I have been making a game, my problem is when you click the space key it shoots 1 bullet, but when you do it again nothing happens. I have made it so the game starts with 30 bullets, and they are stored at the top left of screen out of view. When space is clicked they get fired from the tip of your ship using its X, Y values.
Click here to see what I mean:
- as you can see only 1 fires, ever.
Here is the bullet object
function Bullet() //space weapon uses this
this.srcX = 0;
this.srcY = 1240;
this.drawX = -20;
this.drawY = 0;
this.width = 11;
this.height = 4;
this.bulletSpeed = 3;
this.bulletReset = -20;
Bullet.prototype.draw = function()
this.drawX += this.bulletSpeed;
if (this.drawX > canvasWidth)
this.drawX = this.bulletReset;
Bullet.prototype.fire = function(startX, startY)
this.drawX = startX;
this.drawY = startY;
This is the player Object: (the ship)
function Player() //Object
//////Your ships values
this.PlayerHullMax = 1000;
this.PlayerHull = 1000;
this.PlayerShieldMax = 1000;
this.PlayerShield = 347;
this.SpaceCrystal = 2684;
this.Speed = 5; //should be around 2 pixels every-time draw is called by interval, directly linked to the fps global variable
this.isUpKey = false;
this.isDownKey = false;
this.isLeftKey = false;
this.isRightKey = false;
////////space Weapon
this.noseX = this.drawX + 100;
this.noseY = this.drawY + 30;
this.isSpaceBar = false;
this.isShooting = false;
this.bullets = [];
this.currentBullet = 0;
this.bulletAmount = 30;
for(var i = 0; i < this.bulletAmount; i++) //
this.bullets[this.bullets.length] = new Bullet();
////Pick Ship
this.type = "Cruiser";
this.srcX = PlayerSrcXPicker(this.type);
this.srcY = PlayerSrcYPicker(this.type);
this.drawX = PlayerdrawXPicker(this.type);
this.drawY = PlayerdrawYPicker(this.type);
this.playerWidth = PlayerWidthPicker(this.type);
this.playerHeight = PlayerHeightPicker(this.type);
Player.prototype.draw = function()
this.checkDirection(); //must before draw pic to canvas because you have new coords now from the click
this.noseX = this.drawX + (this.playerWidth-10);
this.noseY = this.drawY + (this.playerHeight/2);
Player.prototype.drawAllBullets = function()
for(var i = 0; i < this.bullets.length; i++)
if(this.bullets[i].drawX >= 0)
Player.prototype.checkShooting = function()
if(this.isSpaceBar == true && this.isShooting == false)
this.isShooting = true;
this.bullets[this.currentBullet].fire(this.noseX, this.noseY);
if(this.currentBullet >= this.bullets.length)
this.currentBullet = 0;
else if(this.isSpaceBar == false)
this.isShooting = false;
This is in a method that checks what keys are down:
if (KeyID === 32 ) //spacebar
Player1.isSpaceBar = true;
e.preventDefault(); //webpage dont scroll when playing
This is in a method that checks what keys are up:
if (KeyID === 32 ) //left and a keyboard buttons
Player1.isSpaceBar = false;
e.preventDefault(); //webpage dont scroll when playing
Any other info you need just ask!
Okay, I think I figured it out
try adding isShooting false to the key up event
if (KeyID === 32 ) //left and a keyboard buttons
Player1.isSpaceBar = false;
Player1.isShooting = false;
e.preventDefault(); //webpage dont scroll when playing
I'm a beginner using p5js and I'm trying to work with classes. I'm making a game where you have to find and click a 'wanted man', from a crowd.
So basically, a randomizer picks between 7 different types of 'civilians', and it's supposed to remove one of the types from the 'civilians' that have been spawned. After removing the 'wanted man', I want to add one wanted man so that there is only one 'wanted man'.
So the code spawns a bunch of random 'civilians', then it will delete all 'wanted man' types in the array, and add only one of them. I think there is a better way to do this though.
My basic desire is to have a crowd of 'civilians' that run around, - one of which is a 'wanted man' - and you would have to find and click that 'wanted man' (kind of like a hunting/assassination game).
This is the code for the sketch.js file:
var civilians = [];
var page = 0;
var man1img;
var man2img;
var man3img;
var man4img;
var man5img;
var man6img;
var aliemanimg;
var w;
var h;
var spawnCount = 14;
var wantedMan;
var randCiv;
function preload() {
man1img = loadImage("man1.png");
man2img = loadImage("man2.png");
man3img = loadImage("man3.png");
man4img = loadImage("man4.png");
man5img = loadImage("man5.png");
man6img = loadImage("man6.png");
aliemanimg = loadImage("alieman.png");
function windowResized() {
resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
// wantedMan = round(random(0, 6));
wantedMan = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < spawnCount; i++) {
randCiv = round(random(0, 6));
w = random(windowWidth);
h = random(windowHeight);
civilians.push(new Civilian(w, h, wantedMan, randCiv));
if (civilians[i].isWantedMan()) {
civilians.splice(i, 1);
civilians.push(new Civilian(w, h, wantedMan, wantedMan));
// page setup
// page 1 : main screen (play, settings, and those stuff)
// page 2 : show chosen civilian
// page 3 : playing
// page 4 : lose
// page 5 : options
function draw() {
background(220, 80, 80);
for (var i = civilians.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
civilians[i].show(mouseX, mouseY);
if (civilians[i].clickedOn(mouseX, mouseY)) {
// detect if is right person
console.log("clicked on boi");
if (civilians[i].isWantedMan()) {
console.log("HES WANTED");
} else {
console.log("HES NOT WANTED");
text(round(frameRate()), 20, 20);
//show wanted man
var tempImg = man1img;
if (wantedMan == 1) {
tempImg = man2img;
} else if (wantedMan == 2) {
tempImg = man3img;
} else if (wantedMan == 3) {
tempImg = man4img;
if (wantedMan == 4) {
tempImg = man5img;
} else if (wantedMan == 5) {
tempImg = man6img;
} else if (wantedMan == 6) {
tempImg = aliemanimg;
image(tempImg, 50, 70, 70, 90);
This is the code for the class:
class Civilian {
constructor(x, y, wantedMan, type) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = 47;
this.h = 60;
this.t = {
x: x,
y: y,
this.size = 47;
this.moveSpeed = 0.01;
this.moveDist = 20;
this.wantedMan = wantedMan;
this.civilian = type
this.civilianImg = man1img
this.wantedMan = wantedMan
update() {
//move target to random position
this.t.x = random(this.t.x - this.moveDist, this.t.x + this.moveDist);
this.t.y = random(this.t.y - this.moveDist, this.t.y + this.moveDist);
//edge detect
if (this.t.x < 0) {
this.t.x += 5;
if (this.t.x > width) {
this.t.x -= 5;
if (this.t.y < 0) {
this.t.y += 5;
if (this.t.y > height) {
this.t.y -= 5;
//images position follows target but with easing
this.x += (this.t.x - this.x) * this.moveSpeed;
this.y += (this.t.y - this.y) * this.moveSpeed;
show(ex, ey) {
var d = dist(ex, ey, this.x, this.y);
if (d > this.size / 2) {
tint(255, 255, 255);
} else {
tint(0, 255, 0);
if(this.civilian == 1) {
this.civilianImg = man2img
} else if(this.civilian == 2) {
this.civilianImg = man3img
} else if(this.civilian ==3) {
this.civilianImg = man4img
} if(this.civilian == 4) {
this.civilianImg = man5img
} else if(this.civilian == 5) {
this.civilianImg = man6img
} else if(this.civilian == 6) {
this.civilianImg = aliemanimg
image(this.civilianImg, this.x, this.y, 47, 60);
clickedOn(ex, ey) {
var d = dist(ex, ey, this.x, this.y);
return d < this.size / 2 && mouseIsPressed;
isWantedMan() {
return this.civilian == this.wantedMan;
However, whenever I add a .splice(i,1) under the 'for' loop in setup function - to remove the 'wanted man', it shows this error:
"TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading
'isWantedMan') at /sketch.js:41:22".
isWantedMan() is a function in the Civilian Class, that returns true if the current 'civilian' is wanted. The .splice is supposed to remove a object from the array, when it is a 'wanted man'.
I don't know why this happens. When I replace the .splice code with a console.log() code, then there is no error.
Also there were probably a lot of things that I could have done better in the code.
I am making a game(shooting game) using OOP javascript for my project. I already moved(player) and make the enemy disappear at the edge of the container. Now, I want to collide with the shooter(player) and enemy and display the message "Game Over". Here is my code of enemy.js and shooter.js. Also, my container.js.
class Container{
this.containerElement = document.getElementsByClassName("container")[0];
this.shooterElement = document.getElementsByClassName("shooter")[0];
let containerElement = document.getElementsByClassName("container")[0];
this.backgroundElement = document.getElementsByClassName("background")[0];
this.background = new Background(this.backgroundElement);
this.shooter = new Shooter(this.shooterElement);
document.addEventListener('keydown', (e)=>this.shooter.buttonGotPressed(e));
let enemyElement = document.getElementsByClassName("enemy")[0];
this.enemies = [];
var top = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50) + 1;
var left = Math.floor(Math.random() * 550) + 1;
this.enemy = new Enemy({parentElement: containerElement, leftPosition: left, topPosition: top});
let container = new Container();
class Enemy{
constructor({parentElement,leftPosition, topPosition }){
let enemyElement = document.createElement("div");
this.enemyElement = enemyElement;
this.leftPosition = leftPosition;
this.topPosition = topPosition;
this.containerHeight = 600;
this.y = 15;
this.height = 40;
this.width = 50;
this.enemyElement.style.left = this.leftPosition + 'px';
this.enemyElement.style.top= this.topPosition + 'px';
this.enemyElement.style.height = this.height + 'px';
this.enemyElement.style.width = this.width + 'px';
this.enemyElement.style.position = "absolute";
this.containerCollision = this.containerCollision.bind(this);
setInterval(this.containerCollision, 100);
if(this.topPosition >= this.containerHeight - this.width ){
this.topPosition = this.topPosition + this.y;
this.enemyElement.style.top = this.topPosition + 'px';
shooter.js (this is the player)
class Shooter {
this.shooterElement = shooterElement;
this.shooterleftPosition = 300;
this.shootertopPosition = 555;
this.containerWidth = 600;
this.width = 30;
this.height = 40;
this.x = 5;
this.y = 1;
this.shooterElement.style.left = this.shooterleftPosition + 'px';
this.shooterElement.style.top = this.shootertopPosition + 'px';
this.buttonGotPressed = this.buttonGotPressed.bind(this);
if(e.key == "ArrowLeft"){
if(this.shooterleftPosition <= 0){
this.shooterleftPosition = 0;
this.shooterleftPosition = this.shooterleftPosition - this.x;
this.shooterElement.style.left = this.shooterleftPosition +'px';
if(e.key == "ArrowRight"){
this.shooterleftPosition = this.shooterleftPosition + this.x;
this.shooterElement.style.left = this.shooterleftPosition +'px';
if(this.shooterleftPosition >= this.containerWidth - this.width){
this.shooterleftPosition = this.containerWidth - this.width;
this.shooterElement.style.left = this.leftPosition + 'px';
Now, How do I detect and collide shooter(player) and enemy and display the message/alert "Game Over". If the enemy touches the shooter(player). Here is pic too.
How do i know enemy touched the player and display game over in this pic
What I tried to detect the collision of player and enemy
if (this.enemies.push(this.enemy)>1)
([this.enemies][this.enemy].top <= this.shootertopPosition + 50) &&
([this.enemies][this.enemy].top >= this.shootertopPosition) &&
([this.enemies][this.enemy].left >= this.shooterleftPosition) &&
([this.enemies][this.enemy].left <= this.shooterleftPosition+ 50)
// this.shooterElement.splice(1);
I believe that you messed something up here
First of all you use array in the wrong way:
What it does:
Creates new array with one element (which is this.enemies array), now it converts this.enemy to a string = 'object Object' and tries to find a key in this new array, which propably returns undefined and now it tries to get top of undefined.
What you probably wanted to do is:
But even though it has no oop sense.
What I would do:
function checkCollision() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.enemies.length; i++) {
if (areColliding(this.shooter, this.enemies[i])) {
function areColliding(o1, o2) {
if (o1.top <= o2.top + o2.height &&
o1.top >= o2.top &&
o1.left <= o2.left + o2.width &&
o1.left >= o2.left) {
return true
return false
There are better collision algorithms than aabb and even if you want to do this in this way, your game can get very slow if you have thousands of enemies. There is algorithm to split game world in to smaller rectangles and check for collision inside them.
There is a class with a handler that calculates the direction - InputManager.
How do I change the values of variables in the main Game class each time process an event in the InputManager?
On the codepen or:
class Game {
constructor() {
this.size = 4;
this.score = 0;
this.inputManager = new InputManager;
class InputManager {
constructor() {
this.mouseDown_position = {};
this.events = {};
listen() {
document.addEventListener("mousedown", () => {
this.mouseDown_position = {
x : event.clientX,
y : event.clientY
document.addEventListener("mouseup", () => {
let mouseUp_position = {
x : event.clientX,
y : event.clientY
let deltaX = this.mouseDown_position.x - mouseUp_position.x,
deltaY = this.mouseDown_position.y - mouseUp_position.y;
// Move directions:
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY) && deltaX > 0) {
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY) && deltaX < 0) {
My advice is that you pass the Game context to the InputManager, and from there you can manipulate the variable.
This is not encapsulation done right.
In theory Game should have a function to update the score, and InputManager should call that function to update the score (or use a similar approach for other variables).
class Game {
constructor() {
this.size = 4;
this.score = 10;
this.inputManager = new InputManager(this);
this.direction = this.inputManager.direction;
class InputManager {
constructor(gC) {
this.gC = gC;
this.mouseDown_position = {};
this.events = {};
this.direction = null;
listen() {
document.addEventListener("mousedown", () => {
this.mouseDown_position = {
x : event.clientX,
y : event.clientY
document.addEventListener("mouseup", () => {
let mouseUp_position = {
x : event.clientX,
y : event.clientY
let deltaX = this.mouseDown_position.x - mouseUp_position.x,
deltaY = this.mouseDown_position.y - mouseUp_position.y;
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY) && deltaX > 0) {
this.direction = 'left';
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY) && deltaX < 0) {
this.direction = 'right';
// UP
if (Math.abs(deltaY) > Math.abs(deltaX) && deltaY > 0) {
this.direction = 'up';
if (Math.abs(deltaY) > Math.abs(deltaX) && deltaY < 0) {
this.direction = 'down';
var game = new Game();
class Game {
constructor() {
this.size = 4;
this.score = 0;
this.changesize = (size) => {
this.size = size;
this.inputManager = new InputManager(changesize);
class InputManager(){
this.changeSize = changesize;
One option could be to supply a reference to InputManager which refers back to the Game instance. For example, suppose InputManager required this reference on its constructor:
class InputManager {
constructor(game) {
this.game = game; // <-- store it locally here
this.mouseDown_position = {};
this.events = {};
Then when creating an instance of InputManager, your Game class could pass a reference to itself:
this.inputManager = new InputManager(this);
With that reference, anywhere in InputManager you can modify the values on that instance. Something as simple as:
From here you can further refactor to invoke operations in the objects instead of modifying values directly, you can pass closures to wrap access to the values, etc. But the main point is that you'd simply need some reference back to what you want to modify.
I'm a bit new to JavaScript and have been playing around with Phaser lately. So I'm building an infinite side scroller and everything works fine except that my player won't collide with the walls. Both sprites have physics enabled and I have tried multiple solutions, none of which work. Can you please help me out?
function bloxo()
var game = new Phaser.Game(1200, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'gameStage', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update });
var prevHole = 3;
function preload() {
var space;
var esc;
var player;
var walls;
var score;
function create() {
//Canvas With a White Bacground and Physics is Created
game.stage.backgroundColor = "#ffffff";
//Sets the initial Score.
score = 0;
//Sets how fast the tiles move
tileSpeed = -300;
tileWidth = game.cache.getImage('wall').width;
tileHeight = game.cache.getImage('wall').height;;
//Keys for User Input are created
space = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR);
esc = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.ESC);
//Adds Bloxo to the game as a sprite.
player = game.add.sprite(200,200,'bloxoDown');
player.scale.setTo(0.6, 0.6);
game.physics.enable(player, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
player.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
player.body.immovable = true;
//Walls Group is created
walls = game.add.physicsGroup();
walls.createMultiple(50, 'wall');
walls.enableBody = true;
game.physics.arcade.overlap(player, walls,null,this)
// Stop the following keys from propagating up to the browser
game.input.keyboard.addKeyCapture([ Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR, Phaser.Keyboard.ESC,]);
//Unpausing Function
window.onkeydown = function(event)
if (esc.onDown && (esc.timeDown > 2000))
game.paused = !game.paused;
//Add an initial platform
//Add a platform every 3 seconds
var timerWorld = game.time.events.loop(500, addWall);
function update() {
if (space.isDown)
player.body.y -=5;
player.body.y +=5;
function bloxoUp()
function bloxoDown()
function pauseGame()
game.paused = true;
pauseLbl = game.add.text(500, 300, 'Game Paused', { font: '30px Roboto', fill: '#aaaaaa' });
function addTile(x,y)
//Get a tile that is not currently on screen
var tile = walls.getFirstDead();
//Reset it to the specified coordinates
tile.body.velocity.x = tileSpeed;
tile.body.immovable = true;
//When the tile leaves the screen, kill it
tile.checkWorldBounds = true;
tile.outOfBoundsKill = true;
function addWall()
//Speed up the game to make it harder
tileSpeed -= 1;
score += 1;
//Work out how many tiles we need to fit across the whole screen
var tilesNeeded = Math.ceil(game.world.height / tileHeight);
//Add a hole randomly somewhere
var hole = Math.floor(Math.random() * (tilesNeeded - 2)) + 1;
}while((hole > (prevHole + 2)) && (hole < (prevHole - 2)) );
prevHole = hole;
//Keep creating tiles next to each other until we have an entire row
//Don't add tiles where the random hole is
for (var i = 0; i < tilesNeeded; i++){
if (i != hole && (i != hole+1 && i != hole-1) && (i != hole+2 && i != hole-2)){
addTile(game.world.width, i * tileHeight);
function gameOver()
console.log("player hit");
You have just to move collide call into your update method:
game.physics.arcade.collide(player, walls, gameOver);
Take a look to the runnable snippet below(I have resized the canvas for the preview, sorry) or Fiddle:
var game = new Phaser.Game(450, 150, Phaser.CANVAS, 'gameStage', {
preload: preload,
create: create,
update: update
var prevHole = 3;
function preload() {
game.load.image('bloxoDown', '../bloxo/assets/images/bloxoDown.png');
game.load.image('bloxoUp', '../bloxo/assets/images/bloxoUp.png');
game.load.image('wall', '../bloxo/assets/images/platform.png', 400, 100);
var space;
var esc;
var player;
var walls;
var score;
function create() {
//Canvas With a White Bacground and Physics is Created
game.stage.backgroundColor = "#ffffff";
//Sets the initial Score.
score = 0;
//Sets how fast the tiles move
tileSpeed = -300;
tileWidth = game.cache.getImage('wall').width;
tileHeight = game.cache.getImage('wall').height;;
//Keys for User Input are created
space = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR);
esc = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.ESC);
//Adds Bloxo to the game as a sprite.
player = game.add.sprite(200, 200, 'bloxoDown');
player.scale.setTo(0.6, 0.6);
game.physics.enable(player, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
player.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
player.body.immovable = true;
//Walls Group is created
walls = game.add.physicsGroup();
walls.createMultiple(50, 'wall');
walls.enableBody = true;
game.physics.arcade.overlap(player, walls, null, this)
// remove your call to collide
// Stop the following keys from propagating up to the browser
game.input.keyboard.addKeyCapture([Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR, Phaser.Keyboard.ESC, ]);
//Unpausing Function
window.onkeydown = function(event) {
if (esc.onDown && (esc.timeDown > 2000)) {
if (game.paused) {
game.paused = !game.paused;
//Add an initial platform
//Add a platform every 3 seconds
var timerWorld = game.time.events.loop(500, addWall);
function update() {
if (space.isDown) {
player.body.y -= 5;
} else {
player.body.y += 5;
// move your collide call here
game.physics.arcade.collide(player, walls, gameOver);
if (esc.isDown) {
function bloxoUp() {
function bloxoDown() {
function pauseGame() {
game.paused = true;
pauseLbl = game.add.text(500, 300, 'Game Paused', {
font: '30px Roboto',
fill: '#aaaaaa'
function addTile(x, y) {
//Get a tile that is not currently on screen
var tile = walls.getFirstDead();
//Reset it to the specified coordinates
if (tile) {
tile.reset(x, y);
tile.body.velocity.x = tileSpeed;
tile.body.immovable = true;
//When the tile leaves the screen, kill it
tile.checkWorldBounds = true;
tile.outOfBoundsKill = true;
function addWall() {
//Speed up the game to make it harder
tileSpeed -= 1;
score += 1;
//Work out how many tiles we need to fit across the whole screen
var tilesNeeded = Math.ceil(game.world.height / tileHeight);
var prevHole;
//Add a hole randomly somewhere
do {
var hole = Math.floor(Math.random() * (tilesNeeded - 2)) + 1;
} while ((hole > (prevHole + 2)) && (hole < (prevHole - 2)));
prevHole = hole;
//Keep creating tiles next to each other until we have an entire row
//Don't add tiles where the random hole is
for (var i = 0; i < tilesNeeded; i++) {
if (i != hole && (i != hole + 1 && i != hole - 1) && (i != hole + 2 && i != hole - 2)) {
addTile(game.world.width, i * tileHeight);
function gameOver() {
console.log("player hit");
border: 5px solid #333;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/phaser/2.6.2/phaser.min.js"></script>
I need to move an image vertically by user input however, when I press the defined key nothing happens. I don't know if the command I am using to draw a new image going vertically is wrong or my function is?
var map = document.getElementById("map");
var ctx = map.getContext("2d");
var baseImage = new Image();
baseImage.src = "assets/base.png";
baseImage.addEventListener("load", drawImage);
var speedyImage = new Image();
speedyImage.src = "assets/speedy.png";
speedyImage.addEventListener("load", drawImage);
var bubbleImage = new Image();
bubbleImage.src = "assets/bubble.png";
bubbleImage.addEventListener("load", drawImage);
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event){ handleKeyPress(event);});
var dt = 1000/30.0;
function intersectRect(r1, r2) { // detects collision
return !(r2.left > r1.right ||
r2.right < r1.left ||
r2.top > r1.bottom ||
r2.bottom < r1.top);
function drawImage(){
setInterval(update, 1000/30.0);
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var speed = 0.05;
var direction = 1;
document.getElementById("score").innerHTML = 0;
function update(){
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, map.width, map.height);
for(var i = 0; i < 1; i++){
ctx.drawImage(bubbleImage,x, map.height - baseImage.height - 50);
function handleKeyPress(event){
if(event.keyCode == 32){ // if space
// trouble here... would I just use the draw image function again?
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
if(intersectRect(bubbleImage,speedyImage) == false)
score+= score+100;
ctx.drawImage(baseImage, x, map.height - baseImage.height );
y += speed*direction*dt;
x += speed * direction * dt;
if (x > map.width - baseImage.width || x < 0)
direction = -direction;
You have not declared handlekeyPress(event) function.
for(var i = 0; i < 1; i++){
ctx.drawImage(bubbleImage,x, map.height - baseImage.height - 50);
function handleKeyPress(event){
if(event.keyCode == 32){ // if space
// trouble here... would I just use the draw image function again?
As it is shown you are specifying function code inside another function .So this function cannot be called outside the function.