Combine several arrays into an array of objects in JavaScript - javascript

Say I have three arrays depicting some names, number of books read and how awesome these people [in names] are:
let names = ["Mary", "Joe", "Kenan"];
let numberOfBooks = [2, 1, 4];
let awesomenessLevel = ["pretty cool", "meh", "super-reader"];
I'm trying to use .reduce() to bring them together to create an array of objects containing the relevant index in each array, but I am failing miserably:
let people = [
name: "Mary",
noOfBooks: 2,
awesomeness: "pretty cool"
name: "Joe",
noOfBooks: 1,
awesomeness: "meh"
name: "Kenan",
noOfBooks: 4,
awesomeness: "super-reader"
I got it with reduce as well:
let arrFinal = [];
names.reduce(function(all, item, index) {
name: item,
noOfBooks: numberOfBooks[index],
awesomeness: awesomenessLevel[index]
}, []);

You could do it with map, like this:
let result = (v, i) => ({
name: names[i],
noOfBooks: numberOfBooks[i],
awesomenessLevel: awesomenessLevel[i]
let names = ["Mary", "Joe", "Kenan"];
let numberOfBooks = [2, 1, 4];
let awesomenessLevel = ["pretty cool", "meh", "super-reader"];
let result = (v, i) => ({
name: names[i],
noOfBooks: numberOfBooks[i],
awesomenessLevel: awesomenessLevel[i]
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map works better than reduce in this case, because the number of elements you have in the names array (or any of the two others) is the same as the number of elements you need in the output. In that case it is more natural to use map.

Use map to create a 1-to-1 mapping between the input arrays and the output arrays.
let people = (e, i) {
return {name:e, noOfBooks:numberOfBooks[i],awesomeness: awesomenessLevel[i]};
let names = ["Mary", "Joe", "Kenan"];
let numberOfBooks = [2, 1, 4];
let awesomenessLevel = ["pretty cool", "meh", "super-reader"];
let people = (e, i) {
return {name:e, noOfBooks:numberOfBooks[i],awesomeness: awesomenessLevel[i]};

You could use a dynamic approach by combining all arrays to one object and use the key names as property names for the result objects in the array
let names = ["Mary", "Joe", "Kenan"],
numberOfBooks = [2, 1, 4],
awesomenessLevel = ["pretty cool", "meh", "super-reader"],
object = { name: names, noOfBooks: numberOfBooks, awesomeness: awesomenessLevel },
result = Object.keys(object).reduce((r, k) =>
(object[k].forEach((a, i) =>
(r[i] = r[i] || {})[k] = a), r), []);
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javascript filter multidimensional array

I am not familiar with javascript but I need to use it for a callback with Bokeh. I created a multidimensional array with the following content (pseduo code)
items =[
["id", Array(2898)],
["NAME", Array(2898)],
["ADDRESS", Array(2898)],
["PHONE", Array(2898)],
I would like to create a new array containing a subset filtered by an array of "ids"
I tried using filter and some but can't seem to get it work. here is what I got so far
let items = Object.keys(items_obj).map((key) => [key, items_obj[key]]);
let filter_items = items.filter(function(item){
return item.some(e => e['id'] === ids[0]);
Is there a simplye whay to do this? In python, I would simply filter df[df['ids'].isin([3, 6])]
Many thanks
If you want to extract a "column" of data from a matrix, you can find the column index by find the value index within the corresponding key array.
const data = [
["id", [1, 2, 3]],
["NAME", ['Bob', 'Joe', 'Nancy']],
["ADDRESS", [1, 2, 3]],
["PHONE", [1, 2, 3]]
itemsObj = Object.fromEntries(data), // Matrix to Object
itemsArr = Object.entries(itemsObj); // Object to Matrix
const getFrame = (dataFrames, key, value) => {
const [ , keyValues ] = dataFrames.find(([key]) => key === key);
const index = keyValues.indexOf(value);
return[k, v]) => [ k, v.find((w, i) => i === index) ]);
frame = getFrame(data, 'id', 2),
frameObj = Object.fromEntries(frame);
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If you want to select a range of "frames", you can modify the program as seen below:
const data = [
["id", [1, 2, 3]],
["NAME", ['Bob', 'Joe', 'Nancy']],
["ADDRESS", [1, 2, 3]],
["PHONE", [1, 2, 3]]
const getFrames = (dataFrames, key, values) => {
const [ , keyValues ] = dataFrames.find(([key]) => key === key);
const indicies = => keyValues.indexOf(val)).filter(i => i > -1);
return =>[k, v]) =>
[k, v.find((x, i) => i === index)]));
frames = getFrames(data, 'id', [2, 3]),
frameObjs = => Object.fromEntries(frame));
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compare and merge array in javascript

const arr1 = [{id:1, checked:false},{id:2, checked:false},{id:3, checked:false}]
const arr2 = [{id:1},{id:3}]
i have 2 arrays like above. i want to result should be
arr1 = [{id:1, checked:true},{id:2, checked:false},{id:3, checked:true}]
i tried with array filter, but it gives joined array
companyArr.forEach(citem => {
mapItem.forEach(mitem => {
Id: citem.Id,
CompanyName: citem.CompanyName,
isChecked: (mitem.company_id === citem.Id)
You could make a Set which keeps all your ids from each object in arr2, and then use .map() on arr1 to check the checked values based on whether the set has the current objects id:
const arr1 = [{id:1, checked:false},{id:2, checked:false},{id:3, checked:false}]
const arr2 = [{id:1},{id:3}];
const lut = new Set({id}) => id));
const res = => ({...o, checked: lut.has(}))
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Note: I've created a set here for efficient lookup, however, you could use .some() on arr2 if you wish in the .map() as well, but this would have performance drawbacks for large data sets:
const arr1 = [{id:1, checked:false},{id:2, checked:false},{id:3, checked:false}]
const arr2 = [{id:1},{id:3}];
const res = => ({...o, checked: arr2.some(({id}) => id ===}));
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you could use Array#map for recreate the array .And Array#findIndex for find the first array value exist on 2nd array .And use Spread operator for easy to split the object
const arr1 = [{id:1, checked:false},{id:2, checked:false},{id:3, checked:false}]
const arr2 = [{id:1},{id:3}]
let res => ({...a,checked: arr2.findIndex(({id}) => id == > -1}));
You can use map and find for that.
const arr1 = [{ id: 1, checked: false }, { id: 2, checked: false }, { id: 3, checked: false }]
, arr2 = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 3 }]
, result = => ({ ...el, checked: !!arr2.find(({ id }) => id === }));

Filter object base on an array with Ramda.js

let obj = {
tom: {
id: 0
david: {
id: 1
john: {
id: 2
let ids = [1, 2]
I want to filter the obj based on ids.
The result I want is
david: {
id: 1
john: {
id: 2
Because ids above is [1, 2].
I want to do this with Ramda.js.
Plase help me.
Ok, I'm sorry.
I did something like this.
let obj2 = {}
ids.forEach((x) => {
obj2 += R.filter(y => === x, obj)
obj = obj2
But, it is not correct.
And I don't want to use forEach.
I want to do with Ramda.js .
You can do this only using Javascript, first you can create a set with the ids you want to keep (check if set has an element is O(1)). Then, you can loop on the original object and add the key with his value on a new object if the set has the related id:
let obj = {
tom: {id: 0},
david: {id: 1},
john: {id: 2}
let ids = [1, 2];
const filterByIds = (obj, ids) =>
let idsSet = new Set(ids);
let filteredObj = {};
for (k in obj)
if (idsSet.has(obj[k].id))
filteredObj[k] = obj[k];
return filteredObj;
console.log(filterByIds(obj, ids));
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Update to use Ramda:
With Ramda you can do like this:
let obj = {
tom: {id: 0},
david: {id: 1},
john: {id: 2}
let ids = [1, 2];
let idsSet = new Set(ids);
const hasValidId = o => idsSet.has(;
let res = R.filter(hasValidId, obj);
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Easy if you read the documentation here
You can do it in pure JavaScript by using Object.entries and destructuring with includes like so:
let obj = {
tom: {
id: 0
david: {
id: 1
john: {
id: 2
let ids = [1, 2];
let result = {};
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([name, { id }]) => {
if (ids.includes(id)) {
result[name] = { id: id };
Generally speaking, you should strive to work with data structures that help you rather than work against you.
With a simplified data structure such as this one below:
const obj = [
{id: 0, name: 'tom'},
{id: 1, name: 'david'},
{id: 2, name: 'john'}
You could use innerJoin:
innerJoin((cur, id) => === id, obj, [1, 2])
How to convert your original data structure into a simplified one?
It can be a two-step process with Ramda:
Split your object into an array of key/value pairs with toPairs:
{tom:{id:0}} ~> [['tom', {id: 0}]]
Map each pair into an object:
[['tom', {id: 0}]] ~> [{name: 'tom', id: 0}]
const obj = {
tom: {
id: 0
david: {
id: 1
john: {
id: 2
const convert = R.compose([name, id]) => ({name,})), R.toPairs);
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Try This:
let obj = { tom: { id: 0 }, david: { id: 1}, john: {id: 2} }
let ids = [1, 2] ;
let result = {} ;
for ( var o in obj ) {
if (ids.includes(obj[o].id))
result[o] = obj[o];
console.log(result) ;
Unless this is an exercise in learning Ramda, beware of the idea of wanting to do this in Ramda. I'm one of the primary authors of Ramda, and a big fan, but I need to stress that it's simply a toolkit than can help in some situations. When it helps, great, but it shouldn't be a goal.
Now, I do think it can help here. This is what I would do with Ramda:
const matchIds = (obj, ids) => filter(propSatisfies(includes(__, ids), 'id'), obj)
let obj = {tom: {id: 0}, david: {id: 1}, john: {id: 2}}
let ids = [1, 2]
console.log(matchIds(obj, ids))
<script src="//"></script>
const {__, filter, propSatisfies, includes} = R
An alternative, especially if the list of ids is less likely to change than the object, is this:
const matchIds = (ids) => filter(propSatisfies(includes(__, ids), 'id'))
let obj = {tom: {id: 0}, david: {id: 1}, john: {id: 2}}
let ids = [1, 2]
<script src="//"></script>
const {__, filter, propSatisfies, includes} = R
There are some reasons not to like the placeholder ('__'). If you feel that way, you can replace includes(__, ids) with flip(includes)(ids).
I don't take my own advice here. While I still would use Ramda for the filter, there is no need for propSatisfies here. A simple lambda would be perfectly fine:
const matchIds = (ids) => filter(({id}) => ids.includes(id))
This is much cleaner and more readable, at least once you're used to the Ramda norm of partial application. (filter takes two arguments: the predicate function and the object to filter with it. Since we only supply the first, this gives us back a function expecting the second. When we call that resulting function with the object, the filtering happens.)
The reason I would still use Ramda's filter is that there is no direct built-in version of it as applied to objects. Ramda supplies a simple alternative to writing a one-off object filtering.

Javascript how to join two arrays having same property value?

How do I join arrays with the same property value? I cannot map it because it has different indexes.
var array1 = [
var array2 = [
expected output:
var array3 = [
{'label':"label2",'value':"SELECT", 'position':1}
This is what I did, I cannot make it work,
var arr3 =, i) {
return {
"label": v.label,
"position": v.position,
"value": arr2[?].value
I think you can use array#reduce to do something like this perhaps:
var array1 = [
var array2 = [
var array3 = array2.reduce((arr, e) => {
arr.push(Object.assign({}, e, array1.find(a => a.label == e.label)))
return arr;
}, [])
You could take a Map and check the existence for a new object.
var array1 = [{ label: "label1", position: 0 }, { label: "label3", position: 2 }, { label: "label2", position: 1 }],
array2 = [{ label: "label1", value: "TEXT" }, { label: "label2", value: "SELECT" }],
map = array1.reduce((m, o) => m.set(o.label, o), new Map),
array3 = array2.reduce((r, o) => {
if (map.has(o.label)) {
r.push(Object.assign({}, o, map.get(o.label)));
return r;
}, []);
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As per the effort, we take an assumption that array1 will be having all the labels that are in array2.
Based on that first, create a map for array2and with key being labels. Post that, filter out array1 items which have labels existing in the map and then finally merging the objects of the filtered array and its corresponding values in map extracted from array2.
var array1 = [{'label':"label1",'position':0},{'label':"label3",'position':2},{'label':"label2",'position':1}];
var array2 = [{'label':"label1",'value':"TEXT"},{'label':"label2",'value':"SELECT"}];
let map = array2.reduce((a,{label,}) => Object.assign(a,{[label]:rest}),{});
let result = array1.filter(({label}) => map[label]).map(o => ({...o,[o.label]}));
Also, in the above snippet, you can improve the performance further by using Array.reduce against filter and map functions to retrieve the result.
var array1 = [{'label':"label1",'position':0},{'label':"label3",'position':2},{'label':"label2",'position':1}];
var array2 = [{'label':"label1",'value':"TEXT"},{'label':"label2",'value':"SELECT"}];
let map = array2.reduce((a,{label,}) => Object.assign(a,{[label]:rest}),{});
let result = array1.reduce((a,o) => {
if(map[o.label]) a.push({...o,[o.label]});
return a;
}, []);
If you don't know in advance which array(s) will have their labels be a subset of the other (if any), here's a method that allows for either array1 or array2 to have labels that the other array lacks. Use reduce over array1, finding the matching label in array2 if it exists:
var array1 = [
var array2 = [
const output = array1.reduce((a, { label, position }) => {
const foundValueObj = array2.find(({ label: findLabel }) => findLabel === label);
if (!foundValueObj) return a;
const { value } = foundValueObj;
a.push({ label, value, position });
return a;
}, []);
See and Map for more info.
// Input.
const A = [{'label':"label1",'position':0},{'label':"label3",'position':2},{'label':"label2",'position':1}]
const B = [{'label':"label1",'value':"TEXT"},{'label':"label2",'value':"SELECT"}]
// Merge Union.
const mergeUnion = (A, B) => {
const mapA = new Map( => [x.label, x]))
return => ({...mapA.get(y.label), ...y}))
// Output + Proof.
const output = mergeUnion(A, B)
This works.
Approach: Concatenate the objects with same label, using Object.assign()
var array1 = [{'label':"label1",'position':0},{'label':"label3",'position':2},{'label':"label2",'position':1}];
var array2 = [{'label':"label1",'value':"TEXT"},{'label':"label2",'value':"SELECT"}];
var result = [];
array2.forEach(function(value, index){
result.push(Object.assign({},array1.find(function(v,i){return v.label==value.label}),value));
Im not good with javascript,but you could also do this
var array1 = [
var array2 = [
var array3=[];
for(var i=0;i<array1.length;i++)
for(var x=0;x<array2.length;x++)
console.log(array1[i]['label'] == array2[x]['label']);
if(array1[i]['label'] == array2[x]['label']){

Getting values of nested objects and arrays - with plunker

I have two arrays, with nested objects, downloaded as part of calls to API endpoints, one (preview) has just numbers.
obj1:[1, 2],
obj2:[3, 4]
I had to make a second call to another endpoint, to get a list of IDs with strings
}, {
}, {
}, {
I need to match the IDs to the first array of objects numbers, so I have strings/text values to display on my web page
I have 2 functions
The first one, pulls the numbers from the preview array and pushes them to my own editable array that I will use to display on the page
This is the array before function runs
objName = [['obj1'], ['obj2']];
This is the first function, matches the names in preview to the names in my array and pushes values
for(let i = 0; i < this.objName.length; i++){
for(var name in this.preview[0]) {
if (name == this.objName[i][0]){
for(var val in this.preview[0][name]) {
The second matches the IDs in fields to the numbers in objName and replaces with the string value
public setStrings(){
let feildId, feildName;
for(let i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++){
var obj = this.fields[i]
for(var name in obj) {
if(this.objName[i][0] == name){
for(let j = 0; j < obj[name].length; j++){
feildId = obj[name][j].id
feildName = obj[name][j].name;
for(let x = 0; x < this.objName[i].length; x++){
if (this.objName[i][x] == feildId){
var index = this.objName[i].indexOf(feildId)
if (index !== -1) {
this.objName[i][index] = feildName;
The objName array, for output, ends up looking like:
[['obj1', 'string_name1', 'string_name2'], ['obj2', 'string_name3', 'string_name4']]
It works, but makes my eyes hurt, there must be an easier cleaner way of doing this?
Plunker link:
Your data structures are not ideal for this kind of transformation. For instance, it would have been better if the display strings could be addressed directly given an "obj"-property and array index, without having to iterate through arrays.
Anyway, using the existing structure, you can still improve by using array functions, such as find and map:
class App {
constructor(preview, objName, fields) {
this.preview = preview;
this.objName = objName;
this.fields = fields;
setNumbers() {
this.objName = arr => arr.concat(this.preview[0][arr[0]]) );
setStrings() {
this.objName = arr =>
[arr[0]].concat(arr.slice(1).map( val =>
this.fields.find( field => arr[0] in field )[arr[0]]
.find( item => === val ).name
var objName = [['obj1'], ['obj2']],
preview = [{
obj1: [1, 2],
obj2: [3, 4]
fields = [{
}, {
}, {
}, {
new App(preview, objName, fields);
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Note that this code assumes all searches lead to matches. If this is not your case, you'll have to add some code to define which values should be returned in case of non-matching references.
Here is such a variant of the code:
class App {
constructor(preview, objName, fields) {
this.preview = preview;
this.objName = objName;
this.fields = fields;
setNumbers() {
this.objName = arr =>
arr[0] in this.preview[0]
? arr.concat(this.preview[0][arr[0]])
: arr
setStrings() {
this.objName = arr =>
[arr[0]].concat(arr.slice(1).map( val => {
let find = this.fields.find( field => arr[0] in field );
if (find) find = find[arr[0]].find( item => === val );
return find ? : val;
var objName = [['obj1'], ['obj2'], ['obj3']],
preview = [{
obj1: [1, 2],
obj2: [3, 4, 5],
fields = [{
}, {
}, {
}, {
new App(preview, objName, fields);
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It's easier and cleaner to do this if you break it down into smaller pieces:
let objsToMap = [{
obj1: [1, 2, 7],
obj2: [3, 4],
obj3: [1, 2]
let objValues = [{
obj1: [{
id: 1,
name: 'string_name1'
}, {
id: 2,
name: 'string_name2'
}, {
obj2: [{
id: 3,
name: 'string_name3'
}, {
id: 4,
name: 'string_name4'
function findValueForId(objDef, id) {
let idKeyMap = objDef.find(item => === id);
return idKeyMap ? : null;
function findObjectValues(valueMapping, key) {
let objectWithObjectValues = valueMapping.find(item => key in item);
return objectWithObjectValues ? objectWithObjectValues[key] : null;
// returns an array containing key followed by the values corresponding to the specified ids
function lookupObject(key, ids, valueMapping) {
let objDef = findObjectValues(valueMapping, key) || [];
let valuesForIds = => findValueForId(objDef, id));
let valuesWithoutBlanks = valuesForIds.filter(value => value);
return [key].concat(valuesWithoutBlanks);
let result = Object.entries(objsToMap[0]).map(([k, v]) => lookupObject(k, v, objValues));
You'll notice that this approach uses .find() in two places because your second data structure nests everything into arrays instead of having direct property references. This isn't very good because it's not good for performance and makes the code more convoluted than it has to be.
Another option is to rearrange the second array before consuming it, so that it's like this:
let objValues = {
obj1: {
'1': 'string_name1',
'2': 'string_name2'
obj2: {
'3': 'string_name3',
'4': 'string_name4'
Here's how you could do that:
let objsToMap = [{
obj1: [1, 2, 7],
obj2: [3, 4],
obj3: [1, 2]
let objValuesRaw = [{
obj1: [{
id: 1,
name: 'string_name1'
}, {
id: 2,
name: 'string_name2'
}, {
obj2: [{
id: 3,
name: 'string_name3'
}, {
id: 4,
name: 'string_name4'
function cleanupObjDef(objDef) {
return objDef.reduce(function(acc, el) {
acc[] =;
return acc;
}, {});
function cleanupObjValues(objValues) {
let allCombined = Object.assign({}, ...objValues);
return Object.entries(allCombined).reduce(function (acc, [k, v]) {
acc[k] = cleanupObjDef(v);
return acc;
}, {});
// returns an array containing key followed by the values corresponding to the specified ids
function lookupObject(key, ids, valueMapping) {
let objDef = valueMapping[key] || {};
let valuesForIds = => objDef[id]);
let valuesWithoutBlanks = valuesForIds.filter(value => value);
return [key].concat(valuesWithoutBlanks);
let objValues = cleanupObjValues(objValuesRaw);
let result = Object.keys(objsToMap[0]).map(key => lookupObject(key, objsToMap[0][key], objValues));
