I have an exercise which i don´t really understand, so I hope for some help for this.
I should hardcode a simple array and the exercise tells me this:
Often, when we create our web applications, we have the need for test data. Implement a reusable nodejs module, using JavaScripts module pattern, which can provide random test data as sketched below:
var data = dataGenerator.getData(100,"fname, lname, street, city, zip");
This should return a JavaScript array (not JSON) with 100 test data on the form:
[{fname: "Bo", lname:"Hansen", street: "Lyngbyvej 26", city: "Lyngby", zip: "2800"},..]
If you call it like this:
var data = dataGenerator.getData(25,fname, lname);
it should return 25 test data as sketched below:
[{fname: "Bo", lname:"Hansen"},..]
I have some code here, but this dosen´t work yet:
var dataGenerator = (function () {
var data = [
fname : "Bo",
lname : "Bosen",
fname : "jashkjh",
lname : "jhsdkfj",
return {getData : function (count, fields) {
var result = [];
var i = 0;
var field;
var j;
fields = fields.split(/\s*,\s*/);
while (i < count && i < data.length) {
// Det objekt vi arbejder på lige nu er i result[i]
for (j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) {
result[i][fields[j]] = data[i][fields[j]];
return result;
module.exports = dataGenerator;
I do not know the data body, but could try:
var data=[{fname:"Bo",lname:"Bosen",street:"Lyngbyvej 26",city:"Lyngby",zip:"2800"},{fname:"jashkjh",lname:"jhsdkfj",street:"Fmsn 9",city:"Pra",zip:"1600"},{fname:"eeee",lname:"aaaa",street:"Eda 5",city:"Pre",zip:"3500"}];
var dataGenerator = {
getData: function(count, fieldsStr){
var result = [], fields = fieldsStr.split(/\s*,\s*/), i = 0;
while(i < count && data[i]){
var item = {};
item[key] = data[i][key]
return result
var results = dataGenerator.getData(2,"fname, zip");
I'm new to Angular and my experience with Javascript is not very extensive. I am failing to show data in ngGrid using following code. What is the problem?
In essence. I am loading data from a web-service, performing a transform (pivot) on it and then I want to present it in a grid.
Please see the following
app.js -> starting poing
var konstruktApp= angular.module('konstruktApp',['ngGrid']);
dataService.js -> web service call
'use strict';
konstruktApp.service('DataService',function DataService($http){
var callHttp = function(){
delete $http.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'];
return $http.get("");
return {
getDummyData: callHttp
ngGridController.js -> where the logic resides...
$scope.getData = DataService.getDummyData;
$scope.gridOptions = {data:'result'};
var getData = function() {
$scope.getData().then(function (response) {
var res = pivotData(response.data);
$scope.result = res.data.PivotedRows;
$scope.columns = res.cols;
console.log('from the success handler at ' + new Date());
}, function (reason) {
console.log('failed: ');
..and here is the logic that "pivots" the data
var pivotData = function(data) {
var firstColumn = "Dim1";
var secondColumn = "Period";
var columns = [];
field: firstColumn,
enableCellEdit: false
var pivotedArray = {};
pivotedArray.PivotedRows = [];
var rowItems = [];
var rowArray = {};
var previusFirstColumnValue = -1;
var firstColumnValue = 1;
//for each row
for (var i = 0; i < data.Rows.length; i = i + 1) {
//firstColumnValue = $scope.dataCollection.Rows[i].FindCell.Cells[firstColumn].Value;
firstColumnValue = findCell(data.Rows[i].Cells, firstColumn).Value;
//var secondColumnValue = data.Rows[i].Cells[secondColumn].Value;
var secondColumnValue = findCell(data.Rows[i].Cells, secondColumn).Value;
//if first column value has changed, add new row
if (firstColumnValue != previusFirstColumnValue) {
if (i !== 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < rowItems.length; j = j + 1) {
rowArray[rowItems[j].name] = rowItems[j].value;
pivotedArray.PivotedRows.push( rowArray);
rowArray = {};
rowItems = [];
name: firstColumn,
//value: $scope.dataCollection.Rows[i].Cells[firstColumn].Value
value: findCell(data.Rows[i].Cells, firstColumn).Value
//if (columns.indexOf({field: secondColumnValue}) == -1) {
if (i < 12) {
field: secondColumnValue,
editableCellTemplate: "<input ng-class=\"'colt' + col.index\" ng-input=\"COL_FIELD\" ng-blur=\"lostFocus()\" ng-model=\"COL_FIELD\" ng-change=\"dataChanged(col,row,row.entity)\"/>",
enableCellEdit: true
name: secondColumnValue,
value: findCell(data.Rows[i].Cells, secondColumn).Value
previusFirstColumnValue = firstColumnValue;
for (var k = 0; k < rowItems.length; k = k + 1) {
rowArray[rowItems[k].name] = rowItems[k].value;
// $scope.columns = columns;
pivotedArray.PivotedRows.push( rowArray);
return {data: pivotedArray, cols: columns};
plnkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/ZqC7696xGbUtuWGIvnYs?p=preview
EDIT: The data correlation rows<-> columns is correct, I suspect there is something wrong with data in the pivotedArray.PivotedRows array.
It turned out that moving the code to a new plnkr made the difference. Now, thats a few hours of my life that I want back :)
I have a string where |||| means next to it is the directory. ||| means the user is allowed to access this directory and || means the files allocated to these users follow.
I need to find allocated file names of a specific user from this string. I have tried to split the string and assign values to an array but I am not able to get the result I'm looking for.
This is the string:
And here is my attempt:
function getData() {
var user = 'km11285c';
var value = "||||Root|||adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,kl04707c,km47389,km58184,km61052,kq61023c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,||LimitTest_20140528164643.xlsx,testTask2_20140528140033.xlsx,||||1400842226669|||adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,kl04707c,km47389,km58184,km61052,kq61023c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,||LimitTest_20140528164643.xlsx,testTask2_20140528140033.xlsx,testTask1_20140528135944.xlsx,testTask2_20140528140033.xlsx,||||1401191909489|||adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,kl04707c,km47389,km58184,km61052,kq61023c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,kl04707c,km47389,km58184,km61052,kq61023c,||LimitTest_20140528164643.xlsx,testTask2_20140528140033.xlsx,testTask1_20140528135944.xlsx,testTask2_20140528140033.xlsx,LimitTest_20140528164643.xlsx,";
var users = null;
var files = null;
var Dir = value.split("||||");
var arrayLength = Dir.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
users = Dir[i].split("|||");
return users;
and the jsFiddle
I changed your jsfiddle example a bit so maybe you need to change the code here and there, but something like this should work:
function buildTree(data) {
var tree = [];
var dirs = data.split("||||");
// Remove the first entry in the array, since it should be empty.
dirs.splice(0, 1);
for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; ++i) {
var tempArray = dirs[i].split("|||");
var dirName = tempArray[0];
var usersAndFiles = tempArray[1];
tempArray = usersAndFiles.split("||");
var users = tempArray[0];
var files = tempArray[1];
var treeDir = { name: dirName };
treeDir.users = users.split(",");
treeDir.files = files.split(",");
return tree;
function getData() {
var user = 'km11285c';
var value="||||Root|||adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,kl04707c,km47389,km58184,km61052,kq61023c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,||LimitTest_20140528164643.xlsx,testTask2_20140528140033.xlsx,||||1400842226669|||adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,kl04707c,km47389,km58184,km61052,kq61023c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,||LimitTest_20140528164643.xlsx,testTask2_20140528140033.xlsx,testTask1_20140528135944.xlsx,testTask2_20140528140033.xlsx,||||1401191909489|||adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,kl04707c,km47389,km58184,km61052,kq61023c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,km11285c,km61052,km61639c,adil001,kl04707c,km47389,km58184,km61052,kq61023c,||LimitTest_20140528164643.xlsx,testTask2_20140528140033.xlsx,testTask1_20140528135944.xlsx,testTask2_20140528140033.xlsx,LimitTest_20140528164643.xlsx,";
var tree = buildTree(value);
for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; ++i) {
var dir = tree[i];
if (dir.users.indexOf(user) >= 0) {
console.log("User '" + user + "' has access to directory '" + dir.name + "', which contains these files: " + dir.files.join(","));