Highlight substring in string with javascript - javascript

I have a input for searching in my website and I assign onkeyup event for that.
For example my string is : 'hello world' and when the user types 'llo'(or anything else)show the matched characters as highlighted with the other characters in search list below input.(like google search)
I try this but my code works for the first character not the all characters of string
My code :
<input type="text" onKeyUp="search_customer(this)">
<div class="data_list"></div>
function search_customer(input){
var text = input.value;
if(text == ''){
input.nextElementSibling.style.display = 'none';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = function(){
if((xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) || xhr.status == 304){
var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
show_results(result , input);
alert('request was unsuccessful : ' + xhr.status);
xhr.open('post' , "<?php echo base_url('deal/search/')?>" , true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
xhr.send('text_search=' + text);
function show_results(res , input){
var datalist = input.nextElementSibling;
datalist.style.display = 'block';
if(res.length == 0){
datalist.innerHTML = '<div>nothing matched!<div>';
var div = document.createElement('div');
for(var i = 0 ; i < res.length ; i++){
if(res[i].full_name.substr(0 , input.value.length) == input.value){
var str = '<strong>'+res[i].full_name.substr(0 , input.value.length)+'</strong>' + res[i].full_name.substr(input.value.length);
var p = div.appendChild(document.createElement('p'));
p.innerHTML = str;
datalist.replaceChild(div , datalist.firstChild);

You can use indexOf to get first index in the matched string and then calculate the last index. Also it's better to use the method slice to be able to use a negative index.
function search_customer(input){
var text = input.value;
if(text == ''){
input.nextElementSibling.style.display = 'none';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = function(){
if((xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) || xhr.status == 304){
var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
show_results(result , input);
alert('request was unsuccessful : ' + xhr.status);
xhr.open('post' , "<?php echo base_url('deal/search/')?>" , true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
xhr.send('text_search=' + text);
function show_results(res , input){
var datalist = input.nextElementSibling;
datalist.style.display = 'block';
if(res.length == 0){
datalist.innerHTML = '<div>nothing matched!<div>';
var div = document.createElement('div');
for(let i = 0 ; i < res.length ; i++){
let search = input.value;
let match;
let lastIndx = (res[i].full_name.length-1) - res[i].full_name.indexOf(search) - (search.length-1);
if(lastIndx == 0){
match = res[i].full_name.slice(res[i].full_name.indexOf(search), res[i].full_name.length);
match = res[i].full_name.slice(res[i].full_name.indexOf(search), -lastIndx);
let str = res[i].full_name.slice(0, res[i].full_name.indexOf(search) ) + '<strong>' + match + '</strong>'+ res[i].full_name.slice(res[i].full_name.length-lastIndx, res[i].full_name.length);
let p = div.appendChild(document.createElement('p'));
p.innerHTML = str;
datalist.replaceChild(div , datalist.firstChild);


Json parser and loop scheme

How can I loop my json file using my script, eg: I should choose whether to loop Schema A or Schema B.
My json file is:
Maybe setting a variable so as to define the scheme I have to display
My javascript file is:
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url = "myTutorials.txt";
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
var myArr = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true);
function myFunction(arr) {
var out = "";
var i;
for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
out += arr[i].id + ' - ' + arr[i].title + '<br>';
document.getElementById("id01").innerHTML = out;
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url = "myTutorials.txt";
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
var obj= JSON.parse(this.responseText);
myFunction(obj, 'A');
xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true);
function myFunction(obj, key) {
var arr = obj[key];
var out = "";
var i;
for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
out += arr[i].id + ' - ' + arr[i].title + '<br>';
document.getElementById("id01").innerHTML = out;
Assuming that what you presented as JSON file is a response form network and is passed to myFunction, then why not to do something like:
let myRootArray;
if(/* some confitions */) {
myRootArray = myArr.A
} else {
myRootArray = myArr.B
myFunction(myRootArray );
Beside that, your names are a bit confusing, var myArr = JSON.parse(this.responseText);, while JSON.parse will return object, not an array.

xhr.responseText isn't converted to object by JSON.parse()

I have written this function to make ajax-requests to my server that serves JSON objects in string-format. I want to parse these JSON-objects into Javascript objects using JSON.parse(). But when I check the type of the object returned by JSON.parse(), it's a string! Here's the function:
function getDBMatches(){
var xhr = createXHR();
xhr.dropdown = this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("dropdown-content")[0];
xhr.dropdown.innerHTML = "";
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
if (this.value == ""){
if (xhr.readyState == 4){
if ((xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) || xhr.status == 304){
var xhrResponse = xhr.responseText;
alert(xhrResponse); // "[{\"model\": \"workoutcal.liftactivity\", \"pk\": 1, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"benchpress\"}}]"
alert(typeof xhrResponse); // string
var dbMatches = JSON.parse(xhrResponse);
alert(typeof dbMatches); // string! This is what I don't understand.
for(var i = 0; i < dbMatches.length; i++){
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.innerHTML = dbMatches[i]["name"];
link.onclick = function(){
var textbox = link.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
textbox.value = link.innerHTML;
xhr.dropdown.innerHTML = "";
} else {
document.getElementById("xhrPar").innerHTML = "Request was unsuccessful: "+xhr.status;
var url = "http://localhost:8000/workoutcal/";
if (this.name == "lift_string"){
url += "get_lifts";
} else if (this.name == "cardio_string"){
url += "get_cardio";
url = addURLParam(url, this.name, this.value);
xhr.open("get", url, false);
Why isn't the string parsed into a Javascript object?
JSON.parse() returns literal which can be of type Object, String or other types depending upon the parameter being passed to the parse function. Consider the below expression which will return val of type string.
var val = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify("Hello"));

JS search returned xhr.responseText for div then remove div

I would like to search a xhr.responseText for a div with an id like "something" and then remove all the content from the xhr.responseText contained within that div.
Here is my xhr code:
function getSource(source) {
var url = source[0];
var date = source[1];
var cors_api_host = 'cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com';
var cors_api_url = 'https://' + cors_api_host + '/';
var slice = [].slice;
var origin = self.location.protocol + '//' + self.location.host;
var open = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function () {
var args = slice.call(arguments);
var targetOrigin = /^https?:\/\/([^\/]+)/i.exec(args[1]);
if (targetOrigin && targetOrigin[0].toLowerCase() !== origin &&
targetOrigin[1] !== cors_api_host) {
args[1] = cors_api_url + args[1];
return open.apply(this, args);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", cors_api_url+url, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
var resp = xhr.responseText;
var respWithoutDiv = removeErroneousData(resp);
return "Failed to remove data.";
remove div here:
/*This must be in JS not JQUERY, its in a web worker*/
function removeErroneousData(resp) {
var removedDivResp = "";
/*pseudo code for removing div*/
if (resp.contains(div with id disclosures){
removedDivResp = resp.removeData(div, 'disclosures');
return removedDivResp;
You can dump the response in a div and then search for that div you want empty its content.
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
var resp = xhr.responseText;
$('div').attr('id', 'resp').html(resp);
//var respWithoutDiv = removeErroneousData(resp);
return "Failed to remove data.";

Cookie is only being stored on specific pages

I wrote a script in JS that will retrieve the traffic source of the user and store that value in a cookie.
For all but three pages this works. If the user's landing page is for example www.example.com/example1, www.example.com/example2 or www.example.com/example3 the cookie gets stored on those pages only. I do not see see it in developer tools on chrome but when I write document.cookie I do see the cookie I created. I also see it in settings.
But if I were to navigate to another page it doesn't get stored.
It works fine on all other pages, the user enters on the landing page and the cookie stays stored during the whole session. Except on the above pages.
The hostname is the same for all pages.
Any ideas?
var source = trafficSource();
function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) {
var d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000));
var expires = "expires="+d.toUTCString();
document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires;
var source = document.referrer;
function getCookie(name)
var re = new RegExp(name + "=([^;]+)");
var value = re.exec(document.cookie);
return (value != null) ? unescape(value[1]) : null;
function checkCookie() {
var verifyCookie = getCookie("Traffic Source Cookie");
if (verifyCookie != null ){
//alert("there is a cookie");
return "";
setCookie("Traffic Source Cookie", source, 30);
//alert("new cookie made");
var trafficSourceValue = getCookie("Traffic Source Cookie"); // delete if doesnt work
//dataLayer.push( "Cookie Traffic Source is " +getCookie("Traffic Source Cookie"));
function trafficSource(trafficType){
var trafficType;
//set traffic sources to variables
/*var sourceSearchEngine = searchEngine();
var sourceSocialNetwork = socialNetwork();
var sourcePaidSearch = paidSearch(); */
// get what kind of referrer
var trafficReferrer = document.referrer;
var trafficURL = document.URL;
if(trafficURL.indexOf("gclid") > -1) {
trafficType = paidSearch();
//alert("paidSearch google");
} else if (trafficURL.indexOf("bing") >-1 &&(trafficURL.indexOf("ppc")> -1) || (trafficURL.indexOf("cpc") >-1)){
trafficType = paidSearch();
//alert("paidSearch bing");
else if((trafficReferrer.indexOf("plus.url.google.com")<= 0) && trafficReferrer.indexOf("google")>-1 || trafficReferrer.indexOf("bing")>-1 || trafficReferrer.indexOf("baidu") >-1 || trafficReferrer.indexOf("yahoo") > -1 && (trafficURL.indexOf("ppc") < 0)){
trafficType = searchEngine();
//(trafficReferrer.indexOf("facebook","googleplus", "twitter", "t.co/", "linkedin", "pinterest","reddit","disqus","blogspot.co.uk") >-1
} else if ((trafficReferrer.indexOf("facebook")>-1) || (trafficReferrer.indexOf("plus.url.google.com")>-1) || (trafficReferrer.indexOf("t.co/")>-1) || (trafficReferrer.indexOf("linkedin")>-1) || (trafficReferrer.indexOf("reddit")>-1) || (trafficReferrer.indexOf("disqus")>-1) || (trafficReferrer.indexOf("blogspot.co.uk")>-1) || (trafficReferrer.indexOf("t.umblr")>-1)) {
trafficType = socialNetwork();
} else if (trafficReferrer.indexOf("")>-0){
trafficType = directSource();
}else if (trafficURL.indexOf("display") >-1 || trafficURL.indexOf("Display") >-1){
trafficType = display();
}else if (trafficReferrer === "" || trafficReferrer === null){
trafficType = "Direct";
}else {
//var hostnameReturn = hostname.split("www.");
var returnReferrer = document.referrer.match(/https?:\/\/([^\/]*)(?:\/|$)/i)[1].replace(/www\./, "");
// do I need this snippet
trafficType = returnReferrer + "/Referral" ;
//alert("Hostname Referral");
//Return the trafficType which is the function that will get source
return trafficType;
// alert("trafficType");
//search engine source
function searchEngine (referrer){
var search = document.referrer;
var bing = "bing";
var google ="google";
var yahoo = "yahoo";
var ask = "ask";
var msn = "msn";
var baidu = "baidu";
var referrer;
if (search.indexOf(bing)> -1){
referrer = bing + " organic";
} else if (search.indexOf(yahoo)>-1){
// alert(bing);
referrer = yahoo + " organic";
} else if (search.indexOf(ask)>-1){
referrer = ask + " organic";
} else if (search.indexOf(msn)>-1){
// alert(bing);
referrer = msn + " organic";
} else if (search.indexOf(baidu)>-1){
// alert(baidu);
referrer = baidu + " organic";
// alert(google);
referrer = google + " organic";
return referrer;
// alert("Search Engine: " + referrer);
//search social network
function socialNetwork (referrer){
var search = document.referrer;
var facebook ="facebook";
var twitter = "twitter";
var googlePlus = "google plus";
var googlePlus2 = "plus.url.google.com";
var pinterest ="pinterest";
var linkedin = "linkedin";
var tumblr = "t.umblr";
var reddit = "reddit";
//var beforeItsNews ="news";
var disquis = "disqus";
var blogger = "blogspot.co.uk";
//var StumbleUpon = "StumbleUpon";
var referrer;
if(search.indexOf(facebook)> -1){
// alert(facebook);
referrer = "Social/ " + facebook;
}else if (search.indexOf(twitter)> -1 || search.indexOf("t.co/") >-1){
// alert(twitter);
referrer = "Social/ "+ twitter;
}else if (search.indexOf(pinterest)> -1){
referrer = "Social/ "+ pinterest;
}else if (search.indexOf(linkedin) >- 1){
referrer = linkedin;
}else if (search.indexOf(googlePlus) >-1 || search.indexOf(googlePlus2) >-1){
// alert(googlePlus);
referrer = "Social/ "+ googlePlus;
}else if (search.indexOf(tumblr) >-1){
// alert(googlePlus);
referrer ="Social/ "+ "tumblr";
}else if (search.indexOf(reddit) >-1){
// alert(googlePlus);
referrer = "Social/ " + reddit;
}else if (search.indexOf(disquis) >-1){
referrer = "Social/ "+ disquis;
}else if (search.indexOf(blogger) >-1){
blogger ="Blogger";
referrer = "Social/ "+ blogger;
// alert(document.referrer);
referrer = "Referral: " + document.referrer;
// alert("Check Cookie - Referrer");
return referrer;
// alert("Social Media Network: " + referrer)
// search for paid search
function paidSearch(referrer){
var paidCampaign = document.URL;
var campaignReferrer = document.referrer;
var referrer;
var googleAd = "gclid";
var justGoogle = "google";
var justBing = "ppc";
var bingAd = "Bing";
if (paidCampaign.indexOf(googleAd) >- 1 || campaignReferrer.indexOf(justGoogle) >-1){
googleAd = "Google/CPC ";
// alert(googleAd);
//referrer = paidCampaign; < original code but trying the code on the bottom>
referrer = googleAd;
// alert(referrer);
if (paidCampaign.indexOf(bingAd)>- 1 || paidCampaign.indexOf(justBing) >-1){
bingAd = "Bing/CPC ";
referrer = bingAd ;
return referrer;
// alert("The paid ad is: " + googleAd);
function directSource(referrer){
var directVistor = document.referrer;
if(directVistor ==="" || directVistor === null ){
referrer = "Direct";
return referrer;
function display(referrer){
var displayURL = document.URL;
var referrer;
if(displayURL.indexOf("display") >- 1 || displayURL.indexOf("Display")>-1){
var returnDisplay = window.location.search.substring(1);
referrer = "Display: " + returnDisplay;
return referrer;
// function urlSpilt(url){
// // return utm_source and utm_medium if iti has it.
// var url;
// var getURL = document.URL;
// //var testURL = "http://www.franciscoignacioquintana.com/?utm_source=testSource&utm_medium=testMedium&utm_campaign=testName";
// var getURL = getURL.split("utm_source");
// getURL = getURL[1].split("utm_source");
// url = getURL;
// return url;
// }
function getQueryParam(par){
//var strURL = document.URL;#
var strURL = document.referrer;
var regParam = new RegExp("(?:\\?|&)" + par + "=([^&$]*)", "i");
var resExp = strURL.match(regParam);
if((typeof resExp == "object") && resExp && (resExp.length > 1)){
return resExp[1];
return "";
//var hostname = window.location.hostname;
//var hostnameReturn = hostname.split("www.");
//var hostname2 = hostname.slice(4);

Content Insensitive Autosave via XMLHttpRequest

I am trying to make an autosave that can be dropped into any of my forms and be "self aware" of the content in order to simulate an actual save. In addition, I want it to be able to notify the user in the event of multiple failures of the autosave. The following is the come I have come up with, but I keep getting readyState = 4 and status = 500 as a result of my XMLHttpRequest.send(). When I "normally" click save with the form, the save works perfectly fine, but this code just doesn't seem to pass the data over correctly. Every page that has this code has a setTimeout(autosave,5000) to initialize the code. Can someone point me in the right direction of what I'm doing wrong? I'm new to XMLHttpRequest objects.
For what I can tell, last_params gets "sent" with the correct data, but when I get it via the request() (using classic ASP on the other end), the value is "" (blank). I'm thinking I have an order of execution problem, I just don't know what or where.
Quick footnote: I know that there are 'similar' functions with jQuery and other frameworks, but I do not feel comfortable enough with them yet. I want to start with something "simple".
var last_params = "";
var autosave_time = 61000;
var autosave_fail_check = 5;
var max_autosave_fail_check = 5;
var response_text = "";
function autosave() {
var autosave_button_name = "save_button";
var form_action = document.getElementById("formS").action;
var form_data = document.getElementById("formS");
var all_inputs = form_data.getElementsByTagName("input");
var all_textareas = form_data.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
var params = "";
// Check all inputs for data
for (var i = 0; i < all_inputs.length; i++) {
var current_item = all_inputs[i];
if (current_item.type != "button" && current_item.type != "submit") {
if (current_item.type != "checkbox") {
params += current_item.name + "=" + current_item.value + "&";
} else {
params += current_item.name + "=" + current_item.checked + "&";
// check all textareas for data
for (var i = 0; i < all_textareas.length; i++) {
var current_item = all_textareas[i];
params += current_item.name + "=" + current_item.value + "&";
params += "autosave=1";
if (params == last_params) {
setTimeout(autosave, autosave_time);
} else {
last_params = params;
// Setup time
var time = "";
var currentTime = new Date();
var hours = currentTime.getHours();
var minutes = currentTime.getMinutes();
var seconds = currentTime.getSeconds();
if (minutes < 10) {
minutes = "0" + minutes;
time = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
if(hours > 11){
time = time + "PM";
} else {
time = time + "AM";
var status = "[]";
// **************************************************
var http;
try {
// Gecko-based browsers, Safari, and Opera.
http = new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch(e) {
try {
// For Internet Explorer.
http = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
} catch (e) {
// Browser supports Javascript but not XMLHttpRequest.
document.getElementById(autosave_button_name).value = "Autosave NOT Available";
http = false;
http.onreadystatechange = function()
if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) {
autosave_fail_check = max_autosave_fail_check; // reset the fail check
status = " [" + http.readyState + " / " + http.status + "] ";
if (autosave_fail_check <= 0) {
if (autosave_fail_check == 0) {
document.getElementById(autosave_button_name).value = "Autosave FAILURE; Check Connection!";
//alert("Autosave has FAILED! Please check your connection!");
autosave_fail_check = -1;
} else {
var url = form_action;
http.open("POST", url, true); // async set to false to prevent moving on without saving
http.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "multipart/form-data");
http.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);
http.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
response_text = http.responseText;
if (autosave_fail_check >= 0) {
document.getElementById(autosave_button_name).value = "Last Saved: " + time + " [" + autosave_fail_check + "] " + status;
} else {
autosave_fail_check = -1;
setTimeout(autosave, autosave_time);
} // end function autosave()
