Hi there can I have this problem, I have this file and when I try to edit the events I add a script of events at the end to display the events on calendar as soon as I do that the events that are on the left side I cant drop them anymore
enter image description here
As you can see on the picture this events works fine before I add this script to the end of file:
$(document).ready(function() {
// defaultDate: '2018-03-12',
editable: true,
eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
events: [
title: 'All Day Event ',
start: '2018-09-01'
So this is my file:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en">
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<link href="../../assets/libs/fullcalendar/dist/fullcalendar.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="../../assets/extra-libs/calendar/calendar.css" rel="stylesheet" />
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<h4 class="page-title">Calendar</h4>
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<div class="card-body border-bottom">
<h4 class="card-title m-t-10">Drag & Drop Event</h4>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div id="calendar-events" class="">
<div class="calendar-events m-b-20" data-class="bg-info"><i class="fa fa-circle text-info m-r-10"></i>Event One</div>
<div class="calendar-events m-b-20" data-class="bg-success"><i class="fa fa-circle text-success m-r-10"></i> Event Two</div>
<div class="calendar-events m-b-20" data-class="bg-danger"><i class="fa fa-circle text-danger m-r-10"></i>Event Three</div>
<div class="calendar-events m-b-20" data-class="bg-warning"><i class="fa fa-circle text-warning m-r-10"></i>Event Four</div>
<!-- checkbox -->
<div class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="drop-remove">
<label class="custom-control-label" for="drop-remove">Remove after drop</label>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#add-new-event" class="btn m-t-20 btn-info btn-block waves-effect waves-light">
<i class="ti-plus"></i> Add New Event
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<label class="control-label">Category Name</label>
<input class="form-control form-white" placeholder="Enter name" type="text" name="category-name" />
<div class="col-md-6">
<label class="control-label">Choose Category Color</label>
<select class="form-control form-white" data-placeholder="Choose a color..." name="category-color">
<option value="success">Success</option>
<option value="danger">Danger</option>
<option value="info">Info</option>
<option value="primary">Primary</option>
<option value="warning">Warning</option>
<option value="inverse">Inverse</option>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger waves-effect waves-light save-category" data-dismiss="modal">Save</button>
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$(document).ready(function() {
// defaultDate: '2018-03-12',
editable: true,
eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
events: [
title: 'All Day Event',
start: '2018-09-01'
So this is my code sorry I don't know how to put my local files on snipet, I just thought maybe someone when sees the code would have an idea and help me I would really appreciate it
try to use this code instead (taken from https://fullcalendar.io/docs/external-dragging-demo, I just updated it according to your ids and classes names):
$(function() {
// initialize the external events
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
$('#calendar-events .calendar-events').each(function() {
// store data so the calendar knows to render an event upon drop
$(this).data('event', {
title: $.trim($(this).text()), // use the element's text as the event title
stick: true // maintain when user navigates (see docs on the renderEvent method)
// make the event draggable using jQuery UI
zIndex: 999,
revert: true, // will cause the event to go back to its
revertDuration: 0 // original position after the drag
// initialize the calendar
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
$(document).ready(function() {
// defaultDate: '2018-03-12',
editable: true,
eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
droppable: true,
events: [
title: 'All Day Event ',
start: '2018-09-01'
drop: function() {
// is the "remove after drop" checkbox checked?
if ($('#drop-remove').is(':checked')) {
// if so, remove the element from the "Draggable Events" list
I have a table that is presenting a list of items that I got using the following code:
interface getResources {
title: string;
category: string;
uri: string;
icon: string;
export default class uservalues extends Vue {
resources: getResources[] = [];
created() {
.then(response => response.json() as Promise<getResources[]>)
.then(data => {
this.resources = data;
And this is my table:
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading" style="font-weight:bold"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-align-justify"></span> All Resources</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="search-wrapper panel-heading col-sm-12">
<input class="form-control" type="text" v-model="searchQuery" placeholder="Search" />
<div class="panel-body" style="max-height: 400px;overflow-y: scroll;">
<table v-if="resources.length" class="table">
<tr v-for="item in resources">
<td><a v-bind:href="item.uri" target="_blank">{{item.title}}</a></td>
I'm trying to implement a Search bar that filters the results for the user but I'm lost!
Any suggestions?
You can use the includes() function of the array to search any position in a sentence or phrase.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
searchQuery: null,
{title:"ABE Attendance",uri:"aaaa.com",category:"a",icon:null},
{title:"Accounting Services",uri:"aaaa.com",category:"a",icon:null},
{title:"Advanced Student Lookup",uri:"bbbb.com",category:"b",icon:null},
{title:"Art & Sciences",uri:"bbbb.com",category:"b",icon:null},
{title:"Auxiliares Services",uri:"bbbb.com",category:"b",icon:null},
{title:"Basic Skills",uri:"cccc.com",category:"c",icon:null},
{title:"Board of Trustees",uri:"dddd.com",category:"d",icon:null}
computed: {
return this.resources.filter((item)=>{
return this.searchQuery.toLowerCase().split(' ').every(v => item.title.toLowerCase().includes(v))
return this.resources;
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div id="app">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<strong> All Resources</strong></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="search-wrapper panel-heading col-sm-12">
<input class="form-control" type="text" v-model="searchQuery" placeholder="Search" />
<div class="table-responsive">
<table v-if="resources.length" class="table">
<tr v-for="item in resultQuery">
<td><a v-bind:href="item.uri" target="_blank">{{item.title}}</a></td>
Based on this answer → Vue.js search keyword in array
You could use computed property for this case, so, i created one called filteredResources which will be used in v-for loop, i had used dummy data, but you could keep your resources declared empty and call a promise function to fill it in created hook, check this code if your are preferring single file component or the following code of you're using Vue via CDN
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
computed: {
filteredResources (){
return this.resources.filter((item)=>{
return item.title.startsWith(this.searchQuery);
return this.resources;
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div id="app">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading" style="font-weight:bold"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-align-justify"></span> All Resources</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="search-wrapper panel-heading col-sm-12">
<input class="form-control" type="text" v-model="searchQuery" placeholder="Search" />
<div class="panel-body" style="max-height: 400px;overflow-y: scroll;">
<table v-if="resources.length" class="table">
<tr v-for="item in filteredResources">
<td><a v-bind:href="item.uri" target="_blank">{{item.title}}</a></td>
Here is Vue 3 version of a simple search.
const { createApp, ref } = Vue
const App = {
setup() {
let searchText = ref('')
const list = [
function filteredList() {
return list.filter(data => data.toLowerCase().includes(searchText.value.toLowerCase()))
return {searchText, filteredList}
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue#next"></script>
<div id="app">
<input type="text" v-model="searchText">
<li v-for="data in filteredList()" :key="data">
{{ data }}
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-info display-6">
<div class="container">
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent">
<form class="d-flex">
<input v-model="search" class="form-control me-2" id="inputGroup-sizing-lg" placeholder="Search...">
import {mapActions} from "vuex"
export default{
search: ""
search(newsearch) {
const store = createStore({
state: {
productsList: products,
cartList: [],
filtered: []
filteredProducts(state, item) {
state.filtered = products.filter((product) => product.Title.toUpperCase().includes(item.toUpperCase()))
console.log("state.filtered.lenght", state.filtered.lenght);
state.productsList = [...state.filtered]
filteredProducts (context, item){
context.commit('filteredProducts', item)
I found easy way...using "#input function".. It's work for me!
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
methods: {
getTextSearch: function(textSearch) {
this.filteredResources= this.resources
this.filteredResources= this.filteredResources.filter(item => {
return item.uri.toLowerCase().includes(textSearch);
Here html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.16/vue.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.3/css/bootstrap.min.css" >
<div id="app">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading" style="font-weight:bold"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-align-justify"></span> All Resources</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="search-wrapper panel-heading col-sm-12">
<input class="form-control" #input="getTextSearch($event)" type="text" placeholder="Search" />
<div class="panel-body" style="max-height: 400px;overflow-y: scroll;">
<table v-if="resources.length" class="table">
<tr v-for="item in filteredResources">
<td><a v-bind:href="item.uri" target="_blank">{{item.title}}</a></td>
Template :
<p-confirmDialog header="Confirmation" icon="fa fa-question-circle" appendTo="body" responsive="true"></p-confirmDialog>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" (click)="confirm()" >Save</button>
confirm() {
message: 'Are you sure that you want to update?',
accept: () => {
console.log('update clicked');
Output display:
Is there any css file etc that I need to include?
<!---------------- Meta and Title ---------------->
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Solid Waste Management System</title>
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<div class="tables-basic" data-spy="scroll" data-target="#nav-spy" data-offset="300">
<!-- -------------- Body Wrap -------------- -->
<div id="main">
<p-confirmDialog header="Confirmation" icon="fa fa-question-circle" appendTo="body" responsive="true"></p-confirmDialog>
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<header id="topbar" class="alt">
<div class="topbar-left">
<ol class="breadcrumb">
<li class="breadcrumb-icon">
<a href="#">
<span class="fa fa-eye"></span>
<li class="breadcrumb-active">
Organizational User
<div class="topbar-right">
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" href="Edit.html">
<i class="fa fa-edit"></i> Edit
<a class="btn btn-dark btn-sm" href="UserList.html">
<i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i> Back
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<section id="content" class="table-layout animated fadeIn">
<!-- -------------- Column Center -------------- -->
<div class="chute chute-center">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
<div class="panel panel-visible p10">
<div class="panel-body pn mn allcp-form theme-primary">
<form id="form-order" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(f)" #f="ngForm">
<div class="section row ">
<!-- -------------- /section -------------- -->
<div class="section row">
<div class="col-md-6 ph10 mb5">
<label for="userid">User ID: </label>
<p-autoComplete (ngModelChange)="orguser.userid = $event" class="ui-autocomplete autocomplete" [suggestions]="results" (completeMethod)="search($event)"
(onSelect)="onSelect($event)" (onBlur)="onBlur($event.target.value)" field="userid"></p-autoComplete>
<input type="hidden" name="userid" [ngModel]="orguser?.userid">
<div class="col-md-6 ph10 mb5">
<label for="perid">Personnel ID:</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" [ngModel]="orguser?.perid" (ngModelChange)="orguser.perid = $event" name="perid"
<div class="section row">
<div class="col-md-6 ph10 mb5">
<label for="Password">Password:</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" [ngModel]="orguser?.password" (ngModelChange)="orguser.password = $event" name="password"
<div class="col-md-6 ph10 mb5">
<label for="fullname">Name:</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="fullname" disabled [ngModel]="orguser?.perfullname" (ngModelChange)="orguser.perfullname = $event"
<div class="section row">
<div class="col-md-6 ph10 mb5">
<label for="type">CreatedOn:</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="createdon" disabled [ngModel]="orguser?.createdon" (ngModelChange)="orguser.createdon = $event"
<div class="col-md-6 ph10 mb5 ">
<label for="CreatedBy ">CreatedBy:</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="createdby" disabled [ngModel]="orguser?.createdby" (ngModelChange)="orguser.createdby = $event"
[(ngModel)]="orguser.createdby" id="createdby">
<div class="section row">
<div class="col-md-6 ph10 mb5">
<label for="Deletedby">Deleted By:</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" disabled name="Deletedby" id="Deletedby">
<div class="col-md-6 ph10 mb5">
<label for="isactive">IsActive:</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="isactive" [ngModel]="orguser?.isactive" (ngModelChange)="orguser.isactive = $event" name="isactive">
<div class="section row">
<div class="col-md-6 ph10 mb5">
<label for="isdeleted">Is Deleted:</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="isdeleted" [ngModel]="orguser?.isdeleted" (ngModelChange)="orguser.isdeleted = $event" name="isdeleted">
<!-- -------------- /section -------------- -->
<!-- -------------- /section -------------- -->
<div class="section text-right mb10 ">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" (click)="confirm()">Save</button>
<!-- -------------- /Panel Body -------------- -->
<!-- -------------- /Column Center -------------- -->
<!-- -------------- /Content -------------- -->
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '#angular/core';
import { orguser } from '../../Models/orguser';
import { PersonnelService } from '../../services/personnel.service';
import { OrguserService } from '../../services/orguser.service';
import {ConfirmDialogModule} from 'primeng/confirmdialog';
import {ConfirmationService} from 'primeng/api';
selector: 'app-orguseraddedit',
templateUrl: './orguseraddedit.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./orguseraddedit.component.css'],
export class OrguseraddeditComponent implements OnInit {
orguser: orguser = new orguser();
val: any;
results: any[];
constructor(private _PersonnelService: PersonnelService, private _OrguserService: OrguserService,private confirmationService: ConfirmationService) {
confirm() {
message: 'Are you sure that you want to update?',
accept: () => {
console.log('update clicked');
confirm1() {
message: 'Are you sure that you want to Add?',
accept: () => {
console.log('add clicked');
search(event) {
.subscribe((userdata: any[]) => { this.results = userdata;console.log('xxxx'); console.log(this.results); }, (error) => {
//this.statusMessage = 'Problem with service. Please try again.'
handleDropdown(event) {
//event.query = current value in input field
ngOnInit() {
.subscribe((userdata: any[]) => { this.orguser = userdata[0]; }, (error) => {
onSelect(value) {
.subscribe((userdata: any[]) => { this.orguser = userdata[0]; console.log(this.orguser); }, (error) => {
onSubmit(f) {
.subscribe((res: any) => {
this.orguser = res;
{ console.log('success'); this.getuser(f.value.userid); };
}, (error) => {
interface IAutoCompleteItem {
value: any;
text: string;
markup?: string;
isFocus?: boolean;
After removing all the stylesheet references and everything else on the template this is what I am getting:
I am not sure what you exactly wrong. But I'Ll give the proper way to use primeng confirm dialog box. You can get what you missing from that
First you need import ConfirmationService from primeng package
import { ConfirmationService} from 'primeng/primeng';
Then you should inject this via constructor like
constructor(private confirmationService: ConfirmationService) { }
And use the below code while open confirmation dialog box
message: 'Are you sure to delete this?',
icon: 'fa fa-question-circle',
header: 'Delete Confirmation',
accept: () => {
// do accept criteria
reject: () => {
//close the dialogue
And the HTML code Could be
<p-confirmDialog width="500"></p-confirmDialog>
While looking your code, You are missing to assign any value for Confirmation object in header="Confirmation".So please remove header="Confirmation" and add that in confirmationservice parameter. also remove appendTo="body". Please try this and let me know
Finally, I have figured out what I was missing.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/primeng#4.1.0/resources/themes/omega/theme.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/primeng#4.1.0/resources/primeng.min.css" />
Since I am new to angular I am not sure about the correct way to reference the local files in node_modules so I have used cdn.
It working.
I'm having a frustrating time trying to get this to work, Chrome keeps displaying an Uncaught Syntax error, but being a beginner to Vue, I have no idea where to look. Im at the part of the tutorial where it says Adding the listing area. Also here is a link to the tutorial as well. Any help or pointers would be appreciated. Thank you!
new Vue({
el: '#events',
data: {
event: {
name: "",
description: "",
date: ""
events: []
ready: function() {
// When the application loads, we want to call the method that initializes
// some data
fetchEvents: function() {
var events = [{
id: 1,
name: "TIFF",
description: "Toronto International Film Festival",
date: "2015-09-10"
id: 2,
name: "The Martian Premiere",
description: "The Martian Comes to Theatres.",
date: "2015-10-02"
id: 3
name: "SXSW",
description: "Music, film and interactive festival in Austin, TX.",
date: "2016-03-11"
this.$set("events", events);
addEvent: function() {
if (this.event.name) {
this.event = {
name: "",
description: "",
date: ""
<!doctype html>
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<!--Nav bar-->
<nav class="navbar navbar-default">
<div class="container fluid">
<a class="navbar-brand"><i class= "glyphicon glyphicon-bullhorn"></i> Vue Events Bulletin Board</a>
<!--main body of our application-->
<div class="container" id="events">
<!--add an event form-->
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3> Add An Event</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="form-group">
<input class="form-control" placeholoder="Event Name" v-model="event.name">
<div class="form-group">
<textarea class="form-control" placeholder="Event Description" v-model="event.description"></textarea>
<div class="form-group">
<input type="date" class="form-control" placeholoder="Date" v-model="event.date">
<button class="btn btn-primary" v-on="click: addEvent">Submit</button>
<div class="list-group" <a href="#" class="list-group-item" v-repeat="event in events">
<h4 class="list-group-item-heading">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-bullhorn"></i>
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calender" v-if="event.date"></i>
<p class="list-group-item-text" v-if="event.description"> </p>
<button class="btn btn-xs btn-danger" v-on="click: deleteEvent($index)">Delete</button>
<!--show the events-->
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="list-group">
<script src="node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/vue-resource/dist/vue-resource.js"></script>
<script src="app1.js">
< /script < /
body > <
You're missing a comma in one of your object declarations
id: 3 // <- missing comma here
name: "SXSW",
description: "Music, film and interactive festival in Austin, TX.",
date: "2016-03-11"
It's plain Javascript, it has nothing to do with Vue
I was trying to add session details under address and date. But ng-repeat is working but its not displaying any details under sessions section. Its not giving me any error. Can anyone please check my codes and let me know what`s missing.
'use strict';
var eventsApp = angular.module('eventsApp', []);
'use strict';
function EventController($scope){
$scope.event = {
name: 'Angular Event App',
date: '04/02/2017',
time: '3.09 am',
location: {
address: 'Google Headquaters',
city: 'Mountain View',
Province: 'CA'
imageUrl: '/img/angularjs-logo.png',
sessions: [
name: 'Directive Masterclass'
name: 'Scope for fun and profit'
name: 'well Behaved Controllers'
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="eventsApp">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Event Registration</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css">
<script src="lib/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="lib/underscore-1.4.4.min.js"></script>
<script src="lib/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="lib/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
<script src="js/controllers/EventController.js"></script>
<div class="container">
<div class="navbar-inner">
<ul class="nav">
<div ng-controller="EventController" style="padding-left:20px; padding-right:20px">
<img ng-src="{{event.imageUrl}}" alt="{{event.name}}" />
<div class="row">
<div class="span1">
<h2> {{event.name}}</h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
<div><strong>Date: </strong> {{event.date}}</div>
<div><strong>Time: </strong> {{event.time}}</div>
<div class="span3">
<strong> Address: </strong><br>
{{event.location.city}}, {{event.location.province}}
<ul class="thumbnails">
<li ng-repeat="session in event.sessions" ></li>
<div class="row session">
<div class="well span9">
<h4 class="well-title">{{session.name}}</h4>
you need to add the div content inside the li tag
change this
<li ng-repeat="session in event.sessions" ></li>
<div class="row session">
<div class="well span9">
<h4 class="well-title">{{session.name}}</h4>
to this
<li ng-repeat="session in event.sessions">
<div class="row session">
<div class="well span9">
<h4 class="well-title">{{session.name}}</h4>
The ending tag for the li element is before where you are referencing the item from the Ng-repeat (likely a typo). I'd update the HTML to the following:
<li ng-repeat="session in event.sessions">
<div class="row session">
<div class="well span9">
<h4 class="well-title">{{session.name}}</h4>