Highcharts Export as SVG - javascript

I want to export Highcharts chart from a web page. The page enables export in two formats: JPEG and PNG using a button attached to the chart.
I want to get better quality so I want to export the chart as SVG.
Is that possible using DevTools consol for example? or any better idea?


Bokeh export all charts, tables in a single image

I m building some chart usign bokeh chart.
This is the output:
Now I want to know if is possible to create a Print or an image to print. In my case I can export as image only chart and not Table too.
AFAIK, there's nothing built into Bokeh for that.
However, you can implement it directly using some of the links in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18581496/564509
Alternatively, you can just print the whole web page using window.print().

Export Canvas Charts to png and pdf

I am working on a data visualization project and I have used the Chart.js library for drawing and now I need to export the charts in pdf and png format, what is the best way for me to do it correctly? Thanks for helping my friends ...
If you want to create a feature to allow a user to download the created charts into a image, you can use the 'toDataURL()' function, and specify the canvas of each chart.
To download a canvas as a pdf you can use the jsPDF library, using the above function to retrieve the canvas and then specifying the dimensions.
I may be wrong but I believe you need to create the charts and display on a web page before converting them to an image/pdf. Hope this helps!

Export highcharts / stockchart to image did not same as in web browser

I tried to setup exporting to image function by call
type: 'image/png',
filename: linechart.chartName
But the result is not same with expected.
We expected the image exported same with chart viewed in web browser.
I tried some setting for exportChart function to have export image same as chart viewed in web browser but not success.
I also tried to use some external library like dom-to-imge or html2canvas but it is not same 100%.
This is chart view in web browser
And this is exported chart by exportChart function
Can you suggest setting for export to image where the exported image same as view in browser like screenshot. Thanks!

How do you export multiple d3 charts to powerpoint?

How do you export multiple d3 charts to powerpoint? I have created a d3 radar, indicator and bar chart and now I want to have a download button that will allow me to download them as a powerpoint.
I've done this two ways.
The first is to use SVG Crowbar: https://nytimes.github.io/svg-crowbar/
Save it as an SVG and then place the SVG file in your powerpoint like any other image.
The second, kind of janky, way to do it is: Print -> Save as PDF -> convert pdf to svg or jpeg.

How to export Highcharts with CMYK colors?

I would like to know if there is a way to export charts from Highcharts with CMYK colors ?
I have read nothing in Highcharts API about CMYK.
I have no problem to export them in PDF and also in SVG with php exporting-server but only with RGB colors.
Do I have to configure something in CSS/Javascript before exporting ?
Do I have to change something in the page of the exporting server ?
Any suggestions is welcome. Thanks.
We are using the Highcharts export module (with PhantomJS) to generate charts with cmyk colors. Instead of rgb colors, you just put cmyk values in the options-json, like this:
"borderColor": "rgb-icc(0%,125%,197%,#CMYK,83.82%,43.76%,0%,0%)"
If you export as svg, you have a chart in cmyk, which you can use in a cmyk pdf! The browser can't handle this (and shows all colors as black), but that doesn't matter, you have svg with cmyk, and now all you need is a way to convert this to a pdf.
I would suggest you just edit the colors in Adobe Illustrator. Even if you could convert to CMYK, there's no telling how that would actually look. You would want to adjust them anyways to get as close to the desired color as possible.
