I am using javascript to populate a select box in my page but its not working, the select box displays but its completely empty.
I also get no error in my console.
My script is this:
var select = document.createElement("select");
for(var i in resource){
if(i !== id && select.hasOwnProperty(i)){
select.setAttribute(i, resource[i].name);
Example data for resource:
Any ideas on why it won't populate?
There are quite few mistakes in your script, many are mentioned in the comments as you can see.
What you are looking for might be something like this
var select = document.createElement("select");
for(var i in resource){
if(resource.hasOwnProperty(i)){ //removed the i !== id condition, you may put it back
var opt = new Option(resource[i].name, i);
select.options[select.options.length] = opt;
Demo: Fiddle
You need to create child elements of the select, that are option tags.
Here's a sample JSFiddle.
I need to dynamically set the select options based on the one value which is getting from the controller while loading the page.
validate selectOptions();
function selectOptions(){
var healthWorkerQuestions1 = "${healthWorkerQuestions}";
if(healthWorkerQuestions1 == "6" || healthWorkerQuestions1 == "7" || healthWorkerQuestions1 == "8"){
alert("six to eight");
var sel = document.getElementById('questionOptions');
for(var i = 0; i < drinker.length; i++) {
var opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.innerHTML = drinker[i];
opt.value = drinker[i];
Here the loop is executing and able to see the alert box. And the select box options are not updating in the select box. I tried in two ways as follows,
But the options are not updating while loading the page.
The code for select box is:
<select name="questionOptions" id="questionOptions">
After loading the page I am able to see only select option but not the dynamically appended values. How can I update the select option on page loading.
Any suggestions please..
Code is looks fine. To update the select option call the method form jQuery document ready function as mentioned below,
function selectOptions(){
// Your code here....
Hope this will help you.
I am trying to fill an html select box programmatically using javascript. I have found that although my code is working, jquery mobile is interfering with what displays in the select box. I am setting the selected option, which is working, but the value displayed in the select box is the wrong value. It isn't changing from what I had it originally filled as from the html.
I am linking in: "http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.3.0/jquery.mobile-1.3.0.min.css". Is there anyway to get around the jquery? I can't just remove the jquery css. That would break everything on my site, and I don't have time to redo it all.
Here is a jsfiddle of the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/RjXRB/1/
Here is the my code for reference:
Here is my javascript function that fills the select box:
function printCartList(newCart){
// newCart is an optional parameter. Check to see if it is given.
newCart = newCart ? newCart : "a_new_cart_was_not_provided_12345abcde";
// Create a cart list from the stored cookie if it exists, otherwise create a new one.
if($.cookie("carts") != null){
carts = JSON.parse($.cookie("carts"));
selectOption = new Object();
selectOption.value = "newuniquecartid12345abcde";
selectOption.html = "***New Cart***";
carts = new Object();
carts.size = 1;
carts.option = new Array();
carts.option[0] = selectOption;
// Get the select box
var select = document.getElementById("select_cart");
// Get the number of options in the select box.
var length = select.options.length;
// Remove all of the options in the select box.
while(select.options.length > 0){
// If there is a new cart, add it to the cart.
if(newCart != "a_new_cart_was_not_provided_12345abcde"){
selectOption = new Object();
selectOption.value = newCart;
selectOption.html = newCart;
carts.option[carts.size] = selectOption;
// Save the cart in a cookie
// Populate the select box
for(var i = 0; i < carts.size; i++){
var opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.value = carts.option[i].value;
opt.innerHTML = carts.option[i].html;
if($.cookie("activeCart") == carts.option[i].value && newCart != "a_new_cart_was_not_provided_12345abcde"){
// Set the selected value
opt.selected = true;
// I tried changing the value of a p tag inside the default option, but that didn't work
document.getElementById("selectHTML").innerHTML = carts.option[i].html;
if(opt.value == "dd"){alert("hi");};
Here is my html:
<form method="POST" name="cartSelectForm" action="home.php">
<select name="cartList" id="select_cart" data-mini="true" onchange="submitCartForm()" data-icon="false">
<option value="newuniquecartid1234567890"><p id="selectHTML">*** New Cart ***</p></option>
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I know this question is about a month old, but I stumbled upon it because I was having the exact same issue. I eventually fixed it by doing this:
After programmatically setting the value, I manually fired the change event on that select box. I guess it forced jQuery mobile to update all of it's enhanced markup related to that element. Slightly annoying, but fortunately very easy to work around.
Hope that helps somebody.
I am not sure if I confused everyone with the above title. My problem is as follows.
I am using standard javascript (no jQuery) and HTML for my code. The requirement is that for the <select>...</select> menu, I have a dynamic list of varying length.
Now if the length of the option[selectedIndex].text > 43 characters, I want to change the option[selectecIndex] to a new text.
I am able to do this by calling
this.options[this.selectedIndex].text = "changed text";
in the onChange event which works fine. The issue here is once the user decides to change the selection, the dropdownlist is showing the pervious-selected-text with changed text. This needs to show the original list.
I am stumped! is there a simpler way to do this?
Any help would be great.
You can store previous text value in some data attribute and use it to reset text back when necessary:
document.getElementById('test').onchange = function() {
var option = this.options[this.selectedIndex];
option.setAttribute('data-text', option.text);
option.text = "changed text";
// Reset texts for all other options but current
for (var i = this.options.length; i--; ) {
if (i == this.selectedIndex) continue;
var text = this.options[i].getAttribute('data-text');
if (text) this.options[i].text = text;
You can do it pretty simply with jquery. Here is a working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/kb7CW/1/
Here is the script for it also:
//check if the changed text option exists, if so, hide it
$("select").on('click', function(){
if($('option#changed').length > 0)
//bind on change
$("select").on('change', function(){
var val = $(":selected").val(); //get the value of the selected item
var text = $(':selected').html(); //get the text inside the option tag
$(":selected").removeAttr('selected'); //remove the selected item from the selectedIndex
if($("#changed").length <1) //if the changed option doesn't exist, create a new option with the text you want it to have (perhaps substring 43 would be right
$(this).append('<option id="changed" value =' + val + ' selected="selected">Changed Text</option>');
$('#changed').val(val) //if it already exists, change its value
$(this).prop('selectedIndex', $("#changed").prop('index')); //set the changed text option to selected;
Is it possible for this jQuery code to run as a standalone javascript? This is the only javascript I'd like to use in my project so I'd prefer not to load the entire jquery library just for this 1k script.
//chris coyier's little dropdown select-->
$(document).ready(function() {
//build dropdown
$("<select />").appendTo("nav.primary");
// Create default option "Go to..."
$("<option />", {
"selected": "selected",
"value" : "",
"text" : "Go to..."
}).appendTo("nav select");
// Populate dropdowns with the first menu items
$("div#brdmenu ul li a").each(function() {
var el = $(this);
$("<option />", {
"value" : el.attr("href"),
"text" : el.text()
}).appendTo("nav.primary select");
//make responsive dropdown menu actually work
$("nav.primary select").change(function() {
window.location = $(this).find("option:selected").val();
I've tried to find previous answers but most questions are for converting to jquery and not vice-versa :)
It is obviously possible to do those things in straight javascript, but there is no way (that I am aware of) to automatically do that conversion. You will have to go through line by line and do the conversion yourself.
Here is something similar to market's answer. I'm assuming you want to get all the links in UL elements inside the brdmenu element. If you only want the first link on the LI elements, just adjust the loop that gets them.
Also, this is not a good idea. Using select elements for links went out of fashion a long time ago, users much prefer real links. Also, when navigating the options using cursor keys in IE, a change event is dispatched every time a different option is selected so users will only get to select the next option before being whisked away to that location. Much better to add a "Go" button that they press after selecting a location.
The main change is to use an ID to get the nav.primary element, which I assume is a single element that you should be getting by ID already.
function doStuff() {
function getText(el) {
return el.textContent || el.innerText;
var div, link, links, uls;
// Use an ID to get the nav.primary element
var navPrimary = document.getElementById('navPrimary');
// Create select element and add listener
var sel = document.createElement('select');
sel.onchange = function() {
if (this.selectedIndex > 0) { // -1 for none selected, 0 is default
window.location = this.value;
// Create default option and append to select
sel.options[0] = new Option('Go to...','');
// Create options for the links inside #brdmenu
div = document.getElementById('brdmenu');
uls = div.getElementsByTagName('ul');
for (var i=0, iLen=uls.length; i<iLen; i++) {
links = uls[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var j=0, jLen=links.length; j<jLen; j++) {
link = links[j];
sel.appendChild(new Option(getText(link), link.href));
// Add select to page if found navPrimary element
if (navPrimary) {
window.onload = doStuff;
It's only 28 lines of actual code, which is only 10 more than the original, doesn't require any supporting library and should work in any browser in use (and most that aren't).
Have a go with this.
The one thing I'm leaving out is $(document).ready, but there are a number of solutions for that available on stackoverflow. It's a surprisingly large amount of code!
But the other functionality:
// build the dropdown
var selectElement = document.createElement('select');
var primary = document.getElementsByClassName('primary')[0];
// create a default option and append it.
var opt = document.createElement('option');
var defaultOpt = opt.cloneNode(false);
defaultOpt.selected = true;
defaultOpt.value = "";
defaultOpt.text = "Go to...";
// populate the dropdown
var brdmenuUl = document.getElementById('brdmenu').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
var listItems = brdmenuUl.getElementsByTagName('li');
for(var i=0; i<listItems.length; i++){
var li = listItems[i];
var a = li.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
var newOpt = opt.cloneNode(false);
newOpt.value = a.href;
newOpt.text = a.innerHTML;
// now listen for changes
selectElement.addEventListener('change', selectJump, false);
else if(selectElement.attachEvent){
selectElement.attachEvent('change', selectJump);
function selectJump(evt){
window.location = evt.value;
some notes!
We're not looking specifically for nav.primary, we're just finding the first occurrence of something with class .primary. For best performance, you should add an ID to that element and use getElementById instead.
Similarly with the lists in #brdmenu, we look for the first UL, and the first A inside each LI. This isn't exactly what the jQuery does, if you are going to need to iterate more than one UL inside #brdmenu you can use another for loop.
I think that should all work though, there's a fiddle here
I would like to know what the best way would be to loop through a dropdown list in html to see if and item has been selected or not.
I know in C# it would be something along the lines of
int selected = cmbFamily.SelectedIndex;
for (int loop = 0; loop < cmbFamily.Items.Count; loop++)
if (selected == -1)
MessageBox.Show("please select an item", "Please", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
how would I go about in doing this with javascript?
<tr style="font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; color:#FFFFFF; font-family:High Tower Text;">
<td>Family to join:</td>
<td><select name="drpFamily">
</select><font color="red">*</font></td>
Kind regards
First off you HTML code is totally wrong. It is not </option>text, it is <option>text</option>
To loop through the options it is as simple as
//var options = document.getElementById("selectId").options;
var options = document.formName.selectName.options;
for(var i=0;i<options.length;i++){
but there is no need to loop through a single select. The easiest way is just to use selected index for a single select.
//var sel = document.getElementById("selectId");
var sel = document.formName.selectName;
var opt = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex];
First: your HTML is wrong.
It should be
If you just want the selected value, you can get it via the value attribute of the select element:
var value = document.getElementsByName('drpFamily')[0].value
This only works if there is only one element with name drpFamily. If not, you have to find an appropriate way to select it.
You might want to compare it against the first value (which is selected by default)
if(value !== '-select-')
You could also add a change event listener to the select element:
document.getElementsByName('drpFamily')[0].onchange = function() {
if(this.value !== '-select-') {
//a value other '-select-' than was selected