I'm working on a project that's using a sort of dummy pagination. The body is set to overflow: hidden and currently the only way to navigate the pages is by physically clicking on either links in the nav pane, or on sroll-down/scroll-up buttons. Here's an idea of the events that are triggered when those elements are physically clicked:
var links = $('#topnav, .top-mid a'), l = links.length - 1;
var id = 0;
$('.scrollDown, .scrollUp, .top-mid a, body.home #topnav').click(function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.is('.scrollDown') && id < l) id++;
if ($this.is('.scrollUp') && id > 0) id--;
if ($this.is('#topnav, .top-mid a')) id = links.index(this);
// Body is animated down or up and elements are
// shown or hidden depending on what was clicked and
// and what the var id is currently equal to
The idea is to trigger exactly ONE click of the scroll button on a mousewheel event. So something close to as simple as this, but that actually works:
$(window).on('mousewheel', function(e){ // I realize this will not work in FF
var evt = e.originalEvent.wheelDelta;
// Scrolling Down
if (evt < 0) {
$('.scrollDown').click(); // This fires recursively as long as wheelDelta !== 0
How can I either force wheelDelta to only increment or decrement by one, or, barring that, how can I eliminate the recursion on the click event?
I've been at this for a while, and read lots of posts and haven't been able to crack it. I've also tried fullPage.js, but it's rather heavy and doesn't really suit my project for other various reasons.
I finally solved this, and of course it turned out to be quite simple. It was a matter of toggling a boolean value inside the click() event, but only after all the animations had taken place. Like this:
var scrolled = false;
$(window).on('mousewheel', function(e){
var evt = e.originalEvent.wheelDelta;
// Scrolling Down - Only fire the click event if it hasn't already fired
if (evt < 0 && !scrolled) {
// Scrolling Up
} else if (evt > 0 && !scrolled) {
// Toggle the scrolled variable inside the original click event
$('.scrollDown, .scrollUp').click(function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.is('.scrollDown') && id < l) {
scrolled = true;
scrolled = false;
}, 1500);
if ($this.is('.scrollUp') && id > 0) {
scrolled = true;
scrolled = false;
}, 1500);
// Other events here
// The timeout has to be set high enough to assure
// that the mousewheel event is finished
I'm working on a tampermonkey userscript to replace a feature that existed with FireGestures back in Pre-Quantum Firefox. The ability to open all hovered links into new background tabs. So having a combination keypress, which in FG was Ctrl + Right Click and drawing a gesture trail though every link you wanted open. Everything I have so far has been written for me by somebody else so I'm not trying to take credit and I in am way over my head. I don't have the know-how to edit and fix what is needed. This is what I have so far.
(function(delay, t, lnk, clicked) {
//config: delay before click. mouse movement will reset the delay timer.
delay = 1000; //in milliseconds. 1sec = 1000ms
t = 0;
function mousemove() {
if (lnk) t = setTimeout(clickLink, delay);
function clickLink() {
removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
if (lnk) {
lnk.target = "_blank";
lnk.target = "";
clicked = true;
addEventListener("mouseover", function(ev, el, el2) {
el = ev.target;
removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
while (el) {
if (el.tagName === "A") {
el2 = el;
if (el !== lnk) {
lnk = el;
clicked = false;
addEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
t = setTimeout(clickLink, delay);
el = el.parentNode;
if (!el2) {
lnk = null;
clicked = false;
removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
There is a couple issues I face.
1. This doesn't require any sort of button combination. It is continually active and will click any link that is hovered over for the specified length of time. I would prefer it to only function when a button combination is pressed, ideally Ctrl + Rightclick. I found a thread dealing with combination keypresses but wouldn't know how to edit it and insert it into the existing script to fit my needs.
document.addEventListener ("keydown", function (zEvent) {
if (zEvent.ctrlKey && zEvent.altKey && zEvent.code === "KeyE") {
} );
2. The pop-up blocker in chrome actually prevents these tabs from opening. I don't know if there is any way of remedying this other than turning off the pop-up blocker, but if there was I'd appreciate the help
3. This script opens up tabs in the foreground rather than the background. So opening up a bunch of links on a page wouldn't be possible because it would navigate to the new tab as soon as the first link is clicked. My original idea for fixing this was to just have the script just do a middle-click mouse event over every link it passed over, but I don't even know if that is something that is possible or practical.
I know I am asking a lot but I was just hoping that someone out there that knows what they are doing could help me out by either editing what I already have or writing something out themselves. I appreciate any help provided.
here's my spin on it. This is toggled rather than going on while you are holding onto the keys.
you could had the following to your TamperMonkey script, and when you press "Ctrl + Alt + S", the links on the page are modified and appended a onmouseover event. when you hit the key combination again, the event gets removed from the link. Short and simple.
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (zEvent) {
if (zEvent.ctrlKey && zEvent.altKey && zEvent.code === 'KeyS') {
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
console.log(links.length);//how many links have been grabbed
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
if (links[i].onmouseover !== null && links[i].onmouseover.toString().indexOf('function openit') > -1)
//toggling the funcitonality off
//remove it
links[i].setAttribute('target', '');
links[i].setAttribute('onmouseover', '');
//toggling the funcitonality on
//add it
links[i].setAttribute('target', 'blank');
links[i].setAttribute('onmouseover', 'function openit(elem){console.log(\'userScript will click on the link\');elem.click();};openit(this);');
As for popup blocking... I don't know.
I'm having a mobile menu that opens and closes using jquery by adding a css class that has display:block while the menu div has display:none.
The jquery code has a part where it is supposed to close the menu when a click is registered outside the menu div. Everything works execept the: $("body").scrollTop(scrollpos) . This was supposed to scroll the user back where he left off after the scrollTop(0) took place and the menu has closed, but it does not scroll at all the scroll is stuck at the top. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
EDIT: Here is an example: https://jsfiddle.net/mufwwudj/
$(function () {
var menutoggle = $(".menu-toggle");
var sidenav = $(".side-nav");
menutoggle.click(function () {
var scrollpos = $('body').scrollTop();
if (!$("body").hasClass("m-nav-open")) {
$(document).mouseup(function (e){
if (!sidenav.is(e.target) && sidenav.has(e.target).length === 0 && !menutoggle.is(e.target) && menutoggle.has(e.target).length === 0){
if ($("body").hasClass("m-nav-open")) {
One problem here is that you are assigning a new mouseup event every time the menutoggle.click function runs.
$(document).mouseup(function (e){
if (!sidenav.is(e.target) && sidenav.has(e.target).length === 0 && !menutoggle.is(e.target) && menutoggle.has(e.target).length === 0){
if ($("body").hasClass("m-nav-open")) {
Only the first one passes the conditional, even though each one will fire and scrollpos will always equal whatever it was in the first mouseup event listener.
I don't know how you are testing it, or what the HTML looks like but if you are at the top of the page the first time you click it, scrollpos in the mouseup event will always be 0.
Try assigning the mouseup event once, and putting scrollpos outside both so it can be accessed in both.
$(function () {
var menutoggle = $(".menu-toggle");
var sidenav = $(".side-nav");
var scrollpos;
menutoggle.click(function () {
scrollpos = $('body').scrollTop();
if (!$("body").hasClass("m-nav-open")) {
$(document).mouseup(function (e){
if (!sidenav.is(e.target) && sidenav.has(e.target).length === 0 && !menutoggle.is(e.target) && menutoggle.has(e.target).length === 0){
if ($("body").hasClass("m-nav-open")) {
function ScrollOnTopo() {
window.scrollTo(0, 0); //It scrolls page at top
This function may be useful to you.
I want to be able to use a ul list as an select form element, for styling reasons.
I'm able to populate an hidden input with my code (not included in this jsfiddle), and so far so good.But now I'm trying to let my ul behave like the select input when the keyboard is pressed, or the mouse is used.
In my previous question i had some problems with keyboard controls. They are now fixed. See: Autoscroll on keyboard arrow up/down
The problem that remains is that the mouse is not ignored when the keyboard buttons are pressed. This is causing the "hover effect" to listen to the keyboard input first, but than immediately going to the mouse and select this li item as being selected.
This can be seen in my jsfiddle example: http://jsfiddle.net/JVDXT/3/
My javascript code:
// scrollTo plugin
$.fn.scrollTo = function( target, options, callback ){
if(typeof options == 'function' && arguments.length == 2){ callback = options; options = target; }
var settings = $.extend({
scrollTarget : target,
offsetTop : 100,
duration : 0,
easing : 'linear'
}, options);
return this.each(function(){
var scrollPane = $(this);
var scrollTarget = (typeof settings.scrollTarget == "number") ? settings.scrollTarget : $(settings.scrollTarget);
var scrollY = (typeof scrollTarget == "number") ? scrollTarget : scrollTarget.offset().top + scrollPane.scrollTop() - parseInt(settings.offsetTop);
scrollPane.animate({scrollTop : scrollY }, parseInt(settings.duration), settings.easing, function(){
if (typeof callback == 'function') { callback.call(this); }
//My code
//The function that is listing the the mouse
jQuery(".btn-group .dropdown-menu li").mouseover(function() {
jQuery(".btn-group .dropdown-menu li").removeClass('selected');
//What to do when the keyboard is pressed
jQuery(".btn-group").keydown(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 38) { // up
console.log('keyup pressed');
var selected = jQuery('.selected');
jQuery(".btn-group .dropdown-menu li").removeClass('selected');
if (selected.prev().length == 0) {
} else {
jQuery('.btn-group .dropdown-menu').scrollTo('.selected');
if (e.keyCode == 40) { // down
var selected = jQuery('.selected');
jQuery(".btn-group .dropdown-menu li").removeClass('selected');
if (selected.next().length == 0) {
} else {
jQuery('.btn-group .dropdown-menu').scrollTo('.selected');
So could anyone teach me how to igonore the mouse when the keyboard buttons are pressed, but listing to the mouse when it's touched again by the user. Like the default select input form field.
Here's a new jsfiddle.
Check this out:
(function($, undefined) {
$.fn.dropdown = function() {
var widget = $(this);
var label = widget.find('span.valueOfButton');
var list = widget.children('ul');
var selected;
var highlighted;
var select = function(i) {
selected = $(i);
var highlight = function(i) {
highlighted = $(i);
var scroll = function(event) {
var hover = function(event) {
var rebind = function(event) {
var bind = function() {
list.on('mouseover', 'li', hover);
widget.off('mousemove', rebind);
var unbind = function() {
list.off('mouseover', 'li', hover);
widget.on('mousemove', rebind);
list.on('click', 'li', function(event) {
widget.keydown(function(event) {
switch(event.keyCode) {
case 38:
highlight((highlighted && highlighted.prev().length > 0) ? highlighted.prev() : list.children().last());
case 40:
highlight((highlighted && highlighted.next().length > 0) ? highlighted.next() : list.children().first());
case 13:
if(highlighted) {
$.fn.scrollTo = function(target, options, callback) {
if(typeof options === 'function' && arguments.length === 2) {
callback = options;
options = target;
var settings = $.extend({
scrollTarget : target,
offsetTop : 185,
duration : 0,
easing : 'linear'
}, options);
return this.each(function(i) {
var scrollPane = $(this);
var scrollTarget = (typeof settings.scrollTarget === 'number') ? settings.scrollTarget : $(settings.scrollTarget);
var scrollY = (typeof scrollTarget === 'number') ? scrollTarget : scrollTarget.offset().top + scrollPane.scrollTop() - parseInt(settings.offsetTop, 10);
scrollPane.animate({scrollTop: scrollY}, parseInt(settings.duration, 10), settings.easing, function() {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
The key is to unbind the mouseover and rebind when mouse moves.
I refactored it a little by using a closure function, adding the logic to a jQuery method called dropdown so you can reuse it, using switch instead of a bunch of if's and more things.
Well, there are bazillions of plugins to transform a select to a list:
and I have mine too! (ready for touch devices using the same trick as http://uniformjs.com)
But this question is about taking that HTML and make it behave like a select avoiding the hover issue right?
Here's a solution, I'm using mousemove as this will ensure that the right list item is selected as soon as the mouse starts moving again, with mouseover it only starts to select a list item upon entering a new list item:
Take the anonymous function and give it a name:
function mousemove() {
jQuery(".btn-group .dropdown-menu li").removeClass('selected');
Declare a global variable mousemoved indicating if the mouse has moved over the document and set it to false, on mousemove over the document, set it to true and attach the mousemove function to the mousemove event on the list items.
var mousemoved = false;
jQuery(document).mousemove(function() {
if(!mousemoved) {
$('.btn-group .dropdown-menu li').mousemove(mousemove);
mousemoved = true;
As soon as a key is pressed (at the start of the keydown event), use jQuery's .off() method to remove the mousemove event on the list items if it is present, and set mousemoved to false to ensure the mousemove event doesn't get attached again until the mouse is moved again.
jQuery(".btn-group").keydown(function(e) {
$('.btn-group .dropdown-menu li').off('mousemove');
mousemoved = false;
... // Some more of your code
Here's a jsFiddle.
I tried to solve your issue by prevent autoscroll, adding tabindex on the li, setting the focus on active, and using a flag to suppress mouse.
Fixed fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/8nKJT/ [fixed an issue in Chrome ]
The issue is because of the automatic scroll which is triggered on keydown that again triggers mouseenter messes the selection of the li.
Note: The differences with the other approaches(answers here) I noticed is it scrolls on every keypress instead of scrolling only after reaching the top or bottom(normal behavior). You will feel the difference when you check the demo side-by-side.
Below is the list of change description and a small demo to explain how it was fixed,
Prevented auto scroll that is triggered on pressing up arrow/down arrow using e.preventDefault() http://jsfiddle.net/TRkAb/ [press up/down on the ul li], Now try the same on http://jsfiddle.net/TRkAb/1/ [No more scroll]
Added a flag on keydown to suppress the mouseevents on keydown, this flag is reset onmousemove
Added tabindex to li which would allow you to set focus using .focus function. [More info: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6809236/297641 ]
Calling .focus would automatically scroll to the desired location. (no need for scrollTo plugin) http://jsfiddle.net/39h3J/ - [Check how it scrolls to li that is on focus]
Check out the demo and code changes too (added few improvements) and let me know.
Also thanks to your question, I noticed this issue and bunch of other issue in one of the plugin I wrote.
I wrote a plugin few months back to filter options and also act exactly like a drop down.
DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/nxmBQ/ [change filterType to '' to turnoff the filtering ]
The original plugin page is http://meetselva.github.io/combobox/
.. more
You could use a global to ignore the mouseover event if a keydown was pressed recently on the widget. For example:
var last_key_event = 0;
jQuery(".btn-group .dropdown-menu li").mouseover(function() {
if ((new Date).getTime() > last_key_event + 1000) {
jQuery(".btn-group .dropdown-menu li").removeClass('selected');
Then the keydown handler can set when it was handled to avoid interaction with the mouse:
//What to do when the keyboard is pressed
jQuery(".btn-group").keydown(function(e) {
last_key_event = (new Date).getTime();
May be it could make sense to have the last_key_event variable separate for each widget instead of being a global.
You could try this solution. It ignores the mousemove event if the coordinates have not changed (since the last mousemove event)
//The function that is listing the the mouse
var lastOffsets = "";
jQuery(".btn-group .dropdown-menu li").mouseover(function(e) {
var curOffsets = e.clientX+":"+e.clientY;
if(curOffsets == lastOffsets) {
// mouse did not really move
return false;
lastOffsets = curOffsets;
///// rest of your code
Updated fiddle to verify if this is what you were after:
Approach A reasonable solution should imitate the behavior of other UI elements that serve a similar purpose. On all checked systems (Windows, Linux, major browsers), drop-down boxes behave as follows:
Mousing over an item highlights it. Pressing arrow keys change the selected element, and scroll accoringly. Moving the mouse selects the element underneath. If the selection is empty, pressing down selects the first element. Pressing up selects the last element.
Solution This code illustrates my approach to imitating the described behavior. It's kinda cool, try it...
Additional Considerations There would be a number of other options to suppress unwanted mouse movement to change the selected element. These include:
Keeping a state of last input method. If last selection was using the keyboard, hovering over an element will not select it, only clicking will
ignoring the mouseover event if the coordinates have not changed by a specified distance, e.g. 10 pixels
ignoring mouseover if the user has ever used the keyboard
However, at least for an application accessible to the public, it's always best to stick with established UI patterns.
The problem showing up is that when the mouse is left over a part of the expanded list, then selecting using the keys is nullified because the selection made by the keyboard immediately reverts to the item that happens to be under the mouse.
You can solve this problem and retain all functionality without doing any complicated conditional behavior or any removing of event handlers.
Just change your mouseover event handler to be a mousemove event handler. This way any keyboard navigation and selection is listened to and the mouse position is ignored anytime that the user is using the keyboard to select. And anytime the mouse is being used to select, then the mouse is listened to.
This sounds trivial but it seems to make your JS Fiddle behave perfectly and without any conflicting behavior between mouse and keyboard. Like this:
//The function that is listening to the mouse
jQuery(".btn-group .dropdown-menu li").mousemove...
(your code continues unchanged, only replacing mouseover with mousemove)
Hi I want to have a dblclick() on the right click as the google maps have to zoom in and zoom out. Is there any way to do that. I have written the dblclick but now its working with only left click. Any pointers on how to do this. Here is my code
$("div#demo1").dblclick(function(e) {
if( (!$.browser.msie && e.button == 0) || ($.browser.msie && e.button == 1) ) {
alert("Left Mouse Button was clicked on demo1 div!");
'height':'+=20', 'width':'+=20'
// Left mouse button was clicked (all browsers)
else if( (!$.browser.msie && e.button == 2) || ($.browser.msie && e.button == 3) ) {
alert("right click double");
There is another way you could detect a double right-click that does not involve fiddling with timers or keeping track of click counts manually. Using the .detail property of the event object in a mouseup or mousedown event. .detail holds the click count which will tell you how many clicks have happened recently. If .detail === 2 it was a double-click.
// suppress the right-click menu
$('#target').on('contextmenu', function (evt) {
$('#target').mouseup(function (evt) {
if (evt.which === 3) { // right-click
/* if you wanted to be less strict about what
counts as a double click you could use
evt.originalEvent.detail > 1 instead */
if (evt.originalEvent.detail === 2) {
$(this).text('Double right-click');
} else if (evt.originalEvent.detail === 1) {
$(this).text('Single right-click');
You might notice that I am using evt.originalEvent.detail to access the property instead of just .detail. This is because jQuery provides it's own version of the event object which does not include .detail, but you can access the original event object that the browser returned via .originalEvent. If you were using pure JavaScript instead of jQuery you would just use evt.detail.
Here's a working example.
There is no real way to do it, you can emulate it by taking the default timer for double clicks which IIRC is 300ms:
function makeDoubleRightClickHandler( handler ) {
var timeout = 0, clicked = false;
return function(e) {
if( clicked ) {
clicked = false;
return handler.apply( this, arguments );
else {
clicked = true;
timeout = setTimeout( function() {
clicked = false;
}, 300 );
$(document).contextmenu( makeDoubleRightClickHandler( function(e) {
console.log("double right click" );
Because the right-click has meaning to the user agent that is outside the purview of javascript (the context menu), you're going to have to do some dancing around.
First, you should disable the context menu on the target element:
document.getElementById('demo1').oncontextmenu = function() {
return false;
Now, when we right click, there won't be the context menu messing up the second click.
Next, understand that "double-click right" does not, generally speaking, exist. Even though you can bind the dblclick event, that isn't a generic event. "Double-click" is, by definition, double-clicking with the left mouse button.
So, we'll have to use the mousedown event, check to see how many times the right has been clicked, and react after two. I created a small helper function that keeps track of the click count and resets the state after a short time-frame.
var RightClick = {
'active':function () {
this.timer = setTimeout(
'endCountdown': function () {
this.count = 0;
this.timer = false;
$("div#demo1").mousedown(function(e) {
if(e.which == 3) {
if (RightClick.count == 2)
alert("right click double");
Try it here: http://jsfiddle.net/94L7z/
You can adjust the sensitivity rate, allowing for shorter or longer double-clicks, depending on your preference.
element.onContextMenu on MDN - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/window.oncontextmenu
element.onMouseDown on MDN - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/element.onmousedown
window.setTimeout on MDN - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/window.setTimeout
jQuery event.which - http://api.jquery.com/event.which/
"Javascript Madness: Mouse Events" on UnixPapa.com, an article showing some tests related to mouse events and the left/right buttons - http://unixpapa.com/js/mouse.html
The problem is the concept of double clicking is only relevant to the left mouse button as far as JS is concerned. So no matter how many time, and how fast you click the right mouse button, it just registers as a bunch of single clicks. So what to do?
Create a global variable to track click count
detect a single right-click, you already know how to do this it seems
set the global variable that the right-click was fired once
set a timeout, so if another right click doesn't come through in a
reasonable time to be considered a dblclick the global variable
resets to 0. I recommend 300 ms, it seems to be the most natural
each time a right-click registers check that variable, if it's more
than one, fire your double-right-click handler.
you may want to make that global variable an object so you can track which element
registered the right click and expire specific element right clicks
accordingly. This will allow you to ignore if they double click
while moving the mouse over various objects. I consider this
optional as the chain of events are unlikely for a user to follow,
but depending on your app may result in unexpected functionality.
It might be better to define a jQuery function with this (try it):
var precision = 400;
var lastClickTime = 0;
var div = $('#div');
$(div).bind("contextmenu", function(e)
return false;
if (event.which == 3)
var time = new Date().getTime();
if(time - lastClickTime <= precision)
alert('double click');
lastClickTime = time;
I asked this question and the answer works really well.
The only thing though is that now I need a version that scrolls directly to the respective div instead of scrolling through all of them (i.e. if you hover over the last link, it won't scroll through 6 former divs to get to it).
It still needs to return to the first div when you aren't hovering over the link.
Also, it would be most ideal if there was also a way to stay on that div if you hover over it as well as its link. As of now, the div is not intractable because when you hover over it and leave its link, it scrolls away.
Try that way:
DEMO fiddle
var flag = false,
goto = 0,
$('#nav li a').bind('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) {
if (e.type === 'mouseenter') {
flag = true;
hre = $(this).attr('href');
goto = $(hre).position().top;
$('#sections').stop().animate({top : '-'+goto },800);
} else {
flag = false;
setTimeout(function() {
if( flag != true ){
$('#sections').stop().animate({top : '0' },800);
}, 1000);
flag = true;
After you hover an anchor, go fast into the 'wrapper' and it won't go back to the 1st slide.
BTW... why you just don't create something more... practique? :)
EXAMPLE fiddle
I'm pretty sure what you are asking is impossible for this reason:
First you want to have the animation return the top when the user is not hovering over the link BUT you also want to be able to stay on the div when the user LEAVES the link and hovers over the div it scrolled to.
Here is a jsfiddle which does the first part of your question though.
I just set the animation time to 0
Just move the elements around before animating: http://jsfiddle.net/YWnzc/12/.
I made use of $.doTimeout and $.scrollTo for convenience. Also I parsed the number out with a regexp. The timeout is to allow for movement into the div without scrolling back.
var current, prev;
jQuery( "#nav").delegate( "a", "mouseenter mouseleave", function(e){
var i, self = this, pos;
if( e.type == "mouseleave" ) {
i = 1;
} else {
i = $(this).attr("href").match(/(\d)$/)[1];
//stop the previous animation, otherwise it will be queued
if(e.type === "mouseleave") {
var elem = $("#section1").insertBefore(current);
elem = $("#section1");
$.doTimeout("test", 500, function() {
current = $("#section1");
jQuery("#wrapper").scrollTo(elem, 250);
} else {
var elem = $("#section" + i);
elem.insertAfter(current || "#section1");
current = elem;
jQuery("#wrapper").scrollTo(elem, 250);
jQuery( "#wrapper").on("mouseover", function() {
jQuery( "#wrapper").stop();
Just remove the animation scroll and do a direct scrollTop() call
Fiddle Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/YWnzc/9/