Testbox auto complete from string - javascript

I have a notepad file of about 10,000 words. I can export them as csv or tab separated values as required. Is there a way for my words to appear as suggestions in a textbox (input type text)?
This word work in the same way as google.

In HTML5 you have the datalist element which gives you a kind of autocomplete feature. Although I'm not really sure about what you want an answer to, for example it is probably not that efficient to put 10 000 words inside the datalist element.

You can use jquery along with some plugin for maximum cross-browsing capability.
Here is an example of what you are trying to achieve http://jqueryui.com/autocomplete/
Click on the vew source link on the page to see how it is done.
Since you are using a lot of elements, why not creating an ajax request after the text change to load the elements you want and then stream them into a div right under the text box? This will make you more in control of what the user is seing and it will work on all browsers.


Chrome extension on text changed event on text field, then replace text

I'm working on a Chrome Extension which I want to replace certain characters in a specific text field on one specific website. It is basically to change emoticon text (like ":-D") into the proper emoji's, such as "😄". I tried a few things I found online (I'm not very good with JS):
- A MutationObserver and then look for all text fields with a certain name, then replace all emoticons by hand. Didn't really do the job properly and also kept firing up the print window for some reason
- Event listener added with event 'keyup' but it doesn't seem to fire up.
Hope you guys know a good solution!
This question does not give anywhere near enough information to answer. Are you using the program for input fields on the website? What solutions have you tried? Where is the code? Essentially, you are asking us to write the entire program for you. This forum is meant for programming help, NOT doing the entire program for you. You need to fix the question to be more specific.
If you just want to replace text elements, you would have to use the select elements by tag name to select all text elements on the page and then search through each of these for the sets of emoticons. Once finding these, you would have to change the elements inner html to fit the emoticon from UTF-8.

Create a text input that changes smileys code to picture

In my page i have a text input field and I want that when user writes code of a smileys (like :D) inside that field, input field changes that code to picture.
How can i do it?
I have came across this query earlier too. There is a chain going about the same query.
It doesnot look as easy as you are trying to potray. Writing and converting does not make sense at all.
APPROACH: You have to read each and every text entered by user if it matches the pattern of the smile and if the smiley matches then fetch the respective .gif from the images folder.
Please refer following link for a quick start.
Replace a list of emoticons with their images
This answer may be quite late, but this question still ranks high on Google...
The easiest way to add this feature ist to Use the SCEditor plugin (MIT licence). This is a JavaScript-and-CSS solution that pimps any textarea into a WYSIWYG editor. If the toolbar is disabled (see http://www.sceditor.com/documentation/options/), you result in a text input that automatically replaces emoticons with corresponding images.
Hint: It may be necessary to tell the script where to find the emoticons, using the emoticonsRoot option (took me 10 minutes to find that out - 10 of 30 minutes required from finding the SCEditor to making it work...).

Implement instant search adding and removing html elements dynamically

I am a beginner at HTML and javascript so apologies if the questions below appear obvious.
I am trying to implement instant search in a website with pure java script but I have a few questions.
Right now I plan to have a function respond to each onkeyup event. Making use of AJAX, the function will contact a server which returns links separated by a newline character. now the questions:
If the text returned by the server is already in the form of html links and paragraphs, is there a way I can insert it after the html input text box? If so how can I do this? I have found references to createElement() and appendChild() methods but am not sure how they work. Also, people have suggested using a tag but I have never used this in html and am not sure what it is.
If the above is not possible I was thinking of doing the following,
When the text is returned by the server,
1. use String.split() to turn the returned text into an array of results.
2. for each element in the array
3. Create an element and insert it . (still need to check exactly how to do this).
end for
A problem being is that I would need a quick way of clearing the previous search results each time a key would be pressed.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The best way is to return via Json.
Json will have all search result, you can easily use Json via http://www.json.org/js.html
This will be good approach in place of splitting out the contents.

Prompt with hints in Javascript

I'd like to get some input from the user:
keywords = prompt("Input keywords separated by commas", "");
I have many various strings stored in an SQLite database that could suggest the user what to type.
Let's say you have an array or list of these strings. How would you code this hinting in Javascript? Are there some functions or code snippets for this functionality?
I'd like it to work similarly as here. When you start typing you get hint with possibilities. There is only one disadvantage, that you can't input more strings separated by commas. Here is this feature working with more strings.
Is prompt() function suitable for this purpose? You can use another way of getting user input.
Thank you
You cannot tweak the native prompt() javascript method.
I know you did not tag with jQuery but would be way easier to use a library to implement such a behavior.
You'll have to build your own dialog system using maybe jQuery UI Dialogs. They have an option to make it modal so the UI is blocked until the dialog is closed.
jQuery UI Dialog will not block javascript execution though like prompt does. You might need to be able to execute code when the dialog is closed. This answer show a way to implement that easily.
Finally, the jQuery UI Autocomplete provides an example on how to use it for multiple values in the same input. They use a comma-separator but I guess you could modify the example to work with whitespaces: jQuery UIAutocomplete Multiple Values
You can't really use any custom functionality with prompt().
You'd be better off creating an <input type="text"/> and hooking the whole thing up to a button, making the data get submitted whenever a use clicks it, or presses enter. Then code it to fetch an autosugges value whenever the user types in a new character.
You should take a look at jQuery UI's autocomplete component (it works with multiple strings as an input as well). You would also need to set up a server-side script that will take a possibly incomplete string as an input and output a possible list of matches back to the browser.

Javascript displays more text boxes depending on a pull down option?

I don't know if this is possible in Javascript but I am trying to achieve this. I don't know the terminology so I thought I would post it on here with pseudo code to help you understand what I want to implement.
Pseudo Code:
User Selects Option from pull down.
If selection matches criteria
Add text boxes to the form
Else if selection is something else
Add invisible text box with NULL value
I would like to code it myself but if you could post some reference material or links as I have not done much with Javascript.
For your first and second entries, google for 'html select onchange'.
You'll want to check out document.createElement for "Add text boxes to the form"
To make your text box invisible, check out the CSS display property, setting it to none or block (or inline)
I've tried to keep this answer very short without code samples because it sounds like you want to do it yourself. Add a comment to my answer if you want more of an example.
Also of note, along with document.createElement, you will want to look at appendChild to add the created element to an HTML element, most likely some FORM element in your page.
