Mail Rules using JavaScript for Automation instead of AppleScript - javascript

I'm trying to build a rule (on OS X Yosemite) using Javascript for Automation instead of AppleScript, but I'm stuck on the basics.
I see this code in AppleScript:
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule
# actual code here
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
but I'm unclear how this translates to JavaScript.
Do I define a function? Set a callback? I'm unclear.
I see that there is the performMailActionWithMessages function, but I can't figure out how to get it working.
Any guidance is very much appreciated!

I finally figured it out:
function performMailActionWithMessages(messages) {
messages.forEach( function(message) { // if you want to iterate


How can I write a script to automatically walk through a process like my user would?

I have some valuable processes on my site that I'd like to track regularly to make sure they are working. I wrote some javascript that will run the actions if the starting page contains a particular parameter, but I can't figure out how to properly execute the script without opening the page in a browser.
My best guess is I need some sort of chron driven bot for this, but I don't even know where I should begin with that and haven't found anything in my searching. I tried a cURL request, but it doesn't seem to fire the js. Really, if I could just find a way to properly initialize the js with a chron job that would be sufficient.
The key here is that I need it to execute the javascript so I can imitate user actions.
I'm working on a WordPress install, so it would need to be a php or javascript based solution. How can I build something like this?
Use an interaction testing framework like Ember.js. that should allow you to test your UI Interactions.
See the link above to get some detailed information on how to use the library.
Here is a code snippet from the Ember.js library to see if a user is
redirected properly if not authenticated (100% javascript!):
module('Integration: Transitions', {
teardown: function() {
test('redirect to login if not authenticated', function() {
andThen(function() {
equal(currentRouteName(), 'login');
equal(currentPath(), 'login');
equal(currentURL(), '/login');
Ember.js is an excellent way to test your user interactions and your UI components.
Learn more here:
See this answer for another solution that combines CasperJS and PhantomJS to test user interfaces.
Good luck!
If you don't want to have a browser open to do it you could use a headless browser like PhantomJS

SAPUI5 Logout Event with Javascript

I am currently working on a SAP XS application. Using the provided API, I want to log off my user on the website. Im totally new on Javascript to please dont mind the probable ease of my question.
The API ( provides the method "fireLogoff". But before that I have to add "attachLogoff" to the applicationheader in my application right?
My faulty method looks like this:
oAppHeader.attachLogoff(function logout(oEvent) {this.fireLogOff();});
Thank you a lot for helping a noob in this matter.
fireLogOff calls a function assigned to logOff. So you need to write your own code for SAP HANA API that makes user to log off. Or you can just close browser tab:

Programatically retrieve count of javascript errors on page

I'd like to write a test case (using Selenium, but not the point of this question) to validate that my web application has no script errors\warnings or unhanded exceptions at certain points in time (like after initializing a major library).
This information can easily be seen in the debug consoles of most browsers. Is it possible to execute a javascript statement to get this information programatically?
It's okay if it's different for each browser, I can deal with that.
not so far read about your issue (as far as I understood your problem) here
The idea be the following:
I found, however, that I was often getting JavaScript errors when the page first loaded (because I was working on the JS and was introducing errors), so I was looking for a quick way to add an assert to my test to check whether any JS errors occurred. After some Googling I came to the conclusion that there is nothing built into Selenium to support this, but there are a number of hacks that can be used to accomplish it. I'm going to describe one of them here. Let me state again, for the record, that this is pretty hacky. I'd love to hear from others who may have better solutions.
I simply add a script to my page that will catch any JS errors by intercepting the window.onerror event:
<script type="text/javascript">
This will cause an attribute called JSError with a value corresponding to the JavaScript error message to be added to the body tag of my document if a JavaScript error occurs. Note that I'm using jQuery to do this, so this specific example won't work if jQuery fails to load. Then, in my Selenium test, I just use the command assertElementNotPresent with a target of //body[#JSError]. Now, if any JavaScript errors occur on the page my test will fail and I'll know I have to address them first. If, for some strange reason, I want to check for a particular JavaScript error, I could use the assertElementPresent command with a target of //body[#JSError='the error message'].
Hope this fresh idea helps you :)
try {
} catch(exception) {
//send ajax request: exception.message, exception.stack, etc.
More info - MDN Documentation

having javascript force a Selenium test to fail

Is there a way for js code to force Selenium testing to fail? For (a probably bad) example, if I had the following:
return document.getElementById('foo').innerHTML == 'hello'
is there a way I could make the 'runScript' command fail depending on if the js code returned true or false? (I know that example could be used by other Selenium commands, but I wanted a more general solution.)
Do I need to learn how to extend Selenium to add another command?
I'm also relatively new to Selenium so is this something that using Selenium-rc will solve?
assertExpression will give you what you're asking for.
For instance, the following line would cause your test to fail if the JavaScript expression you mention did not evaluate to true.
<td>javascript{this.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('foo').innerHTML == 'hello'}</td>
It depends how you want to use selenium. In selenese suite there are calls for verifyText, etc (just google for selenese suite and verifyText, waitForCondition). If you are using the selenium remote control in e.g. java than you do the assertions in the java code. With the remote control you send scripts to the page and you get back what the evaluation of the code returns. The comparsion/assertion is done in the java client.
eval('asdfklj;'); //Selenium Hits it. Honestly I've never used it myself. Need to learn it soon, but I'm assuming it can bomb do to javascript errors.

inspect javascript calls for gmail's buttons

i'm working on a greasemonkey script for gmail in which it'd be very useful to know what function call is made when the "send" button is clicked. (i was unable to find this using firebug, but am relatively new to javascript debugging.) it seems that one should be able to detect this, i just don't know what tool(s) to use.
thanks very much for any help.
p.s. ultimately the goal here is to be able to extract a unique message i.d. for outgoing gmail messages, which i figured would be present in this javascript call -- so if there's an alternate way to do this, that would work just as well.
Gmail's Javascript code is obfuscated to avoid this type of inspection (and also to reduce code size). It is very unlikely you'll be able to make heads or tails of it even if you manage to get Firebug to breakpoint in the code properly.
I don't think that the message id would be in the message created (in fact all the headers would be absent). My guess is that they are entered on the server side by Google before dispatching the message.
All objects in JavaScript has got a toString() method. If you can find the button then you can find it's associated events. You can then toString() those events in the FireBug console--but as levik wrote; all of the code if obfuscated, so you might just end up toString()'ing gibberish.
Here's a little pseudo-code to get you started:
It seems like it's not possible to access events added with attachEvent() and addEventListener() if you have no control over the code you want to debug.
As a sidenote, one would assume that the unique id gets assigned in the server, not in the javascript...
