html parse jquery function - javascript

I;ve got troubles coding a function.
Here's the situation :
I've got divs like that :
<div class='sound'>
<img src='$artwork' class='artwork' />
<p class='genre'>$genre</p>
<p class='title'>$title</p>
<i href ="$link" class='link'></i>
<div class="sound' ... ...
and many others like that.
I'd like to make a button that get all the divs the content with the classname 'sound'
and use this with this function of the player's API :
$.fullwidthAudioPlayer.addTrack(trackUrl, title, meta, cover, linkUrl);
I tried this function in jquery, it gets the datas not parsed :
$('.sound').each(function() {
So, I'd like to know the right way to do it !
Thank you so much in advance !

You have to query for each one separately:
var trackUrl = $('.link', this).attr('href'),
title = $('.title', this).text(),
meta = $('.genre', this).text(),
cover = $('.artwork', this).attr('src'),
linkUrl = null;
$.fullwidthAudioPlayer.addTrack(trackUrl, title, meta, cover, linkUrl);


Click to change image is changing the wrong one

So I'm working on a website that has a lot of movies, and people can choose what movies are they favorite, and for that, I have a star image that can be clicked and when clicked that image will change to another one
Like this:
To this:
The problem I have is that the only image that change is the first one, When I click, for example on the star next to the Ratatouille movie, it will change the first star
This is the HTML:
const getMovieHtml = (movie) => `<div class="movie">
<img onclick="bottonclick()" id="estrelinhas" src="./icons/empty-star.png" alt="estrela vazia" width=40>
<div class="content">
<img src="${movie.posterUrl}" alt="${movie.title}" />
<div class="text">
<div class="year">${movie.year}</div>
<div><strong>Directors:</strong> ${movie.director}</div>
<div><strong>Actors:</strong> ${movie.actors}</div>
And this is the arrow function I used to make the star change:
const bottonclick = () => {
if (document.getElementById("estrelinhas").src.includes("empty-star.png")) {
document.getElementById("estrelinhas").src = "./icons/filled-star.png";
} else {
document.getElementById("estrelinhas").src = "./icons/empty-star.png";
ID attributes of HTML elements should be unique. If you don't have unique ID's the code doesn't know which star to update. Read more about IDs here:
To fix this, a solution would be to use a unique identifier for each image, so that when you click "favourite" it knows which star to reference.
Assuming for example that the movie.posterURL is unique you can use that as the ID, however the data from wherever you are getting the movie from might already have a unique identifier that you could pass to the id attribute of the image instead
Your code could look something like this:
const getMovieHtml = (movie) => `<div class="movie">
<img onclick="bottonclick(e)" id="${movie.posterUrl}" src="./icons/empty-star.png" alt="estrela vazia" width=40>
<div class="content">
<img src="${movie.posterUrl}" alt="${movie.title}" />
<div class="text">
<div class="year">${movie.year}</div>
<div><strong>Directors:</strong> ${movie.director}</div>
<div><strong>Actors:</strong> ${movie.actors}</div>
const buttonClick = (e) => {
const star = document.getElementById(;
if (star.src.includes("empty-star.png")) {
star.src = "./icons/filled-star.png";
} else {
star.src = "./icons/empty-star.png";
beacuse you getElementById, so you not take all containers,
but you get 1, first,
change getElementById for querySelectorAll and give there some id,
to localizate in DOM ,
and in
function buttonClick(e) { something

Is there a method to implement through data attributes in JavaScript?

I want implement the card content in the card when expanded, I have used the help of JavaScript to implement the title, image, description ,I have used 'data-title' and 'data-type' for displaying title and image respectively which are by the working fine and when I try to implement card description by using data-desc attribute , it is displaying 'undefined'.
Anyone please help me with my code.
My code link:
const getCardContent = (title, type, desc) => {
return `
<div class="card-content">
<img src="./assets/${type}.png" alt="${title}">
<div class="cards">
<div class="card" data-type="html" data-desc="I am HTML">
On line 115, you forgot to pass the desc to your getCardContent function
Change to:
const content = getCardContent(card.textContent, card.dataset.type, card.dataset.desc)
Change your calling method signature from
getCardContent(card.textContent, card.dataset.type)
getCardContent(card.textContent, card.dataset.type, card.dataset.desc)
you are not passing the third parameter(card.dataset.desc) in the method thus it is rendering the value as undefined.

Trouble setting the HTML of a variable in JQuery

What I've done is loaded some HTML from a file and I am attempting to modify some elements within that HTML.
The initialization looks like this:
var id = player_info["ID"];
$("<div />").attr({class: "player_container", id: "player_" + id}).css("display", "none")
// Add all information to the player container
var player_container = $("#player_" + id);
With player_layout.html looking like this:
<div class="player_name">
<div class="player_chips">
<span class='bidding'></span>/<span class='chips'></span>
<div class="player_stats">
Wins / Losses
<span class="wins"></span>/<span class="losses"></span>(<span class="total_games"></span>)
Chips Won / Chips Lost
<span class="chips_won"></span>/<span class="chips_lost"></span>
<button class="player_won">Player Has Won</button>
I then want to modify some of the elements, specifically classes. An example of the way I was initially doing this is:
This wasn't working so I then tried to switch find with children and text with html but that didn't seem to work. I then tried this:
$('> .player_name', player_container).html(player_info['username']);
but that also didn't work. I understand that I can use DOM to grab the childNodes and compare the class names but there are a lot of classes that need modifying and I'd also like to know if this is possible in JQuery. Thanks in advance for any help.
You need to use complete callback method of .load()
var player_container = $("#player_" + id);
player_container.load("player_layout.html", function(){

variable is not defined when i try to get an id

this is my code: (Im using a CMS based in MVC).
<div class="item_group_title">
<a id="title_{$group.title}" data-tip="{lang("show", "store")}" class="hide_group" href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="Store.toggleGroup(this)">
<img src="{$url}application/images/icons/{$group.title}.png">
<section class="item_group" id="group_{$group.title}" {if $minimize}style="display:none"{/if}>
toggleGroup: function(field)
var titleId = $(field).attr('id');
var groupId = $titleId.text().replace('title_', 'group_');
var group = $($groupId);
$(field).attr('data-tip', lang("hide", "store"));
$(field).attr('data-tip', lang("show", "store"));
What im trying to get is: When i click on the link the section below should be visible. There will be some links and some sections and each link will be affect one section.
My problem is that i receive this error: $titleId is not defined
Any ideas? Thank you so much
titleId and $titleId is not the same thing, the dollarsign is just another character that is part of the variable name.
How about
var $titleId = $(field).attr('id');
var $groupId = $titleId.text().replace('title_', 'group_');
var group = $($groupId);
It's the same with a lot of your variables, make sure they either have the dollarsign, or they don't.

Inserting Anchors in a Javascript Photo Gallery - Not Working?

I am using jAlbum(with the lightflow skin) to create a photo gallery for my website. The gallery loads and is in a nice carousel format. I would like to add anchors that way I can link directly to a certain photo within the gallery. I tried to add an anchor in the HTML yet it does not work. I assume this is because when the page loads the gallery takes a few seconds to load and thus does not redirect to the anchor. I easily could be wrong and need some advice on what I should try to get anchors to work. Here is an example code for the anchor and the photo itself:
<div class="item">
<a name="anchor3" id="anchor3"></a>
<img class="content hidden" src="thumbs/tree-w-sun.jpg" alt="Gifts" />
<div class="ref hidden">item8</div>
<div class="caption"><h3>Gifts</h3></div>
<div class="comment hidden"></div>
<div class="author hidden"></div>
<div class="params hidden"></div>
<div class="info hidden"><div><p>Artist: UBhapE2</p></div></div>
<div class="thumbWidth hidden">261</div>
<div class="thumbHeight hidden">350</div>
<a id="item8" class="lightwindow hidden" title="<h3>Gifts</h3>"
rel="gal[cat]" href="slides/tree-w-sun.jpg" ></a>
I have tried linking to the anchor I inserted (anchor3) and to the id inserted by jAlbum (item8) and neither work.
There are a few scripts that control the gallery and will put them here:
Script 1 - "Lightflow JS"
var LightFlowGlobal = {};
function getParam( name ){
name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
var results = regex.exec( window.location.href );
if( results == null )
return "";
return results[1];
Script 2 - "ContentFlow JS" This JS is long and for sake of space I put the link directly to the JS file here
Script 3 - This script is in the page:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var startItem = getParam('p');
if(startItem == "") startItem = "first";
if(startItem.isNaN) startItem = "'"+startItem+"'";
new ContentFlow('contentFlow', {
reflectionColor: "#000000",
maxItemHeight: 350,
marginTop: 50,
reflectionHeight: 0.25,
endOpacity: 1,
startItem: startItem,
circularFlow: false,
stretchThumbs: false
function lightWindowInit() {
LightFlowGlobal.myLightWindow = new lightwindow({
infoTabName : "More Info",
rootPath: "res/lightwindow/",
loadingTxt: "loading or ",
cancelTxt: "cancel",
playTxt: "start slideshow",
stopTxt: "stop slideshow",
slowerTxt: "slower by 1 second",
fasterTxt: "faster by 1 second",
downloadSlideTxt: "Download",
downloadSlide: false,
showSlideshow: false,
slideshowDuration: 5000,
circular: false,
animationDuration: 0.25
var rootPath = ".";
I am unsure what other scripts or css is needed. I link to the test-gallery I am working with here if you need to view the page. I will post additional info if requested.
So now how do I get anchors to work with this? I am not that great at javascript so please explain the answer vs "you need to add this function to the script" without explaining.
Thank Your for any and all assistance!
On the ContentFlow site, under Documentation --> items as links, the developer specifically states that "no element within the item may contain any anchors". maybe someone can offer a way around this restriction.
I figured out a way answer was provided by the Photo Gallery Creater:
It's not only the js. You'd need to pass a parameter to AddThis in order to
identify the image. Without it, you wouldn't know which image has been clicked.
The best would be to use LightFlow's query paramter p=index, where index is the
number of the image of the current web page.
For example, the following link would focus the 4th image of the gallery
(index begins at 0):
