There is a simple page with all the resource stored locally. I use jq1.7.2 and bootstrap in this page.
All works fine but a wired png request.
When the page is loaded, I got this error message:
But I searched the whole project without finding any key words as transp_bg.png or
With chrome debugging, I have the network request infomation as:
Where is this request from? And how could I delete it?
Page is loaded slowly as much time is wasted on requesting this png.
there are 2 too me known possibilities:
you have some tracking tool that is runing on the server it self.
That is a dynamic placeholder from some part of a framework.
But as the request takes long my gues its a trafic tracking tool.
Clean your browser cache "I recommend you use Firefox Web Developer"
Check for jquery have doubled or incompatibility issues with Bootstrap "for example old version of jquery"
Look be not getting an image URL as may be collecting information to the browser that that error. Download it.
If set photographic paper of the image is strange. Put the same icon image above
I am trying to learn ThreeCSG.js, the javascript Constructive Solid Geometry front-end to Three.js. I thought I would start by copying a minimal example from the web. I tried to save a local copy of Chandler Prall's amazing little javascript Constructive Solid Geometry example using ThreeCSG.js from the site
When I made a local copy of the page (using Chrome's Save as webpage, complete command), I found that the checkerboard texture file was missing. I got the following javascript console error:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
with the full path name of the (missing) jpg file. When I manually downloaded the jpg file and put it where Chrome was looking for the jpg file, I got a different error:
The cross-origin image at file:///C:/tmp/images/checkerboard.jpg may not be loaded.
My browser is Chrome 43.0.2357.134, Windows 7 64. I ran into similar problems with IE. Thinking it might be a bug/feature of three.js, I tried the most recent version of three.min.js, but got syntax errors. (The example uses an older version of threecsg.js, and the API has changed.)
What am I doing wrong?
It does not download the image directory so notable to load that and throws the error here in code
var floorTexture = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'images/checkerboard.jpg' );
you need to download that image and use any webserver to render the html page as it is making ajax request to render that image
The Problem you are facing is called CORS.
You need to configure your browser according to this github wiki article:
How to run things locally
Pasting links without further information is bad practise, but the settings depend on what browser you are using.
Another solution is to run it on a local server, how to do so is also explained in the second link.
If you are using Chrome and it's just for testing, there is a Chrome extension that will Allow-Control-Allow-Origin
The main problem is you are fetching the file locally. The file need to be fetched from the server. So the best choice is use some IDE like net beans and execute it as a Web Application
I have a PhoneGap application in which I need to download certain images for offline usage and show those inside an iframe. Is this possible and do I need something like CorHTTPD ( to serve the assets locally?
I have been trying to store the files on file system but when I try to show those (even without being inside iframe), those doesn't show. They seem to be loaded (can be seen in network console in remote debugging), though, but (of course) without any headers.
After spending more and more time on this and settings GapDebug correctly to remote debug my application, I was finally able to solve my problem by giving
{responseType: "arraybuffer"}
to AngularJS's $http.get method as config parameter as described here. Now I am able to get the images to ArrayBuffer correctly and from there to base64 encode them to be added inside HTML stored offline. Suitable solution for my case at least..
Is it possible to blur a remote image using
I have our images hosted on a remote CDN and we want to use blurjs to blur the image for a background effect. When we try and use blur js directly with the remote image javascript cannot read the file and throws a unable to read image data error.
The way i'm currently doing it is regenerating the image in php and then using blurjs, but it is very slow and consumes a lot of resources.
We've tried the css solution too with filters but the browers runs too slow when we do.
does anybody have a solution?
Your problem is that pixel access in canvas is not allowed for images loaded from a different domain than the one the page is hosted on. What you need is a proxy script that runs on your server which that allows your javascript to load images from other domains via your server. Of course the downside is that all traffic will also run through your server and that the time to retrieve the image will increase (since the image has first to be loaded to your server and then to the client) and there is unfortunately no way around that.
The good news is that this is a problem that Flash developers had to face many years ago already so it has been solved many times:
Here's for example a php script:
Here's a more recent implementation in Node.js
I have a web app (sencha/phonegap) that includes a feature allowing users to click on buttons that link to Wikipedia articles. This obviously works fine if the device has internet access, but I get numerous requests to make the app work when the app is offline too. To accomplish this, I'd like to give the user the option to download the linked articles/webpages for offline access. When the device does not have internet access, the app would instead display the saved version (which might be stale/out-of-date, but is better than nothing). What are possible ways to accomplish this task?
My first thought was to somehow use the html manifest to cache the pages in the phone's browser, which sounds possible on the Android browser, but iOS apparently has a 5MB browser cache limit - too small.
My next thought was to save the needed html & associated files and bundle them up inside the app. But this seems a rather cumbersome approach, the app becomes much larger than it needs to be, and the webpages are stale back to the date the app was installed.
Using javascript, is it possible to download webpages, which I could then save (on the sd card, for example) for access later?
Or is there a more elegant approach?
If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.
In pure Javascript you can make an Ajax request to download a page. Then you can use the FileWriter to write the responseText to a file on the file system. However, that won't help you when it comes to images. You'll need to use the command to get the binary image files.
If I were you I'd:
Use AJAX to download the html.
Parse the html looking for images.
Use to get the images.
I hope this is the right place to ask this question - I did have a look at the rest of the sites in the network but this looked like the most appropriate place.
We are having issues serving third party adverts on our websites. For various reasons our ad setup is a bit complicated - we serve third party javascript tags (AppNexus) through our own ad server (OpenX) through iframes. Currently, the third party javascript tags are not showing correctly, although they have worked just fine in the past.
Debugging this in Safari I have discovered a few things which seem to me to be a bit unusual, and I'm struggling to work out what's going on. Using the web inspector to check the third party's javascript, it appears in the web inspector as a blank file. Additionally, if I check the network tab, the headers are shown and look fine, but there is no 'content' tab with which to check the returned content. The network tab shows the request for the file as complete, and with suitable status codes (200/302):
However, if I load the file directly in the web browser, it loads fine:[CACHEBUSTER]&pubclick=[INSERT_CLICK_TAG]
FWIW, the javascript file uses document.write to spit out either an image or another iframe. It's also worth mentioning that there are no related errors in the console - there is one relating to Google Ads, but the problem persists if I load the Ad server's iframe directly without the rest of the site.
Has anyone seen this behaviour before, where a file loads just fine directly, but is (blank / not retrieved / not parsed / whatever's going on) when called as part of another page? If so, would you be able to help me fix this?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me - I hope this makes some sense and will be happy to provide any further information that might help me get to the bottom of this!
I'm guessing that the third party site is filtering output from their servers based on the HTTP referer being sent in the request (a technique employed by many web hosts to thwart hot-linking content). Try putting the link to the javascript file in a clickable link on a web page on your server and click it and then see if it loads or if you get a blank page. You could also try loading a browser extension which lets you forge the HTTP Referer (such as RefControl for Firefox) and then change your refer to be your site instead of the third party's and try pasting in the URL to the browser and see if it loads.
This isn't your fault if it's what turns out to be the actual problem. It's up to the third party to configure their web host to allow for this.