I am trying to make a webpage now and I want to show my content with limt of size. For example if width over 1000px and height over 1000 px than Alert page shows up. And if window size is width < 1000 px and height < 1000px than Alert page hidden and content will show.
Now I made a that say your screen is too big and makes this full size of webpage
And with Javascript I gave a condition that can check size of window and if it feets than class hidden that has display: hidden will add or delete.
this is my javascript code
const width = window.innerWidth;
const height = window.innerHeight;
//in the html there is no class: hidden. So alert page is show default.
function removeSizeAlert() {
const sizeAlert = document.querySelector(".too-bgsm-size");
function addSizeAlert() {
const sizeAlert = document.querySelector(".too-bgsm-size");
function init() {
if (width < 600 && height > 950) {
} else {
In here I want to make this more interactive. Now this code works only when I represh the page. But I want when page resize than detect the size change event and add or delete class hidden
simultaneously. There is a way to do like this?
use addEventListener()
window.addEventListener('resize', init);
I have roughly around 50 video thumbnails on a set page.
I would like to resize them depending on the resolution.
What I have tried was using #media query in css that did not work as expected then I moved over to this.
$(document).ready(function(event) {
var width = $(window).width();
// Change thumbnail size if browser width changes (should be in real-time)
if (width <= 1300) {
} else {
After inserting that script the video thumbnail size changes but as I adjust the browser the jQuery does not load and resize the thumbnail unless the page is refreshed ?
Im not sure as to why the jQuery is not loading the script in real time as the size (browser) changes.
Languages that I am using in this project : PHP, jQuery
you need to catch window resize event with jQuery and also write your code there.
$(window).resize(function() {
var width = $(window).width();
// Change thumbnail size if browser width changes (should be in real-time)
if (width <= 1300) {
} else {
To reduce code repetition you can make a function and call it in both $(window).resize() and $(document).ready()
function onResize() {
var width = $(window).width();
if (width <= 1300) {
} else {
This should work, but it would be much better if it were done with css. Would love you help you with that if you want to post what you tried. If you do it with css, you will not have the jumping on the page that'll occur when the js loads and changes those classes in and out.
You can do smth like this.
Note: this is untested code
function updateSizes(){
var width = $(window).width();
if (width <= 1300) {
} else {
$(document).ready(function(event) {
// do other stuff here
$( window ).resize(function() {
// do other stuff here
I want my navbar to be transparant on the top and bottom of my page but i want it to not be transparant in the middle. When i have my webpage on full screen this works:
$(window).on("scroll", function () {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > 720 && $(window).scrollTop() < 1450 ) {
} else {
But when it gets resized this wont work anymore because the sizes change. Is there a way to do this with % instead of just normal numbers so it will be responsive?
It occur because you hardcoded your height values. Check the whole site height, divide it on three and incorporate this variables to your if statement. Every time you resize browser window it will recalculate your new position.
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
//one third and two third of website
oneThird = window.scrollHeight / 3;
twoThird = onethird * 2;
if ( $(window).scrollTop() > oneThird && $(window).scrollTop() < twoThird ) {
} else {
You can use Media Queries with JS too, so you can do certain things on your desired window size, this might help https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_media_queries.asp
hoping to get some JS/CSS help here. I need to have the checkout button on a page of mine go to the top of the page and become fixed if the user can no longer see it scrolling down the page in mobile view. I'm hoping someone can help! The one thing messing me up is that I can't use jQuery
![function checkoutScroll() {
var button = document.querySelector('.cartSidebar__checkoutButton');
window.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
var distanceFromTop = document.body.scrollTop;
if (distanceFromTop === 0) {
button.style.position = 'static';
button.style.top = 'auto';
if (distanceFromTop > 0) {
button.style.position = 'fixed';
button.style.top = '0px';
What you are trying to achieve can be done through CSS which would make more sense as it's a visual / UI task. I would add top margin equivalent to the css height of your button and leave it as fixed top. As a benefit, you would be able to take advantage of the media queries to limit the CSS rules to the mobile view.
#media screen and (max-width: 960px) {
margin: 3em;
something very simple like https://jsfiddle.net/f19Lus43/
If you want to stay in javascript for some obscure reasons ( I can't say compatibility because of document.querySelector is working only on evolved browser ) it's up to you but having an example of your code would help us respond :)
So I take it you want the function to only run on smaller screens/browser viewports? Is that what you mean by "mobile view"? I've been using this for a while. Not sure if its better than Glen's solution but it's worked for me without fault. First we define our functions:
function updateViewportDimensions() {
var w=window,d=document,e=d.documentElement,g=d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0],x=w.innerWidth||e.clientWidth||g.clientWidth,y=w.innerHeight||e.clientHeight||g.clientHeight;
return { width:x,height:y };
// setting the viewport width
var viewport = updateViewportDimensions();
function detectMob() {
viewport = updateViewportDimensions();
if (viewport.width <= 768) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Then every time you need to check if the size of the viewport is less than 768 pixels wide you do:
if (detectMob){
//your code here
How do I auto-detect a screen resolution and change browser zoom with Javascript?
I was thinking of something more like this:
I've got the following code:
#warp with width: 3300% and a mask with width: 100%; and then, each .item has width: 3.030303% — with overflow hidden, otherwise it couldn't work as I want.
My point is: I've done this for at least 1280px wide screens.
What I want is if someone can write code that I could use toswitch the CSS file once viewed on a <1280px screen — them, I could do something like:
.item img { width: 80%; } and then, the result would be the same as "browser zoom out".
If you mean change the native browser zoom triggered by CTRL +/- then this isn't possible. You can adjust CSS properties/apply stylesheets but you cannot affect native browser controls. There are in fact CSS only options here depending on your target audience (and their browser choice) through the use of media queries, a couple of examples here and here. If these are not suitable then you can do various things with JavaScript to detect screen width/height and adjust accordingly.
Auto-detect a screen resolution
See this SO question
change browser zoom with javascript
This is not possible. See this SO question.
This will help to detect browser zoom tested on all browser
window.utility = function(utility){
utility.screen = {
rtime : new Date(1, 1, 2000, 12,00,00),
timeout : false,
delta : 200
utility.getBrowser = function(){
var $b = $.browser;
utility.screen.isZoomed = false;
var screen = utility.screen;
screen.zoomf = screen.zoom = 1;
screen.width = window.screen.width;
screen.height = window.screen.height;
if($b.mozilla){ //FOR MOZILLA
screen.isZoomed = window.matchMedia('(max--moz-device-pixel-ratio:0.99), (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:1.01)').matches;
} else {
if($b.chrome){ //FOR CHROME
screen.zoom = (window.outerWidth - 8) / window.innerWidth;
screen.isZoomed = (screen.zoom < .98 || screen.zoom > 1.02)
} else if($b.msie){//FOR IE7,IE8,IE9
var _screen = document.frames.screen;
screen.zoom = ((((_screen.deviceXDPI / _screen.systemXDPI) * 100 + 0.9).toFixed())/100);
screen.isZoomed = (screen.zoom < .98 || screen.zoom > 1.02);
if(screen.isZoomed) screen.zoomf = screen.zoom;
screen.width = window.screen.width*screen.zoomf;
screen.height = window.screen.height*screen.zoomf;
return utility.screen;
window.onresize = function(e){
utility.screen.rtime = new Date();
if (utility.screen.timeout === false) {
utility.screen.timeout = true;
setTimeout(window.resizeend, utility.screen.delta);
window.resizeend = function() {
if (new Date() - utility.screen.rtime < utility.screen.delta) {
setTimeout(window.resizeend, utility.screen.delta);
} else {
utility.screen.timeout = false;
utility.screen = utility.getBrowser();
if(window.onresizeend) window.onresizeend (utility.screen);
if(utility.onResize) utility.onResize(utility.screen);
window.onresizeend = function(screen){
$('body').text('zoom is not 100%');
$('body').text('zoom is 100% & browser resolution is'+[screen.width+'X'+screen.height]);
return utility;
RE: Auto-detect a screen resolution and change browser zoom with Javascript?
The question is perfectly possible and is in effect at our website here:
JS detects the screen width and zooms out or in a little to fit the content on to the screen.
Further, if the user resizes the window the zoom is triggered.
This actually helps fit content on to tablet sized screens and screens as small as the iphone without adding extra stylesheets or having to detect an OS/ Browser..
var oldZoom = $(window).width();
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
$(window).resize(function() {
var windowWidthnow = $(window).width();
function check_window_size(size,init_var,bsr,bsr_ver)
/* Develop for resizing page to avoid grey border!
Page layout 1265px wide.
On page resize shift layout to keep central, zoom BG-img to fill screen
Zoom content down for smaller screens by 5% to keep content flow!
//change this var for screen width to work with, in this case our site is built at 1265
var wdth = 1265;
//Change this variable for minimum screen;
var smallest_width=1120;
var varZoom= $(window).width()/wdth;
var s_size = $(window).width();
var scale_smaller;
var center = (s_size-wdth)/2;
var its_ie=false;
$("#old_browser").css("width","50%").css({"height":"40px","left": center+"px"});
if(center<-110)//margin width!
/*Only pages that you do not want to move the colmask for!*/
var movelog = -center;
$("#move_menu_loggedin").css("right",movelog +"px");
-- check_window_size(windowWidth,1,bsr,bsr_ver); bsr & bsr_ver are detected using a php class.
-- #old_browser is a div containing information if you have an old web browser.
-- #background is a fixed image 100x100% of the screen.
As you can see we also move a few items which were not in the containing div scope.
Colmask is the containing div for most of the pages content (For us that sits underneath the header which is why we move some items manually)
Hope the code snippet can help someone else achieve this.