js - avoiding namespace conflict - javascript

Thus far I've worked only with relatively small projects (and mostly alone), but this time I have to collaborate with other programmers... basically because of that I must plan the structure of the website very carefully for the avoidance of spending hours debugging the code.
At this point I suppose doing that in the following manner. I divide my code in modules and store each module in a separate file inside an object (or a function) with a made-up name (lzheA, lzheB, lzheC etc.) to avoid conflicts whether an object with the same name was used in an another piece of code. When the document is loaded, I declare a variable (an object) that I use as a main namespace of the application. Properties of the object are the modules I defined before.
// file BI.lib.js
var lzheA = {
foo: function() {
bar: function() {
// file BI.init.js
function lzheK() {
// file BI.loadPage.js
function lzheC() {
var result = document.getElementById('result');
result.innerHTML = "that worked";
// and so on
var lzheA,lzheB,lzheD,lzheE,lzheF,lzheG,lzheH,lzheI,lzheJ;
// doing the following when the document is loaded
var BI = {
lib: lzheA,
menu: lzheB,
loadPage: lzheC,
customScripts: lzheD,
_index: lzheE,
_briefs: lzheF,
_shop: lzheG,
_cases: lzheH,
_blog: lzheI,
_contacts: lzheJ,
init: lzheK,
The question... is this way of structuring worth living or did I miss something because of lack of experience? Would the made-up names of the modules confuse you regardless of the fact that each one used only twice - while declaring the variable and assigning it to a property?

I consider the namespaces a good option when you want to modularize applications in Javascript. But I declare them in a different way
var myModule = myModule || {}; // This will allow to use the module in other places, declaring more than one specificComponent in other js file for example
myModule.specificComponent = (function(){
// Private things
var myVar = {};
var init = function() {
// Code
return {
init: init // Public Stuff
If you want to call the init method, you would call it like this
With this approach, i guarantee that the module will not be overwritten by another declaration in another place, and also I can declare internal components into my namespaces.
Also, the trick of just exposing what you want inside the return block, will make your component safer and you will be encapsulating your code in a pretty way.
Hope it helps


use `module` as namespace

I've been using a pattern in my node.js modules that seems so obvious to me that I assume there must be something wrong with it or I would see more people doing it. To keep private variables that are global to the module, I simply attach them as properties on the module object. Like so:
module.exports = {
init: function() {
module.someClient = initializeSomethingHere()
someMethod: function(done) {
This seems preferable to me than something like this...
var someClient;
module.exports = {
init: function() {
someClient = initializeSomethingHere()
someMethod: function(done) {
...because in the second example you need to go searching for var someClient at the top of the file to make sure that the omission of the var keyword is intentional within the init method. I've never seen this pattern used elsewhere though, so I wonder if I'm missing something that makes it less than ideal.
There are a couple of possible downsides that come to mind.
1) It's technically possible for those properties to be accessed and modified outside the module, but only if a reference to the module itself is available outside it. Something that makes the module available through its own exports (module.exports = module; being the simplest example) would expose them.
2) You could have a naming conflict with a builtin property or a future builtin property that doesn't exist yet (which would cause your code to break in future versions of node.js). This could be very problematic and very hard to debug. Currently the built-in properties on a module object are: children, exports, filename, id, loaded, paths, and parent.
because in the second example you need to go searching for var someClient at the top of the file to make sure that the omission of the var keyword is intentional within the init method.
If that is the reason, you could just use a namespace that isn't module. For instance by adding var private = {}; to the top of each file and then using private.someClient instead of module.someClient.
Also 'use strict'; so that the accidental omission of var is an error and not an accidental global.
Option 1: This practice is prone to naming conflict with a builtin property or a future builtin property that doesn't exist yet, as #paulpro stated in his answer.
Option 2: If you miss var keyword and expose the someClient globally. Besides you need to go searching for var someClient at the top of the file all the time.
As JavaScript has function scope it's better to define everything within a function. Creating private and public members within a function. Below is a design pattern which one can follow:
'use strict';
module.exports = (function(){
var someClient;
//public properties
var that={};
that.init = function() {
someClient = initializeSomethingHere()
that.someMethod: function(done) {
//expose only the required methods
return that;
Here only exposed methods are those which are attached to that object. And all rest are private to the function scope. Even if you miss the var keyword in someClient it won't be accessible out side of the function, which won't ever happen if you use 'use strict' at the top.
Logic is first time when you require the xyz.js file it will return the that object rather than the function.

Sharing JS files across application

We're developing a mobile application and we're trying to figure out the best approach to share javascript functions across the application.
At the moment we have individual files that simply have:
var LIB = {
URL: "http://localhost/service",
connect: function() {
// connect to server
$.ajax({ url: this.URL }); // etc etc
// call a private function?
_somethingElse: function() {
// do something else
Then we simply call things like:
LIB.connect(); or LIB.disconnect();
across any file.
This also gives us access to LIB.URL as well.
My question is whether this approach is the best?
I've seen people use the following approach as well, but to what benefit?
var LIB = function () {
this.URL = "http://localhost/service";
this.connect = function () {
var myself = this;
// connect to server
$.ajax({ url: this.URL }); // etc etc
// call a private function?
myself._somethingElse(); // best way to invoke a private function?
this._somethingElse = function () {
// do something else
This requires the following:
var lib = new LIB();
I've also seen the following:
window.lib = (function () {
function Library () {
var lib = {
connect: function () {
// connect to server
return lib;
I'm slightly confused with all these options.
It just depends on which you like better. I (on a personal level) prefer the former, but to each his own. The latter does have the disadvantage of requiring to either remember to declare the new before using it, or having to keep track of a already created one.
Additionally, on a technical level the first one should get slightly (as in, barely noticeable) performance, as you don't have to compute a new function.
Edit Yes, the first way is definitely the fastest.
I highly recommend going with a module system. Until ES6 comes along (http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:modules), you will have to use a 3rd party library in order to do this.
Each object/class/util/etc is a module.
A module exports a public api, whereas consuming modules import other modules by declaring their dependencies.
Two "standards" that exist: AMD and CommonJS. In the browser, a library like RequireJS, which uses the AMD standard, is very popular. I recommend checking out their site first: http://requirejs.org/ and see their examples.
The main advantage here is that you only expose the public api, which allows you to create a sandbox of your functionality. It's also more explicit as it's really easy to see what your module depends on, instead of relying on global objects.
There are several different approaches to structuring JavaScript code for re-usability. You can research these and decide which is best. Me personally, I have used the second approach that you've outlined. However, I separate my code into sections and actually adhere to an MVVM structure. So for instance, I have a name space called models and view models. Each of my js files begins with:
window.[APP NAME].Models.[CLASS/MODULE NAME] or window.[APP NAME].Models.[CLASS/MODULE NAME]
So, let's say I have a namespace called mynamespace and I have a module/class called myclass. My js file would begin with:
window.MYNAMESPACE = window.MYNAMESPACE || {};
window.MYNAMESPACE.ViewModels = window.MYNAMESPACE.ViewModels || {};
window.MYNAMESPACE.ViewModels.MyClass = function () {
// a public function
this.func1 = function () {
// a private function
function func2() {
I would then consume that class by calling:
var myClassModel = new window.MYNAMESPACE.ViewModels.MyClass();
This gives you some nice encapsulation of your code. Some of the other patterns you can research/google are: Prototype Pattern, Module Pattern, Revealing Module Pattern, and the Revealing Prototype Pattern.
I hope that helps but if you have any questions on what I've just said, feel free to comment on this post.

Communication between scripts | Three methods

How do I properly communicate data betweens two scripts.
In this particular case I have an element in one script, but I want to append it in another script.
The simplest way I could do this is by using the global window object as go-between.
But globals are not best practice.
What is the correct way to pass this element to another script?
Both script are encapsulated in the module pattern.
Script 0 Create Element Point
var element = document.createElement( "div" );
element.innerHTML = response_text;
Script 1 Append Element Point
Vi.sta = {
// implemented in the boot loader - shared global space - appended child already - you don't have to append until now.
// Static data has already been composed.
// Pull off window and append or best practice
Both are encapsulated in the module pattern
// the code here
All JS scripts are run in the global scope. When the files are downloaded to the client, they are parsed in the global scope.
So if you've got
// File_1.js
var myObj = { colour : "blue" };
There's nothing stopping you from doing this:
// File_2.js
var otherObj = { colour : myObj.colour };
As long as File_1.js is loaded before File_2.js
If you are namespacing, ie: MYNAMESPACE = {}; and each file extends your namespace through modules (rather than "module pattern" referring to returning interfaces from immediately-invoking functions), then check for the module's existence.
If you ARE writing modules for a namespaced app, and you DO need access to variables from one module to another, then you should be providing an interface for that.
If you are SANDBOXING modules, then you need to provide them all a proxy similar to a service-locator or a "registry", or develop a messaging-system based on a mediator-pattern.
window.sharedSpace = {};
sharedSpace.sharedValue = 'foo bar';
That way you only have one global object instead of several.
Why don't you just pass the element to a function in the module?
var module1 = (function () {
return {
func1: function () {
// get your element
var someElement = ...;
// pass it to the other module
}) ();
var module2 = (function () {
return {
func2: function (someElement) {
// do whatever you want with someElement
}) ();

understanding a modular javascript pattern

I'm trying to write 'better' javascript.
Below is one pattern I've found, and am trying to adopt. However, I'm slightly confused about its use.
Say, for example, I've got a page called "Jobs". Any JS functionality on that page would be encapsulated in something like:
window.jobs = (function(jobs, $, undefined){
return {
addNew: function(){
// job-adding code
})(window.jobs|| {}, jQuery);
$('.add_job').on('click', function(event){
As you can probably deduct, all I've done is replaced all the code that would have sat inside the anonymous event-handler function, with a call to a function in my global jobs object. I'm not sure why that's a good thing, other than it's reduced the possibility of variable collisions and made the whole thing a bit neater, but that's good enough for me.
The - probably fairly obvious - question is: all my event-binding init-type stuff is still sitting outside my shiny new jobs object: where should it be? Inside the jobs object? Inside the return object inside the jobs object? Inside an init() function?
I'm just trying to get a sense of a stable, basic framework for putting simple functionality in. I'm not building JS apps, I'd just like to write code that's a little more robust and maintainable than it is currently. Any and all suggestions are warmly welcomed :)
You can break down your application in whatever number of modules / objects you like too.
For instance, you can have another object / module which caches and defines all your DOM nodes and another one, which just handles any event. So for instance:
(function ( win, doc, $, undef ) {
win.myApp = win.myApp || { };
var eventHandler = {
onJobClick: function( event ) {
var nodes = (function() {
var rootNode = $( '.myRootNode' ),
addJob = rootNode.find( '.add_job' );
return {
rootNode: rootNode,
addJob: addJob
$(function() {
myApp.nodes.addJob.on( 'click', myApp.handler.onJobClick );
myApp.nodes = nodes;
myApp.handler = eventHandler;
}( this, this.document, jQuery ));
It doesn't really matter how you create singletons in this (module) pattern, either as literal, constructor, Object.create() or whatnot. It needs to fit your requirements.
But you should try to create as many specific modules/objects as necesarry. Of course, if makes even more sense to separate those singletons / modules / objects into multiple javascript files and load them on demand and before you can say knife, you're in the world of modular programming patterns, dealing with requireJS and AMD or CommonJS modules.
Encapsulation-wise, you're fine: you could even just declare addNew in the jQuery closure and you'd still avoid the global scope. I think what you're getting at is more of implementing something close to an MVC architecture.
Something I like to do is create an object that you instantiate with a DOM element and that takes care of its own bindings/provides methods to access its controls etc.
// (pretend we're inside a closure already)
var myObj = function(args){
this.el = args.el; // just a selector, e.g. #myId
this.html = args.html;
this.bindings = args.bindings || {};
myObj.prototype.appendTo = function(elem){
elem.innerHTML += this.html;
myObj.prototype.remove = function(){
$(this.el).remove(); // using jQuery
myObj.prototype.bindControls = function(){
for(var i in this.bindings){ // event#selector : function
var boundFunc = function(e){ return this.bindings[i].call(this,e); };
The way you are doing it right now is exactly how I do it also, I typically create the window objects inside the anonymous function itself and then declare inside that (in this case: jClass = window.jClass).
(function (jClass, $, undefined) {
/// <param name="$" type="jQuery" />
var VERSION = '1.31';
UPDATED_DATE = '7/20/2012';
// Private Namespace Variables
var _self = jClass; // internal self-reference
jClass = window.jClass; // (fix for intellisense)
$ = jQuery; // save rights to jQuery (also fixes vsdoc Intellisense)
// I init my namespace from inside itself
$(function () {
jClass.init = function(branch) {
this._branch = branch;
this._globalFunctionality({ globalDatePicker: true });
//put GLOBAL IMAGES to preload in the array
this._preloadImages( [''] );
this._log('jClass Loaded Successfully :: v' + VERSION + ' :: Last Updated: ' + UPDATED_DATE);
jClass._log = function() {
//NOTE: Global Log (cross browser Console.log - for Testing purposes)
try { console.log.apply(console, arguments); }
catch (e) {
try { opera.postError.apply(opera, arguments); }
catch (e) { /* IE Currently shut OFF : alert(Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ' '));*/ }
}(window.jClass= window.jClass|| {}, jQuery));
The reason I leave them completely anonymous like this, is that let's say in another file I want to add much more functionality to this jClass. I simply create another:
(function jClass, $, undefined) {
jClass.newFunction = function (params) {
// new stuff here
}(window.jClass = window.jClass || {}, jQuery))
As you can see I prefer the object.object notation, but you can use object literals object : object, it's up to you!
Either way by leaving all of this separate, and encapsulated without actual page logic makes it easier to have this within a globalJS file and every page on your site able to use it. Such as the example below.
jClass._log('log this text for me');
You don't want to intertwine model logic with your business logic, so your on the right path separating the two, and allowing for your global namespace/class/etc to be more flexible!
You can find here a comprehensive study on module pattern here: http://www.adequatelygood.com/JavaScript-Module-Pattern-In-Depth.html It covers all the aspects of block-scoped module approach. However in practice you gonna have quite a number files encapsulating you code, so the question is how to combine them property. AMD... multiple HTTP requests produced by every module loading will rather harm your page response time. So you can go with CommonJS compiled to a single JavaScript file suitable for in-browser use. Take a look how easy it is http://dsheiko.github.io/cjsc/

Are there any dangers associated with using JavaScript namespaces?

Are there any dangers/caveats one should be aware of when creating JavaScript namespaces?
Our project is fairly expansive and we are running a lot of JavaScript files (20+, expecting more). It is impossible to have any code maintainability without using namespaces, so we are implementing them like so:
var namespace1 = {
doSomething: function() {
doSomethingElse: function() {
And then to create hierarchies, we link them like so:
var globalNamespace = {
functions1: namespace1,
functions2: namespace2,
This works fine, but it is essentially a "trick" to make JS behave as if it did have namespaces. Although this method gets used a lot, most literature on this seems to focus on how to do it, and not whether there are any possible drawbacks. As we write more JS code, this is quickly becoming an integral part of the way our system works. So it's important that it works seamlessly.
Were there any situations in which this "induced" namespace system caused you errors, or otherwise needed special attention? Can we safely expect identical behaviour across all browsers?
The way you define namespaces in your example it appears to create globals out of each namespace so you end up with
So if you have anything that clobbers window.namespace1 it will also clobber window.globalNamespace.namespace1
Here's how we got around this problem:
namespacing = {
init: function(namespace) {
var spaces = [];
namespace.split('.').each(function(space) {
var curSpace = window,
for (i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) {
if (typeof curSpace[spaces[i]] === 'undefined') {
curSpace[spaces[i]] = {};
curSpace = curSpace[spaces[i]];
Then you use it like this:
globalNamespace.namespace1.doSomething = function() { ... };
This way you don't have to introduce new global variables and you can confidently add to an existing namespace without clobbering other objects in it.
Since you are basically adding functions to objects and those objects into other objects, I would expect each browser to handle this the same way.
But if you want modularity, why not use a (relatively) simple framework like require.js? That will allow you and your team to write code in a modular fashion and allows the team to 'import' these modules where needed:
require(["helper/util"], function() {
//This function is called when scripts/helper/util.js is loaded.
Require.js will take care of dependencies, and it will also prevent polluting the global namespace.
We use a similar system at work and it does the job just fine. I don't see any drawbacks there could be; it's just objects and properties. For that same reason, cross browser compatibility should be good. You can end up having to write some long names to resolve to a particular function, like Foo.Bar.Test.Namespace2.Function, but even then that can be solved by assigning it to a variable before hand.
This is how I'd recommend doing it, so you stay out of the global scope entirely except for your "base" namespace. We do something similar where I work. Let's say you work for Acme co, and want ACME to be your base namespace.
At the top of every file, you'd include:
if (!window.ACME) { window.ACME = {} }
Then you just go and define whatever you want in terms of that.
ACME.Foo = {
bar: function () { console.log("baz"); }
If you want a deeper level of namespace, you just do the same thing for each level.
if (!window.ACME) { window.ACME = {} }
if (!ACME.Foo) { ACME.Foo = {} }
This way each file can be tested independently and they'll set up the namespace infrastructure automatically, but when you compile them together or if you test multiple files simultaneously, they won't keep overwriting things that are already defined.
