How can I constrain drawing on the <canvas>? - javascript

I want to create a mobile web page where a shape appears on the screen, the user can only traces over the outline of the shape with his/her finger and then a new shape will appear. This library has a few good examples of what I am looking to do, just with more shapes. I have already found a couple of good examples for drawing on the canvas on a touch device here and here. The thing I don't know is how to constrain the line so you are only drawing on the path with a single continuous line. Is there something built in that will let me specify the only path you can draw, or do I have to write that logic by hand?

We can split the issue into two parts :
1) knowing if the user is on the path.
2) knowing if the user went on all path parts.
For 1), we can use the isPointInPath context2D method to know if the mouse/touch point (x,y) is on the curve. The constraint here is that you must build a closed surface, meaning a surface drawn by a fill(), not one built with a stroke(). So in case you are stroking thick lines, you have to do some little math to build the corresponding figures out of moveTo+lineTo+fill.
For 2) : build a list of 'check-points' for your shape. You might have, for instance 8 control points for a circle. Then decide of a distance at which the user will 'activate' the check point. Now the algorithm is, in pseudo-code:
mouseDown => check()
mouseMove => if mouse is down, check()
checkPointList = [ [ 10, 40, false ] , [ centerX, centerY, isChecked], ... ] ;
checked = 0;
function check() {
clear screen
draw the path
if (mouse down and mouse point on path) {
for ( checkPoint in CheckPointList) {
if (checkPoint near enough of mouse) {
if (checked == checkPointList.length) ==>>> User DID draw all the shape.
} else
clear the flags of the checkPointList;
I did a moooost simple demo here, which quites work.
The control points are shown in red when disactivated, green when activated :,output
// boilerplate
var cv = document.getElementById('cv');
var ctx = cv.getContext('2d');
function draw() {
// Shape
function drawShape() {
ctx.lineTo(80, 300);
ctx.lineWidth= 16;
// Control points
var points = [ [50, 50, false], [50,120, false], [50, 190, false],[50,260, false ] ];
var pointsCount = 0;
function drawCP() {
for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
var p = points[i];
ctx.fillRect(p[0]-1, p[1]-1, 2, 2);
function resetCP() {
for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
function testCP(x,y) {
var d=30;
for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
if (sq(points[i][0]-x)+sq(points[i][1]-y)<d) {
if (!points[i][2]) pointsCount++;
function sq(x) { return x*x; }
// most simple event handling
addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove);
var r = cv.getBoundingClientRect();
function mouseMove(e) {
var x = e.pageX-r.left;
var y =;
if (ctx.isPointInPath(x,y)) { 
} else {
var pathDrawn = (pointsCount == points.length);
if (pathDrawn) ctx.fillText('Shape drawn!!', 150, 150);


No collision between circles and drawn lines in matter.js

I am having trouble creating a line in p5/matter.js. My sketch is available on the p5 editor. On mousePressed and mouseDragged, the code grabs the mouse position every ten moves and uses curveVertex to draw a line between the current and last point. All of these points are stored in an array. This draws on the canvas perfectly but cannot interact with other objects.
function mouseDragged(){
if (pointCount == 0) {
points.push({x: mouseX, y: mouseY});
pointCount += 1;
} else if (pointCount == 10) {
pointCount = 0;
} else {
pointCount += 1;
function mousePressed(){
points.push({x: mouseX, y: mouseY});
function mouseReleased(){
line = new Line(points);
function draw() {
circles.push(new Circle(200, 50, random(5, 10)));
for (let i = 0; i < circles.length; i++) {
if (circles[i].isOffScreen()) {
circles.splice(i, 1);
// for (let i = 0; i < boundaries.length; i++) {
// boundaries[i].show();
// // console.log(boundaries[i].body.isStatic)
// }
if (points.length > 0) {
// Loop through creating line segments
// Add the first point
// Draw line
vertex(points[points.length-1].x,points[points.length-1].y) // Duplicate ending point
// Draw points for visualization
// points.push({x: x, y: y})
point(p.x, p.y)
I tried creating a class and passed the points array to it, thinking that the matter.vertices function would take the points and make the needed body for the falling balls to bounce off. The code does not throw an error, but no collision occurs with the line. The example provided in matter.js document for the vertices function is unavailable and I have been unable to find any examples online. Hoping someone can point me in the right direction to get the created line to interact with the falling balls.
class Line {
constructor(vertices) {
let options = {
restitution: 0.95,
// angle: a,
isStatic: true
this.body = Matter.Body.create(options);
this.v = Matter.Vertices.create(vertices, this.body)
World.add(world, this.body);

How to collide a player with walls?

I'm trying to create a top down shooter game and I am using Tiled to create my map. I've made my map and exported it as a .json file. I was finally able to make the map appear in my game, but I am having a hard time making the collision work.
I've been going through tutorials for hours and seem to have tried everything under the sun with no luck. I have an object layer in Tiled with the walls marked with the insert rectangle tool. I have every wall tile also marked with insert rectangle in the edit tileset menu. But I still cant get it to work. Walls are Tile Layer 1, ground is Tile Layer 2, object layer is called collision and the tile set name is tiles 48x48. Here's all my relevant code:
var game = new Phaser.Game(1440, 960,, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render });
var sprite
var music
var controls
var cursors
var fireRate = 200;
var nextFire = 0;
var Bullets
var map
var walls
var ground
//var collision
function preload() {'groove', ['sewer groove.mp3']);'gunshot', 'pistol.mp3');
game.load.image('player', 'player lite.png');
game.load.image('bullet', 'bullet.png');
game.load.tilemap('map', 'sewermap.json', null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON);
game.load.image('tiles 48x48','tiles 48x48.png')
function create() {
map = game.add.tilemap('map');
map.addTilesetImage('tiles 48x48');
//var tileset = map.addTilesetImage('map','tiles 48x48');
//map.physics.arcade.enable(sprite, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
ground = map.createLayer('Tile Layer 2');
walls = map.createLayer('Tile Layer 1');
//collision = map.createLayer('Object Layer 1')
map.setCollisionBetween(0, 65, true, 'Tile Layer 1');
//sprite.body.collideWorldbounds = true;
music ='groove',1,true);;
game.stage.backgroundColor = '#313131';
bullets =;
bullets.enableBody = true;
bullets.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE;
bullets.createMultiple(50, 'bullet');
bullets.setAll('checkWorldBounds', true);
bullets.setAll('outOfBoundsKill', true);
sprite = game.add.sprite(620, 920, 'player');
sprite.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
game.physics.arcade.enable(sprite, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
sprite.body.allowRotation = true;
cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
function update() {
game.physics.arcade.collider(sprite, walls);
sprite.rotation = game.physics.arcade.angleToPointer(sprite);
if (game.input.activePointer.isDown)
if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.LEFT))
sprite.x -= 4;
else if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.RIGHT))
sprite.x += 4;
if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.UP))
sprite.y -= 4;
else if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.DOWN))
sprite.y += 4;
function fire() {
if ( > nextFire && bullets.countDead() > 0)
nextFire = + fireRate;
var bullet = bullets.getFirstDead();
bullet.reset(sprite.x - 8, sprite.y - 8);
game.physics.arcade.moveToPointer(bullet, 300);
function render() {
game.debug.text('Active Bullets: ' + bullets.countLiving() + ' / ' +, 32, 32);
game.debug.spriteInfo(sprite, 32, 450);
Alright, I've had the chance to take a look at this, the issue should solely lie in how you're moving the main player:
sprite.x -= 4;
Collisions only fire if the body has a velocity, the following table by samme should sum it up
You can apply acceleration, for the sake of example, to move the character towards the direction you're pointing at:
if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.UP) || game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.W)) {
game.physics.arcade.accelerationFromRotation(sprite.rotation, 200, sprite.body.acceleration);
In the image I'm also applying a certain drag and reducing acceleration when nothing is pressed but that's your call:
sprite.body.drag.x = 200;
sprite.body.drag.y = 200;
If you wanted to strafe an idea could be at dealing with multiple presses and applying a different accelerationFromRotation accordingly (with a variety of degrees converted with Phaser.Math.degToRad)
For debug's sake, if needed, you might want to use some of the following:
walls = map.createLayer("Tile Layer 1");
walls.debug = true;
function collisionHandler(obj1, obj2) {
console.log("Colliding!", obj1, obj2)
game.physics.arcade.collide(sprite, walls, collisionHandler, null, this);

Creating a Square by lines and through user input in p5.js

I am learning user input through mouse in p5.js and i want to create a square by 4 line method on 4 different clicks , 1 click for each line and the last click completing the square.
below code is for 2 lines but the are both running at the same time and i cannot understand the if command to separately run them .
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
function mousePressed()
<script src=""></script>
You've to store the points to a list. If the list contains 4 elements and the mouse is clicked again, clear the list:
var pts = [];
function mousePressed()
if (pts.length == 4) {
pts = [];
pts.push([mouseX, mouseY])
Do all the drawing continuously in draw(). Clear the background. Draw the liens between the points ins a loop. If the number of point is 4, the draw a line from the last point to the 1st point.
Additionally you can draw a "rubber" line from the last point to the current mouse position, if there is at least 1 point in the list:
function draw() {
// draw the lines between the points
for (var i=0; i < pts.length-1; ++i) {
line(pts[i][0], pts[i][1], pts[i+1][0], pts[i+1][1]);
var close = pts.length == 4;
if (close) {
// draw line from 1st point to at point
line(pts[pts.length-1][0], pts[pts.length-1][1], pts[0][0], pts[0][1]);
else if (pts.length > 0) {
// draw a rubber line from last point to the mouse
line(pts[pts.length-1][0], pts[pts.length-1][1], mouseX,mouseY);
See the example
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
var pts = [];
function mousePressed()
if (pts.length == 4) {
pts = [];
pts.push([mouseX, mouseY])
function draw() {
// draw the lines between the points
for (var i=0; i < pts.length-1; ++i) {
line(pts[i][0], pts[i][1], pts[i+1][0], pts[i+1][1]);
var close = pts.length == 4;
if (close) {
// draw line from 1st point to at point
line(pts[pts.length-1][0], pts[pts.length-1][1], pts[0][0], pts[0][1]);
else if (pts.length > 0) {
// draw a rubber line from last point to the mouse
line(pts[pts.length-1][0], pts[pts.length-1][1], mouseX,mouseY);
<script src=""></script>

PaperJS random point

I've got this code. What I want the code to do is to make the ball move and when the ball goes over a grey spot (holes) it goes back to the starting point. I've done that by creating a random place for the grey holes. I simply need to find a way to define the position of these holes even though they are randomized.
var startPoint = new Path.Circle(new Point(40, 40), 40);
startPoint.fillColor = "green";
var finishPoint = new Path.Circle(new Point(1300, 600), 40);
finishPoint.fillColor = "red";
var ball = new Path.Circle(new Point(40, 40), 20);
ball.fillColor = "black";
var path = new Path(new Point(20, 20), new Point(20, 23)); = {
strokeColor: 'grey',
strokeWidth: 70,
strokeCap: 'round'
var holes = new Symbol(path);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var placement = view.size * Point.random();
var placed =;
var vector = new Point(0, 0);
function onFrame(event) {
ball.position += vector / 100;
var moves = new Point(100, 1);
function onKeyDown(event) {
if (event.key === "s") {
vector.y += 10;
if (event.key === "d") {
vector.x += 10;
if (event.key === "a") {
vector.x -= 10;
if (event.key === "w") {
vector.y -= 10;
var ballPlace = ball.position;
if (ballPlace.isClose(finishPoint.position, 40) == true) {
var text = new PointText(;
text.content = 'Congratulations'; = {
fontFamily: 'Courier New',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: 100,
fillColor: 'gold',
justification: 'center'
if(ballPlace.isClose(placement.position, 40) == true) {
ball = new Point(40, 40);
and I want the ball to go back to Point(40, 40) when it goes over a grey hole (var holes) but I can't get it to work. Any idea how to fix this?
You want to test the ball's position against the holes to see if the ball goes back to the starting position. The simplest way I can think of to do this is to create a group of the holes then test the position of the ball against that group. In the following code the ball's position is simulated via the onMouseMove function and the holes are flashed red to indicate when the ball would be returned to the the starting position.
var holes = [];
var hole;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
hole = new Path.Circle(view.size * Point.random(), 10);
hole.fillColor = 'grey';
holes = new Group(holes);
onMouseMove = function(e) {
if (holes.hitTest(e.point)) {
holes.fillColor = 'red';
} else {
holes.fillColor = 'grey';
Here's an implementation: sketch. It should be straightforward to replaced onMouseMove with onFrame, move the ball as you currently do, and then test to see if it falls into a hole.
In order to test if the ball is over a hole you can remove on the onMouseMove function and replace it with:
onFrame = function(e) {
ball.position += vector / 100;
if (holes.hitTest(ball.position)) {
// move the ball wherever you want to move it, position text,
// etc. you might have to loop through the array to find which
// hole was hit.
#Luke Park is right about using an array.
Trial each new point, by ensuring it is a distance from all other existing points. Example below (not scaled to view.size).
p = Point.random();
while ( isTooClose(p, points) ) {
p = Point.random();
It's possible for this to loop infinitely, but if you're populating the area sparsely, there should be no problem.
isTooClose tests each point in array p, where distance = sqrt(dxdx + dydy). If you have many points, you can optimise by avoiding sqrt(), by testing whether the raw dx and dy values are smaller than the test radius.
You can also use a similar function on each frame, to test for collision.

Creating a scratch card in EaselJS

I've been trying to develop a scratch card in EaselJS.
So far, I've managed to get a Shape instance above a Bitmap one and enabled erasing it with click and drag events, so the image below becomes visible.
I've used the updateCache() with the compositeOperation approach and it was easy enough, but here is my issue:
How can I find out how much the user has already erased from the Shape instance, so I can setup a callback function when, say, 90% of the image below is visible?
Here is a functioning example of what I'm pursuing:
This is my code so far:
function Lottery(stageId) {
var self = this;
var isDrawing = false;
var x, y;
this.autoClear = true;
self.on("stagemousedown", startDrawing);
self.on("stagemouseup", stopDrawing);
self.on("stagemousemove", draw);
var rectWidth = self.canvas.width;
var rectHeight = self.canvas.height;
// Image
var background = new createjs.Bitmap("");
// Layer above image
var overlay = new createjs.Shape();
.r(0, 0, rectWidth, rectHeight);
overlay.cache(0, 0, self.canvas.width, self.canvas.height);
// Cursor
self.brush = new createjs.Shape();
.dc(0, 0, 5);
self.brush.cache(-10, -10, 25, 25);
self.cursor = "none";
function startDrawing(evt) {
x = evt.stageX-0.001;
y = evt.stageY-0.001;
isDrawing = true;
function stopDrawing() {
isDrawing = false;
function draw(evt) {
self.brush.x = self.mouseX;
self.brush.y = self.mouseY;
if (!isDrawing) {
// Eraser line
.ss(15, 1)
.mt(x, y)
.lt(evt.stageX, evt.stageY);
x = evt.stageX;
y = evt.stageY;
Any ideas?
That's a tricky one, regardless of the language. The naive solution would simply be to track the length of the paths the user "draws" within the active area, and then reveal when they scratch long enough. That's obviously not very accurate, but is fairly simple and might be good enough.
The more accurate approach would be to get the pixel data of the cacheCanvas, then check the alpha value of each pixel to get an idea of how many pixels are transparent (have low alpha). You could optimize this significantly by only checking every N pixel (ex. every 5th pixel in every 5th row would run 25X faster).
