JavaScript variable Objects - javascript

I am very much new to Javascript
please correct my code or suggest the best option
var myApp = {};
myApp.set = function(VAL) { = VAL;
myApp.get = function() {
function PageLoad() {
var X = new myApp;
var Y = new myApp;
It shows last assign value only i.e. 10 :(
Thanks in Advance

#Manoj Chavanke Sir Please use this code
function myApp(){
myApp.prototype.set = function(VAL) { = VAL;
myApp.prototype.get = function() {
function PageLoad() {
var X = new myApp; console.log(X);
var Y = new myApp; console.log(Y);

I think You override the value = VAL;
try this code
var myApp = [];
myApp.set = function(VAL) {
myApp.push({id : VAL});
instate of
var myApp = {};
myApp.set = function(VAL) { = VAL;
Because the key is a unique you can't use twice.


JavaScript: Prevent Array.push()

I have a sealed object with an array member on which I want to prevent direct pushes.
var myModule = (function () {
"use strict";
var a = (function () {
var _b = {},
_c = _c = "",
_d = [];
Object.defineProperty(_b, "c", {
get: function () { return _c; }
Object.defineProperty(_b, "d", {
get { return _d; }
_b.addD = function (newD) {
return _b;
var _something = { B: _b };
return {
Something: _something,
AddD: _b.addD
myModule.Something.c = "blah"; // doesn't update = WIN!!
myModule.AddD({}); // pushed = WIN!
myModule.Something.d.push({}); // pushed = sadness
How can I prevent the push?
Thanks for all the thoughts. I eventually need the JSON to send to the server. It looks like I might need to use an object for the array then figure out a way to generate and return the JSON needed, or change _something to use .slice(). Will play and report.
you could override the push method:
var _d = [];
_d.__proto__.push = function() { return this.length; }
and when you need to use it in your module, call Array.prototype.push:
_b.addD = function (newD) {, newD);
I haven't done any performance tests on this, but this certainly helps to protect your array.
(function(undefined) {
var protectedArrays = [];
protectArray = function protectArray(arr) {
return getPrivateUpdater(arr);
var isProtected = function(arr) {
return protectedArrays.indexOf(arr)>-1;
var getPrivateUpdater = function(arr) {
var ret = {};
Object.keys(funcBackups).forEach(function(funcName) {
ret[funcName] = funcBackups[funcName].bind(arr);
return ret;
var returnsNewArray = ['Array.prototype.splice'];
var returnsOriginalArray = ['Array.prototype.fill','Array.prototype.reverse','Array.prototype.copyWithin','Array.prototype.sort'];
var returnsLength = ['Array.prototype.push','Array.prototype.unshift'];
var returnsValue = ['Array.prototype.shift','Array.prototype.pop'];
var funcBackups = {};
overwriteFuncs(returnsNewArray, function() { return []; });
overwriteFuncs(returnsOriginalArray, function() { return this; });
overwriteFuncs(returnsLength, function() { return this.length; });
overwriteFuncs(returnsValue, function() { return undefined; });
function overwriteFuncs(funcs, ret) {
for(var i=0,c=funcs.length;i<c;i++)
var func = funcs[i];
var funcParts = func.split('.');
var obj = window;
for(var j=0,l=funcParts.length;j<l;j++)
(function() {
var part = funcParts[j];
if(j!=l-1) obj = obj[part];
else if(typeof obj[part] === "function")
var funcBk = obj[part];
funcBackups[] = funcBk;
obj[part] = renameFunction(, function() {
if(isProtected(this)) return ret.apply(this, arguments);
else return funcBk.apply(this,arguments);
function renameFunction(name, fn) {
return (new Function("return function (call) { return function " + name +
" () { return call(this, arguments) }; };")())(Function.apply.bind(fn));
You would use it like so:
var myArr = [];
var myArrInterface = protectArray(myArr);
myArr.push(5); //Doesn't work, but returns length as expected
myArrInterface.push(5); //Works as normal
This way, you can internally keep a copy of the interface that isn't made global to allow your helper funcs to modify the array as normal, but any attempt to use .push .splice etc will fail, either directly, or using the .bind(myArr,arg) method.
It's still not completely watertight, but a pretty good protector. You could potentially use the Object.defineProperty method to generate protected properties for the first 900 indexes, but I'm not sure of the implications of this. There is also the method Object.preventExtensions() but I'm unaware of a way to undo this effect when you need to change it yourself
Thank you, dandavis!
I used the slice method:
var myModule = (function () {
"use strict";
var a = (function () {
var _b = {},
_c = _c = "",
_d = [];
Object.defineProperty(_b, "c", {
get: function () { return _c; }
Object.defineProperty(_b, "d", {
get { return _d.slice(); } // UPDATED
_b.updateC = function (newValue) {
_c = newValue;
_b.addD = function (newD) {
return _b;
var _something = { B: _b };
return {
Something: _something,
AddD: _b.addD
myModule.Something.c = "blah"; // doesn't update = WIN!!
myModule.AddD({}); // pushed = WIN!
myModule.Something.d.push({}); // no more update = happiness
This allows me to protect from direct push calls enforcing some logic.

How to json strinfigy a function instance in javascript?

If I have this code
var node = function(n) {
var name = n;
var children = [];
var finished = false;
var failed = false;
this.getName = function() {
return name
this.downloadData = function(obj) {
this.getChildren = function() {
return children;
this.setChildren = function(c) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(children, c);
this.isFinished = function() {
return finished;
this.setFinished = function() {
finished = true;
this.isFailed = function() {
return failed;
this.setFailed = function() {
failed = true;
How can I convert this into an object like:
var a = new node("a");
var j = JSON.stringify(a);
This could be done by implementing the toJSON function.
If an object being stringified has a property named toJSON whose value
is a function, then the toJSON() method customizes JSON
stringification behavior: instead of the object being serialized, the
value returned by the toJSON() method when called will be serialized.
- Mozilla
var node = function(n) {
var name = n;
var children = [];
var finished = false;
var failed = false;
this.toJson = function toJson() {
return {"name":name ... };
You need object properties instead of variables.
So, instead of declaring var name = n;, you would declare = n;. Which would make it look something like
var node = function(n) { = n;
this.children = [];
this.finished = false;
this.failed = false;
///other functions here

Maths.js for Vector properties

I have been instructed to make a Maths.js which will have Vector properties such as adding, multiplication, dot product and cross product. Calculating these is fine, but i am new to javascript and i would like a few ideas on how to go about this. Can i make a Vector.js with 3 vars: val1, val2, val3 and pass them through a constructor to another javascript file called Maths.js ? Then in Maths.js do my mathematics ? Then of course in my HTML file make a few buttons once the user enters a value. I have been googling about constructors and getters and setters in javascript and have found this is achievable. Thanks for the help in advance.
This is what i have tried
var value1 = 0;
var value2 = 0;
var value3 = 0;
function Vector (var val1, var val2, var val3)
this.value1 = val1;
this.value2 = val2;
this.value3 = val3;
function getValue1()
return this.value1;
function setValue2(val)
this.value1 = val;
function getValue2()
return this.value2;
function setValue2(val)
this.value2 = val;
function getValue3()
return this.value3;
function setValue3(val)
this.value3 = val;
You can do this in just one file Math.js:
function Vector(x,y,z) {
var self = this;
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
self.z = z;
self.add = function(v) {
return new Vector(self.x+v.x,self.y+v.y,self.z+v.z); }
self.minus = function(v) { /*TODO*/ } = function(v) { /*TODO*/ }
self.cross = function(v) { /*TODO*/ }
In your main html file:
var v1 = new Vector(1,2,3);
var v2 = new Vector(4,5,6);
var v3 = v1.add(v2);

Null Pointer exception in JavaScript

var Obj = {
StateValues: ['AL','AK','AL','AK','AZ','AR','CA','CO','CT','DE','FL','GA','HI','ID','IL','IN','IA',
getItemRow: function(itemValue) {
var myPosition=-1
for (var i=0;i<Obj.StateValues.length;i++) {
if(Obj.StateValues[i]==itemValue) {
myPosition = i;
return myPosition;
When i add the function in the code, i get Null Pointer Expection. This piece of code is in a sep file... somename.js and which i include
I am not even using this function anywhere in my other js file... like Obj.getItemRow()
var Obj = new function(){
var StateValues = ['AL','AK','AL','AK','AZ','AR','CA','CO','CT','DE','FL','GA','HI','ID','IL','IN','IA',
this.getItemRow = function(itemValue) {
var myPosition=-1
for (var i=0;i<StateValues.length;i++) {
if(StateValues[i]==itemValue) {
myPosition = i;
return myPosition;
This is an easier way to create objects.
var blah = 'this is private'
this.blah = 'this is public'
This works for me:

Call base method in Javascript using Douglas Crockford's functional inheritance

Basically how do I call a base method using this patter below?
var GS = {};
GS.baseClass = function (somedata) {
var that = {}; = somedata;
//Base class method
that.someMethod = function(somedata) {
return that;
GS.derivedClass = function(somedata) {
var that = GS.baseClass(somedata);
//Overwriting base method
that.someMethod = function(somedata) {
//How do I call base method from here?
//do something else
return that;
var GS = {};
GS.baseClass = function (somedata) {
var that = {}; = somedata;
//Base class method
that.someMethod = function(somedata) {
return that;
GS.derivedClass = function(somedata) {
var that = GS.baseClass(somedata);
//Overwriting base method
var basemethod = that.someMethod;
that.someMethod = function(somedata) {
//How do I call base method from here?
basemethod.apply(that, [somedata]);
//do something else
return that;
