Why doesn't JavaScript ES6 support multi-constructor classes? - javascript

I want to write my Javascript class like below.
class Option {
constructor() {
this.autoLoad = false;
constructor(key, value) {
this[key] = value;
constructor(key, value, autoLoad) {
this[key] = value;
this.autoLoad = autoLoad || false;
I think it would be nice if we can write out class in this way.
Expect to happen:
var option1 = new Option(); // option1 = {autoLoad: false}
var option2 = new Option('foo', 'bar',); // option2 = {foo: 'bar'}
var option3 = new Option('foo', 'bar', false); // option3 = {foo: 'bar', autoLoad: false}

I want to write my Javascript class like below
You can't, in the same way you can't overload standard functions like that. What you can do is use the arguments object to query the number of arguments passed:
class Option {
constructor(key, value, autoLoad) {
// new Option()
if(!arguments.length) {
this.autoLoad = false;
// new Option(a, [b, [c]])
else {
this[key] = value;
this.autoLoad = autoLoad || false;
Babel REPL Example
Of course (with your updated example), you could take the approach that you don't care about the number of arguments, rather whether each individual value was passed, in which case you could so something like:
class Option {
constructor(key, value, autoLoad) {
if(!key) { // Could change this to a strict undefined check
this.autoLoad = false;
this[key] = value;
this.autoLoad = autoLoad || false;

What you want is called constructor overloading. This, and the more general case of function overloading, is not supported in ECMAScript.
ECMAScript does not handle missing arguments in the same way as more strict languages. The value of missing arguments is left as undefined instead of raising a error. In this paradigm, it is difficult/impossible to detect which overloaded function you are aiming for.
The idiomatic solution is to have one function and have it handle all the combinations of arguments that you need. For the original example, you can just test for the presence of key and value like this:
class Option {
constructor(key, value, autoLoad = false) {
if (typeof key !== 'undefined') {
this[key] = value;
this.autoLoad = autoLoad;

Another option would be to allow your constructor to take an object that is bound to your class properties:
class Option {
// Assign default values in the constructor object
constructor({key = 'foo', value, autoLoad = true} = {}) {
this.key = key;
// Or on the property with default (not recommended)
this.value = value || 'bar';
this.autoLoad = autoLoad;
console.log('Result:', this);
var option1 = new Option();
// Logs: {key: "foo", value: "bar", autoLoad: true}
var option2 = new Option({value: 'hello'});
// Logs: {key: "foo", value: "hello", autoLoad: true}
This is even more useful with Typescript as you can ensure type safety with the values passed in (i.e. key could only be a string, autoLoad a boolean etc).

Guessing from your sample code, all you need is to use default values for your parameters:
class Option {
constructor(key = 'foo', value = 'bar', autoLoad = false) {
this[key] = value;
this.autoLoad = autoLoad;
Having said that, another alternative to constructor overloading is to use static factories. Suppose you would like to be able to instantiate an object from plain parameters, from a hash containing those same parameters or even from a JSON string:
class Thing {
constructor(a, b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
static fromHash(hash) {
return new this(hash.a, hash.b);
static fromJson(string) {
return this.fromHash(JSON.parse(string));
let thing = new Thing(1, 2);
// ...
thing = Thing.fromHash({a: 1, b: 2});
// ...
thing = Thing.fromJson('{"a": 1, "b": 2}');

Here's a hack for overloading based on arity (number of arguments). The idea is to create a function from a number of functions with different arities (determined by looking at fn.length).
function overloaded(...inputs) {
var fns = [];
inputs.forEach(f => fns[f.length] = f);
return function() {
return fns[arguments.length].apply(this, arguments);
var F = overloaded(
function(a) { console.log("function with one argument"); },
function(a, b) { console.log("function with two arguments"); }
F(2, 3);
Of course this needs a lot of bullet-proofing and cleaning up, but you get the idea. However, I don't think you'll have much luck applying this to ES6 class constructors, because they are a horse of a different color.

you can use static methods,look at my answer to same question
class MyClass {
this.a = a
this.b = b
this.c = c
this.d = d
static BAndCInstance(b,c){
return new MyClass(null,b,c)
//a Instance that has b and c params

Use object.assigne with arguments with this

Its not the overload I wanted, but this is a basic version of how I faked my way through creating an obj1 with some different initialization behavior. I realize I could have expanded the arguments as stated above, but I already had a nasty set of arguments and relatively different data sources to deconstruct that would have really distorted my objectives; this just made it cleaner for my situation...
class obj1{
constructor(v1, v2){
this.a = v1;
this.b = v2;
class obj1Alt{
constructor(v1, v2){
return new obj1(v1*2,v2*2);
new obj1(2,4) // returns an obj1
new obj1Alt(2,4) // also returns an obj1
Disclaimer: I've been programming for a long time, but I am fairly new to JS; probably not a best practice.


Getter/Setter as function

Is it possible to create property getter/setter as a function?
Standard getter/setter work like following:
class Test {
something: any;
get prop() {
return something;
set prop(value) {
something = value;
let instance = new Test();
instance.prop = 'Foo';
console.log(instance.prop); // = Foo
I would need following:
let instance = new Test();
instance.prop('Bar') = 'Foo'; // access setter as a function of prop
console.log(instance.prop('Bar')); // = Foo
Yes, I know it's unorthodox usage and yes, I know that I could implement this functionality bit differently. I'm just interested if this is possible in JS/TS/ES6.
This is the closest I got:
class Test {
something: any;
prop(area /* my custom symbol type */) {
const obj: any = {};
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'value', {
// get child object of my complex object
get: () => this.something[area];
// replace part of my complex object
set: (value) => {
this.something = {...this.something, [area]: value}
let instance = new Test();
instance.prop('Bar').value = 'Foo';
console.log(instance.prop('Bar').value); // = Foo
So in short, I'd like to get rid of value suffix if possible.
As #deceze mentioned in the first comment, it is not possible to assign to function call, so solution in the update is as best as it gets.

Add multiple interface to prototype javascript [duplicate]

I've come to a point where I need to have some sort of rudimentary multiple inheritance happening in JavaScript. (I'm not here to discuss whether this is a good idea or not, so please kindly keep those comments to yourself.)
I just want to know if anyone's attempted this with any (or not) success, and how they went about it.
To boil it down, what I really need is to be able to have an object capable of inheriting a property from more than one prototype chain (i.e. each prototype could have its own proper chain), but in a given order of precedence (it will search the chains in order for the first definition).
To demonstrate how this is theoretically possible, it could be achieved by attaching the secondary chain onto the end of the primary chain, but this would affect all instances of any of those previous prototypes and that's not what I want.
Multiple inheritance can be achieved in ECMAScript 6 by using Proxy objects.
function getDesc (obj, prop) {
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop);
return desc || (obj=Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) ? getDesc(obj, prop) : void 0);
function multiInherit (...protos) {
return Object.create(new Proxy(Object.create(null), {
has: (target, prop) => protos.some(obj => prop in obj),
get (target, prop, receiver) {
var obj = protos.find(obj => prop in obj);
return obj ? Reflect.get(obj, prop, receiver) : void 0;
set (target, prop, value, receiver) {
var obj = protos.find(obj => prop in obj);
return Reflect.set(obj || Object.create(null), prop, value, receiver);
*enumerate (target) { yield* this.ownKeys(target); },
ownKeys(target) {
var hash = Object.create(null);
for(var obj of protos) for(var p in obj) if(!hash[p]) hash[p] = true;
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(hash);
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop) {
var obj = protos.find(obj => prop in obj);
var desc = obj ? getDesc(obj, prop) : void 0;
if(desc) desc.configurable = true;
return desc;
preventExtensions: (target) => false,
defineProperty: (target, prop, desc) => false,
A proxy object consists of a target object and some traps, which define custom behavior for fundamental operations.
When creating an object which inherits from another one, we use Object.create(obj). But in this case we want multiple inheritance, so instead of obj I use a proxy that will redirect fundamental operations to the appropriate object.
I use these traps:
The has trap is a trap for the in operator. I use some to check if at least one prototype contains the property.
The get trap is a trap for getting property values. I use find to find the first prototype which contains that property, and I return the value, or call the getter on the appropriate receiver. This is handled by Reflect.get. If no prototype contains the property, I return undefined.
The set trap is a trap for setting property values. I use find to find the first prototype which contains that property, and I call its setter on the appropriate receiver. If there is no setter or no prototype contains the property, the value is defined on the appropriate receiver. This is handled by Reflect.set.
The enumerate trap is a trap for for...in loops. I iterate the enumerable properties from the first prototype, then from the second, and so on. Once a property has been iterated, I store it in a hash table to avoid iterating it again.
Warning: This trap has been removed in ES7 draft and is deprecated in browsers.
The ownKeys trap is a trap for Object.getOwnPropertyNames(). Since ES7, for...in loops keep calling [[GetPrototypeOf]] and getting the own properties of each one. So in order to make it iterate the properties of all prototypes, I use this trap to make all enumerable inherited properties appear like own properties.
The getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap is a trap for Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(). Making all enumerable properties appear like own properties in the ownKeys trap is not enough, for...in loops will get the descriptor to check if they are enumerable. So I use find to find the first prototype which contains that property, and I iterate its prototypical chain until I find the property owner, and I return its descriptor. If no prototype contains the property, I return undefined. The descriptor is modified to make it configurable, otherwise we could break some proxy invariants.
The preventExtensions and defineProperty traps are only included to prevent these operations from modifying the proxy target. Otherwise we could end up breaking some proxy invariants.
There are more traps available, which I don't use
The getPrototypeOf trap could be added, but there is no proper way to return the multiple prototypes. This implies instanceof won't work neither. Therefore, I let it get the prototype of the target, which initially is null.
The setPrototypeOf trap could be added and accept an array of objects, which would replace the prototypes. This is left as an exercice for the reader. Here I just let it modify the prototype of the target, which is not much useful because no trap uses the target.
The deleteProperty trap is a trap for deleting own properties. The proxy represents the inheritance, so this wouldn't make much sense. I let it attempt the deletion on the target, which should have no property anyway.
The isExtensible trap is a trap for getting the extensibility. Not much useful, given that an invariant forces it to return the same extensibility as the target. So I just let it redirect the operation to the target, which will be extensible.
The apply and construct traps are traps for calling or instantiating. They are only useful when the target is a function or a constructor.
// Creating objects
var o1, o2, o3,
obj = multiInherit(o1={a:1}, o2={b:2}, o3={a:3, b:3});
// Checking property existences
'a' in obj; // true (inherited from o1)
'b' in obj; // true (inherited from o2)
'c' in obj; // false (not found)
// Setting properties
obj.c = 3;
// Reading properties
obj.a; // 1 (inherited from o1)
obj.b; // 2 (inherited from o2)
obj.c; // 3 (own property)
obj.d; // undefined (not found)
// The inheritance is "live"
obj.a; // 1 (inherited from o1)
delete o1.a;
obj.a; // 3 (inherited from o3)
// Property enumeration
for(var p in obj) p; // "c", "b", "a"
Update (2019): The original post is getting pretty outdated. This article (now internet archive link, since domain went away) and its associated GitHub library are a good modern approach.
Original post:
Multiple inheritance [edit, not proper inheritance of type, but of properties; mixins] in Javascript is pretty straightforward if you use constructed prototypes rather than generic-object ones. Here are two parent classes to inherit from:
function FoodPrototype() {
this.eat = function () {
console.log("Eating", this.name);
function Food(name) {
this.name = name;
Food.prototype = new FoodPrototype();
function PlantPrototype() {
this.grow = function () {
console.log("Growing", this.name);
function Plant(name) {
this.name = name;
Plant.prototype = new PlantPrototype();
Note that I have used the same "name" member in each case, which could be a problem if the parents did not agree about how "name" should be handled. But they're compatible (redundant, really) in this case.
Now we just need a class that inherits from both. Inheritance is done by calling the constructor function (without using the new keyword) for the prototypes and the object constructors. First, the prototype has to inherit from the parent prototypes
function FoodPlantPrototype() {
// plus a function of its own
this.harvest = function () {
console.log("harvest at", this.maturity);
And the constructor has to inherit from the parent constructors:
function FoodPlant(name, maturity) {
Food.call(this, name);
Plant.call(this, name);
// plus a property of its own
this.maturity = maturity;
FoodPlant.prototype = new FoodPlantPrototype();
Now you can grow, eat, and harvest different instances:
var fp1 = new FoodPlant('Radish', 28);
var fp2 = new FoodPlant('Corn', 90);
This one uses Object.create to make a real prototype chain:
function makeChain(chains) {
var c = Object.prototype;
while(chains.length) {
c = Object.create(c);
$.extend(c, chains.pop()); // some function that does mixin
return c;
For example:
var obj = makeChain([{a:1}, {a: 2, b: 3}, {c: 4}]);
will return:
a: 1
a: 2
b: 3
c: 4
<Object.prototype stuff>
so that obj.a === 1, obj.b === 3, etc.
I like John Resig's implementation of a class structure: http://ejohn.org/blog/simple-javascript-inheritance/
This can be simply extended to something like:
Class.extend = function(prop /*, prop, prop, prop */) {
for( var i=1, l=arguments.length; i<l; i++ ){
prop = $.extend( prop, arguments[i] );
// same code
which will allow you to pass in multiple objects of which to inherit. You're going to lose instanceOf capability here, but that's a given if you want multiple inheritance.
my rather convoluted example of the above is available at https://github.com/cwolves/Fetch/blob/master/support/plugins/klass/klass.js
Note that there is some dead code in that file, but it allows multiple inheritance if you want to take a look.
If you want chained inheritance (NOT multiple inheritance, but for most people it's the same thing), it can be accomplished with Class like:
var newClass = Class.extend( cls1 ).extend( cls2 ).extend( cls3 )
which will preserve the original prototype chain, but you'll also have a lot of pointless code running.
I offer a function to allow classes to be defined with multiple inheritance. It allows for code like the following:
let human = new Running({ name: 'human', numLegs: 2 });
let airplane = new Flying({ name: 'airplane', numWings: 2 });
let dragon = new RunningFlying({ name: 'dragon', numLegs: 4, numWings: 6 });
to produce output like this:
human runs with 2 legs.
airplane flies away with 2 wings!
dragon runs with 4 legs.
dragon flies away with 6 wings!
Here are what the class definitions look like:
let Named = makeClass('Named', {}, () => ({
init: function({ name }) {
this.name = name;
let Running = makeClass('Running', { Named }, protos => ({
init: function({ name, numLegs }) {
protos.Named.init.call(this, { name });
this.numLegs = numLegs;
run: function() {
console.log(`${this.name} runs with ${this.numLegs} legs.`);
let Flying = makeClass('Flying', { Named }, protos => ({
init: function({ name, numWings }) {
protos.Named.init.call(this, { name });
this.numWings = numWings;
fly: function( ){
console.log(`${this.name} flies away with ${this.numWings} wings!`);
let RunningFlying = makeClass('RunningFlying', { Running, Flying }, protos => ({
init: function({ name, numLegs, numWings }) {
protos.Running.init.call(this, { name, numLegs });
protos.Flying.init.call(this, { name, numWings });
takeFlight: function() {
We can see that each class definition using the makeClass function accepts an Object of parent-class names mapped to parent-classes. It also accepts a function that returns an Object containing properties for the class being defined. This function has a parameter protos, which contains enough information to access any property defined by any of the parent-classes.
The final piece required is the makeClass function itself, which does quite a bit of work. Here it is, along with the rest of the code. I've commented makeClass quite heavily:
let makeClass = (name, parents={}, propertiesFn=()=>({})) => {
// The constructor just curries to a Function named "init"
let Class = function(...args) { this.init(...args); };
// This allows instances to be named properly in the terminal
Object.defineProperty(Class, 'name', { value: name });
// Tracking parents of `Class` allows for inheritance queries later
Class.parents = parents;
// Initialize prototype
Class.prototype = Object.create(null);
// Collect all parent-class prototypes. `Object.getOwnPropertyNames`
// will get us the best results. Finally, we'll be able to reference
// a property like "usefulMethod" of Class "ParentClass3" with:
// `parProtos.ParentClass3.usefulMethod`
let parProtos = {};
for (let parName in parents) {
let proto = parents[parName].prototype;
parProtos[parName] = {};
for (let k of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto)) {
parProtos[parName][k] = proto[k];
// Resolve `properties` as the result of calling `propertiesFn`. Pass
// `parProtos`, so a child-class can access parent-class methods, and
// pass `Class` so methods of the child-class have a reference to it
let properties = propertiesFn(parProtos, Class);
properties.constructor = Class; // Ensure "constructor" prop exists
// If two parent-classes define a property under the same name, we
// have a "collision". In cases of collisions, the child-class *must*
// define a method (and within that method it can decide how to call
// the parent-class methods of the same name). For every named
// property of every parent-class, we'll track a `Set` containing all
// the methods that fall under that name. Any `Set` of size greater
// than one indicates a collision.
let propsByName = {}; // Will map property names to `Set`s
for (let parName in parProtos) {
for (let propName in parProtos[parName]) {
// Now track the property `parProtos[parName][propName]` under the
// label of `propName`
if (!propsByName.hasOwnProperty(propName))
propsByName[propName] = new Set();
// For all methods defined by the child-class, create or replace the
// entry in `propsByName` with a Set containing a single item; the
// child-class' property at that property name (this also guarantees
// there is no collision at this property name). Note property names
// prefixed with "$" will be considered class properties (and the "$"
// will be removed).
for (let propName in properties) {
if (propName[0] === '$') {
// The "$" indicates a class property; attach to `Class`:
Class[propName.slice(1)] = properties[propName];
} else {
// No "$" indicates an instance property; attach to `propsByName`:
propsByName[propName] = new Set([ properties[propName] ]);
// Ensure that "init" is defined by a parent-class or by the child:
if (!propsByName.hasOwnProperty('init'))
throw Error(`Class "${name}" is missing an "init" method`);
// For each property name in `propsByName`, ensure that there is no
// collision at that property name, and if there isn't, attach it to
// the prototype! `Object.defineProperty` can ensure that prototype
// properties won't appear during iteration with `in` keyword:
for (let propName in propsByName) {
let propsAtName = propsByName[propName];
if (propsAtName.size > 1)
throw new Error(`Class "${name}" has conflict at "${propName}"`);
Object.defineProperty(Class.prototype, propName, {
enumerable: false,
writable: true,
value: propsAtName.values().next().value // Get 1st item in Set
return Class;
let Named = makeClass('Named', {}, () => ({
init: function({ name }) {
this.name = name;
let Running = makeClass('Running', { Named }, protos => ({
init: function({ name, numLegs }) {
protos.Named.init.call(this, { name });
this.numLegs = numLegs;
run: function() {
console.log(`${this.name} runs with ${this.numLegs} legs.`);
let Flying = makeClass('Flying', { Named }, protos => ({
init: function({ name, numWings }) {
protos.Named.init.call(this, { name });
this.numWings = numWings;
fly: function( ){
console.log(`${this.name} flies away with ${this.numWings} wings!`);
let RunningFlying = makeClass('RunningFlying', { Running, Flying }, protos => ({
init: function({ name, numLegs, numWings }) {
protos.Running.init.call(this, { name, numLegs });
protos.Flying.init.call(this, { name, numWings });
takeFlight: function() {
let human = new Running({ name: 'human', numLegs: 2 });
let airplane = new Flying({ name: 'airplane', numWings: 2 });
let dragon = new RunningFlying({ name: 'dragon', numLegs: 4, numWings: 6 });
The makeClass function also supports class properties; these are defined by prefixing property names with the $ symbol (note that the final property name that results will have the $ removed). With this in mind, we could write a specialized Dragon class that models the "type" of the Dragon, where the list of available Dragon types is stored on the Class itself, as opposed to on the instances:
let Dragon = makeClass('Dragon', { RunningFlying }, protos => ({
$types: {
wyvern: 'wyvern',
drake: 'drake',
hydra: 'hydra'
init: function({ name, numLegs, numWings, type }) {
protos.RunningFlying.init.call(this, { name, numLegs, numWings });
this.type = type;
description: function() {
return `A ${this.type}-type dragon with ${this.numLegs} legs and ${this.numWings} wings`;
let dragon1 = new Dragon({ name: 'dragon1', numLegs: 2, numWings: 4, type: Dragon.types.drake });
let dragon2 = new Dragon({ name: 'dragon2', numLegs: 4, numWings: 2, type: Dragon.types.hydra });
The Challenges of Multiple Inheritance
Anyone who followed the code for makeClass closely will note a rather significant undesirable phenomenon occurring silently when the above code runs: instantiating a RunningFlying will result in TWO calls to the Named constructor!
This is because the inheritance graph looks like this:
(^^ More Specialized ^^)
/ \
/ \
Running Flying
\ /
\ /
(vv More Abstract vv)
When there are multiple paths to the same parent-class in a sub-class' inheritance graph, instantiations of the sub-class will invoke that parent-class' constructor multiple times.
Combatting this is non-trivial. Let's look at some examples with simplified classnames. We'll consider class A, the most abstract parent-class, classes B and C, which both inherit from A, and class BC which inherits from B and C (and hence conceptually "double-inherits" from A):
let A = makeClass('A', {}, () => ({
init: function() {
console.log('Construct A');
let B = makeClass('B', { A }, protos => ({
init: function() {
console.log('Construct B');
let C = makeClass('C', { A }, protos => ({
init: function() {
console.log('Construct C');
let BC = makeClass('BC', { B, C }, protos => ({
init: function() {
// Overall "Construct A" is logged twice:
protos.B.init.call(this); // -> console.log('Construct A'); console.log('Construct B');
protos.C.init.call(this); // -> console.log('Construct A'); console.log('Construct C');
console.log('Construct BC');
If we want to prevent BC from double-invoking A.prototype.init we may need to abandon the style of directly calling inherited constructors. We will need some level of indirection to check whether duplicate calls are occurring, and short-circuit before they happen.
We could consider changing the parameters supplied to the properties function: alongside protos, an Object containing raw data describing inherited properties, we could also include a utility function for calling an instance method in such a way that parent methods are also called, but duplicate calls are detected and prevented. Let's take a look at where we establish the parameters for the propertiesFn Function:
let makeClass = (name, parents, propertiesFn) => {
/* ... a bunch of makeClass logic ... */
// Allows referencing inherited functions; e.g. `parProtos.ParentClass3.usefulMethod`
let parProtos = {};
/* ... collect all parent methods in `parProtos` ... */
// Utility functions for calling inherited methods:
let util = {};
util.invokeNoDuplicates = (instance, fnName, args, dups=new Set()) => {
// Invoke every parent method of name `fnName` first...
for (let parName of parProtos) {
if (parProtos[parName].hasOwnProperty(fnName)) {
// Our parent named `parName` defines the function named `fnName`
let fn = parProtos[parName][fnName];
// Check if this function has already been encountered.
// This solves our duplicate-invocation problem!!
if (dups.has(fn)) continue;
// This is the first time this Function has been encountered.
// Call it on `instance`, with the desired args. Make sure we
// include `dups`, so that if the parent method invokes further
// inherited methods we don't lose track of what functions have
// have already been called.
fn.call(instance, ...args, dups);
// Now we can call `propertiesFn` with an additional `util` param:
// Resolve `properties` as the result of calling `propertiesFn`:
let properties = propertiesFn(parProtos, util, Class);
/* ... a bunch more makeClass logic ... */
The whole purpose of the above change to makeClass is so that we have an additional argument supplied to our propertiesFn when we invoke makeClass. We should also be aware that every function defined in any class may now receive a parameter after all its others, named dup, which is a Set that holds all functions that have already been called as a result of calling the inherited method:
let A = makeClass('A', {}, () => ({
init: function() {
console.log('Construct A');
let B = makeClass('B', { A }, (protos, util) => ({
init: function(dups) {
util.invokeNoDuplicates(this, 'init', [ /* no args */ ], dups);
console.log('Construct B');
let C = makeClass('C', { A }, (protos, util) => ({
init: function(dups) {
util.invokeNoDuplicates(this, 'init', [ /* no args */ ], dups);
console.log('Construct C');
let BC = makeClass('BC', { B, C }, (protos, util) => ({
init: function(dups) {
util.invokeNoDuplicates(this, 'init', [ /* no args */ ], dups);
console.log('Construct BC');
This new style actually succeeds in ensuring "Construct A" is only logged once when an instance of BC is initialized. But there are three downsides, the third of which is very critical:
This code has become less readable and maintainable. A lot of complexity hides behind the util.invokeNoDuplicates function, and thinking about how this style avoids multi-invocation is non-intuitive and headache inducing. We also have that pesky dups parameter, which really needs to be defined on every single function in the class. Ouch.
This code is slower - quite a bit more indirection and computation is required to achieve desirable results with multiple inheritance. Unfortunately this is likely to be the case with any solution to our multiple-invocation problem.
Most significantly, the structure of functions which rely on inheritance has become very rigid. If a sub-class NiftyClass overrides a function niftyFunction, and uses util.invokeNoDuplicates(this, 'niftyFunction', ...) to run it without duplicate-invocation, NiftyClass.prototype.niftyFunction will call the function named niftyFunction of every parent class that defines it, ignore any return values from those classes, and finally perform the specialized logic of NiftyClass.prototype.niftyFunction. This is the only possible structure. If NiftyClass inherits CoolClass and GoodClass, and both these parent-classes provide niftyFunction definitions of their own, NiftyClass.prototype.niftyFunction will never (without risking multiple-invocation) be able to:
A. Run the specialized logic of NiftyClass first, then the specialized logic of parent-classes
B. Run the specialized logic of NiftyClass at any point other than after all specialized parent logic has completed
C. Behave conditionally depending on the return values of its parent's specialized logic
D. Avoid running a particular parent's specialized niftyFunction altogether
Of course, we could solve each lettered problem above by defining specialized functions under util:
A. define util.invokeNoDuplicatesSubClassLogicFirst(instance, fnName, ...)
B. define util.invokeNoDuplicatesSubClassAfterParent(parentName, instance, fnName, ...) (Where parentName is the name of the parent whose specialized logic will be immediately followed by the child-classes' specialized logic)
C. define util.invokeNoDuplicatesCanShortCircuitOnParent(parentName, testFn, instance, fnName, ...) (In this case testFn would receive the result of the specialized logic for the parent named parentName, and would return a true/false value indicating whether the short-circuit should happen)
D. define util.invokeNoDuplicatesBlackListedParents(blackList, instance, fnName, ...) (In this case blackList would be an Array of parent names whose specialized logic should be skipped altogether)
These solutions are all available, but this is total mayhem! For every unique structure that an inherited function call can take, we would need a specialized method defined under util. What an absolute disaster.
With this in mind we can start to see the challenges of implementing good multiple inheritance. The full implementation of makeClass I provided in this answer does not even consider the multiple-invocation problem, or many other problems which arise regarding multiple inheritance.
This answer is getting very long. I hope the makeClass implementation I included is still useful, even if it isn't perfect. I also hope anyone interested in this topic has gained more context to keep in mind as they do further reading!
Don't get confused with JavaScript framework implementations of multiple inheritance.
All you need to do is use Object.create() to create a new object each time with the specified prototype object and properties, then be sure to change the Object.prototype.constructor each step of the way if you plan on instantiating B in the future.
To inherit instance properties thisA and thisB we use Function.prototype.call() at the end of each object function. This is optional if you only care about inheriting the prototype.
Run the following code somewhere and observe objC:
function A() {
this.thisA = 4; // objC will contain this property
A.prototype.a = 2; // objC will contain this property
B.prototype = Object.create(A.prototype);
B.prototype.constructor = B;
function B() {
this.thisB = 55; // objC will contain this property
B.prototype.b = 3; // objC will contain this property
C.prototype = Object.create(B.prototype);
C.prototype.constructor = C;
function C() {
this.thisC = 123; // objC will contain this property
C.prototype.c = 2; // objC will contain this property
var objC = new C();
B inherits the prototype from A
C inherits the prototype from B
objC is an instance of C
This is a good explanation of the steps above:
OOP In JavaScript: What You NEED to Know
I’m in no way an expert on javascript OOP, but if I understand you correctly you want something like (pseudo-code):
Earth.shape = 'round';
Animal.shape = 'random';
Cat inherit from (Earth, Animal);
Cat.shape = 'random' or 'round' depending on inheritance order;
In that case, I’d try something like:
var Earth = function(){};
Earth.prototype.shape = 'round';
var Animal = function(){};
Animal.prototype.shape = 'random';
Animal.prototype.head = true;
var Cat = function(){};
MultiInherit(Cat, Earth, Animal);
console.log(new Cat().shape); // yields "round", since I reversed the inheritance order
console.log(new Cat().head); // true
function MultiInherit() {
var c = [].shift.call(arguments),
len = arguments.length
while(len--) {
$.extend(c.prototype, new arguments[len]());
It's possible to implement multiple inheritance in JavaScript, although very few libraries does it.
I could point Ring.js, the only example I know.
I was working on this a lot today and trying to achieve this myself in ES6. The way I did it was using Browserify, Babel and then I tested it with Wallaby and it seemed to work. My goal is to extend the current Array, include ES6, ES7 and add some additional custom features I need in the prototype for dealing with audio data.
Wallaby passes 4 of my tests. The example.js file can be pasted in the console and you can see that the 'includes' property is in the prototype of the class. I still want to test this more tomorrow.
Here's my method: (I will most likely refactor and repackage as a module after some sleep!)
var includes = require('./polyfills/includes');
var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(includes.prototype);
class ArrayIncludesPollyfills extends Array {}
function inherit (...keys) {
ArrayIncludesPollyfills.prototype[key]= includes.prototype[key];
module.exports = ArrayIncludesPollyfills
Github Repo:
I think it is ridiculously simple. The issue here is that the child class will only refer to instanceof for the first class you call
function Foo() {
this.bar = 'bar';
return this;
Foo.prototype.test = function(){return 1;}
function Bar() {
this.bro = 'bro';
return this;
Bar.prototype.test2 = function(){return 2;}
function Cool() {
return this;
var combine = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
$.extend(combine, Object.create(Bar.prototype));
Cool.prototype = Object.create(combine);
Cool.prototype.constructor = Cool;
var cool = new Cool();
console.log(cool.test()); // 1
console.log(cool.test2()); //2
console.log(cool.bro) //bro
console.log(cool.bar) //bar
console.log(cool instanceof Foo); //true
console.log(cool instanceof Bar); //false
Check the code below which IS showing support for multiple inheritance. Done by using PROTOTYPAL INHERITANCE
function A(name) {
this.name = name;
A.prototype.setName = function (name) {
this.name = name;
function B(age) {
this.age = age;
B.prototype.setAge = function (age) {
this.age = age;
function AB(name, age) {
A.prototype.setName.call(this, name);
B.prototype.setAge.call(this, age);
AB.prototype = Object.assign({}, Object.create(A.prototype), Object.create(B.prototype));
AB.prototype.toString = function () {
return `Name: ${this.name} has age: ${this.age}`
const a = new A("shivang");
const b = new B(32);
const ab = new AB("indu", 27);
Take a look of the package IeUnit.
The concept assimilation implemented in IeUnit seems to offers what you are looking for in a quite dynamical way.
Here is an example of prototype chaining using constructor functions:
function Lifeform () { // 1st Constructor function
this.isLifeform = true;
function Animal () { // 2nd Constructor function
this.isAnimal = true;
Animal.prototype = new Lifeform(); // Animal is a lifeform
function Mammal () { // 3rd Constructor function
this.isMammal = true;
Mammal.prototype = new Animal(); // Mammal is an animal
function Cat (species) { // 4th Constructor function
this.isCat = true;
this.species = species
Cat.prototype = new Mammal(); // Cat is a mammal
This concept uses Yehuda Katz's definition of a "class" for JavaScript:
...a JavaScript "class" is just a Function object that serves as a constructor plus an attached prototype object. (Source: Guru Katz)
Unlike the Object.create approach, when the classes are built in this way and we want to create instances of a "class", we don't need to know what each "class" is inheriting from. We just use new.
// Make an instance object of the Cat "Class"
var tiger = new Cat("tiger");
console.log(tiger.isCat, tiger.isMammal, tiger.isAnimal, tiger.isLifeform);
// Outputs: true true true true
The order of precendence should make sense. First it looks in the instance object, then it's prototype, then the next prototype, etc.
// Let's say we have another instance, a special alien cat
var alienCat = new Cat("alien");
// We can define a property for the instance object and that will take
// precendence over the value in the Mammal class (down the chain)
alienCat.isMammal = false;
// OR maybe all cats are mutated to be non-mammals
Cat.prototype.isMammal = false;
We can also modify the prototypes which will effect all objects built on the class.
// All cats are mutated to be non-mammals
Cat.prototype.isMammal = false;
console.log(tiger, alienCat);
I originally wrote some of this up with this answer.
A latecomer in the scene is SimpleDeclare. However, when dealing with multiple inheritance, you will still end up with copies of the original constructors. That's a necessity in Javascript...
I would use ds.oop. Its similar to prototype.js and others. makes multiple inheritance very easy and its minimalist. (only 2 or 3 kb) Also supports some other neat features like interfaces and dependency injection
/*** multiple inheritance example ***********************************/
var Runner = ds.class({
run: function() { console.log('I am running...'); }
var Walker = ds.class({
walk: function() { console.log('I am walking...'); }
var Person = ds.class({
inherits: [Runner, Walker],
eat: function() { console.log('I am eating...'); }
var person = new Person();
How about this, it implements multiple inheritance in JavaScript:
class Car {
constructor(brand) {
this.carname = brand;
show() {
return 'I have a ' + this.carname;
class Asset {
constructor(price) {
this.price = price;
show() {
return 'its estimated price is ' + this.price;
class Model_i1 { // extends Car and Asset (just a comment for ourselves)
constructor(brand, price, usefulness) {
specialize_with(this, new Car(brand));
specialize_with(this, new Asset(price));
this.usefulness = usefulness;
show() {
return Car.prototype.show.call(this) + ", " + Asset.prototype.show.call(this) + ", Model_i1";
mycar = new Model_i1("Ford Mustang", "$100K", 16);
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = mycar.show();
And here's the code for specialize_with() utility function:
function specialize_with(o, S) { for (var prop in S) { o[prop] = S[prop]; } }
This is real code that runs. You can copy-paste it in html file, and try it yourself. It does work.
That's the effort to implement MI in JavaScript. Not much of code, more of a know-how.
Please feel free to look at my complete article on this, https://github.com/latitov/OOP_MI_Ct_oPlus_in_JS
I just used to assign what classes I need in properties of others, and add a proxy to auto-point to them i like:
class A {
this.test = "a test";
console.log("in the method");
class B {
this.extends = [new A()];
return new Proxy(this, {
get: function(obj, prop) {
if(prop in obj)
return obj[prop];
let response = obj.extends.find(function (extended) {
if(prop in extended)
return extended[prop];
return response ? response[prop] : Reflect.get(...arguments);
let b = new B();
b.test ;// "a test";
b.method(); // in the method

Variable is instance of Enum

I have the following javascript code:
function testClass() {
this.SaveValue = function (value) {
var isInstance = value instanceof TestEnum;
if (!isInstance) {
TestEnum = {
VALUE_0: 0,
VALUE_1: 1,
VALUE_2: 2
I create an instance of this object in the following way:
$(function () {
var a = new testClass();
All I'd like to do is test that the value passed to the SaveValue function is actually the type of TestEnum. However, when I run this code I get the following error: Uncaught TypeError: Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got 1
Am I going about this the right way? I tried typeof but it only returns number which is not particularly useful to me.
You could create the values as instances of the "class":
function TestEnum(value) {
this._value = value;
TestEnum.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return this._value;
TestEnum.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'TestEnum_' + this._value;
TestEnum.VALUE_0 = new TestEnum(0);
TestEnum.VALUE_1 = new TestEnum(1);
The following would work then:
TestEnum.VALUE_0 instanceof TestEnum
But it also means you'd have to explicitly access the numerical value of one value with .valueOf. In some cases JS will do this automatically for you (like in 5 + TestEnum.VALUE_1). Overriding toString so that you can use a value as property might also be necessary.
It really depends on your use case whether this is a viable solution.
Alternatively, if just want to test whether a value is part of the enum, you can have an additional property which holds all possible values:
TestEnum.values = {0: true, 1: true, ...};
And then test it with
value in TestEnum.values
// or more reliable (fails for inherited `Object` properties)
You could even automate this:
function collectValues(obj) {
var values = {}; // or Object.create(null) if available
for (var prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
values[obj[prop]] = true;
return values;
TestEnum.values = collectValues(TestEnum);
This will only reliably work for primitive values though and won't distinguish between the string "1" and the number 1.
You are passing a number to the function in
Since TestEnum is simply an Object, and you are referencing a number property on that object, you're calling your function with a number. You should instead create a TestEnumValue object and use that for your Object's properties:
JSFiddle link for below
function testClass() {
this.SaveValue = function (value) {
var isInstance = value instanceof TestEnumValue;
if (!isInstance) {
TestEnumValue = function(arg) {
arg = arg ? arg : 0; // sensible default
this.key = 'VALUE_' + arg;
this.val = arg;
Level = {
NumSpiders : new TestEnumValue(0),
NumCreepers: new TestEnumValue(1),
NumZombies : new TestEnumValue(2),
NumChickens: new TestEnumValue // uses default enum value
$(function() {
var a = new testClass();
Playing around with this, I noticed that you can leverage the fact that an enum compiles into an object that binds the values both ways combined with a hasOwnProperty check.
export enum TEST_ENUM{
ZERO, // 0
ONE, // 1
TWO, // 2
let a = 1;
let b = TEST_ENUM.TWO // 2
let c = 5 // incorrect value
TEST_ENUM.hasOwnProperty(a); // TRUE
TEST_ENUM.hasOwnProperty(b); // TRUE
TEST_ENUM.hasOwnProperty(c); // FALSE
This comes with a few caveats though;
// An object's keys are always strings...
// Although this shouldn't not matter usually (e.g. parsed user input)
TEST_ENUM.hasOwnProperty("2"); // TRUE
// And the enum is bound two-way so:
let input = "TWO";
if (TEST_ENUM.hasOwnProperty(input) { // TRUE
let result = input // "TWO"
// result is now the enum's value, instead of the key.
result = TEST_ENUM[input]; // this would be the correct assignment
Of course you can fix both of these with a typeof check, in case of a string assign it TEST_ENUM[mystring].
Note that my intellisense didn't autocomplete the hasOwnProperty function on an enum, but it doesn't complain about it either, and it's available on all browsers.
Here's an example of how you could do it.
function TestEnum(val) {
this.vals = this.vals || [];
if (this.vals.indexOf(val) == -1) console.log('nope: ' + val);
else console.log('ok: ' + val);
(function() {
var vals = {
VALUE_0: 0,
VALUE_1: 1,
VALUE_2: 2
TestEnum.prototype.vals = [];
for (var key in vals) {
TestEnum[key] = vals[key];
Now new TestEnum(TestEnum.VALUE_0); is OK, but if you try, say, new TestEnum(3), then it throws an exception.
This is a bit backwards -- x instanceof y means that x has been created as x = new y(). Since TestEnum isn't even a function, you can't create an instance of it, so this isn't going to work.
What you could do is maybe something like this:
function MyEnum(enumVal) { this.val = enumVal; }
a.SaveValue( new MyEnum(TestEnum.VALUE_1) );
Then check using isInstance = value instanceof MyEnum.

Resume from an error

Before I get yelled at for trying something so reckless, let me tell you that I wouldn't do this in real life and it's an academic question.
Suppose I'm writing a library and I want my object to be able to make up methods as they are needed.
For example if you wanted to call a .slice() method, and I didn't have one then the window.onerror handler would fire it for me
Anyway I played around with this here
window.onerror = function(e) {
var method = /'(.*)'$/.exec(e)[1];
console.log(method); // slice
return Array.prototype[method].call(this, arguments); // not even almost gonna work
var myLib = function(a, b, c) {
if (this == window) return new myLib(a, b, c);
this[1] = a; this[2] = b; this[3] = c;
return this;
var obj = myLib(1,2,3);
Also (maybe I should start a new question) can I change my constructor to take an unspecified amount of args?
var myLib = function(a, b, c) {
if (this == window) return new myLib.apply(/* what goes here? */, arguments);
this[1] = a; this[2] = b; this[3] = c;
return this;
BTW I know I can load my objects with
['slice', 'push', '...'].forEach(function() { myLib.prototype[this] = [][this]; });
That's not what I'm looking for
As you were asking an academic question, I suppose browser compatibility is not an issue. If it's indeed not, I'd like to introduce harmony proxies for this. onerror is not a very good practice as it's just a event raised if somewhere an error occurs. It should, if ever, only be used as a last resort. (I know you said you don't use it anyway, but onerror is just not very developer-friendly.)
Basically, proxies enable you to intercept most of the fundamental operations in JavaScript - most notably getting any property which is useful here. In this case, you could intercept the process of getting .slice.
Note that proxies are "black holes" by default. They do not correspond to any object (e.g. setting a property on a proxy just calls the set trap (interceptor); the actual storing you have to do yourself). But there is a "forwarding handler" available that routes everything through to a normal object (or an instance of course), so that the proxy behaves as a normal object. By extending the handler (in this case, the get part), you can quite easily route Array.prototype methods through as follows.
So, whenever any property (with name name) is being fetched, the code path is as follows:
Try returning inst[name].
Otherwise, try returning a function which applies Array.prototype[name] on the instance with the given arguments to this function.
Otherwise, just return undefined.
If you want to play around with proxies, you can use a recent version of V8, for example in a nightly build of Chromium (make sure to run as chrome --js-flags="--harmony"). Again, proxies are not available for "normal" usage because they're relatively new, change a lot of the fundamental parts of JavaScript and are in fact not officially specified yet (still drafts).
This is a simple diagram of how it goes like (inst is actually the proxy which the instance has been wrapped into). Note that it only illustrates getting a property; all other operations are simply passed through by the proxy because of the unmodified forwarding handler.
The proxy code could be as follows:
function Test(a, b, c) {
this[0] = a;
this[1] = b;
this[2] = c;
this.length = 3; // needed for .slice to work
Test.prototype.foo = "bar";
Test = (function(old) { // replace function with another function
// that returns an interceptor proxy instead
// of the actual instance
return function() {
var bind = Function.prototype.bind,
slice = Array.prototype.slice,
args = slice.call(arguments),
// to pass all arguments along with a new call:
inst = new(bind.apply(old, [null].concat(args))),
// ^ is ignored because of `new`
// which forces `this`
handler = new Proxy.Handler(inst); // create a forwarding handler
// for the instance
handler.get = function(receiver, name) { // overwrite `get` handler
if(name in inst) { // just return a property on the instance
return inst[name];
if(name in Array.prototype) { // otherwise try returning a function
// that calls the appropriate method
// on the instance
return function() {
return Array.prototype[name].apply(inst, arguments);
return Proxy.create(handler, Test.prototype);
var test = new Test(123, 456, 789),
sliced = test.slice(1);
console.log(sliced); // [456, 789]
console.log("2" in test); // true
console.log("2" in sliced); // false
console.log(test instanceof Test); // true
// (due to second argument to Proxy.create)
console.log(test.foo); // "bar"
The forwarding handler is available at the official harmony wiki.
Proxy.Handler = function(target) {
this.target = target;
Proxy.Handler.prototype = {
// Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, name) -> pd | undefined
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(name) {
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.target, name);
if (desc !== undefined) { desc.configurable = true; }
return desc;
// Object.getPropertyDescriptor(proxy, name) -> pd | undefined
getPropertyDescriptor: function(name) {
var desc = Object.getPropertyDescriptor(this.target, name);
if (desc !== undefined) { desc.configurable = true; }
return desc;
// Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proxy) -> [ string ]
getOwnPropertyNames: function() {
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.target);
// Object.getPropertyNames(proxy) -> [ string ]
getPropertyNames: function() {
return Object.getPropertyNames(this.target);
// Object.defineProperty(proxy, name, pd) -> undefined
defineProperty: function(name, desc) {
return Object.defineProperty(this.target, name, desc);
// delete proxy[name] -> boolean
delete: function(name) { return delete this.target[name]; },
// Object.{freeze|seal|preventExtensions}(proxy) -> proxy
fix: function() {
// As long as target is not frozen, the proxy won't allow itself to be fixed
if (!Object.isFrozen(this.target)) {
return undefined;
var props = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.target).forEach(function(name) {
props[name] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.target, name);
return props;
// == derived traps ==
// name in proxy -> boolean
has: function(name) { return name in this.target; },
// ({}).hasOwnProperty.call(proxy, name) -> boolean
hasOwn: function(name) { return ({}).hasOwnProperty.call(this.target, name); },
// proxy[name] -> any
get: function(receiver, name) { return this.target[name]; },
// proxy[name] = value
set: function(receiver, name, value) {
this.target[name] = value;
return true;
// for (var name in proxy) { ... }
enumerate: function() {
var result = [];
for (var name in this.target) { result.push(name); };
return result;
// Object.keys(proxy) -> [ string ]
keys: function() { return Object.keys(this.target); }

How would you overload the [] operator in javascript

I can't seem to find the way to overload the [] operator in javascript. Anyone out there know?
I was thinking on the lines of ...
return myArray[index];
or am I not looking at the right things.
You can do this with ES6 Proxy (available in all modern browsers)
var handler = {
get: function(target, name) {
return "Hello, " + name;
var proxy = new Proxy({}, handler);
console.log(proxy.world); // output: Hello, world
console.log(proxy[123]); // output: Hello, 123
Check details on MDN.
You can't overload operators in JavaScript.
It was proposed for ECMAScript 4 but rejected.
I don't think you'll see it anytime soon.
The simple answer is that JavaScript allows access to children of an Object via the square brackets.
So you could define your class:
MyClass = function(){
// Set some defaults that belong to the class via dot syntax or array syntax.
this.some_property = 'my value is a string';
this['another_property'] = 'i am also a string';
this[0] = 1;
You will then be able to access the members on any instances of your class with either syntax.
foo = new MyClass();
foo.some_property; // Returns 'my value is a string'
foo['some_property']; // Returns 'my value is a string'
foo.another_property; // Returns 'i am also a string'
foo['another_property']; // Also returns 'i am also a string'
foo.0; // Syntax Error
foo[0]; // Returns 1
foo['0']; // Returns 1
Use a proxy. It was mentioned elsewhere in the answers but I think that this is a better example:
var handler = {
get: function(target, name) {
if (name in target) {
return target[name];
if (name == 'length') {
return Infinity;
return name * name;
var p = new Proxy({}, handler);
p[4]; //returns 16, which is the square of 4.
We can proxy get | set methods directly. Inspired by this.
class Foo {
constructor(v) {
this.data = v
return new Proxy(this, {
get: (obj, key) => {
if (typeof(key) === 'string' && (Number.isInteger(Number(key)))) // key is an index
return obj.data[key]
return obj[key]
set: (obj, key, value) => {
if (typeof(key) === 'string' && (Number.isInteger(Number(key)))) // key is an index
return obj.data[key] = value
return obj[key] = value
var foo = new Foo([])
foo.data = [0, 0, 0]
foo[0] = 1
console.log(foo[0]) // 1
console.log(foo.data) // [1, 0, 0]
As brackets operator is actually property access operator, you can hook on it with getters and setters. For IE you will have to use Object.defineProperty() instead. Example:
var obj = {
get attr() { alert("Getter called!"); return 1; },
set attr(value) { alert("Setter called!"); return value; }
obj.attr = 123;
The same for IE8+:
Object.defineProperty("attr", {
get: function() { alert("Getter called!"); return 1; },
set: function(value) { alert("Setter called!"); return value; }
For IE5-7 there's onpropertychange event only, which works for DOM elements, but not for other objects.
The drawback of the method is you can only hook on requests to predefined set of properties, not on arbitrary property without any predefined name.
one sneaky way to do this is by extending the language itself.
step 1
define a custom indexing convention, let's call it, "[]".
var MyClass = function MyClass(n) {
this.myArray = Array.from(Array(n).keys()).map(a => 0);
Object.defineProperty(MyClass.prototype, "[]", {
value: function(index) {
return this.myArray[index];
var foo = new MyClass(1024);
step 2
define a new eval implementation. (don't do this this way, but it's a proof of concept).
var MyClass = function MyClass(length, defaultValue) {
this.myArray = Array.from(Array(length).keys()).map(a => defaultValue);
Object.defineProperty(MyClass.prototype, "[]", {
value: function(index) {
return this.myArray[index];
var foo = new MyClass(1024, 1337);
var mini_eval = function(program) {
var esprima = require("esprima");
var tokens = esprima.tokenize(program);
if (tokens.length == 4) {
var types = tokens.map(a => a.type);
var values = tokens.map(a => a.value);
if (types.join(';').match(/Identifier;Punctuator;[^;]+;Punctuator/)) {
if (values[1] == '[' && values[3] == ']') {
var target = eval(values[0]);
var i = eval(values[2]);
// higher priority than []
if (target.hasOwnProperty('[]')) {
return target['[]'](i);
} else {
return target[i];
return eval(values[0])();
} else {
return undefined;
} else {
return undefined;
} else {
return undefined;
the above won't work for more complex indexes but it can be with stronger parsing.
instead of resorting to creating your own superset language, you can instead compile your notation to the existing language, then eval it. This reduces the parsing overhead to native after the first time you use it.
var compile = function(program) {
var esprima = require("esprima");
var tokens = esprima.tokenize(program);
if (tokens.length == 4) {
var types = tokens.map(a => a.type);
var values = tokens.map(a => a.value);
if (types.join(';').match(/Identifier;Punctuator;[^;]+;Punctuator/)) {
if (values[1] == '[' && values[3] == ']') {
var target = values[0];
var i = values[2];
// higher priority than []
return `
? ${target}['[]'](${i})
: ${target}[${i}]`
} else {
return 'undefined';
} else {
return 'undefined';
} else {
return 'undefined';
var result = compile("foo[0]");
You need to use Proxy as explained, but it can ultimately be integrated into a class constructor
return new Proxy(this, {
set: function( target, name, value ) {
with 'this'. Then the set and get (also deleteProperty) functions will fire. Although you get a Proxy object which seems different it for the most part works to ask the compare ( target.constructor === MyClass ) it's class type etc. [even though it's a function where target.constructor.name is the class name in text (just noting an example of things that work slightly different.)]
So you're hoping to do something like
var whatever = MyClassInstance[4];
If so, simple answer is that Javascript does not currently support operator overloading.
Have a look at Symbol.iterator. You can implement a user-defined ##iterator method to make any object iterable.
The well-known Symbol.iterator symbol specifies the default iterator for an object. Used by for...of.
class MyClass {
constructor () {
this._array = [data]
*[Symbol.iterator] () {
for (let i=0, n=this._array.length; i<n; i++) {
yield this._array[i]
const c = new MyClass()
for (const element of [...c]) {
// do something with element
