Trying to change button's contents each hit fails - javascript

Given the code :
<script src="jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
<button id='flip' type='button'>Flip</button>
$('#flip').bind('click', function() {
var x = document.getElementById("flip").name;
if (x == 'Flip')
I'm trying to change the button each time it is clicked , but it doesn't work .
Any idea how to fix it ?
Much appreciated

There is no name attribute on your <button>, so you'll always get empty value. No need for document.getElementById because button is in this. Simply call text() without parameters to get current value:
var x = $(this).text();
Here is demo in JsFiddler.

I would do something like this:
<button id="flipflop">flip</button>
var flip = true;
flip = !flip;
edit: if you want to be really savvy, I would use the following line:
var flip = ($("#flipflop").text() === "flip");
Which automatically determines which way you need to flip (or is it flop?).


Cycling images with javascript

Why doesn't the second (hawk) image appear when the button is clicked? It goes straight to the else statement showing the ant image.
<!DOCTYPE html>
function changeImg() {
if (document.getElementById("cycle").src == "fox.jpg") {
document.getElementById("cycle").src = "hawk.jpg";
} else {
document.getElementById("cycle").src = "ant.jpg";
<button onclick = "changeImg()">change image</button>
<img id ="cycle" src ="fox.jpg"/>
Please add your script tags at the end of the body to make sure that your dom is rendered before accessing any elements. (like in my example)
The problem with your code is, that you need to add a new if for every new image you add. As you noticed yourself, it becomes hard to understand and debug.
For something like cycling, use an array and modulo operation on the index of that array.
With this solution, you can add as many images to the images array as you like, without touching the code/logic;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="changeImg()">change image</button>
<img id="cycle" />
var imageElement = document.getElementById("cycle");
var images = ["fox.jpg", "hawk.jpg", "ant.jpg"]; // add as many images as you want
var counter = 0;
imageElement.src = images[counter] // set the initial image
function changeImg() {
counter = (counter + 1) % images.length;
imageElement.src = images[counter];
document.getElementById("cycle").src always has full url of image (example:https://example.loc/example/fox.jpg) and this is not similar from fox.jpg.
You need try another solution.Try use
Example code:
function changeImg() {
let cycle = document.getElementById("cycle");
console.log(cycle.src,cycle.getAttribute('src')); // show real value and taribute
if (cycle.getAttribute('src') == "fox.jpg") {
cycle.src = "hawk.jpg";
} else {cycle.src = "ant.jpg";
Use getAttribute('src') if you want to access the actual contents of the attribute. Otherwise you get the resolved URL.
var cycle = document.getElementById("cycle");
if (cycle.getAttribute('src') == "fox.jpg") {
cycle.src = "hawk.jpg";
} else {
cycle.src = "ant.jpg";

Retaining scrollbar position using jquery

I have a java function,
private GroupsSelector group(LabourInputReportCriteria.Level level) {
HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox box = new HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox();
boolean isSelected = selections.isGroupSelected(level);
// box.setDisabled(isDaySelectedOnFirst(level));
String id="groupBy" + level.getClass().getSimpleName();
HtmlOutputText labelComponent = new HtmlOutputText();
html(" ");
//html("<span id='"+id+ "'></span>");
//html("<script> function resetGroupsSelector() { var x = document.getElementById('search_report_form:groupByWeekLevel'); alert(x); } </script>");
return this;
Whenever I click on a checkbox, sumbit() is called and it has some functionality at the backend. Now, my question is whenever I click on a checkbox, the scrollbar position is moving up i.e, it is going on top of the page. I want to avoid this. I want to retain my scrollbar position as it is. How am I supposed to do it?
I tried adding the follwing code but it dint work.
<script type="text/JavaScript" src="" >
var addTweet = function() {
var scrollPosition = $(document).scrollTop();
$('html, body').scrollTop(scrollPosition);
Please help.
inside the function that you call when clicking you can say
function submit(event) {

trying to change the counter color in javascript

i m trying to change color of counter when it reached th limit
but its not working . dont know why
im new to javascrit , i dont know about jquery , please asnwer in javascript.
here is my code work :
<!DOCTYPE html>
function counting(){
var count = document.getElementById('text1').value;
var grab = document.getElementById('text1');
var count1 = document.getElementById('p1');
count1.innerHTML = count.length;
if (grab.length > 10) {"#0033bb";
<textarea id="text1" onkeyup="counting();"></textarea>
<p id="p1">0</p>
grab is element, instead you want its value
if (grab.value.length > 10) {"red";
working fiddle:
As others are pointing out you can also use
if (count.length > 10) {"red";
but then i would rewrite
var grab = document.getElementById('text1');
var count = grab.value;
It is a good practice. There is no need to call DOM two times, it is cost inefficient.
grab is the input element, and grab.length is always undefined.
You may use count.length instead of grab.length.

I'm a bit lost on DOM manipulation

Alright. As a part of a personal project to get familiar with Javascript, css and html outside of tutorials I've decided to try to create a cookie clicker like game for fun. However, I'm a bit stuck on the DOM manipulation.
var multiplier=1;
var money=5;
var moneyTotal=money*multiplier;
$(document).ready(function() {
$('div #button').click(function() {
var money++;
document.getElementById('counter').innerHTML = moneyTotal;
What I'm trying to do is having some text in my html index page, that changes whenever you click the div with the ID button. That piece of text has the id counter. But I can't seem to make this work, and I'm starting to get really frustrated after having this problem for 4 hours and not finding a solution. I have a feeling I'm missing some very obvious syntax, but I have no idea on what.
Alright I changed the code so that it looks like this now:
var multiplier=1;
var money=5;
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#button').click(function() {
$('#counter').html(money * multiplier);
However it still won't target my div with the ID counter.
Here's the index.html, but I'm 99% sure there's no syntax errors there, and I have no idea on why it won't work.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type='text/javascript' src='script.js'></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='style.css'/>
<div id="button"></div>
<div id="counter">0</div>
This is the final solution, thanks again everyone!
var mp = 1
var money = 0
$(document).ready(function() {
var localMoney = localStorage.getItem("money");
var localmp = localStorage.getItem("mp")
$('#moneycounter').click(function() {
$('#counter').html(money * mp);
I'm not sure what you're expecting it to do...
But var money +1 is wrong. Should be money++
Then you have to recalculate moneyTotal, and set it into the innerHTML at that point.
You need to run the function to update your div everytime you click!
var multiplier=1;
var money=5;
var moneyTotal=money*multiplier;
$(document).ready(function() {
$('div #button').click(function() {
function updateElement(){
document.getElementById('counter').innerHTML = moneyTotal;

Javascript random number not displaying result

I've got a webpage which is meant to generate a random number, then when the number =5 it displays a win message..if not display lose message, but its not displaying any alerts..have i missed something out?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
function WinLose()
var x=document.getElementById("demo");
return x;
if (x=4)
<p id="demo">Click the button to display a random number between 1 and5.</p>
<button onclick="WinLose()">Try it</button>
Managed to get this bit working so now it displays either win or loose depending on its number, yet does anyone know how i can swap the alerts in the if statements to display a DIV section. ive got a jQuery file included so it can accept the hide/show effect...anything i tried didnt work
you have return x after you generate a random value for x. this means no javascript code after that line will run in that function.
also, your if statement needs to use '==' to do the comparison rather than '=' which is assignment.
Yeah, It can be tough. The main problem again has to be other than return x is the "==". So this
if (x=4)
Should really say:
if (x==4)
What you said before was that you were assinging x to 4 so that has no meaning at all and messes everything up.
Hope this helps you!
You need to return x after you generate the random value; and you must add x == 4
function WinLose()
var x=document.getElementById("demo");
if (x==4) {
} else {
return x;
Your code:
x is receiving x.innerHTML then x.innerHTML = random number.
Correct way: (remove "x=")
x.innerHTML = Math.floor((Math.random()*5)+1);
Here is a simplified version that externalizes the alerts (I assume you don't plan to use them later)
function WinLose(){
var x=Math.floor((Math.random()*5)+1);
return (x==5) ? "Winner!" : "Loser";
