JavaScript/jQuery function affecting CSS rules - javascript

I am trying to write function that generates grid based on table data. The function works, but, for some reason, the classes aren't causing style change. My function looks like:
// create 9:00 and 9:30 cells for both employees
generateAvailabilityGrid($("#oneDay"), 30, 9, 10);
/* NOTE: This function works as expected. I have tested it */
// function that generates the availability grid for availabilitySchedule
// parameters: ID of container to write availability grid to (or index), size of interval block (in minutes, as integer), (optional) start time, (optional) end time
function generateAvailabilityGrid(identifier, intervalSize, floatStartTime, floatEndTime)
// for good measure, define floatStartTime,floatEndTime as 9 AM,9 PM, respectively
floatStartTime = floatStartTime || 9;
floatEndTime = floatEndTime || 21;
// enforce intervalSize to be greater than 10
if (intervalSize < 10) return;
// enforce floatSize,floatEndTime to be between 0 and 23.99
if (((floatStartTime < 0) || (floatStartTime >= 24)) || ((floatEndTime <= 0) || (floatEndTime >= 24))) return;
// create container div element (will serve as availabilityTable)
var tableDiv = $('<div class="table"></div>');
// create dummy row div, dummy cell div
var dummyRowDiv = $('<div class="tableRow"></div>'),
dummyCellDiv = $('<div class="tableCell"></div>');
// get names from #employeeTable
var names = $('#employeeTable tr:not(#titleRow)').map(function() { return $(this).children(':lt(2)').map(function() { return $(this).children('input').val(); }).get().join(" "); });
// for every name in names
// copy dummy row and append label with name to it
var row = $(dummyRowDiv).clone();
for (var m = floatStartTime * 60; m < floatEndTime * 60; m += intervalSize)
// create cells
var tempCell = $(dummyCellDiv).clone();
if ((m % 60 == 0) && (m > floatStartTime))
// have cell, on click, be marked 'available'
$(tempCell).click(function() { $(this).toggleClass('available'); });
// TODO: fetch data and use it to "fill" appropriate cells
// append cells to row
// append row to container div
// determine if identifier is int
var isIntIdentifier = (identifier > -1);
// append tableDiv to div identified by identifier
// if identifier is int
if (isIntIdentifier)
// use index to get container to append tableDiv to and append
$('#availabilitySchedule :nth-child(' + (identifier + 1) + ')').append(tableDiv);
// get container to append tableDiv to by name and append
The CSS rules that get "struck out" are:
border-right: 2px solid #000;
background: #0f0;
I think issue with my code is the attempts to add class and mouse click listener to temp object created inside for-loop. Here is the SSCCE:
Does this mean that I am going to have to define everything outside the for-loop, after the cells have been added to the table div? If so, why?

The issue is that css rules are ranked by selector specificity
Your classes alone are not specific enough to rank above the default rule used to set background. This can easily be inspected in browser dev tools css inspector for any element and the rules affecting element will be shown in order of their ranking
#availabilitySchedule .available
background: red;
Helpful article


Survey form automatic slider randomization

I'm trying to figure out a way to automatically randomize slider positions (type range) when I come across them on a webpage (mostly on web survey forms like Qualtrics or Surveymonkey). I would like to add this slider randomization to an already-existing autofill that I demonstrated below. But first, here are a couple examples of the type of sliders I would like to automate (with CSS/HTML):
Currently, I'm using the following script to randomly autofill survey forms on page load (radio buttons, text fields, etc). I would like to add slider randomization in the same vein to this script:
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
// Save a random number
var modifier = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9000000);
// Create a fake user data
var user = {
pass : modifier + "",
mail : modifier + ''
// Array to save data
var save_data = [];
// Check window for tags
function check(win, tagName) {
try {
// Get tags
tagName = win.document.getElementsByTagName(tagName)
} catch (e) {
// Not found - Empty array
tagName = []
// For each tag
for (i = 0; i < tagName.length; i++) {
// This tag
var tag = tagName[i];
// Exclude read-only or desabled
if (tag.readOnly || tag.disabled) continue;
// Get tag values
var name =;
var type = tag.type;
var value = tag.value;
// If Check box
if ('checkbox' == type){
tag.checked = Math.random() > .5;
// If password
else if ('password' == type){
value = user.pass;
// Update tag value
tag.value = value;
// If text
else if ('text' == type) {
// If mail
value = user.mail;
// Update tag value
tag.value = value;
// If radio
else if ('radio' == type) {
// If data don't exist
if (!save_data[name]) {
save_data[name] = 1;
save_data[name] ++;
// Check it with probabilities (depending on the length)
tag.checked = Math.random() < (1 / save_data[name]);
// If select
else if (type.match(/^select/)){
// Set a random options
tag.selectedIndex = Math.random() * (tag.options.length - 1) + 1;
// Try to set focus to the input
if (tag) try {
} catch (e) {}
function recursive(win) {
check(win, 'password');
check(win, 'select');
check(win, 'input');
// For each frame on page
for (var i = 0; i < win.frames.length; i++) {
// Check all frames inside
Since I know that sliders are of the input type range, my added code would need to start with something that looks like this:
else if ('range' == type) {
if (!save_data[name]) {
save_data[name] = 1;
save_data[name] ++;
tag.checked = Math.random() < (1 / save_data[name]);
As you can see, I am basing this code off the radio button portion of the script. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work, and I am currently unable to find the syntax for how to select a new slider position or initiate the movement of a slider. I assume it works differently than a clickable check box or radio button. I know that sliders have ranges generally specified in the CSS/HTML, so this will obviously need to be accoutned for. Any and all help would be absolutely wonderful. Thanks in advance.
From w3school:
Change the value of a slider control:
document.getElementById("myRange").value = "75";
Tweaked it a bit to make it random (if your input range is between 0 and 100):
document.getElementById("myRange").value = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);

Adding and deleting content between two points on a document

I currently have a document, with help from StackOverflow users already, that randomly generates questions, adds it to the end of a document, and then has the ability to delete all the questions posted. This is based on deleting everything under a horizontal rule.
Link to GDrive containing example document & code: LINK TO GDRIVE
You can also see what it currently does here:
However, I now want to only want to add content after a certain point in the document, as well as only delete content between two certain points. You can see the two horizontal rules in an image below in which I want to add/delete
The first horizontal rule in the picture is the third horizontal rule in the document.
Has anyone got any ideas how I can delete and add content between those two points? I've tried using child index's but failed miserably.
This is similar to Deleting all content down from the second horizontal line in a document so I adapt the solutions. First function deletes the paragraphs between the 3rd and 4th line. It counts horizontal lines as we loop through paragraphs. When the count reaches 3, start deleting subsequent paragraphs. When it exceeds 3, stop the loop.
function deleteFrom3to4() {
var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
var para = body.getParagraphs();
var ruleCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < para.length - 1; i++) {
if (para[i].findElement(DocumentApp.ElementType.HORIZONTAL_RULE)) {
else if (ruleCount == 3) {
if (ruleCount > 3) {
And this one inserts a paragraph after the 3rd horizontal line. Again, it loops until the 3rd line is found; inserts a paragraph after it (expressed by body.getChildIndex(para[i]) + 1 child index) and stops.
function insertAfter3() {
var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
var para = body.getParagraphs();
var ruleCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < para.length - 1; i++) {
if (para[i].findElement(DocumentApp.ElementType.HORIZONTAL_RULE)) {
if (ruleCount == 3) {
body.insertParagraph(body.getChildIndex(para[i]) + 1, "Here is a new paragraph");

Jquery not working on Drupal platform but works fine locally

I have the following jQuery or a carousel which I have pieced together.
The jQuery works fine locally - but when uploaded to a Drupal platform the jQuery no longer works. It will however work when input through the Console.
carousel = (function(){
// Read necessary elements from the DOM once
var box = document.querySelector('.carouselbox');
var next = box.querySelector('.next');
var prev = box.querySelector('.prev');
// Define the global counter, the items and the
// current item
var counter = 0;
var items = box.querySelectorAll('.content-items li');
var amount = items.length;
var current = items[0];
// navigate through the carousel
function navigate(direction) {
// hide the old current list item
// calculate th new position
counter = counter + direction;
// if the previous one was chosen
// and the counter is less than 0
// make the counter the last element,
// thus looping the carousel
if (direction === -1 &&
counter < 0) {
counter = amount - 1;
// if the next button was clicked and there
// is no items element, set the counter
// to 0
if (direction === 1 &&
!items[counter]) {
counter = 0;
// set new current element
// and add CSS class
current = items[counter];
// add event handlers to buttons
next.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
prev.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
// show the first element
// (when direction is 0 counter doesn't change)
Removed it from inline to its own js file - sourced the file - works perfectly

JavaScript destroys all children after I append a break?

I'm creating a script that takes two input dimensions, width, and height, and creates a scaled grid which is representative of how many blocks could fit in a box with the given dimensions with the following function:
function makeRow() {
for (var i = 1; i <= blocksTall; i++) {
var mb = document.createElement("div");
mb.setAttribute("class", "matrix-block mb-off");
mb.setAttribute("onClick", "select_mb('" + j + "," + i + "');");
if (i = blocksWide) {
This function works fine to display the first row of blocks, and then inserts a break tag after the row has finished being rendered, which is exactly what I want to do. The problem is I need to generate 17 more rows, with the same number of blocks, each one under the previous row, so my first thought was, I'll just wrap another for loop around this first for loop and since there is a break there, it will render the new row below the previous one:
for (var j = 1; j <= blocksTall; j++) { // Vertical for loop.
for (var i = 1; i <= blocksWide; i++) { // Horizontal for loop.
var mb = document.createElement("div");
//mb.setAttribute("id", "matblock-" + i + "-" + j);
mb.setAttribute("class", "matrix-block mb-off");
mb.setAttribute("onClick", "select_mb('" + i + "," + j + "');");
if (j = blocksWide) {
Where blocksWide = 17. Here is a fiddle with the complete script. When I log the value for j in the console, it does in fact increment (which tells me that the for loop is working). What seems to be happening though is that it is for some reason rendering the row, and then either rendering the new row on top of it (seems unlikely since the break tag is rendered after each row completes) or, for some reason the children are destroyed each time a new "horizontal" for loop is run.
Does anybody know why this might be happening and how to properly get each row to be appended under the last row so it produces a grid of blocks instead of just one row?
Thanks in advance, any help is greatly appreciated.
So, I'm a bit confused about some aspects of your script, but I think you have two major issues.
Firstly, you only ever call document.createElement("br") once, which means you only ever create a single line-break; and a single line-break can only appear in one place in the DOM. This:
removes brk from its current position in the DOM and then puts it at the end of placeBlocks. You should change it to this:
Secondly, I don't think that if (j = blocksWide) { makes sense. Note that it's equivalent to this:
j = blocksWide;
if (blocksWide != 0) {
which means that it interferes with your for-loop by manipulating the value of j. I think the fix for that issue is simply to remove the whole if-check, and to perform its body unconditionally.
I really don't understand what you were trying to do with the remainder operators and the dividing, but blocksWide resolved to infinity causing an infinite loop, and blocksHigh was just 17. All of the other variables besides full weren't used.
You don't actually need two loops, although it is ok to do that. If you want to use just one loop you basically just need to know if i is a multiple of dispW.
So you divide i by dispW then you want to know if it is an integer, to find this you use the remainder operator for 1 and if it resolves to 0 it is an interger. It looks like this...
if ((i / dispW) % 1 === 0)
// if ( dispW=3 && ( i=3 || i=6 || i=9 || ... ) ) true;
This in a loop would look like
totalWidth = dispW * dispH; // total number of blocks
for (var i = 1; i <= totalWidth; i++) {
// do stuff;
if((i / dispW) % 1 === 0) {
// insert new line break;
The method you used for selecting the blocks was a round about way of doing it. First you shouldn't use inline javascript, second you shouldn't use javascript to embed inline javascript in a dynamically created element. Use element.onclick = function; instead.
Notice there is no braces after the function. This is because you are actually passing the function reference and not the returned value of the function.
element.onclick passes an event object to the function reference. You can use this to select the block that was clicked on like so.
for ( ... ) {
var element = document.createElement('div');
element.onclick = myFunction;
function myFunction(e) {
var clicked = // this is the element that was clicked on
Also, you were creating one <br> element outside of the loop. Because appendChild moves elements and does not create elements it will just keep moving the line break until the loop finishes. It should look like this.
// append a newly created line break;
Then even if all the logic worked as intended and you create a new line break every time, floated blocks means no line breaks use display: inline-block; instead.
So in the end what you get is...
(Full difference)
window.onload = function () {
function renderGrid() {
var blocksTall = document.getElementById('height-in').value;
var blocksWide = document.getElementById('width-in').value;
var blocksTotal = blocksWide * blocksTall;
var placeBlocks = document.getElementById('matrix-shell');
while (placeBlocks.firstChild) {
console.log(blocksWide + "/" + blocksTall);
for (var i = 1; i <= blocksTotal; i++) {
var mb = document.createElement("div");
mb.className = 'matrix-block mb-off';
mb.onclick = select_mb;
if (((i / blocksWide) % 1) === 0) {
var brk = document.createElement("br");
function select_mb(e) {
var cur_mb =;
if (cur_mb.className == "matrix-block mb-off") {
// Turn cell on. = "#00FF00";
cur_mb.className = "matrix-block mb-on";
} else {
//Turn cell off. = "#000";
cur_mb.className = "matrix-block mb-off";
.matrix-block {
height: 10px;
width: 10px;
border: 1px solid #fff;
display: inline-block;
background-color: black;
.mb-off {
background-color: black;
#matrix-shell {
font-size: 0;
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid red;
white-space: nowrap;}
<input id="width-in" name="width-in" type="text" />
<input id="height-in" name="height-in" type="text" />
<td colspan="2">
<button onClick="renderGrid()">Compute</button>
<div id="matrix-shell"></div>

Javascript - Dynamic Expand/Collapse All

I have a jQuery Tree Report that I am trying to create 'expand/collapse all' buttons for.
The following two pieces of code are fired when the corresponding buttons are pressed and work great:
for (i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
var el = $('#dtt_2597807651112537_table tbody tr')[i - 1];
// store current level
var level = Number($(el).attr('dtt_level'));
// change icon
while ($($(el).next()).attr('dtt_level') != null) {
var el = $(el).next();
if ($(el).attr('dtt_level') == (level + 1)) {
// change display
} else if ($(el).attr('dtt_level') == level) {
for (i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
// get related table row
var el = $('#dtt_2597807651112537_table tbody tr')[i - 1];
// store current level
var level = Number($(el).attr('dtt_level'));
// change icon
while ($($(el).next()).attr('dtt_level') != null) {
var el = $(el).next();
if ($(el).attr('dtt_level') > level) {
// change display
// change icon
} else if ($(el).attr('dtt_level') == level) {
However, I was wondering if anyone had a nice way to:
1) Get the number of rows that need to be looped through - I just put 100 as a large number to prove my code worked and I don't want to just increase this to an even larger number.
2) Get the class name from the page source - The large number in "dtt_2597807651112537_table" is a report ID generated by the application. This is static for now but I want to eliminate any problems if it changes.
This is all wrong. Well, it's working against how jQuery works, in any case.
jQuery's credo is:
Select elements
Do stuff to them
Drop your loops. You don't need them.
For example. To toggle the icon on all span.dtt_icon in your document, do
var collapsed = true;
$("#dtt_2597807651112537_table span.dtt_icon") // select elements
.toggleClass('dtt_collapsed_span', collapsed) // do stuff to them
.toggleClass('dtt_expanded_span', !collapsed);
or, as a function that can both collapse and expand:
function toggleTree(tree, collapsed) {
.toggleClass('dtt_collapsed_span', collapsed)
.toggleClass('dtt_expanded_span', !collapsed);
To collapse only the currently expanded ones...
$("#dtt_2597807651112537_table span.dtt_icon.dtt_expanded_span")
.toggleClass('dtt_collapsed_span', true)
.toggleClass('dtt_expanded_span', false);
and so on.
You can boil down your entire code into a few lines that way, and you don't need to write a single loop: Use smart element selection (via jQuery selectors and any of jQuerys find, filter and traversal functions) to single out the elements you want to manipulate and then manipulate them all at once in a single step.
To your second question. There are many ways, pick one:
use known page structure to determine the right table (e.g. $("div.main > table:first") or something to that effect)
use known table contents to determine the right table (e.g. $("table:has(span.dtt_icon)"))
use the table's other classes ($("table.treeReport") maybe?) or for example the table's ID with and a "starts-with" selector ($("table[id^=dtt_]")).
Again it's all about selecting your elements smartly. A dive into the jQuery API documentation, in this case the part about selectors, is recommended.
