I'm able to successfully compile my JS modules via Grunt's requirejs task, but I'm getting undefined with any shim scripts. Here is my config
"baseUrl": "../../../components/",
"paths": {
"less": "less.js/dist/less-1.3.3",
"datepicker": "jquery-ui/ui/jquery.ui.datepicker",
"jquery": "jquery/jquery",
"jqueryui": "jquery-ui/ui/jquery-ui",
"spectrum": "spectrum/spectrum",
"class": "class/class",
"underscore": "underscore-amd/underscore",
"d3": "d3/d3",
"nv": "nvd3/nv.d3",
"dataTables": "datatables/dataTables"
shim: {
less: {
exports: "less"
jqueryui: {
exports: "jqueryui"
spectrum: {
exports: "spectrum"
deps: [ 'jquery'],
exports: "class"
Here is my requirejs config from my Gruntfile:
requirejs: {
dist: {
options: {
mainConfigFile: 'src/scripts/main.js',
out: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/main.js',
"main" : "../final/src/scripts/main"
preserveLicenseComments: false,
useStrict: true,
wrap: true
Now when I run grunt requirejs:dist It compiles just fine, and does include my shimmed files. But whenever I try to run the compiled JS, access to any of my shimmed scripts are undefined.
Not sure what you mean by "access to any of my shimmed scripts are undefined". You need to ensure that shimmed scripts are included in correct order. Also you may try defining fake module for that script. In you build JS configuration add:
onBuildRead: function (moduleName, path, contents) {
if (moduleNam === 'spectrum'){
contents += '; define(' + moduleName + ', function(){ return window.spectrum; });';
return contents;
You need to understand, what exports does. After script is loaded it will look for that variable in a global namespace. I don't think there is 'jqueryui' namespace. So it will always be undefined, because it has to load after jQuery and it just extends jQuery, so module can not return anything useful.
I hope that helps.
I've designed this application to have a main.js file, which is executed on all pages. Where applicable, I am creating JavaScript files per page. The per-page JS is executing fine, but I notice main.js often only loads on a hard refresh which included with a per-page javascript file. I'll illustrate the setup below:
<script src="/admin/js/require.config.js"></script>
<script src="/admin/js/lib/require.js" data-main="./app/user/form"></script>
var require = {
baseUrl: '/admin/js',
paths: {
main: 'app/main',
bootstrap: 'lib/bootstrap',
"datatables.net": 'lib/jquery.datatables',
datepicker: 'lib/bootstrap-datetimepicker',
dropzone: 'lib/dropzone',
moment: 'lib/moment',
notify: 'lib/bootstrap-notify',
paper: 'lib/paper-dashboard',
jquery: 'lib/jquery',
select: 'lib/bootstrap-select',
sortable: 'lib/Sortable.min',
swal: 'lib/sweetalert2',
switchTags: 'lib/bootstrap-switch-tags',
wizard: 'lib/jquery.bootstrap.wizard.min',
validate: 'lib/jquery.validate.min',
yummySearch: '/yummy/js/yummy-search',
zxcvbn: 'lib/zxcvbn'
deps: ['jquery']
validate: {
deps: ['jquery']
deps: ['bootstrap']
deps: ['bootstrap']
deps: ['bootstrap','moment']
deps: ['bootstrap']
paper: {
deps: ['bootstrap','switchTags']
notify: {
deps: ['jquery','bootstrap']
"datatables.net": {
deps: ['jquery']
main: {
deps: ['paper','notify','moment','datepicker','swal']
deps: ['main']
require(['jquery','swal','yummySearch','notify'], function($, swal) {
console.log('does not always execute');
define(['jquery','swal','validate','datatables.net'], function($,swal) {
console.log('will always run when loaded via data-main');
I am open to redoing this architecture if there are better ways, but would like to at least figure out this problem I am experiencing.
As far as I know, deps property in the requirejs config is an array of dependencies to load. Useful when require is defined as a config object before require.js is loaded, and you want to specify dependencies to load as soon as require() is defined. Saying that, it only happens once, exactly when the require.js is loaded and is the reason your main.js only execute once.
Note that using deps is just like doing a require([]) call to any other module, but done as soon as require.js is loaded and the loader has processed the configuration.
If you want your main.js to run on every page, then you will need to manually required
define(['main','jquery','.... other deps'], function(main, $, others) {
console.log('main will always run');
I have a quite large app built with RequireJS and I'm trying optimise the modules with r.js.
But no matter what I do, I always get the same annoying error.
me: ~/WORK/LAB/require_r_js/js
→ r.js -o build.js
Optimizing (standard.keepLines.keepWhitespace) CSS file: /<path_to_my_js_folder>/js/dist/vendor/tinyscrollbar/tinyscrollbar.css
Tracing dependencies for: utils/Vendor
Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory
In module tree:
It looks like my path cssplugin is been ignored, here is my build.js file:
mainConfigFile : "core/commom.js",
appDir: '.',
baseUrl: ".",
removeCombined: true,
findNestedDependencies: true,
dir: "./dist",
paths: {
tweenlite: "vendor/greensock/TweenLite.min",
cssplugin: "vendor/greensock/plugins/CSSPlugin.min",
easepack: "vendor/greensock/easing/EasePack.min",
jquery: "vendor/jquery/jquery-1.11.2.min",
signals: "vendor/signals/signals",
underscore: "vendor/underscore/underscore-min",
retina: "vendor/retinajs/retina-1.1.0",
tinyscrollbar: "vendor/tinyscrollbar/jquery.tinyscrollbar.min",
async: 'vendor/millermedeiros/requirejs-plugins/async',
simpleWeather: 'vendor/simpleWeather/jquery.simpleWeather.min'
shim: {
underscore: {
exports: "_"
jquery: {
exports: "jQuery"
simpleWeather: {
exports: "simpleWeather",
deps: ["jquery"]
modules: [
{ name: "utils/Vendor" },
name: "core/Main",
exclude: ['utils/Vendor']
name: "controllers/MapsHome"
name: "controllers/SuperHome"
name: "controllers/Register"
name: "controllers/hotel/HotelHome"
Well.. I know it looks a lot of information, but this is my commom.js file (the RequireJS config):
(function() {
baseUrl: "../",
waitSeconds: 120,
paths: {
tweenlite: "vendor/greensock/TweenLite.min",
cssplugin: "vendor/greensock/plugins/CSSPlugin.min",
easepack: "vendor/greensock/easing/EasePack.min",
jquery: "vendor/jquery/jquery-1.11.2.min",
jmask: "vendor/igorescobar/jquery-mask-plugin.min",
signals: "vendor/signals/signals",
underscore: "vendor/underscore/underscore-min",
retina: "vendor/retinajs/retina-1.1.0",
tinyscrollbar: "vendor/tinyscrollbar/jquery.tinyscrollbar.min",
async: 'vendor/millermedeiros/requirejs-plugins/async',
simpleWeather: 'vendor/simpleWeather/jquery.simpleWeather.min'
shim: {
underscore: {
exports: "_"
jquery: {
exports: "jQuery"
simpleWeather: {
exports: "simpleWeather",
deps: ["jquery"]
facebook: {
exports: 'FB'
The files are organized in this structure:
Well, in my website the scripts are loaded as this:
<script type="text/javascript">
require([globalServerConf.requireJSConfURL], function() {
require(['core/Main'], function(Main) {
var m = new Main();
// The name of the Page Controller is set by a PHP Variable:
So, a global JS object (built by a PHP script) has the URL to the requirejs.config object. When commom.js is loaded, RequireJS asks for core/Main.js file. When core/Main is loaded, it will ask first for the utils/Vendor module. This module loads all third part scripts (like jQuery, TweenLite, CSSPlugin, etc etc). Only when these files are loaded, Main.js asks for the page controller file (which makes use of many other files as well).
So, I am trying to build with r.js all these modules:
All third part scripts: utils/Vendor
Main script: core/Main
All other main pages controllers:
controllers/MapsHome, controllers/SuperHome, controllers/Register, controllers/hotel/HotelHome
Every time I run r.js, tweelite or cssplugin makes that error and the optimization is killed.
I'm trying to use grunt-requirejs to optimize my requirejs project into a single production js file. However, I'm not sure if my Gruntfile.js is correct because I have to specify which model to include during the optimization again, which seems wrong to me as I specify mainConfigFile already. I thought it's going to read everything from my requirejs file. I asked this because I have a lot of modules and I don't want to DRY.
Here's my Gruntfile.js
requirejs : {
compile : {
options: {
almond: true,
baseUrl : 'src/Web/Scripts',
mainConfigFile : 'src/Web/Scripts/main-new.js',
out: 'src/Web/Scripts/out.js',
optimize: 'uglify2',
include: ['main-new',
And this is my main-new.js file
baseUrl: '/m/Scripts',
paths: {
'jquery': 'vendors/jquery/jquery-1.10.2',
'jquery-cookie': 'vendors/jquery/jquery.cookie-1.4.1',
'zepto': 'vendors/zepto/zepto',
'hammer': 'vendors/hammer/hammer',
'zepto-hammer': 'vendors/zepto/zepto.hammer',
'zepto-dragswipe': 'vendors/zepto/zepto.dragswipe',
'knockout': 'vendors/knockout/knockout-3.1.0',
'knockout-validation': 'vendors/knockout/knockout.validation',
'knockout-postbox': 'vendors/knockout/knockout-postbox',
'knockout-mapping': 'vendors/knockout/knockout.mapping',
'knockout-notification': 'vendors/knockout/knockout-notification-1.1.0',
'viewmodels': 'app/viewmodels',
'service': 'app/services',
'config': 'app/config',
'helpers': 'app/helpers',
'q': 'vendors/q/q-0.9.6',
'underscore': 'vendors/underscore/underscore-min'
shim: {
'knockout-validation': ['knockout'],
'knockout-mapping': ['knockout'],
'knockout-postbox': ['knockout'],
'knockout-notification': ['knockout'],
'jquery-cookie': ['jquery'],
'hammer': ['zepto'],
'zepto-hammer': ['zepto', 'hammer'],
'zepto-dragswipe': ['zepto', 'hammer'],
'zepto': {
exports: 'Zepto'
'underscore': {
exports: '_'
In include section you should put modules that is required dynamically like:
require(['path/' + moduleName], function() { ... })
Because r.js can't predict at build time what you will be requiring in runtime.
Everything else should be resolved by dependency arrays in your modules.
When I run my project locally with my grunt:server task, the project works as I expect. However, after building which takes all the vendor code and puts it into one file, two of my needed module aren't avialable, and the project doesn't work.
Here is my requirejs configuration:
baseUrl: './js'
exports: '_'
deps: ['underscore', 'jquery']
exports: 'Backbone'
deps: ['d3.global']
exports: 'stack'
exports: 'hljs'
'underscore': '../components/underscore/underscore'
'backbone': '../components/backbone/backbone'
'jquery': '../components/jquery/jquery'
'd3': '../components/d3/d3'
'd3.global': '../components/d3.global/d3.global'
'stack': '../components/stack/stack'
'highlight': '../components/highlightjs/highlight.pack'
require ['app/vendors'],->
console.log("Backbone", Backbone)
console.log("_", _)
console.log("$", $)
console.log("d3", d3)
console.log("stack", stack)
console.log("hljs", hljs)
app/vendors looks like
define [
], ->
When I run the project locally via grunt, I see all the globals printed out. However, when I build the project, Backbone Underscore and JQuery print out, while stack fails (hljs is also not available, and if I remove stack from app/vendors, it doesn't fix highlight, so its probably not an order thing).
the requirejs optimizer is called with the following configuration:
baseUrl: 'js/'
appDir: './<%= yeoman.tmp_dist %>/'
dir: './<%= yeoman.dist %>/'
wrap: true
removeCombined: true
keepBuildDir: true
inlineText: true
mainConfigFile: '<%= yeoman.tmp_dist %>/js/main.js'
# no minification, is done by the min task
optimize: "none"
modules: [
{ name: 'app/vendors', exclude: [] }
{ name: 'app/app', exclude: ['app/vendors'] }
{ name: 'main', exclude: ['app/app', 'app/vendors'] }
Could there be something wrong with the stack and highlight files that I need to fix in order to make requirejs optimization and uglify work with them?
I installed highlightjs via bower by adding "highlightjs": "~8.0" to my bower.json file and running bower install. I downloaded stack.js from mbostock's stack project. I'm using v0 at the moment, with minor changes to make it work in this project. The source for all these are in the components directory of my github project.
BOUNTY If anyone is willing to clone the repo themselves, and try running the project with grunt server and grunt build to help me track down the problem, I'd greatly appreciate it. At the moment I have the vendor scripts in the github repo itself, so all you should need is compass and bower to run it.
This is due to wrap: true in the r.js config. Here's a simple configuration that isolates the issue:
define([ 'legacy' ], function(legacy) {
var greeting = 'hi';
console.log(greeting, legacy.foo);
var globalThing = { foo: 1, bar: 2 };
"name": "main",
"optimize": "none",
"out": "main-built.js",
"shim": { "legacy": { "exports": "globalThing" } },
"wrap": true
Let's run r.js (r.js -o build.json) and consider the result (formatted by me):
(function() { // this immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE)
// is here because r.js has "wrap: true" in the config
var globalThing = { foo: 1, bar: 2 };
// code generated from the "shim" entry in the config
define('legacy', function(global) {
return function() {
var ret, fn;
// since global.globalThing is undefined,
// that's where it goes wrong
return ret || global.globalThing;
define('main', [ 'legacy' ], function(legacy) {
var greeting = 'hi';
console.log(greeting, legacy.foo);
})(); // end of the IIFE
As you can see from the code above, globalThing isn't global any more. The same happens with the stack and highlight libraries in your project as they use var and function declarations to define their globals.
To tackle this issue, we have a couple of options. The first is to consider whether you really need wrap: true in the config. If you drop it, the globals will get global again and everything should start working as expected. The second option is to try adding wrapShim: true to the config. You can read about nuances of using this option here. If we try it with our sample configuration, we'll get something like this:
(function() {
(function(root) {
define('legacy', [], function() {
return function() {
var globalThing = { foo: 1, bar: 2 };
return root.globalThing = globalThing;
}.apply(root, arguments);
define('main', [ 'legacy' ], function(legacy) {
var greeting = 'hi';
console.log(greeting, legacy.foo);
Looks good to me.
I'm using require.js for the first time and all is working pretty for the moment. However, I started wanting to make a build. The idea is to create one file with ALL my js and templates. However, every time I use r.js it just includes the dependencies of my main module.
here is my app.build.js:
appDir: "public/javascripts",
baseUrl: ".",
dir: "build",
paths: {
"hbs": "lib/hbs",
"jquery": "lib/jquery",
"Handlebars": "lib/Handlebars",
"Backbone": "lib/backbone",
"underscore": "lib/underscore",
"bootstrap": "lib/bootstrap.min.js"
modules: [{name: "main"}],
shim: {
"bootstrap": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "$.fn.popover"
underscore: {
exports: '_'
'Handlebars': {
exports: 'Handlebars'
Backbone: {
deps: ["underscore", "jquery"],
exports: "Backbone"
the beginning of main.js:
paths: {
"hbs": "lib/hbs",
"Handlebars": "lib/Handlebars",
"Backbone": "lib/backbone",
"underscore": "lib/underscore",
"jquery": "lib/jquery",
"bootstrap": "lib/bootstrap.min.js"
hbs: {
disableI18n: true
shim: {
"bootstrap": {
deps: ["jquery"],
exports: "$.fn.popover"
underscore: {
exports: '_'
'Handlebars': {
exports: 'Handlebars'
Backbone: {
deps: ["underscore", "jquery"],
exports: "Backbone"
require(['jquery', 'Backbone', 'videos'], function($, Backbone, Videos) { // Whatever });
In this case the final file created in my build 'main.js' only contains: jquery, underscore, backbone and videos. How can I make sure it also includes the dependencies of the module videos namely: the template 'hbs!template/videos/show'. How can I also make sure that bootstrap.min.js is also added even though it's not required anywhere?
Finally should I remove the require.config as it will define paths that are not supposed to be anymore as all the modules are in the final file?
To have the optimizer include all the nested dependencies, include this option in your build file or command line:
findNestedDependencies: true
This makes it work as you'd expect, and you won't have to include all your dependencies in your main file. It's kind of a secret ... I never saw this in the docs but I read it on a random blog somewhere.
In you app.build.js include link to your main config file and you can remove specified modules, this should include all dependencies used by main module.
mainConfigFile: 'main.js',
You may also skip paths and shim, since that is already specified in main. Bellow is sample config that I'm using in one of my projects and works like a charm:
name: 'main',
baseUrl: '../',
// optimize: 'none',
optimize: 'uglify2',
exclude: ['jquery'],
paths: {
requireLib: 'require'
mainConfigFile: '../main.js',
out: '../main.min.js',
// A function that if defined will be called for every file read in the
// build that is done to trace JS dependencies.
// Remove references to console.log(...)
onBuildRead: function (moduleName, path, contents) {
return contents;
// return contents.replace(/console.log(.*);/g, '');