How to optimize a long running script - javascript

In my application a user is able to update multiple rows of my Kendo grid. After that information gets saved in my data base i have to update the rows. But the only way i can do that is to iterate through my partitions and every row of the grid to update these records.
This causes long running script errors and takes forever. and locks up the browser. My question is; is there a way i can optimize my iteration to happen either in another thread or in the background. Or is there a quicker way i can update the records.
//maingrid contains 400 records
//10 partitions containing 10 rows changed by user
//100 records needing to be updated.
function updateAssignmentsInUI(partitions) {
for (var i = 0; i < partitions.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < partitions[i].length; j++) {
var mainGrid = $("#mainGrid").data("kendoGrid");
$.each(, function () {
if (this.RowSelected === true) {
if (this.ID === partitions[i][j].ID) {
var row = mainGrid.dataSource.getByUid(this.uid);
row.set("Changed", "Yes");
this loops through 10 partitions, then loops through 10 records, the looks for the record in the entire list of 400 records in the maingrid. So you can imagine how long this takes before the user gets control again.

You can just try to change / cache your queries. I don't know this will help much but try to use your code like this
//maingrid contains 400 records
//10 partitions containing 10 rows changed by user
//100 records needing to be updated.
function updateAssignmentsInUI(partitions) {
var mainGrid = $("#mainGrid").data("kendoGrid");
$.each(, function () {
if (this.RowSelected === true) {
for (var i = 0; i < partitions.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < partitions[i].length; j++) {
if (this.ID === partitions[i][j].ID) {
var row = mainGrid.dataSource.getByUid(this.uid);
row.set("Changed", "Yes");
This way your mainGrid will be cached and you will not query it multiple times and also wont search for data of it, also you will not run expensive n^2 loops if row is not selected.
Here is a working demo (simplified) :
For the n^2 loops. I dont know much to optimize it, ask it for more algorithm gurus.


Iterate over a Range fast in Excelscript for web

I want to check that a range of cell are empty or has any values in them, I use this for loop :
for (let i = 0; i <= namesRange.getCellCount(); i++) {
if (namesRange.getCell(i,0).getText() == "")
bookedCount += 1;
However this iteration is extremely slow (as is the use of Range.getValue, but the console warns you that iterating with .getValue is slow, does not warn you with getText) It takes several seconds to iterate over a very short list of 10 elements.
Is there any way to check for the values of a cell in a speedy manner using ExcelScripts?
Does this mean that, even if I develop a UDF or a ribbon Add-In with office.js and Node.js it will also be this extremely slow for iterating over cells?
Is there any way to make this faster?
The reason your code is likely performing slowly is that the calls to getCell() and getText() are expensive. Instead of performing these calls every time in the loop you can try a different approach. One approach is to get an array of the cell values and iterate over that. You can use your namesRange variable to get the array of values. And you can also use it to get the row count and the column count for the range. Using this information, you should be able to write nested for loops to iterate over the array. Here's an example of how you might do that:
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
let namesRange: ExcelScript.Range = workbook.getActiveWorksheet().getRange("A1");
let rowCount: number = namesRange.getRowCount();
let colCount: number = namesRange.getColumnCount();
let vals: string[][] = namesRange.getValues() as string[][];
for (let i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < colCount; j++) {
if (vals[i][j] == "") {
//additional code here
Another alternative to the first answer is to use the forEach approach for every cell in the range of values.
It can cut down the amount of variables you need to achieve the desired result.
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook)
let worksheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
let usedRange = worksheet.getUsedRange().getValues();
usedRange.forEach(row => {
row.forEach(cellValue => {

Angular material pagination next page function

I follow this tutorial to learn how to make a pagination.
I put a json, myData, with items to see how will work. Because I'm a junior programmer eI got blocked to gotoPage().
In my page I changed: = ctrl.myData.length;
ctrl.currentPage = 1;
ctrl.step = 6;
ctrl.gotoPage = function() {
if( {
for(var i=0; i <; i++) {
but I don't know what to put in this function to show me only, let say 10 items, from my json, per page.
You can see these props and methods in their demo.
Can someone please give ideas how to do this?
You need to calculate the starting amount and then iterate until you hit the max for that page = ctrl.myData.length; //the total items in your set
ctrl.currentPage = 1;
ctrl.step = 6; //page size? this could be 10 if you want
ctrl.numpages =; //the total number of items partitioned by page size. convert this to a whole number (the ceiling)
//go to page function here receives the indexes for that page, is that ok?
ctrl.gotoPage = function(Page) { //i modified this to take the page number as an argument
if(Page<= ctrl.numpages && Page>0) //we need to check that the page is valid
var startpos = ((Page-1)*(ctrl.step))+1; //this is virtually a skip amount. If its the first page, i = 0, otherwise we start with an increment of the page size. If its the second page, we skip the first 6 results
for(var i=startpos; i < startpos+ctrl.step; i++) {
if(i == //if its the last page we cut it off early

Google apps script - Broken for loop

I'm working in Google apps script and seem to have screwed up one of my for loops. I'm sure that I am missing something trivial here, but I can't seem to spot it.
Code Snippet:
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheets = ss.getSheets();
var lastRow = sheets[3].getLastRow();
var zw = sheets[3].getRange(2, 1, lastRow - 1, 26).getValues();
for (var j = 0; j < zw.length; ++j) {
if (zw[j][9] === 'Yes') {
var masterEmail = [];
var firstLetterLastName = [];
var first2Letter = [];
var masterEmail.push(zw[j][22]);
var firstLetterLastName.push(zw[j][1].charAt(0).toLowerCase());
var first2Letter.push(zw[j][1].charAt(0).toLowerCase() + zw[j][1].charAt(1).toLowerCase());
//The rest of the function follows...
What's Not Working:
The for loop doesn't increment. When running the code in a debugger, var j stays at a value of 0.0, and the rest of the function only runs based of off the values in the 0 position of zw.
What I need it to do (AKA - How I thought I had written it:)
The ZW variable is holding a 2 dimensional array of cell values from a Google sheet. I'm looping through that, checking the 9th value of each array entry for a string of "Yes" and then running the rest of the function (for each column with a "Yes") if the condition is true.
I thought I had this working before, but recently had to restructure and optimize some things. Now I'm starting to think I may need to rethink things and use a different loop method. Can anyone educate me?
Edit: Here's a bit more context as requested:
function menuItem1() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var response = ui.alert('Are you sure you want to send emails?', ui.ButtonSet.YES_NO);
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheets = ss.getSheets();
var lastRow = sheets[3].getLastRow();
var zw = sheets[3].getRange(2, 1, lastRow - 1, 26).getValues();
if (response === ui.Button.YES) {
for (var j = 0; j < zw.length; j++) {
if (zw[j][9] === 'Yes') {
var firstLetterLastName = [];
//Other Stuff....
I have a menu item attached to a simple onOpen, that calls menuItem1(). Calling the function prompts the user with a warning that they are about to send emails, then goes about getting data to assign email addresses based on the contents of the sheets. firstLetterLastName is an example.
I'm still not getting the loop to function, is it because I have it between two if statements? (Here is a link to the sheet)
Indeed it is quite trivial. You have mixed up your increment. You wrote
for (var j = 0; j < zw.length; ++j)
which means that you do 1 + i (and we know that at the start i = 0 which means your value will always be 1) instead of using the usual
for (var j = 0; j < zw.length; j++)
which would mean that you do i + 1 and update i, so you will get the expected 0 + 1 1 + 1 etc
First, I recommend instead of something like
if (responseMir === ui.Button.YES) {
// Your For loop
if (responseMir !== ui.Button.YES) {
and in a similar fashion in the for loop
if (zw[j][9] !== 'Yes') {
It mostly helps increase readability by not including large blocks of code under a single if, when all you want to do is to stop execution.
Your for loop gets broken because of the mistake here:
So your loop will go over once. However on the next itteration, you try to push selValsMir[1][7] which does not exist. Note that each itteration you have var selValsMir = []; inside the loop, which means that for every j selValsMir will always be an empty array. So with the following line
selValsMir.push([zw[j][0], zw[j][1], zw[j][2], zw[j][3], zw[j][4], zw[j][5], zw[j][7], zw[j][22], zw[j][23], zw[j][24]]);
your array will always have selValsMir.lenght = 1 and selValsMir[0].length = 10. So obviously trying to access anything from selValsMir[1] will throw you an error and stop the script right there.
I also recommend looking over the if statements that look at the first and first 2 letters of the name as I believe you can accomplish the same with less code. Always try to streamline. Consider using switch() where you end up using a lot of else if

Google Script for a Sheet - Maximum Execution time Exceeded

I'm writing a script that's going to look through a monthly report and create sheets for each store for a company we do work for and copy data for each to the new sheets. Currently the issue I'm running into is that we have two days of data and 171 lines is taking my script 369.261 seconds to run and it is failing to finish.
function menuItem1() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet1 = ss.getSheetByName("All Stores");
var data = sheet1.getDataRange().getValues();
var CurStore;
var stores = [];
var target_sheet;
var last_row;
var source_range
var target_range;
var first_row = sheet1.getRange("A" + 1 +":I" + 1);
//assign first store number into initial index of array
CurStore = data[1][6].toString();
//add 0 to the string so that all store numbers are four digits.
while (CurStore.length < 4) {CurStore = "0" + CurStore;}
stores[0] = CurStore;
// traverse through every row and add all unique store numbers to the array
for (var row = 2; row <= data.length; row++) {
CurStore = data[row-1][6].toString();
while (CurStore.length < 4) {
CurStore = "0" + CurStore;
if (stores.indexOf(CurStore) == -1) {
// sort the store numbers into numerical order
// traverse through the stores array, creating a sheet for each store, set the master sheet as the active so we can copy values, insert first row (this is for column labels), traverse though every row and when the unique store is found,
// we take the whole row and paste it onto it's newly created sheet
// at the end push a notification to the user letting them know the report is finished.
for (var i = stores.length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
target_sheet = ss.getSheetByName(stores[i].toString());
last_row = target_sheet.getLastRow();
target_range = target_sheet.getRange("A"+(last_row+1)+":G"+(last_row+1));
for (var row = 2; row <= data.length; row++) {
CurStore = data[row-1][6].toString();
while (CurStore.length < 4) {
CurStore = "0" + CurStore;
if (stores[i] == CurStore) {
source_range = sheet1.getRange("A" + row +":I" + row);
last_row = target_sheet.getLastRow();
target_range = target_sheet.getRange("A"+(last_row+1)+":G"+(last_row+1));
for (var j = 1; j <= 9; j++) {
Browser.msgBox("The report has been finished.");
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm still relatively new at using this, and I'm sure there are plenty of ways to speed this up, if not, I'll end up finding a way to break down the function to divide up the execution. If need be, I can also provide some sample data if need be.
Thanks in advance.
The problem is calling SpreadsheepApp lib related methods like getRange() in each iteration. As stated here:
Using JavaScript operations within your script is considerably faster
than calling other services. Anything you can accomplish within Google
Apps Script itself will be much faster than making calls that need to
fetch data from Google's servers or an external server, such as
requests to Spreadsheets, Docs, Sites, Translate, UrlFetch, and so on.
Your scripts will run faster if you can find ways to minimize the
calls the scripts make to those services.
I ran into the same situation and, instead of doing something like for(i=0;i<data.length;i++), I ended up dividing the data.length into 3 separate functions and ran them manually each time one of them ended.
Same as you, I had a complex report to automate and this was the only solution.

Problems with Backbone jQuery loading order

In one of my views I am pulling in a collection (user_id, date, # of posts, avg post length) and then performing some math calculations on the data (ex: aggregate the total number and avg post length.
To do this I am looping through using an underscore each function and creating a new view (element is a tr) that is appended to a table.
At the end of the loop I am calling the jquery sort table plugin to sort the data in the table. The problem I'm running into is that a lot of times the each loop hasn't finished running before I call the jQuery sort table. I have set it up so there is a delay before the jquery is called, but what is a more elegant solution that will work 100% of the time in this scenario.
var size = _.size(userposts);
_.each(userposts, function(post) {
var sum = 0;
var totposts = 0;
_.each(post, function(times) {
sum += (times.get("posts") * times.get("avgpost"));
totposts += times.get("posts");
var tempuser = new User({id: post[0].get("userId")});
tempuser.fetch({ success: function() {
$("#user-posts").append(new UserPostView({data: {name: tempuser.get("name"), num: totposts, avg: parseInt((sum / totposts))}}).render().el);
if (j == size) {
So, perhaps I am missing your questions, but to lay it all out, you have:
a loop (or a collection of loops)
an event that needs to fire at the end of the loop?
A timer is a big no no! What if this process takes longer on other computers? Or a mobile device? You never want to rely on timers to queue up function calls that rely on pre existing data, especially not without a backup.
There are 2 ways I can think of doing this
var loopStatus = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++){
if (loopStatus = n){
or you could just use a while with the someMethod2() call at the end of it, outside the loop
