externally provided, which thankfully isn't too difficult.
I've implemented a number of good, short and fast Pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) functions in plain JavaScript. All of them can be seeded and provide high quality numbers. These are not intended for security purposes--if you need a seedable CSPRNG, look into ISAAC.
First of all, take care to initialize your PRNGs properly. To keep things simple, the generators below have no built-in seed generating procedure, but accept one or more 32-bit numbers as the initial seed state of the PRNG. Similar or sparse seeds (e.g. a simple seed of 1 and 2) have low entropy, and can cause correlations or other randomness quality issues, sometimes resulting in the output having similar properties (such as randomly generated levels being similar). To avoid this, it is best practice to initialize PRNGs with a well-distributed, high entropy seed and/or advancing past the first 15 or so numbers.
There are many ways to do this, but here are two methods. Firstly, hash functions are very good at generating seeds from short strings. A good hash function will generate very different results even when two strings are similar, so you don't have to put much thought into the string. Here's an example hash function:
function cyrb128(str) {
let h1 = 1779033703, h2 = 3144134277,
h3 = 1013904242, h4 = 2773480762;
for (let i = 0, k; i < str.length; i++) {
k = str.charCodeAt(i);
h1 = h2 ^ Math.imul(h1 ^ k, 597399067);
h2 = h3 ^ Math.imul(h2 ^ k, 2869860233);
h3 = h4 ^ Math.imul(h3 ^ k, 951274213);
h4 = h1 ^ Math.imul(h4 ^ k, 2716044179);
h1 = Math.imul(h3 ^ (h1 >>> 18), 597399067);
h2 = Math.imul(h4 ^ (h2 >>> 22), 2869860233);
h3 = Math.imul(h1 ^ (h3 >>> 17), 951274213);
h4 = Math.imul(h2 ^ (h4 >>> 19), 2716044179);
return [(h1^h2^h3^h4)>>>0, (h2^h1)>>>0, (h3^h1)>>>0, (h4^h1)>>>0];
Calling cyrb128 will produce a 128-bit hash value from a string which can be used to seed a PRNG. Here's how you might use it:
// Create cyrb128 state:
var seed = cyrb128("apples");
// Four 32-bit component hashes provide the seed for sfc32.
var rand = sfc32(seed[0], seed[1], seed[2], seed[3]);
// Only one 32-bit component hash is needed for mulberry32.
var rand = mulberry32(seed[0]);
// Obtain sequential random numbers like so:
Note: If you want a slightly more robust 128-bit hash, consider MurmurHash3_x86_128, it's more thorough, but intended for use with large arrays.
Alternatively, simply choose some dummy data to pad the seed with, and advance the generator beforehand a few times (12-20 iterations) to mix the initial state thoroughly. This has the benefit of being simpler, and is often used in reference implementations of PRNGs, but it does limit the number of initial states:
var seed = 1337 ^ 0xDEADBEEF; // 32-bit seed with optional XOR value
// Pad seed with Phi, Pi and E.
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing-up-my-sleeve_number
var rand = sfc32(0x9E3779B9, 0x243F6A88, 0xB7E15162, seed);
for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) rand();
Note: the output of these PRNG functions produce a positive 32-bit number (0 to 232-1) which is then converted to a floating-point number between 0-1 (0 inclusive, 1 exclusive) equivalent to Math.random(), if you want random numbers of a specific range, read this article on MDN. If you only want the raw bits, simply remove the final division operation.
JavaScript numbers can only represent whole integers up to 53-bit resolution. And when using bitwise operations, this is reduced to 32. Modern PRNGs in other languages often use 64-bit operations, which require shims when porting to JS that can drastically reduce performance. The algorithms here only use 32-bit operations, as it is directly compatible with JS.
Now, onward to the the generators. (I maintain the full list with references and license info here)
sfc32 (Simple Fast Counter)
sfc32 is part of the PractRand random number testing suite (which it passes of course). sfc32 has a 128-bit state and is very fast in JS.
function sfc32(a, b, c, d) {
return function() {
a >>>= 0; b >>>= 0; c >>>= 0; d >>>= 0;
var t = (a + b) | 0;
a = b ^ b >>> 9;
b = c + (c << 3) | 0;
c = (c << 21 | c >>> 11);
d = d + 1 | 0;
t = t + d | 0;
c = c + t | 0;
return (t >>> 0) / 4294967296;
You may wonder what the | 0 and >>>= 0 are for. These are essentially 32-bit integer casts, used for performance optimizations. Number in JS are basically floats, but during bitwise operations, they switch into a 32-bit integer mode. This mode is processed faster by JS interpreters, but any multiplication or addition will cause it to switch back to a float, resulting in a performance hit.
Mulberry32 is a simple generator with a 32-bit state, but is extremely fast and has good quality randomness (author states it passes all tests of gjrand testing suite and has a full 232 period, but I haven't verified).
function mulberry32(a) {
return function() {
var t = a += 0x6D2B79F5;
t = Math.imul(t ^ t >>> 15, t | 1);
t ^= t + Math.imul(t ^ t >>> 7, t | 61);
return ((t ^ t >>> 14) >>> 0) / 4294967296;
I would recommend this if you just need a simple but decent PRNG and don't need billions of random numbers (see Birthday problem).
As of May 2018, xoshiro128** is the new member of the Xorshift family, by Vigna & Blackman (professor Vigna was also responsible for the Xorshift128+ algorithm powering most Math.random implementations under the hood). It is the fastest generator that offers a 128-bit state.
function xoshiro128ss(a, b, c, d) {
return function() {
var t = b << 9, r = a * 5; r = (r << 7 | r >>> 25) * 9;
c ^= a; d ^= b;
b ^= c; a ^= d; c ^= t;
d = d << 11 | d >>> 21;
return (r >>> 0) / 4294967296;
The authors claim it passes randomness tests well (albeit with caveats). Other researchers have pointed out that it fails some tests in TestU01 (particularly LinearComp and BinaryRank). In practice, it should not cause issues when floats are used (such as in these implementations), but may cause issues if relying on the raw lowest order bit.
JSF (Jenkins' Small Fast)
This is JSF or 'smallprng' by Bob Jenkins (2007), who also made ISAAC and SpookyHash. It passes PractRand tests and should be quite fast, although not as fast as sfc32.
function jsf32(a, b, c, d) {
return function() {
a |= 0; b |= 0; c |= 0; d |= 0;
var t = a - (b << 27 | b >>> 5) | 0;
a = b ^ (c << 17 | c >>> 15);
b = c + d | 0;
c = d + t | 0;
d = a + t | 0;
return (d >>> 0) / 4294967296;
No, it is not possible to seed Math.random(), but it's fairly easy to write your own generator, or better yet, use an existing one.
Check out: this related question.
Also, see David Bau's blog for more information on seeding.
NOTE: Despite (or rather, because of) succinctness and apparent elegance, this algorithm is by no means a high-quality one in terms of randomness. Look for e.g. those listed in this answer for better results.
(Originally adapted from a clever idea presented in a comment to another answer.)
var seed = 1;
function random() {
var x = Math.sin(seed++) * 10000;
return x - Math.floor(x);
You can set seed to be any number, just avoid zero (or any multiple of Math.PI).
The elegance of this solution, in my opinion, comes from the lack of any "magic" numbers (besides 10000, which represents about the minimum amount of digits you must throw away to avoid odd patterns - see results with values 10, 100, 1000). Brevity is also nice.
It's a bit slower than Math.random() (by a factor of 2 or 3), but I believe it's about as fast as any other solution written in JavaScript.
No, but here's a simple pseudorandom generator, an implementation of Multiply-with-carry I adapted from Wikipedia (has been removed since):
var m_w = 123456789;
var m_z = 987654321;
var mask = 0xffffffff;
// Takes any integer
function seed(i) {
m_w = (123456789 + i) & mask;
m_z = (987654321 - i) & mask;
// Returns number between 0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive),
// just like Math.random().
function random()
m_z = (36969 * (m_z & 65535) + (m_z >> 16)) & mask;
m_w = (18000 * (m_w & 65535) + (m_w >> 16)) & mask;
var result = ((m_z << 16) + (m_w & 65535)) >>> 0;
result /= 4294967296;
return result;
Antti Sykäri's algorithm is nice and short. I initially made a variation that replaced JavaScript's Math.random when you call Math.seed(s), but then Jason commented that returning the function would be better:
Math.seed = function(s) {
return function() {
s = Math.sin(s) * 10000; return s - Math.floor(s);
// usage:
var random1 = Math.seed(42);
var random2 = Math.seed(random1());
Math.random = Math.seed(random2());
This gives you another functionality that JavaScript doesn't have: multiple independent random generators. That is especially important if you want to have multiple repeatable simulations running at the same time.
Please see Pierre L'Ecuyer's work going back to the late 1980s and early 1990s. There are others as well. Creating a (pseudo) random number generator on your own, if you are not an expert, is pretty dangerous, because there is a high likelihood of either the results not being statistically random or in having a small period. Pierre (and others) have put together some good (pseudo) random number generators that are easy to implement. I use one of his LFSR generators.
Combining some of the previous answers, this is the seedable random function you are looking for:
Math.seed = function(s) {
var mask = 0xffffffff;
var m_w = (123456789 + s) & mask;
var m_z = (987654321 - s) & mask;
return function() {
m_z = (36969 * (m_z & 65535) + (m_z >>> 16)) & mask;
m_w = (18000 * (m_w & 65535) + (m_w >>> 16)) & mask;
var result = ((m_z << 16) + (m_w & 65535)) >>> 0;
result /= 4294967296;
return result;
var myRandomFunction = Math.seed(1234);
var randomNumber = myRandomFunction();
It's not possible to seed the builtin Math.random function, but it is possible to implement a high quality RNG in Javascript with very little code.
Javascript numbers are 64-bit floating point precision, which can represent all positive integers less than 2^53. This puts a hard limit to our arithmetic, but within these limits you can still pick parameters for a high quality Lehmer / LCG random number generator.
function RNG(seed) {
var m = 2**35 - 31
var a = 185852
var s = seed % m
return function () {
return (s = s * a % m) / m
Math.random = RNG(Date.now())
If you want even higher quality random numbers, at the cost of being ~10 times slower, you can use BigInt for the arithmetic and pick parameters where m is just able to fit in a double.
function RNG(seed) {
var m_as_number = 2**53 - 111
var m = 2n**53n - 111n
var a = 5667072534355537n
var s = BigInt(seed) % m
return function () {
return Number(s = s * a % m) / m_as_number
See this paper by Pierre l'Ecuyer for the parameters used in the above implementations:
And whatever you do, avoid all the other answers here that use Math.sin!
To write your own pseudo random generator is quite simple.
The suggestion of Dave Scotese is useful but, as pointed out by others, it is not quite uniformly distributed.
However, it is not because of the integer arguments of sin. It's simply because of the range of sin, which happens to be a one dimensional projection of a circle. If you would take the angle of the circle instead it would be uniform.
So instead of sin(x) use arg(exp(i * x)) / (2 * PI).
If you don't like the linear order, mix it a bit up with xor. The actual factor doesn't matter that much either.
To generate n pseudo random numbers one could use the code:
function psora(k, n) {
var r = Math.PI * (k ^ n)
return r - Math.floor(r)
n = 42; for(k = 0; k < n; k++) console.log(psora(k, n))
Please also note that you cannot use pseudo random sequences when real entropy is needed.
Many people who need a seedable random-number generator in Javascript these days are using David Bau's seedrandom module.
Math.random no, but the ran library solves this. It has almost all distributions you can imagine and supports seeded random number generation. Example:
myDist = new ran.Dist.Uniform(0, 1)
samples = myDist.sample(1000)
Here's the adopted version of Jenkins hash, borrowed from here
export function createDeterministicRandom(): () => number {
let seed = 0x2F6E2B1;
return function() {
// Robert Jenkins’ 32 bit integer hash function
seed = ((seed + 0x7ED55D16) + (seed << 12)) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
seed = ((seed ^ 0xC761C23C) ^ (seed >>> 19)) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
seed = ((seed + 0x165667B1) + (seed << 5)) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
seed = ((seed + 0xD3A2646C) ^ (seed << 9)) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
seed = ((seed + 0xFD7046C5) + (seed << 3)) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
seed = ((seed ^ 0xB55A4F09) ^ (seed >>> 16)) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
return (seed & 0xFFFFFFF) / 0x10000000;
You can use it like this:
const deterministicRandom = createDeterministicRandom()
// => 0.9872818551957607
// => 0.34880331158638
No, like they said it is not possible to seed Math.random()
but you can install external package which make provision for that. i used these package which can be install using these command
npm i random-seed
the example is gotten from the package documentation.
var seed = 'Hello World',
rand1 = require('random-seed').create(seed),
rand2 = require('random-seed').create(seed);
console.log(rand1(100), rand2(100));
follow the link for documentation https://www.npmjs.com/package/random-seed
SIN(id + seed) is a very interesting replacement for RANDOM functions that cannot be seeded like SQLite:
Most of the answers here produce biased results. So here's a tested function based on seedrandom library from github:
!function(f,a,c){var s,l=256,p="random",d=c.pow(l,6),g=c.pow(2,52),y=2*g,h=l-1;function n(n,t,r){function e(){for(var n=u.g(6),t=d,r=0;n<g;)n=(n+r)*l,t*=l,r=u.g(1);for(;y<=n;)n/=2,t/=2,r>>>=1;return(n+r)/t}var o=[],i=j(function n(t,r){var e,o=[],i=typeof t;if(r&&"object"==i)for(e in t)try{o.push(n(t[e],r-1))}catch(n){}return o.length?o:"string"==i?t:t+"\0"}((t=1==t?{entropy:!0}:t||{}).entropy?[n,S(a)]:null==n?function(){try{var n;return s&&(n=s.randomBytes)?n=n(l):(n=new Uint8Array(l),(f.crypto||f.msCrypto).getRandomValues(n)),S(n)}catch(n){var t=f.navigator,r=t&&t.plugins;return[+new Date,f,r,f.screen,S(a)]}}():n,3),o),u=new m(o);return e.int32=function(){return 0|u.g(4)},e.quick=function(){return u.g(4)/4294967296},e.double=e,j(S(u.S),a),(t.pass||r||function(n,t,r,e){return e&&(e.S&&v(e,u),n.state=function(){return v(u,{})}),r?(c[p]=n,t):n})(e,i,"global"in t?t.global:this==c,t.state)}function m(n){var t,r=n.length,u=this,e=0,o=u.i=u.j=0,i=u.S=[];for(r||(n=[r++]);e<l;)i[e]=e++;for(e=0;e<l;e++)i[e]=i[o=h&o+n[e%r]+(t=i[e])],i[o]=t;(u.g=function(n){for(var t,r=0,e=u.i,o=u.j,i=u.S;n--;)t=i[e=h&e+1],r=r*l+i[h&(i[e]=i[o=h&o+t])+(i[o]=t)];return u.i=e,u.j=o,r})(l)}function v(n,t){return t.i=n.i,t.j=n.j,t.S=n.S.slice(),t}function j(n,t){for(var r,e=n+"",o=0;o<e.length;)t[h&o]=h&(r^=19*t[h&o])+e.charCodeAt(o++);return S(t)}function S(n){return String.fromCharCode.apply(0,n)}if(j(c.random(),a),"object"==typeof module&&module.exports){module.exports=n;try{s=require("crypto")}catch(n){}}else"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return n}):c["seed"+p]=n}("undefined"!=typeof self?self:this,[],Math);
function randIntWithSeed(seed, max=1) {
/* returns a random number between [0,max] including zero and max
seed can be either string or integer */
return Math.round(new Math.seedrandom('seed' + seed)()) * max
test for true randomness of this code: https://es6console.com/kkjkgur2/
There are plenty of good answers here but I had a similar issue with the additional requirement that I would like portability between Java's random number generator and whatever I ended up using in JavaScript.
I found the java-random package
These two pieces of code had identical output assuming the seed is the same:
Random randomGenerator = new Random(seed);
int randomInt;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
randomInt = randomGenerator.nextInt(50);
let Random = require('java-random');
let rng = new Random(seed);
for (let i=0; i<10; i++) {
let val = rng.nextInt(50);
I have written a function that returns a seeded random number, it uses Math.sin to have a long random number and uses the seed to pick numbers from that.
Use :
seedRandom("k9]:2#", 15)
it will return your seeded number
the first parameter is any string value ; your seed.
the second parameter is how many digits will return.
function seedRandom(inputSeed, lengthOfNumber){
var output = "";
var seed = inputSeed.toString();
var newSeed = 0;
var characterArray = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','y','x','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','U','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','!','#','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')',' ','[','{',']','}','|',';',':',"'",',','<','.','>','/','?','`','~','-','_','=','+'];
var longNum = "";
var counter = 0;
var accumulator = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < seed.length; i++){
var a = seed.length - (i+1);
for(var x = 0; x < characterArray.length; x++){
var tempX = x.toString();
var lastDigit = tempX.charAt(tempX.length-1);
var xOutput = parseInt(lastDigit);
addToSeed(characterArray[x], xOutput, a, i);
function addToSeed(character, value, a, i){
if(seed.charAt(i) === character){newSeed = newSeed + value * Math.pow(10, a)}
newSeed = newSeed.toString();
var copy = newSeed;
for(var i=0; i<lengthOfNumber*9; i++){
newSeed = newSeed + copy;
var x = Math.sin(20982+(i)) * 10000;
var y = Math.floor((x - Math.floor(x))*10);
longNum = longNum + y.toString()
for(var i=0; i<lengthOfNumber; i++){
output = output + longNum.charAt(accumulator);
accumulator = accumulator + parseInt(newSeed.charAt(counter));
A simple approach for a fixed seed:
function fixedrandom(p){
const seed = 43758.5453123;
return (Math.abs(Math.sin(p)) * seed)%1;
In PHP, there is function srand(seed) which generate fixed random value for particular seed.
But, in JS, there is no such inbuilt function.
However, we can write simple and short function.
Step 1: Choose some Seed (Fix Number).
var seed = 100;
Number should be Positive Integer and greater than 1, further explanation in Step 2.
Step 2: Perform Math.sin() function on Seed, it will give sin value of that number. Store this value in variable x.
var x;
x = Math.sin(seed); // Will Return Fractional Value between -1 & 1 (ex. 0.4059..)
sin() method returns a Fractional value between -1 and 1.And we don't need Negative value, therefore, in first step choose number greater than 1.
Step 3: Returned Value is a Fractional value between -1 and 1. So mulitply this value with 10 for making it more than 1.
x = x * 10; // 10 for Single Digit Number
Step 4: Multiply the value with 10 for additional digits
x = x * 10; // Will Give value between 10 and 99 OR
x = x * 100; // Will Give value between 100 and 999
Multiply as per requirement of digits.
The result will be in decimal.
Step 5: Remove value after Decimal Point by Math's Round (Math.round()) Method.
x = Math.round(x); // This will give Integer Value.
Step 6: Turn Negative Values into Positive (if any) by Math.abs method
x = Math.abs(x); // Convert Negative Values into Positive(if any)
Explanation End.Final Code
var seed = 111; // Any Number greater than 1
var digit = 10 // 1 => single digit, 10 => 2 Digits, 100 => 3 Digits and so. (Multiple of 10)
var x; // Initialize the Value to store the result
x = Math.sin(seed); // Perform Mathematical Sin Method on Seed.
x = x * 10; // Convert that number into integer
x = x * digit; // Number of Digits to be included
x = Math.round(x); // Remove Decimals
x = Math.abs(x); // Convert Negative Number into Positive
Clean and Optimized Functional Code
function random_seed(seed, digit = 1) {
var x = Math.abs(Math.round(Math.sin(seed++) * 10 * digit));
return x;
Then Call this function using
random_seed(any_number, number_of_digits)any_number is must and should be greater than 1.number_of_digits is optional parameter and if nothing passed, 1 Digit will return.
random_seed(555); // 1 Digit
random_seed(234, 1); // 1 Digit
random_seed(7895656, 1000); // 4 Digit
For a number between 0 and 100.
Number.parseInt(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100))

Codility Ladder javascript - not understanding a detail that jumps the answer from 37 to 100%

I'm trying to solve all the lessons on codility but I failed to do so on the following problem: Ladder by codility
I've searched all over the internet and I'm not finding a answer that satisfies me because no one answers why the max variable impacts so much the result.
So, before posting the code, I'll explain the thinking.
By looking at it I didn't need much time to understand that the total number of combinations it's a Fibonacci number, and removing the 0 from the Fibonacci array, I'd find the answer really fast.
Now, afterwards, they told that we should return the number of combinations modulus 2^B[i].
So far so good, and I decided to submit it without the var max, then I got a score of 37%.. I searched all over the internet and the 100% result was similar to mine but they added that max = Math.pow(2,30).
Can anyone explain to me how and why that max influences so much the score?
My Code:
// Powers 2 to num
function pow(num){
return Math.pow(2,num);
// Returns a array with all fibonacci numbers except for 0
function fibArray(num){
// const max = pow(30); -> Adding this max to the fibonaccy array makes the answer be 100%
const arr = [0,1,1];
let current = 2;
// next = arr[current-1]+arr[current-2] % max;
next = arr[current-1]+arr[current-2]; // Without this max it's 30 %
arr.shift(); // remove 0
return arr;
function solution(A, B) {
let f = fibArray(A.length + 1);
let res = new Array(A.length);
for (let i = 0; i < A.length; ++i) {
res[i] = f[A[i]] % (pow(B[i]));
return res;
console.log(solution([4,4,5,5,1],[3,2,4,3,1])); //5,1,8,0,1
// Note that the console.log wont differ in this solution having max set or not.
// Running the exercise on Codility shows the full log with all details
// of where it passed and where it failed.
The limits for input parameters are:
Assume that:
L is an integer within the range [1..50,000];
each element of array A is an integer within the range [1..L];
each element of array B is an integer within the range [1..30].
So the array f in fibArray can be 50,001 long.
Fibonacci numbers grow exponentially; according to this page, the 50,000th Fib number has over 10,000 digits.
Javascript does not have built-in support for arbitrary precision integers, and even doubles only offer ~14 s.f. of precision. So with your modified code, you will get "garbage" values for any significant value of L. This is why you only got 30%.
But why is max necessary? Modulo math tells us that:
(a + b) % c = ([a % c] + [b % c]) % c
So by applying % max to the iterative calculation step arr[current-1] + arr[current-2], every element in fibArray becomes its corresponding Fib number mod max, without any variable exceeding the value of max (or built-in integer types) at any time:
fibArray[2] = (fibArray[1] + fibArray[0]) % max = (F1 + F0) % max = F2 % max
fibArray[3] = (F2 % max + F1) % max = (F2 + F1) % max = F3 % max
fibArray[4] = (F3 % max + F2 % max) = (F3 + F2) % max = F4 % max
and so on ...
(Fn is the n-th Fib number)
Note that as B[i] will never exceed 30, pow(2, B[i]) <= max; therefore, since max is always divisible by pow(2, B[i]), applying % max does not affect the final result.
Here is a python 100% answer that I hope offers an explanation :-)
In a nutshell; modulus % is similar to 'bitwise and' & for certain numbers.
eg any number % 10 is equivalent to the right most digit.
284%10 = 4
1994%10 = 4
for multiples of 2 -> X % Y is equivalent to X & ( Y - 1 )
precomputing (2**i)-1 for i in range(1, 31) is faster than computing everything in B when super large arrays are given as args for this particular lesson.
Thus fib(A[i]) & pb[B[i]] will be faster to compute than an X % Y style thingy.
And for completeness the code is here.
Here is my explanation and solution in C++:
Compute the first L fibonacci numbers. Each calculation needs modulo 2^30 because the 50000th fibonacci number cannot be stored even in long double, it is so big. Since INT_MAX is 2^31, the summary of previously modulo'd numbers by 2^30 cannot exceed that. Therefore, we do not need to have bigger store and/or casting.
Go through the arrays executing the lookup and modulos. We can be sure this gives the correct result since modulo 2^30 does not take any information away. E.g. modulo 100 does not take away any information for subsequent modulo 10.
vector<int> solution(vector<int> &A, vector<int> &B)
const int L = A.size();
vector<int> fibonacci_numbers(L, 1);
fibonacci_numbers[1] = 2;
static const int pow_2_30 = pow(2, 30);
for (int i = 2; i < L; ++i) {
fibonacci_numbers[i] = (fibonacci_numbers[i - 1] + fibonacci_numbers[i - 2]) % pow_2_30;
vector<int> consecutive_answers(L, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < L; ++i) {
consecutive_answers[i] = fibonacci_numbers[A[i] - 1] % static_cast<int>(pow(2, B[i]));
return consecutive_answers;

get always 10 numbers from randoms - Javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Want to produce random numbers between 1-45 without repetition
(4 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I need help with my code. I want to get 10 random numbers every time it rolls and it can't have duplicated, this is my code:
for(let j = 1; j <= 21; j++) {
const number = (Math.floor((Math.random() * j) + 1))
const genNumber = array.indexOf(number);
if (genNumber === -1) {
I have no idea how I can get exactly 10 numbers every time, anyway it can be written with js or jquery it doesnt metter for me. Hope I can get help here.
I don't really understand what your code is intended to do, but to get exactly 10 unique random numbers I'd use a Set and loop until it's filled. I have no idea why you loop 21 times for 10 items though...
let s = new Set();
while (s.size < 10) {
s.add((Math.floor(Math.random() * 21 /* ??? */) + 1));
You're almost there, but instead of using a for loop, use a while loop that continues as long as there are less than 10 things in the array:
const array = [];
const j = 21; // Pick numbers between 1 and 21 (inclusive)
while (array.length < 10) {
const number = (Math.floor((Math.random() * j) + 1))
const genNumber = array.indexOf(number);
if (genNumber === -1) {

Project Euler #1

I only started programming about three days ago and I've been working with Javascript. I've been trying to tackle Project Euler Problem 1:
Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
And I feel like my program should work, but my answer is still slightly off. Could anyone tell me what's wrong with my code?
var threeSum = [];
var threeTotal = 0;
var fiveSum = [];
var fiveTotal = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i += 3) {
for (j = 0; j < threeSum.length; j++) {
threeTotal = threeTotal + threeSum[j];
for (a = 0; a < 1000; a += 5) {
for (r = 0; r < fiveSum.length; r++) {
fiveTotal = fiveTotal + fiveSum[r];
console.log(threeTotal + fiveTotal);
I get an answer of 266333 when I run this program.
The task of Project Euler #1 is
Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 below 1000 and all multiples of 5 below 1000.
Numbers like 45 that are multiples of both 3 and 5 should not be counted twice.
Side note - programming often also means searching for non-obvious solution. The wording of the question suggests looping of the numbers from 1 to 999 but with a bit of math no looping is required at all and you can solve the problem for n = as fast as for n = 10 (if nothing overflows).
var n = 1000;
var multiplesOfThree = Math.floor((n - 1) / 3);
var multiplesOfFive = Math.floor((n - 1) / 5);
var multiplesOfThreeAndFive = Math.floor((n - 1) / 15);
var sum = 3 * multiplesOfThree * (multiplesOfThree + 1) / 2
+ 5 * multiplesOfFive * (multiplesOfFive + 1) / 2
- 15 * multiplesOfThreeAndFive * (multiplesOfThreeAndFive + 1) / 2;
Project Euler 1 is
If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or
5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the
sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
Since you're learning, I'm assuming you don't want an explicit answer to this.
Think about what you're summing. The first few terms of the 3 loop are
[3, 6, 9, 12, 15]
and the first few terms of the 5 loop are
[5, 10, 15]
Since you are counting the multiples of both 3 and 5 twice, your answer is larger than it should be
this is pretty much how I did it and I get the right answer.
`var threeSum=0;`
var fiveSum=0;
var dSum=0;
for (var b=3; b<1000; b++) {
if (b%3===0) {
for (var c=5; c<1000; c++) {
if (c%5===0) {
for (var d=15; d<1000; d++) {
if (d%15===0) {
here's my solution to Project Euler 1st problem, simple and very easy to understand. It's in java, but it can be easily translated to any language
public class Multiples {
public static int multiplesSum(int n1, int n2, int limit) {
int sum = 0;
int n = Math.min(n1, n2);
for(int i=n; i<limit; i++) {
if(i%n1==0 || i%n2==0) {
return sum;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int total = multiplesSum(3,5,1000);
System.out.println("Total sum is: " + total);
And here it is the best solution as suggested by Project Euler experts:
* Remember that the sum of the first n natural numbers is: n(n+1)/2
* Let’s look at the details of our function and take as example n=3.
We would have to add:
For n=5 we would get:
Now note that 199=995/5 but also 999/5 rounded down to the nearest integer.
* #param n
* #param limit
* #return
public static int multiplesSumOf(int n, int limit) {
int target = (limit-1)/n;
return n * target*(target+1)/2;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int total = multiplesSumOf(3,1000) + multiplesSumOf(5,1000) - multiplesSumOf(15,1000);
System.out.println("Total: " + total);
I posted my solution using Kotlin here:
The nice thing about Kotlin and why I'm posting here is that they support JavaScript compilation(transpilation) as well, so you might find it interesting: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/javascript/kotlin-to-javascript/kotlin-to-javascript.html
fun solve(baseNumber: Int): Int {
return (0..baseNumber - 1)
.filter { it % 3 == 0 || it % 5 == 0 }
As you can see is very concise, I'm going to try to solve some of the Euler Project problems Streaming on LiveEdu I think it will be fun, I don't want to paste the link here since this is not an advertisement platform, if you want to discuss about it search for Project Euler over there.
var num = 1000
var numbers = []
for(var i = 0; i < num; i++){
if( i % 3 === 0|| i % 5 === 0){
var sum = numbers.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
