dataformat for multiple lines in bokehjs - javascript

I am using just the BokehJS part of Bokeh since i am building a more production oriented system.
Unfortunately it seems that the actual BokehJS part of Bokeh is not documented that much, which makes it difficult to find the needed information, such as how to format data for the bokehJS object.
What I am trying to do is to make a simple line graph, however instead of having just one line i would like to have multiple lines, and the possibility of making a legend describing each line. Its a very basica plot, however i did not find any way to do this in bokehJS.
In order to make a plot with a single line i execute the following javascript:
Bokeh.Plotting.make_plot({type:'line'}, {x:[1,2],y:[4,5]}, {})
How do i alter this so that i can have 5 lines in the same plot as well as a legend, basically similar to this which is written in standard bokeh:
from collections import OrderedDict
import pandas as pd
AAPL = pd.read_csv("aapl.csv", parse_dates=["Date"])
MSFT = pd.read_csv( "msft.csv", parse_dates=["Date"])
IBM = pd.read_csv( "ibm.csv", parse_dates=["Date"])
xyvalues = OrderedDict(
AAPL = AAPL[("Date", "Adj Close")],
MSFT = MSFT[("Date", "Adj Close")],
IBM = IBM[("Date", "Adj Close")],
df = pd.concat(xyvalues, axis=1, names=["l0", "l1"])
from bokeh.charts import TimeSeries
ts = TimeSeries(
df, title="timeseries, pd_input",
(Taken from the release note: )
Thank you very much in advance for your help

it's definitely true that the developing and documenting the JS interface has lagged behind the other interfaces (python mostly, but also scala and Julia and soon R). We plan to improve this, but as you can imagine there are lots of competing priorities.
But I will mention another option, in case it is useful to you. It is possible to create the plot JS from python, and then use the JS directly. That is you only use python to set things up, then you can throw the python away. You can use functions in bokeh.embed to turn your python plot object graph into JS that you can embed however you like.
With more recent version of Bokeh, you can also easily grab ahold of the plot objects (for instance data sources) to update the plot directly from JS. See, for instance:

ahhh now i have seemed to figure this one out.
To enable multiple lines, it seems i can do like this:
Bokeh.Plotting.make_plot([{type:'line'},{type:'line'}], [{x:[1,2],y:[4,5]},{x:[1,4],y:[2,5]}], {})
Great :)


How to use three JS JSON models in A-frame

I want to use some low poly models from as a ThreeJS JSON model in A-frame. I want to use this because it is much more efficient and smaller than a 3D model, which will load much faster also. But there is no description of how to use it.
As I see there are some other people (1,2,3,4) who have trouble with that but no one suggested any good idea.
So do anybody has a good description or step-by-step guide, or something like that? I tried to use as a script, mentioned in the official description, but didn't worked:
<script type="text/javascript">
var loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader();
loader.load("globe.json",function ( obj ) {
document.getElementsByTagName('a-scene').add( obj );
Tried to use it with object loader, but I've got the dependency error module is not defined. So now I'm a bit confused about this,, how to use, or how to start using models in this way.
Any suggestion, any idea about this?
tldr: afaik JSON models are deprecated, and trying to make them work would mean creating a new loader from scratch.
I'm afraid the best solution is to:
download blender
download the model in a *.blend format
open it up in blender
export as glb
load it up as a gltf-model.
non - tldr:
Trying to load up a json model via the THREE.ObjectLoader, it tries to use JSONLegacyLoader.
To find it, you need to check out threejs R110 before it was completely removed (loader here).
After all, it needs the deprecated Geometry. When imported, something crashes in the rendering pipeline. Doesn't look like its worth the effort.
Tried with this model.

Integrate a D3.js tree into a angular 4 project

I'm working on a webpage and I want to visualize a certain tree structure.
I bumped into this beautiful D3.js tree (, but I'm having trouble importing it into my project since there are several ways (dg3-ng2 for example).
D3.js is a javascript-libary - and Angular works with typescript.
How do I integrate that certain tree into my project so that I also can modify it without any trouble afterwards?
I do have several questions like:
Where do I import the .js and the .json file?
Do I have to convert the javascript code into typescript manually?
Should I write the .js code into a .ts file?
Should I make a reference in my index.html?
Should I make use of a D3-Service?
As you can see I'm quiet confused.
If you use Angular, it's simple)
Istall d3 from npm.
Import d3 in component like that:
import * as d3 from 'd3';
And write you logic, use d3 syntaxis, example:
constructor(private element: ElementRef) {
this.htmlElement = this.element.nativeElement; =;
You graphic is a component, in you component descrite functions to build svg, draw axis and etc.
Then on init of component call methods that you describe, example:
ngOnInit(): void {
I'd strongly recommend using angular-cli since when you install the d3 library you won't have to deal with the boiler plate of hooking it into the app properly. You'd just need to import it into your ts document like the above example shows. On importing the json there are several different ways that it could be handled. You could just store the json in a variable in the .ts file, you could store it in a static json document that you then host along with the app and there a many examples of pulling files and loading json data out there already.
You don't have to convert any of the js code you have since ts is essentially js with types, though you might have to declare an any type for some things, but if you want ts code you will have to manually convert or find a ts example. I'd strongly recommend a good IDE that is compatible with ts. It'll do a lot of the heavy lifting of finding mistakes.
It's rather difficult to answer that question since I don't know the specs of your project. Generally if you are doing a one off thing that does't need angular I'd just keep it simple with js and drop the usage of angular. If this is part of a larger app though I'd recommend writing it in ts since angular2+ is written in ts and most examples you find online will be in ts.
If you are using angular-cli you won't need to make a reference in your index.html file
I'm not sure what you are asking here.
From the questions you are asking I'd strongly recommend really looking at angular and learning how to properly create an app with it and then figure out how to integrate d3 int the project, since some of the questions you are asking aren't related to just working with d3 in angular.

Converting Excel Data to a Chart in HTML dynamically

Is it possible to be able to upload an excel document with varying ranges of data, and have that data dynamically displayed in a basic form of chart(bar, pie, etc.) on our company website.
After doing some research I figured the only two possible ways to maybe do something like this is to use a very complicated macro in VBA or a Javascript parser to read the data and display it then. The data that will eventually go in here will have sensitive information so I cannot use google charts or anything like that.
This problem has to be divided into two parts.
One -part is to gather and process the information needed to display the chart.
Second - This is the easiest, a way to display a chart in HTML. For this, you can use javascript library to display the chart in HTML.
Regarding part one, it depends in which technology is built your website.
For example, If it is in php, you will need to find a library in php, which can read and parse excel files.
Then you have to create a service in your website, where the data is going to be provided. For example,
You can format the response as json format.
Once you have solved that, you only have to call the service from your page, and the data will be dynamically displayed. You can call it using jquery library for javascript ($.post("",function (data) { code to display chart ....}))
There is no real easy way to do this that I have found. I have had to manually parse these things in the past but there are some libraries out there for node that might help you.
You can also export form excel as CSV. When you do this, me sure to set the custom separator to something other than ',' and you should be fine to import it into a large array and get the data/charts you need.
Hope that helps.

iPython/Jupyter Notebook: How to Embed Interactive Graph Using Desmos API?

I've recently switched from taking notes for my Calculus II course with the pen-and-paper system to using Jupyter (formerly known as iPython) notebooks. What a difference!
Anyway, as someone who learns best through visual presentations, I would really like to embed some interactive Desmos graphs in my notebooks (for anyone who is not familiar with Desmos, it is an incredibly powerful, yet easy-to-use, web-based graphing calculator).
Unfortunately, the iPython/Jupyter notebook security model prevents the execution of JavaScript embedded in Markdown cells. The HTML Sanitization library (Google Caja, I believe) strips any HTML tags and JavaScript code you put into Markdown cells.
According to a note in the security model docs, support for some sort of mechanism for allowing HTML/CSS for notebook theming is planned. But the note makes no mention of JavaScript support.
I realize cross-site scripting is a serious problem and one that is difficult to defend against, but is there really no means to loosen the security constraints for notebook authors? Perhaps in the future it might be possible to add a configuration option to the notebook metadata (which can be edited from within a notebook session) to specify a list of allowable tags.
In the meantime, does anyone know of a work-around, hack, or other method for embedding output from a third-party API using JavaScript in Markdown cells within a notebook?
If one were to print the appropriate HTML and JavaScript code using Python within a Python cell, would that avoid these restrictions? Maybe I should write a Python wrapper for the Desmos API...
You can always use an interact from IPython widgets
from IPython.html.widgets import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
def linear(w,x,b):
return w*x + b
def logistic(z):
return 1/(1+math.e**(-z))
def plt_logistic(a, b):
x = np.linspace(-20,20, 100)
h = linear(a,x,b)
y = logistic(h)
interact(plt_logistic, a = (-10,10,0.1), b = (-10,10,0.1))
Here is how to embed Desmos in Jupyter using jp_proxy widgets:
Please see
-- this code is based on the quick start example:
I think there are several ways to make it
use iframe
use raw html display, which may need you write
some wrapper first to make it reuseable
use some 3-party lib: mpld3, plot.js, here is a list
use some other type 3-party lib: IPython-Dashboard

How to use the Glimpse client viewer but NOT the server implementation

I would like to use the Glimpse client viewer in a web application in order to render some JSON. I am unable to use the Glimpse server implementation on the site in question. However, I can implement my own IHttpHandler to render the information using the Glimpse JSON format.
Has anyone done this and posted details on how to do it? If not, can anyone tell me the steps required to get this up and running? Alternatively, are there any other similar viewer frameworks out there?
Note: I am poking around the source and have seen the client js etc. I will continue down the source hacking route, but was hoping someone may have some shortcuts for me!
As Nik said I would be interested in what you are trying to do. But in the mean time the best place to look is
If you look on this page you will see that we have built a protocol tester. This allows you to put in any JSON and see the output.
If you want to do this yourself, have a look at and you will see how we do this without using the whole of Glimpse.
You will see that we are doing something like the following:
var data = { test : 'test', hello : 'hello' };
var html = $, 0, false)
I know this isn't as nice as it could be but it wasn't designed with this in mind.
We are currently working on refactoring the client code to make this all better.
We haven't really documented all of this yet.
Your best bet is to look at first glimpse javascript file that gets rendered to a page - it is the data file. If you can output data in that format, which is basically just one object of key value pairs, then the client will pick up the data and render it.
You might also want to look at the Glimpse.PHP implementation, since they'vve had to do the same thing you are.
