Why doesn't my variable save to my array in JavaScript? - javascript

Hello I have a piece of code that checks a value against an array and if that value is not found in the array, then it adds that value to another array (called the soldListingArray). It then saves the soldListingArray to the localStorage (using localStorage.setItem("array", soldListingArray). For some reason, in my console I can see that the variable is the correct one, after adding it to the array, but outside of the code when I call for the entire array, it says it's empty.
array1 is the array I'm checking all the values inside against the array2 array.
Here is my code:
function checkToSeeIfListingIsSold() {
var soldListingArray = localStorage.getItem("array");
var x = 0;
var y = array1.length;
do {
var index = array1[x];
if (array2.indexOf(index) == -1) {
// Here I add the variable to my soldListingArray
soldListingArray[soldListingArray.length] = index;
// Here my console says what has been added to the soldListingArray (the value is correct).
console.value += index + " has been added to soldListingArray;\n";
} while (x < y)
localStorage.setItem("array", soldListingArray);
// Here I ask my console to display my soldListingArray but I get an empty array back.
console.value += "Sold Array: " + soldListingArray;
Why wasn't the index variable added and saved to my soldListingArray?
Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance.

You need to convert the array to a string if you want to use local storage:
Then when you need to access it later and add items, you convert it back to an array:
soldListingArray = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("array"));
This has been answered before; a little research would go a long way:
Storing Objects in HTML5 localStorage


JavaScript Clearing Array Value

I have an array of arrays in JavaScript that I'm storing some values in, and I'm attempting to find a way to clear the value within that array when the user removes the specified control from the page, however I'm not finding a good way to do this and anything I try doesn't seem to be working.
What is the best method for clearing the value in the array? I'd prefer the value to be null so that it's skipped when I iterate over the array later on.
I've tried to do MyArray[id][subid] = '' but that still is technically a value. I've also tried to do MyArray[id][subid].length = 0 but that doesn't seem to do anything either. Trying to grab the index and splice it from the array returns a -1 and therefore doesn't work either.
var MyArray;
window.onload = function(){
MyArray = new Array();
function EditValuesAdd(){
var Input = document.getElementById('Values-Input').value;
var ID = document.getElementById('FID').value;
var ValueID = ControlID(); // generate GUID
if (!MyArray[ID]) MyArray[ID] = new Array();
MyArray[ID][ValueID] = Input;
document.getElementById('Values').innerHTML += '<a href="#" id="FV-' + ValueID + '" onclick="EditValuesRemove(this.id)"/><br id="V-' + ValueID + '"/>';
function EditValuesRemove(id)
var ID = document.getElementById('FID').value;
document.getElementById(id.replace('FV-', 'V-')).remove();
MyArray[ID][id.replace('FV-', '')] = '';
I've also tried to do an index of and then splice it from the underlying array but the index always returns -1.
var Index = MyArray[ID].indexOf(id.replace('FV-', ''));
MyArray[ID].splice(Index, 1);
Setting the length to zero has no effect either.
MyArray[ID][id.replace('FV-', '')].length = 0;
I would expect that one of the methods above would clear out the value and make it null so that it is skipped later on but all of the methods I've found and tried so far leave some non-null value.
What you need is an object (a Map), not an array (a list).
Here's a basic idea of how to do it :
MyArray = {};
if (!MyArray[ID]) MyArray[ID] = {}
MyArray[ID][ValueID] = Input;
delete MyArray[ID][id.replace('FV-', '')];
Check here for more information : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object
In the end I used an array of objects MyArray = [] and then using splice/findindex to remove it from the array:
function RemoveItem(id)
var Index = MyArray.findIndex(a => a.ID == id.replace('FV-', ''));
MyArray.splice(Index, 1);
document.getElementById('FVB-' + id.replace('FV-', '')).remove();
It doesn't solve the actual question asked but I don't know if there really is an answer since I was using arrays in the wrong manner. Hopefully this at least points someone else in the right direction when dealing with arrays and objects.

Two Dimensional Array - arr[i][0] Gives Wrong Result - JavaScript ASP.NET C#

I have an Array of Arrays populated from C# Model:
var AllObjectsArray = [];
#foreach(var Cobject in Model.ObjectList)
#:AllObjectsArray.push(new Array("#Cobject.Name", "#Cobject.Value", "#Cobject.Keyword"));
var SelectedObjects = [];
uniqueobj.forEach(function (element) {
SelectedObjects.push(new Array(AllObjectsArray.filter(elem => elem[0] === element))); //makes array of selected objects with their values(name,value,keyword)
I am trying to get second parameter of each and every inner Array and add it to new array containing those elements like this:
var ValuesArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < SelectedObjects.length; i++) {
ValuesArray.push(SelectedObjects[i][0]) //problem here i think
Unfortunately, on:
alert(ValuesArray + " : " + SelectedObjects);
I get nothing for ValuesArray. The other data for SelectedObjects loads properly with all three parameters correctly returned for each and every inner Array,so it is not empty. I must be iterating wrongly.
SOme more info as I am not getting understood what I need.
Lets say SelectedObjects[] contains two records like this:
{ name1, number1, keyword1}
{ name2, number2, keyword2}
Now, what I need is to populate ValuesArray with nane1 and name2.
That is why I was guessing I should iterate over SelectedObjects and get SelectedObject[i][0] where in my guessing i stands for inner array index and 1 stands for number part of that inner array. Please correct me and put me in the right direction as I am guesing from C# way of coding how to wrap my head around js.
However SelectedObject[i][0] gives me all SelectedObject with all three properties(name, value and keyword) and I should get only name's part of the inner Array.
What is happening here?
Hope I explained myself better this time.
I think I know why it happens, since SelectedObjects[i][0] returns whole inner Array and SelectedObjects[i][1] gives null, it must mean that SelectedObjects is not Array of Arrays but Array of strings concatenated with commas.
Is there a way to workaround this? SHould I create array of arrays ddifferently or maybe split inner object on commas and iteratee through returned strings?
First things first, SelectedObjects[i][1] should rather be SelectedObjects[i][0].
But as far as I understand you want something like
var ValuesArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < SelectedObjects.length; i++) {
for(let j = 0; j <SelectedObjects[i].length; j++) {
In this snippet
var ValuesArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < SelectedObjects.length; i++) {
ValuesArray.push(SelectedObjects[i][1]) //problem here i think
You're pointing directly at the second item in SelectedObjects[i]
Maybe you want the first index, 0

How to return a line from an array by searching for a specific value in said line

good evening, I am trying to use a single value to search an array, and return the full line the said value is in.
The Array is set up like this in string form:
However, now I'm stuck with calling back only the Medication, and not the full line the Medication is in, sadly. I would like to be able to grab each variable in a line, and make them their own independent variables outside of the array so I can use them for something else.
this.importDataObject("MEDDIAGNOSISICD-10.txt", "C:/Users/dell/Documents/tab
var oFile = this.getDataObjectContents("MEDDIAGNOSISICD-10.txt");
var cFile = util.stringFromStream(oFile, "utf-8");
var fileArray = cFile.split('\t');
var Med = this.getField("Medications 1");
var Index = fileArray.indexOf(Med.value);
var Call = fileArray[Index];
Any help would be wonderful!
It's because you are running the indexOf method on the whole array, you need to run it on the each value instead. Try a for loop before you check IndexOf method.
Like this:
var i, Index;
for (i = 0; i < fileArray.length; i++) {
Index = fileArray[i].indexOf(Med.value);
if(Index > -1) console.log('Your search is found in ' + fileArray[i] );
Note that, in here the variable Index will be 0 or larger if that search is successful. And will be of value -1 if no match is found.

json stringify result get value on specific key

[{"displayorder":"1","menuname":"DashBoard","menuid":"5","menuurl":"dashboard.php"},{"displayorder":"3","menuname":"Accounting Module","menuid":"3","menuurl":""},{"displayorder":"4","menuname":"My Profile","menuid":"4","menuurl":"myprofile.php"},{"displayorder":"6","menuname":"HR Module","menuid":"2","menuurl":""},{"displayorder":"9","menuname":"Administrator","menuid":"1","menuurl":""}]
I have here a stringfy json i want to know how to get a value of all the menuname in this json object any idea appreciated
I tried this one
here but I get undefined in console
[{"displayorder":"1","menuname":"Menu Management","menuid":"1","submenuurl":"","parentid":"1"},{"displayorder":"1","menuname":"hr sub menu","menuid":"7","submenuurl":"error.php","parentid":"2"},{"displayorder":"2","menuname":"Role Management","menuid":"2","submenuurl":"","parentid":"1"},{"displayorder":"2","menuname":"menu 2 management2","menuid":"8","submenuurl":"","parentid":"2"},{"displayorder":"3","menuname":"hrsubmenu","menuid":"3","submenuurl":"contactus.php","parentid":"2"},{"displayorder":"3","menuname":"submenuaccounting","menuid":"4","submenuurl":"imagegallery.php","parentid":"3"}];
how to get all all details in the second json with parentid depending on above menuid?
Working example:
var json = [{"displayorder":"1","menuname":"DashBoard","menuid":"5","menuurl":"dashboard.php"},{"displayorder":"3","menuname":"Accounting Module","menuid":"3","menuurl":""},{"displayorder":"4","menuname":"My Profile","menuid":"4","menuurl":"myprofile.php"},{"displayorder":"6","menuname":"HR Module","menuid":"2","menuurl":""},{"displayorder":"9","menuname":"Administrator","menuid":"1","menuurl":""}];
json.forEach(function(el, idx){
Documentation Update
If you check out this article, you'll see the following:
callback is invoked with three arguments:
the element value
the element index
the array being traversed
So, idx is just a common way of representing the element index. You can call this whatever you'd like - theIndex, myRandomName, etc.
var myjson = [{"displayorder":"1","menuname":"DashBoard","menuid":"5","menuurl":"dashboard.php"},{"displayorder":"3","menuname":"Accounting Module","menuid":"3","menuurl":""},{"displayorder":"4","menuname":"My Profile","menuid":"4","menuurl":"myprofile.php"},{"displayorder":"6","menuname":"HR Module","menuid":"2","menuurl":""},{"displayorder":"9","menuname":"Administrator","menuid":"1","menuurl":""}];
var menu_names = [];
for (var x = 0 ; x < myjson.length; x++){
// do something usefull here
// add value to new array

Cannot access second field in a 2 dimension array in javascript

I have a 2 dimension array defined as
var thischart = [[],[]];
and the array contains the following data created programatically:
I cannot get the single value of the second field in the particular array cell. For example, if I use the following command to get the value:
alert("thischart[i,1]=" + thischart[0, 1]);
I get the following answer:
I tried using the second dimension to access the data as
but it gives me an error message:
I just want to get the second single value in the array such as for array cell 13 I want the value 24 from above. Does anyone have an answer on how to access this array?
I populated the array as follows and then updated it thru program logic:
$hours = [];
for($i = 0; $i< 24; $i++){
$hours[$i] = [];
$hours[$i][0] = ($i + 1);
$hours[$i][1] = "0";
And the answer to this question is below:
for(var i in thischart){
var tc = thischart[i];
myvalue = tc[1]); // this is the value I want
Thanks to everyone who responded.
For all of them like this:
for(var i in thischart){
var tc = thischart[i];
for(var n in tc){
// n is internal index
// tc[n] is internal value
For a single value from the first internal Array, the second value:
Why don't you use the console to see what's the return of
Because it should contain an array. If it does, then
is perfectly valid syntax. And if it doesn't, then
means nothing whatsoever.
Do something like this:
var items = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]];
alert(items[0][0]); // 1
do you mean something like this:...
var arr = [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,24,0,0,0,0];
