Javascript object Class is not defined Error - javascript

I have a mainoops.js file which has following code
var Notifier = function(){
this.socket = io.connect('http://localhost:8080');
this.currentdate = new Date();
Notifier.prototype.addCbNotification = function(message){
var datetime = this.currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (this.currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + this.currentdate.getFullYear() + " # " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds();
var datamessage = " <div class='row'><div class='col-xs-2'><i class='fa fa-envelope'></i></div><div class='col-xs-10'><h5><a href=''>" + message + "</a></h5><small>"+datetime+"</small></div></div>";
$( "#callback" ).append( "<li class='list-group-item unread'>"+datamessage+" </li> " );
Notifier.prototype.addNotification = function(message){
var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " # " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds();
var datamessage = " <div class='row'><div class='col-xs-2'><i class='fa fa-envelope'></i></div><div class='col-xs-10'><h5><a href=''>" + message + "</a></h5><small>"+datetime+"</small></div></div>";
$( "#notice" ).append( "<li class='list-group-item unread'>"+datamessage+" </li> " );
Notifier.prototype.startsocketforcallbback = function(myid) {
// body...
socket.on('callback', function (data) {
var message = data.split("_");
if(myid.toLowerCase().trim() == message[0].toLowerCase().trim()){
Notifier.prototype.startsocketfornotice = function() {
// body...
socket.on('notice', function (data) {
var message = data.split("_");
if(myid.toLowerCase().trim() == message[0].toLowerCase().trim()){
I am calling it in my php file as follow
<script src="{{asset('/js/mainoops.js')}}"></script>
But when I try to instantiate it in the PHP page like this
var obj = new Notifier();
obj.startsocketforcallbback('<?php echo Auth::user()->empid; ?>');
I am getting following ERROR
Uncaught ReferenceError: Notifier is not defined

Unfortunately, but this is your callbacks did not points to your Notifier instance. Try to use 3rd parameter of on(..):
socket.on('callback', function (data) {
var message = data.split("_");
if(myid.toLowerCase().trim() == message[0].toLowerCase().trim()){
in Notifier.prototype.startsocketforcallbback and
socket.on('notice', function (data) {
var message = data.split("_");
if(myid.toLowerCase().trim() == message[0].toLowerCase().trim()){
in Notifier.prototype.startsocketfornotice

Using jquery :
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var obj = new Notifier();
obj.startsocketforcallbback('<?php echo Auth::user()->empid; ?>');


how to create a element to load the json data in a loop using only javascript

i want to display the theaters like a child node element of the demo node and after i want to trigger the onclick event for other function using only JavaScript
how to use foreach for creating html dom for each array in json data
i want it display like this
<div id="demo">
<div>theater in vizag</div>
<div>sangam : 4K,DolbyAtmos</div>
<div>sarat : 4K,DolbyAtmos</div>
<div>melody : 4K,DolbyAtmos</div>
let VizagData = '{"theater":[' +
'{"TheaterName":"sangam","Quality":"4K","sound":"DolbyAtmos" },' +
'{"TheaterName":"sarat","Quality":"4K","sound":"DolbyAtmos" },'+
let VZMData = '{"theater":[' +
'{"TheaterName":"Srikanya","Quality":"4K","sound":"DolbyAtmos" },' +
'{"TheaterName":"kameswari","Quality":"4K","sound":"DolbyAtmos" },'+
function search() {
document.getElementById('th').innerHTML = myfunction();
function myfunction() {
var value = document.getElementById('ct').value;
var th1 = document.createElement('div');
th1.innerHTML = "theaters in " + value;
return th1.innerHTML;
function data() {
var index = document.getElementById('ct');
var demo = document.getElementById("demo");
if(index.value === "vizag"){
const obj = JSON.parse(VizagData);
demo.innerHTML =[0].TheaterName + " : " +[0].Quality + "," +[0].sound + "<br>" +[1].TheaterName + " : " +[1].Quality + "," +[1].sound + "<br>" +[2].TheaterName + " : " +[2].Quality + "," +[2].sound;
else {
const obj = JSON.parse(VZMData);
demo.innerHTML =[0].TheaterName + " : " +[0].Quality + "," +[0].sound + "<br>" +[1].TheaterName + " : " +[1].Quality + "," +[1].sound + "<br>" +[2].TheaterName + " : " +[2].Quality + "," +[2].sound;
var go = document.getElementById('go');
addEventListener('click', search);
addEventListener('click', data);
<select id="ct">
<option value="vizianagaram">vizianagaram</option>
<option value="vizag">vizag</option>
<button id="go">GO</button>
<div class="th" id="th"></div>
<div id="demo"></div>
Iterate over the data and build the innerHTML. Something like:
let VizagData = '{"theater":[' +
'{"TheaterName":"sangam","Quality":"4K","sound":"DolbyAtmos" },' +
'{"TheaterName":"sarat","Quality":"4K","sound":"DolbyAtmos" },'+
let VZMData = '{"theater":[' +
'{"TheaterName":"Srikanya","Quality":"4K","sound":"DolbyAtmos" },' +
'{"TheaterName":"kameswari","Quality":"4K","sound":"DolbyAtmos" },'+
function search() {
document.getElementById('th').innerHTML = myfunction();
function myfunction() {
var value = document.getElementById('ct').value;
var th1 = document.createElement('div');
th1.innerHTML = "theaters in " + value;
return th1.innerHTML;
function data() {
var index = document.getElementById('ct');
var demo = document.getElementById("demo");
var theatres = JSON.parse(VZMData);
if(index.value === "vizag"){
theatres = JSON.parse(VizagData);
var innerHTML = "";
for (var obj of {
innerHTML += "<div>" + obj.TheaterName + " : " + obj.Quality + "," + obj.sound + "</div>";
demo.innerHTML = innerHTML;
var go = document.getElementById('go');
addEventListener('click', search);
addEventListener('click', data);
<select id="ct">
<option value="vizianagaram">vizianagaram</option>
<option value="vizag">vizag</option>
<button id="go">GO</button>
<div class="th" id="th"></div>
<div id="demo"></div>

Creating Populated email from Javascript

I want to start off by saying I have no idea what I am doing with HTML and Javascript but I am trying to learn. What I am creating will not be hosted by any server , it is more of a HTML web form(I think that is what i would call it) for employees to fill out and create a standardized email. I have 97% of it working but need a little help with the last part. Below is the Javascript that works:
function populateEmail() {
let bl = document.getElementById("blurb").value;
let a = document.getElementById("reg").value;
let b = document.getElementById("lvl").value;
let c = document.getElementById("node").value;
let i = document.getElementById("cust").value;
let d = document.getElementById("rea").value;
let e = document.getElementById("ma").value;
let f = document.getElementById("start_dt").value.replace("T", " ");
let g = document.getElementById("poc").value;
let h = document.getElementById("appr").value;
let m_to = "DL-ListOne; DL-ListTwo; DL-ListThree"
let m_cc = "DL-ListFour; DL-ListFive;"
let today = new Date();
let dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
let mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); //January is 0!
let yyyy = today.getFullYear();
today = mm + '/' + dd + '/' + yyyy;
let notify = document.getElementById("notify_lvl").value;
if (notify == "Initial"){
let deap = "Activation ";
else if (notify == "Update"){
let deap = "Update ";
let deap = "De-Activation ";
document.location.href = "mailto:" + encodeURIComponent(m_to) + "?cc=" + encodeURIComponent(m_cc)
+ " &subject=DEAP " + encodeURIComponent(b) + ": Any Region " + today
+ " "
+ "&body="
+ "%0D%0A%0D%0A"
+ encodeURIComponent(bl) + "%0D%0A%0D%0A"
+ "Name: " + encodeURIComponent(a) + "%0D%0A"
+ "Activation – (" + encodeURIComponent(b)
+ "Current Impact = " + encodeURIComponent(c) + " modules, " + encodeURIComponent(i) + " customers) %0D%0A"
+ "Reason: " + encodeURIComponent(d) + "%0D%0A"
+ "Event Geographical Area: " + encodeURIComponent(e) + "%0D%0A"
+ "Event Start: " + encodeURIComponent(f) + "%0D%0A"
+ "POC: " + encodeURIComponent(g) + "%0D%0A"
+ "Approved by: " + encodeURIComponent(h) + "%0D%0A"
Now when I try and add the Variable deap to the subject line it stops creating the email. Here are the different ways I have tried to add it.
+ " &subject=DEAP " + deap + encodeURIComponent(b) + ": NE Region " + today
+ " &subject=DEAP " + encodeURIComponent(deap) + encodeURIComponent(b) + ": NE Region " + today
then I thought that maybe I had to add some text or space in there to have it take affect so I tried adding + " " + after the variable deap
I am trying to keep the post to a minimum, if you need my ugly looking HTML I will be happy to post it
but I am still trying to figure out how to load div from Javascript so my code isn't DRY.
Thank you in advance for your time
It's because you're declaring deap inside your if statements:
if ('notify' == "Initial") {
let deap = "Activation ";
} else if ('notify' == "Update") {
let deap = "Update ";
} else {
let deap = "De-Activation ";
If you declare it outside and reassign it inside your if blocks, it should work:
let deap;
if ('notify' == "Initial") {
deap = "Activation ";
} else if ('notify' == "Update") {
deap = "Update ";
} else {
deap = "De-Activation ";

How to call a function that is using window.onload from another function

I'm trying to use questionFunction() again once the user clicks a button which calls myFunction but I'm getting an error 'questionFunction is not defined'
window.onload = function questionFunction() {
var questionText = document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = randomNumber1 + " " + operationArray[randomOperation1] + " " + randomNumber2 + " " + operationArray[randomOperation2] + " " + randomNumber3;
function myFunction() {
return questionFunction();
I wan't the text to be changed on load and also again once the user clicks to call myFunction()
You're getting that error because a function expression doesn't add an identifier for the function to the scope where it appears (only function declarations do that).
The simple answer is to make that a function declaration instead:
function questionFunction() {
var questionText = document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = randomNumber1 + " " + operationArray[randomOperation1] + " " + randomNumber2 + " " + operationArray[randomOperation2] + " " + randomNumber3;
window.onload = questionFunction;
Since that adds an identifier for the function, now you can call it the way you do in myFunction.
Just declare questionFuntion, and reuse this function where you want
function questionFunction() {
var questionText = document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = randomNumber1 + " " + operationArray[randomOperation1] + " " + randomNumber2 + " " + operationArray[randomOperation2] + " " + randomNumber3;
window.onload = questionFunction;
function myFunction() {
return questionFunction();
function questionFunction() {
var questionText = document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = randomNumber1 + " " + operationArray[randomOperation1] + " " + randomNumber2 + " " + operationArray[randomOperation2] + " " + randomNumber3;
window.onload = questionFunction;
function myFunction() {
return questionFunction();
This will work.
You're getting error because of wrong function scope.
You can read about it here:

A number is converted to NaN after some clicked to show in console - Jquery

I'm making a paging on list of products. When i clicked on "Next" button and show in console value of "tranght" (My code only show value of "tranght") then type of "tranght" is converted to NaN. Help me, i'm newer in Jquery.
<script type="text/javascript"
src="${pageContext.request.contextPath }/js/jquery-1.6.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ds = [];
var tranght = 1;
var sobanghi = 0;
var sotrang = 0;
type : 'GET',
headers : {
Accept : "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"Content-Type" : "application/json; charset=utf-8"
url : '${pageContext.request.contextPath }/findall.html',
success : function(result) {
ds = result.dssp;
sobanghi = result.dssp.length;
if ((sobanghi % 3) === 0){
sotrang = Math.floor(sobanghi / 3);
} else {
sotrang = Math.floor(sobanghi / 3) + 1;
var s = "";
s = s + "<table border=\"1\"><tr class=\"title\"><td>Ma sp</td><td>Ten sp</td><td>Gia</td><td>So luong</td><td>Ngay sx</td><td>Tinh trang</td><td>Mo ta</td><td>Hinh anh</td><td>Danh muc</td></tr>";
for (var i=0; i<3; i++){
s = s + "<tr><td>" + result.dssp[i].masp + "</td><td>" + result.dssp[i].tensp + "</td><td>" + result.dssp[i].gia + "</td><td>"+ result.dssp[i].soluong +"</td><td>"+ result.dssp[i].ngaysx + "</td><td>"+ result.dssp[i].tinhtrang +"</td><td>"+ result.dssp[i].mota +"</td><td>"+ result.dssp[i].hinhanh +"</td><td>"+ result.dssp[i].danhmuc.tendm +"</td></tr>" ;
s = s + "</table>";
var s1 = "<div class='prev'>Prev</div>";
s1 += "<div class='index clicked'>" + 1 + "</div>";
for (var i=2; i<=sotrang; i++){
s1 += "<div class='index'>" + i + "</div>";
s1 += "<div class='next'>Next</div>";
//select a page
$(".index").live('click', function(){
$("#result1 > div").removeClass('clicked');
tranght = parseInt($(this).html());
var startpoint = (tranght - 1)*3;
var endpoint = startpoint + 3;
sobanghi = ds.length
if (endpoint > sobanghi){
endpoint = sobanghi;
var s = "";
s = s + "<table border=\"1\"><tr class=\"title\"><td>Ma sp</td><td>Ten sp</td><td>Gia</td><td>So luong</td><td>Ngay sx</td><td>Tinh trang</td><td>Mo ta</td><td>Hinh anh</td><td>Danh muc</td></tr>";
for (var i=startpoint; i<endpoint; i++){
s = s + "<tr><td>" + ds[i].masp + "</td><td>" + ds[i].tensp + "</td><td>" + ds[i].gia + "</td><td>"+ ds[i].soluong +"</td><td>"+ ds[i].ngaysx + "</td><td>"+ ds[i].tinhtrang +"</td><td>"+ ds[i].mota +"</td><td>"+ ds[i].hinhanh +"</td><td>"+ ds[i].danhmuc.tendm +"</td></tr>" ;
s = s + "</table>";
// click "next" button
$(".next").live('click', function(){
console.log("value of tranght: " + tranght);
console.log("Type of: " + typeof tranght);
if (tranght === sotrang){
tranght = sotrang;
console.log("Type of: " + typeof tranght);
} else {
tranght = parseInt(tranght,6) + 1;
console.log("value: " + tranght);
console.log("Type of: " + typeof tranght);
We are missing some code, is the html object with the class 'index' an input? if so, you need to change
tranght = parseInt($(this).html());
tranght = parseInt($(this).val());
to capture the value and not the content.

HTML button action not working in Safari [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 9 years ago.
Improve this question
I'm running a web page in Safar, however; I notice that when I press the save button the event doesn't fire. It works fine in IE though. I've researched the issue, and found that it's not due to a missing value attribute or single/double quote specifics. Any help would be appreciated.
<input type='button' name='Save' id='saveCut' value='Save Cut' class=button onClick=\"Puma.saveTheCut()\">
JS function
Puma.saveTheCut = function () {
var offerId = inStoreCut.cutOfferFields[0];
var merchId = inStoreCut.cutOfferFields[1];
var adId = inStoreCut.cutOfferFields[2];
var eventID = inStoreCut.cutOfferFields[3];
var adNum = inStoreCut.cutOfferFields[4];
var cutID = inStoreCut.cutOfferFields[5];
var merchDescription = parent.main.document.getElementById('merchDescription').value;
var UPC = parent.main.document.getElementById('merchUPC').value;
var nrfSampleColorObj = parent.main.document.getElementById('itemColor');
var nrfSampleColor = nrfSampleColorObj.options[nrfSampleColorObj.selectedIndex].value;
var nrfsampleSubColorObj = parent.main.document.getElementById('itemChildColor');
var colorCodeStr = nrfsampleSubColorObj.options[nrfsampleSubColorObj.selectedIndex].value;
var nrfsampleSubColor = colorCodeStr.substring(0, 3);
var customer_Facing_Color = parent.main.document.getElementById('merchCustomerFacingColor').value;
var division = parent.main.document.getElementById('merchFob').value;
var deptNum = parent.main.document.getElementById('merchDept0~0').value;
var vendorNum = parent.main.document.getElementById('merchVendorNum0~0').value;
var pID = parent.main.document.getElementById('pID0~0').value;
var regPrice = parent.main.document.getElementById('regPrice').value;
var sampleSize = parent.main.document.getElementById('itemSize').value;
var itemQty = parent.main.document.getElementById('itemQty').value;
if (parent.main.document.getElementById('chkMerchSet').checked) {
var set = "1";
else {
var set = "0";
var sampleTypeObj = parent.main.document.getElementById("itemType");
var sampleType = sampleTypeObj.options[sampleTypeObj.selectedIndex].text;
var merchColorCorrObj = parent.main.document.getElementById("merchColorCorr");
var colorCorr = merchColorCorrObj.options[merchColorCorrObj.selectedIndex].value;
var merchSwatchObj = parent.main.document.getElementById("merchSwatch");
var Swatch = merchSwatchObj.options[merchSwatchObj.selectedIndex].value;
var pantoneColor = parent.main.document.getElementById('merchPantone').value;
var photoStylingDetails = parent.main.document.getElementById('merchPhotoStylingDetails').value;
var mCOMSampleId = parent.main.document.getElementById('mCOMSample').value;
var deptName = parent.main.document.getElementById('merchDeptName0~0').innerHTML;
var vendorName = Puma.decoder(parent.main.document.getElementById('merchVendorName0~0').innerHTML);
if (parent.main.document.getElementById('pidStatus0~0').value == "NOT IN PD") {
var pidStatus = "0";
else {
var pidStatus = "1";
var pidDescription = parent.main.document.getElementById('pidDescription').value;
var webId = parent.main.document.getElementById('webID0~0').innerHTML;
var vStyle = parent.main.document.getElementById('merchVStyle').value;
var markStyle = parent.main.document.getElementById('merchMarkStyle').value;
var subClass = parent.main.document.getElementById('Subclass').value;
// var productDescription = parent.main.document.getElementById('productDescription').value;
var docLineitemNum = parent.main.document.getElementById('merchDoc').value;
var merchTurnInStatusObj = parent.main.document.getElementById("merchTurnInStatus");
var turnInStatus = merchTurnInStatusObj.options[merchTurnInStatusObj.selectedIndex].text;
var reason = parent.main.document.getElementById('merchReason').value;
var merchCountryOriginObj = parent.main.document.getElementById("countryOfOrigin");
var countryOfOrigin = merchCountryOriginObj.options[merchCountryOriginObj.selectedIndex].value;
var importedCountry = parent.main.document.getElementById("importedCountries").value;
//var importedCountry = merchImportedCountryObj.options[merchImportedCountryObj.selectedIndex].text;
var fabricContent = parent.main.document.getElementById("fabricContent").value;
var careInstructions = parent.main.document.getElementById("careInstructions").value;
var offerDescription = parent.main.document.getElementById("offerDescription").value;
var onlyAtMacysObj = parent.main.document.getElementById("onlyAtMacys");
var onlyAtMacysValue = parseInt(onlyAtMacysObj.options[onlyAtMacysObj.selectedIndex].value, 10);
var onlyAtMacys = onlyAtMacysValue;
var legalOneObj = parent.main.document.getElementById("legalOne");
var legalOne = legalOneObj.options[legalOneObj.selectedIndex].value;
var legalOneExplain = parent.main.document.getElementById("explainLegalOne").value;
var legalTwoObj = parent.main.document.getElementById("legalTwo");
var legalTwo = legalTwoObj.options[legalTwoObj.selectedIndex].value;
var legalTwoExplain = parent.main.document.getElementById("explainLegalTwo").value;
var legalThreeObj = parent.main.document.getElementById("legalThree");
var legalThree = legalThreeObj.options[legalThreeObj.selectedIndex].value;
var legalThreeExplain = parent.main.document.getElementById("explainLegalThree").value;
var legalFourObj = parent.main.document.getElementById("legalFour");
var legalFour = legalFourObj.options[legalFourObj.selectedIndex].value;
var fiftyObj = parent.main.document.getElementById("overFifty");
var fifty = fiftyObj.options[fiftyObj.selectedIndex].value;
var userId = parent.botnav.uinfo.userID;
if (Puma.btiRequiredFieldIsValidated() == true) {
if (inStoreCut.existingRecord == false) {
sql = "action=saveMerchFormForCut&cutID=" + cutID +
//sql = "action=updateMerchFormForCut&cutID=" + cutID +
"&merchDescription=" + encodeURIComponent(merchDescription) +
"&UPC=" + UPC +
"&nrfSampleColor=" + nrfSampleColor +
"&nrfSampleSubColor=" + nrfsampleSubColor +
"&division=" + encodeURIComponent(division) +
"&deptNum=" + deptNum +
"&merchVendorNum=" + vendorNum +
"&pID=" + pID +
"&Customer_Facing_Color=" + encodeURIComponent(customer_Facing_Color) +
"&regPrice=" + regPrice +
"&sampleSize=" + encodeURIComponent(sampleSize) +
"&itemQty=" + itemQty +
"&set=" + set +
"&sampleType=" + sampleType +
"&colorCorr=" + colorCorr +
"&Swatch=" + Swatch +
"&pantoneColor=" + encodeURIComponent(pantoneColor) +
"&photoStylingDetails=" + encodeURIComponent(photoStylingDetails) +
"&mCOMSampleId=" + mCOMSampleId +
"&deptName=" + deptName +
"&vendorName=" + encodeURIComponent(vendorName) +
"&pidStatus=" + pidStatus +
"&pidDescription=" + pidDescription +
"&webId=" + webId +
"&vStyle=" + vStyle +
"&markStyle=" + markStyle +
"&subClass=" + subClass +
"&docLineItemNum=" + docLineitemNum +
"&merchTurnInStatus=" + turnInStatus +
"&reason=" + encodeURIComponent(reason) +
"&countryOfOrigin=" + countryOfOrigin +
"&importedCountry=" + importedCountry +
"&fabricContent=" + encodeURIComponent(fabricContent) +
"&careInstructions=" + encodeURIComponent(careInstructions) +
"&offerDescription=" + encodeURIComponent(offerDescription) +
"&onlyAtMacys=" + onlyAtMacys +
"&legalOne=" + legalOne +
"&legalOneExplain=" + legalOneExplain +
"&legalTwo=" + legalTwo +
"&legalTwoExplain=" + legalTwoExplain +
"&legalThree=" + legalThree +
"&legalThreeExplain=" + legalThree +
"&legalFour=" + legalFour +
"&fifty=" + fifty +
"&createdBy=" + userId
var ajaxMaster = new AjaxMaster(sql, "Puma.saveMerchFormForCutData(data)", "", "btiDispatcher.aspx");
sql = "action=updateMerchFormForCut&sql=" + encodeURIComponent(msql);
objAjaxAd.main_flag = "updateMerchFormForCut";
// "[t0].[signedByUserID]," +
// "[t0].[signedStatus]," +
//"[t0].[dateSigned]," +
//"[t0].[signedLastByUserID]," +
//"[t0].[dateLastSigned1]," +
//"[t0].[signedLastStatus]" +
// var ajaxMaster = new AjaxMaster(sql, "Puma.updateMerchFormForCutData(data)", "", "puma_core.aspx");
else {
sql = "action=updateMerchFormForCut&cutID=" + cutID +
"&offerId" + offerId +
"&merchId" + merchId +
"&adID" + adId +
"&eventID" + eventID +
"&adNum" + adNum +
"&merchDescription=" + encodeURIComponent(merchDescription) +
"&UPC=" + UPC +
"&nrfSampleColor=" + nrfSampleColor +
"&nrfSampleSubColor=" + nrfsampleSubColor +
"&division=" + encodeURIComponent(division) +
"&deptNum=" + deptNum +
"&merchVendorNum=" + vendorNum +
"&pID=" + pID +
"&Customer_Facing_Color=" + encodeURIComponent(customer_Facing_Color) +
"&regPrice=" + regPrice +
"&sampleSize=" + encodeURIComponent(sampleSize) +
"&itemQty=" + itemQty +
"&set=" + set +
"&sampleType=" + sampleType +
"&colorCorr=" + colorCorr +
"&Swatch=" + Swatch +
"&pantoneColor=" + encodeURIComponent(pantoneColor) +
"&photoStylingDetails=" + encodeURIComponent(photoStylingDetails) +
"&mCOMSampleId=" + mCOMSampleId +
"&deptName=" + deptName +
"&vendorName=" + encodeURIComponent(vendorName) +
"&pidStatus=" + pidStatus +
"&pidDescription=" + pidDescription +
"&webId=" + webId +
"&vStyle=" + vStyle +
"&markStyle=" + markStyle +
"&subClass=" + subClass +
"&docLineItemNum=" + docLineitemNum +
"&merchTurnInStatus=" + turnInStatus +
"&reason=" + encodeURIComponent(reason) +
"&countryOfOrigin=" + countryOfOrigin +
"&importedCountry=" + importedCountry +
"&fabricContent=" + encodeURIComponent(fabricContent) +
"&careInstructions=" + encodeURIComponent(careInstructions) +
"&offerDescription=" + encodeURIComponent(offerDescription) +
"&onlyAtMacys=" + onlyAtMacys +
"&legalOne=" + legalOne +
"&legalOneExplain=" + legalOneExplain +
"&legalTwo=" + legalTwo +
"&legalTwoExplain=" + legalTwoExplain +
"&legalThree=" + legalThree +
"&legalThreeExplain=" + legalThree +
"&legalFour=" + legalFour +
"&fifty=" + fifty +
//"&createdBy=" + userId
"&offerId=" + offerId +
"&merchId=" + merchId +
"&adID=" + adId +
"&eventID=" + eventID +
"&adNum=" + adNum
var ajaxMaster = new AjaxMaster(sql, "Puma.updateMerchFormForCutData(data)", "", "btiDispatcher.aspx");
sql = "action=updateMerchFormForCut&sql=" + encodeURIComponent(msql);
// "[t0].[signedByUserID]," +
// "[t0].[signedStatus]," +
//"[t0].[dateSigned]," +
//"[t0].[signedLastByUserID]," +
//"[t0].[dateLastSigned1]," +
//"[t0].[signedLastStatus]" +
objAjaxAd.main_flag = "updateMerchFormForCutData";
//var ajaxMaster = new AjaxMaster(sql, "Puma.updateMerchFormForCutData(data)", "", "puma_core.aspx");
Write just " and not \" in the onClick attribute, or just omit the quotation marks:
The character \ has no special role in HTML; it’s just yet another character. So when you have onClick=\"Puma.saveTheCut()\", the actual attribute value is \"Puma.saveTheCut()\", which does not work of course, as you can see by looking at the console in the Developer Tools of your browser. You should see something the like following there:
SyntaxError: illegal character
(or with \"yup()\" when testing Agony’s jsfiddle).
As it is, the code should not work in any browser, and does not work in my IE 10 either.
