Get duplicate character in javascript - javascript

How to get duplicate character in JavaScript,
As like input:

Try this:
var str = "aaabcccdeffa"; // Original string
// We are going to create a key-value array to store the number of occurance
// per letter (eg. 'a' : 4, 'b' : 1 etc.)
var store = {};
// Next we loop through each letter in the string
for (var a in str) {
if (store[str[a]] == undefined) { // If this letter has not ben found before, we set the count to 1 (first occurance)
store[str[a]] = 1;
else { // else if the letter has been found, we increase the count by one
store[str[a]] += 1;
// At this point, we have a key value array that contains the count of each letter
// Next, we loop through this array to generate the new string
var newStr = ''; // Initialise new string
for (var char in store) {
newStr += char; // append the letter to the string
if (store[char] > 1) {
newStr += store[char]; // If the count is more than one, we want to show the number too, so we append the number to the string
Output will be in newStr

you can use a HashTable, which in javascript is done through an Object. This code works
function duplicateCharacters(str) {
//Create an empty object
var hashTable = {};
for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
//Check if the character has already been registered
//If false, register it and link a 1 to it
//If true, increment the integer linked to it
if (hashTable.hasOwnProperty(str[i]))
hashTable[str[i].toString()] = 1;
var output = "";
//Go through the hashTable
for(var key in hashTable) {
//Concatenate the key
output += key.toString();
//If the character only appeared once, do not add it
if(hashTable[key] != 1)
output += hashTable[key].toString()
return output;

Here is the reference code which uses both jquery and Regular expression for calculating the frequency of the character.
// Variable Declaration with Source text
var sourceText="aaabcccdeffa";
var resultText="";
// Splitting the source text to array
var sourceTextArray=sourceText.split("");
var uniqueText = [];
//Fetches Unique text from sourceTextArray in order
$.each(sourceTextArray, function(i, el){
if($.inArray(el, uniqueText) === -1) uniqueText.push(el);
//Iteration with unique text array
$.each(uniqueText, function(i, el){
//Regular Expression approach to calculate frequency of character with source text
resultText+=(sourceText.match(new RegExp(el, "g")) || []).length>1?el+(sourceText.match(new RegExp(el, "g")) || []).length:el;
Working Example Here


I'd like someone to help me understand a few lines of code. Can someone help me explain them? Thanks

I'm doing an algorithm on Codesignal.
For s = "abacabad", the output should be
firstNotRepeatingCharacter(a) = 'c'.
There are 2 non-repeating characters in the string: 'c' and 'd'. Return c since it appears in the string first.
For s = "abacabaabacaba", the output should be
firstNotRepeatingCharacter(s) = '_'.
There are no characters in this string that do not repeat.
Code below:
function firstNotRepeatingCharacter(a) {
let b = {};
let len = a.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
let tmp = a.charAt(i);
if (b[tmp]) {
b[tmp] += 1; //explain here
else {
b[tmp] = 1;
for (var prop in b) {
if (b[prop] == 1) { //explain here
return prop;
return '_';
Actually in the above b is an object whose keys are different letters of the string and the values of those keys are count of respective lettter in the string.
key => letter
value => Count of that letter
tmp will be character through you are iterating.
if (b[tmp]) checks whether the letter is already added to the object.
If its already there so increase the count.
Otherwise set it to one.
In the second loop if (b[prop] == 1) checks whether the count of certain letter is 1. means that it only occurred once in the string so return the letter.

Looping through an array that has binary numbers and writing true if the number is 1 or false if the number is 0

I am trying to make a webpage that makes an encrypted letter by first parsing a single character in ascii then parsing the ascii into binary then putting the binary into an array. After putting it into an array I have to loop through the array and write true for "1" or false for "0". Then I have to output to the page. an example of what the output would look like if you put in the letter "a" would be "false,true,true,false,false,false,false,true"
Update: I have added the "loop" in order to make sense of my problem
var output = document.getElementById("output");
var strQuestion = "Enter ONE character, matey!";
var strStandard = "J";
var chrCharacter = "";
var chrLength = 0;
var array = [];
var arrayLength = 0;
while (chrLength != 1)
chrCharacter = prompt(strQuestion, strStandard);
chrLength = chrCharacter.length;
intAscii = parseAscii(chrCharacter);
strBin = parseBin(intAscii);
array = strBin.split("");
for (i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++ )
if (array[i] = 0)
array[i] = false;
else if (array[i] = 1)
array[i] = true;
output.innerHTML = array;
}); //end document.ready
Purpose: Converts a character into ascii
Parameters: single character / letter
Return: integer representing an ascii value
function parseAscii(chrCharacter)
intAscii = chrCharacter.charCodeAt(0);
return intAscii;
Purpose: Takes the ascii code and turns it into binary
Parameters: single integer representing an ascii value
Return: binary, base 2 representation of the number passed to this function
function parseBin(intAscii)
strBin = parseInt(intAscii, 10).toString(2);
if(strBin.length < 8)
var intPlaceHolders = 8 - strBin.length;
for(var i = 0; i < intPlaceHolders; i++)
strBin = "0" + strBin;
return strBin;
I would convert the array with binaries to an array with boolean values wich you can joint together to a string that can be shown on the webpage.
array = [1,1,0,0,1]
// This will map over the items and perform an type conversion
var booleanArray =
// Join all the items together as a string
Var booleanString = booleanArray.join(", ")
output.innerHTML = booleanString
I didn't test it, but it should work if I didn't make any typo's.
Btw, I dont think that this is what they ment with looping. But it's definitely a way to get the job done.
If I understand your question correctly, you can convert your array of ones and zeros (binary) to values of ture and false using the map function and using innerHTML to add the output to the DOM:
See example below:
// Populate myBinaryArray using your ascii method to get the follow:
let myBinaryArray = [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1];
document.body.innerHTML += => !(!bit));

Javascript: Split a string by comma, except inside parentheses

Given string in the form:
How can I split it to get the below array format:
I have tried normal javascript split, however it doesn't work as desired. Trying Regular Expression but not yet successful.
You can keep track of the parentheses, and add those expressions when the left and right parens equalize.
For example-
function splitNoParen(s){
var left= 0, right= 0, A= [],
M= s.match(/([^()]+)|([()])/g), L= M.length, next, str= '';
for(var i= 0; i<L; i++){
next= M[i];
if(next=== '(')++left;
else if(next=== ')')++right;
if(left!== 0){
str+= next;
if(left=== right){
left= right= 0;
str= '';
else A=A.concat(next.match(/([^,]+)/g));
return A;
var s1= '"abc",ab(),c(d(),e()),f(g(),zyx),h(123)';
/* returned value: (String)
This might be not the best or more refined solution, and also maybe won't fit every single possibility, but based on your example it works:
var data = '"abc",ab(),c(d(),e()),f(g(),zyx),h(123)';
// Create a preResult splitting the commas.
var preResult = data.replace(/"/g, '').split(',');
// Create an empty result.
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < preResult.length; i++) {
// Check on every preResult if the number of parentheses match.
// Opening ones...
var opening = preResult[i].match(/\(/g) || 0;
// Closing ones...
var closing = preResult[i].match(/\)/g) || 0;
if (opening != 0 &&
closing != 0 &&
opening.length != closing.length) {
// If the current item contains a different number of opening
// and closing parentheses, merge it with the next adding a
// comma in between.
result.push(preResult[i] + ',' + preResult[i + 1]);
} else {
// Leave it as it is.
For future reference, here's another approach to top-level splitting, using string.replace as a control flow operator:
function psplit(s) {
var depth = 0, seg = 0, rv = [];
function (m, cls, opn, com, off, s) {
depth += opn.length - cls.length;
var newseg = off + m.length;
if (!depth && com) {
rv.push(s.substring(seg, newseg - 1));
seg = newseg;
return m;
return rv;
["abc", "ab()", "c(d(),e())", "f(g(),zyx)", "h(123)"]
Getting it to handle quotes as well would not be too complicated, but at some point you need to decide to use a real parser such as jison, and I suspect that would be the point. In any event, there's not enough detail in the question to know what the desired handling of double quotes is.
You can't use .split for this, but instead you'll have to write a small parser like this:
function splitNoParen(s){
let results = [];
let next;
let str = '';
let left = 0, right = 0;
function keepResult() {
str = '';
for(var i = 0; i<s.length; i++) {
switch(s[i]) {
case ',':
if((left === right)) {
left = right = 0;
} else {
str += s[i];
case '(':
str += s[i];
case ')':
str += s[i];
str += s[i];
return results;
var s1= '"abc",ab(),c(d(),e()),f(g(),zyx),h(123)';
var s2='cats,(my-foo)-bar,baz';
Had a similar issue and existing solutions were hard to generalize. So here's another parser that's a bit more readable and easier to extend to your personal needs. It'll also work with curly braces, brackets, normal braces, and strings of any type. License is MIT.
* This function takes an input string and splits it by the given token, but only if the token is not inside
* braces of any kind, or a string.
* #param {string} input The string to split.
* #param {string} split_by Must be a single character.
* #returns {string[]} An array of split parts without the split_by character.
export function parse_split(input:string, split_by:string = ",") : string[]
// Javascript has 3 types of strings
const STRING_TYPES = ["'","`","\""] as const;
// Some symbols can be nested, like braces, and must be counted
const state = {"{":0,"[":0,"(":0};
// Some cannot be nested, like a string, and just flip a flag.
// Additionally, once the string flag has been flipped, it can only be unflipped
// by the same token.
let string_state : (typeof STRING_TYPES)[number] | undefined = undefined
// Nestable symbols come in sets, usually in pairs.
// These sets increase or decrease the state, depending on the symbol.
const pairs : Record<string,[keyof typeof state,number]> = {
let start = 0;
let results = [];
let length = input.length;
for(let i = 0; i < length; ++i)
let char = input[i];
// Backslash escapes the next character. We directly skip 2 characters by incrementing i one extra time.
if(char === "\\")
// If the symbol exists in the single/not nested state object, flip the corresponding state flag.
if(char == string_state)
string_state = undefined;
console.log("Closed string ", string_state);
// if it's not in a string, but it's a string opener, remember the string type in string_state.
else if(string_state === undefined && STRING_TYPES.includes(char as typeof STRING_TYPES[number]))
string_state = char as typeof STRING_TYPES[number];
// If it's not in a string, and if it's a paired symbol, increase or decrease the state based on our "pairs" constant.
else if(string_state === undefined && (char in pairs) )
let [key,value] = pairs[char];
state[key] += value;
// If it's our split symbol...
else if(char === split_by)
// ... check whether any flags are active ...
if(Object.entries(state).every(([k,v])=>v == 0) && (string_state === undefined))
// ... if not, then this is a valid split.
start = i+1;
// Add the last segment if the string didn't end in the split_by symbol, otherwise add an empty string
if(start < input.length)
return results;
With this regex, it makes the job:
const regex = /,(?![^(]*\))/g;
const str = '"abc",ab(),c(d(),e()),f(g(),zyx),h(123)';
const result = str.split(regex);
var str='"abc",ab(),c(d(),e()),f(g(),zyx),h(123)'
this should work

for loop string each word

if this type character '這' = NonEnglish each will take up 2 word space, and English will take up 1 word space, Max length limit is 10 word space; How to get the first 10 space.
for below example how to get the result This這 is?
I'm trying to use for loop from first word but I don't know how to get each word in string...
string = "This這 is是 English中文 …";
var NonEnglish = "[^\u0000-\u0080]+",
Pattern = new RegExp(NonEnglish),
MaxLength = 10,
Ratio = 2;
If you mean you want to get that part of the string where it's length has reached 10, here's the answer:
var string = "This這 is是 English中文 …";
function check(string){
// Length of A-Za-z characters is 1, and other characters which OP wants is 2
var length = i = 0, len = string.length;
// you can iterate over strings just as like arrays
for(;i < len; i++){
// if the character is what the OP wants, add 2, else 1
length += /\u0000-\u0080/.test(string[i]) ? 2 : 1;
// if length is >= 10, come out of loop
if(length >= 10) break;
// return string from the first letter till the index where we aborted the for loop
return string.substr(0, i);
Live Demo
Replaced .match with .test. The former returns a whole array while the latter simply returns true or false.
Improved RegEx. Since we are checking only one character, no need for ^ and + that were before.
Replaced len with string.length. Here's why.
I'd suggest something along the following lines (assuming that you're trying to break the string up into snippets that are <= 10 bytes in length):
string = "This這 is是 English中文 …";
function byteCount(text) {
//get the number of bytes consumed by a string
return encodeURI(text).split(/%..|./).length - 1;
function tokenize(text, targetLen) {
//break a string up into snippets that are <= to our target length
var result = [];
var pos = 0;
var current = "";
while (pos < text.length) {
var next = current + text.charAt(pos);
if (byteCount(next) > targetLen) {
current = "";
else if (byteCount(next) == targetLen) {
current = "";
else {
current = next;
if (current != "") {
return result;
console.log(tokenize(string, 10));

extracting values from string in JavaScript

Given a string of the form "(a,{b:c,d:e,f:g},h})", I want to extract a,c,e,g,h from the string.
i.e. string will always contain 3 parameters, where 2nd parameter is of the form {b:c,d:e,f:g} i.e. it contains key value pairs and there can be any number of them. I want to extract all the values leaving behind keys.
Also I want to extract first and third parameter i.e. a and h in the above string.
I am trying to scan the string and extract on character by character bases but I am not able to do extract values from 2nd argument.
Is there any efficient method to do it may be using regular expressions ?
Try this regex:
The first group is a, second is b, etc:
> str.match(/\(([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+),\{([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+):([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+),([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+):([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+),([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+):([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\},([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\}\)/)
["(a,{b:c,d:e,f:g},h})", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"]
Here's a complicated solution using the versatile split function:
var str = "(a,{b:c,d:e,f:g},h)"
var outstr = "";
var parts = str.split(",");
for (var ixPart = 0; ixPart < parts.length; ++ixPart) {
if (ixPart > 0) outstr += ",";
var part = parts[ixPart];
if (part.indexOf(":") > 0) {
var parts2 = parts[ixPart].split(":");
var part2 = parts2[1];
if (part2.indexOf("}") >= 0)
outstr += part2.substring(0, part2.indexOf("}"));
else outstr += part2;
} else {
if (part.indexOf("(") == 0) outstr += part.substring(1);
else if (part.indexOf(")") >= 0)
outstr += part.substring(0, part.indexOf(")"));
else outstr += part;
return outstr;
How about:
var testString = "(a,{b:c,d:e,f:g},h)";
var parameterArray = testString.split(/\((.+?),\{.+?:(.+?),.+?:(.+?),.+?:(.+?)\},(.+?)\)/);
This assumes that the }) at the end of the sample string is a type-o, but it's easy to modify if not.
Divide and conquer!
function extract (str) {
str = str.trim ().split (/\s*,\s*/); // split on , chars with optional surrounding spaces
return (function (v) { // create array from values
// remove prefix and/or suffix from required values :
// first ignore any leading ( or { chars
// then ignore a single word followed by :
// use the following trimmed string as the data
// ignore any ) or } at the end
return (v.match (/^[({]*(?:\w\s*:\s*)?\s*(.*?)\s*[)}]*$/) || ['', v]) [1];
This assumes that the data strings will never :
be blank
contain , characters
begin with ( or {
end with ) or }
If the format of the string is known as you described, I would first edit the string to make it into JSON and then use eval
var str1 = "('word1',{b:'word2',d:'word3',f:'word4'},'word5')";
// Edit the string to JSON format by replacing '(' and ')' with '[' and ']'
var str2 = str1.replace(/\(/, '[').replace(/\)/, ']')
// str2 is now => "['word1',{b:'word2',d:'word3',f:'word4'},'word5']"
var obj = eval(str2);
// All you results are now in obj.
var result1 = obj[0]; // This gets'word1'
//Similarly you can get the rest as follows:
obj[1].b // This gives you 'word2'
obj[1].d // 'word3'
obj[1].f // 'word4'
obj[2] // 'word5'
If obj[1] has a variable number of key/value pairs and you want only value you can iterate over the object obj[1] as follows:
for (var key in obj[1]) {
obj[1][key]; // This gives the values in each iteration
