Move Through Object List - javascript

<div id="team-name">{{teams[0].name}}</div>
<button id="next">Next</button>
When the "next" button is hit I would like the team-name to be the next team name in the list, i.e. 0 becomes 1?
I have a feeling I need JS to do this - but I am not sure how I would use JS to do this.
Also, the list is generated from the server.
{{ }} is part of a templating system - Jinja2 to be precise.
The teams list is passed into the webpage through Jinja2 - so the webpage has access to the entire teams list - I hope that makes sense.
class Team(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'Team'
name = db.Column(db.String(21))
matches_total = db.Column(db.Integer())
matches_won = db.Column(db.Integer())
matches_lost = db.Column(db.Integer())

Make a list containing the names available as team_names and update your template like this:
<div id="team-name" data-index="0" data-entries="{{ team_names|tojson }}">{{teams[0].name}}</div>
<button id="next">Next</button>
In case you are using flask which seems to be the case, pass this to your render_template() call:
team_names=[ for t in Team.query]
Then you can use the following jQuery snippet to do what you want:
$('#next').on('click', function(e) {
var nameElem = $('#team-name');
var entries ='entries');
var index = ('index') + 1) % entries.length;
nameElem.text(entries[index]).data('index', index);
Note: This answer assumes the list is not too big.


HTML Button filtering based on two conditions

I have a button that is named "atCloudBttn", when you click it, it filters my data by status by all data that is pending.
How could I make this button also filter by another condition. The other condition would be IO by yes so, ('IO', 'Yes')?
<button role="button" name="atCloudBttn" class="btn btn-primary" (click)="changeFilter('Status', 'Pending')">
The change filter functions code is written in Typescript and I have included it below. I'm not 100% sure if I have to edit this code as well to reflect the change in structure.
ChangeFilter(field: string, term: string) {
this.filteredtable = true;
var filter = {};
filter[field] = term;
var title = ' ';
var activeColDef = this.columnDefs;
Why don't you write these two condition in a js function
and use click="functionname()" or add .addEventListener("click",functionname());

rails selection quantity javascript get class not working index

What want to do:
I creating ec site by ROR. What I want to do is can select the quantity each items in checkout page(Specifically, make plus and minus button then select the quantity).
The variable are #items and #user_items_quantity and Im adding index number on it.
Then what I mean, getting the (div class) in Javascript which is had index number and I want to edit quantity and show it.
But impossible to get (div class with index) in js each items. I was thinking to roop "for" in js but I can't.
Can you tell me how I work out please?
<% do | (item, uiq), index | %>
 <div class="entry value-minus quantity-minus[#{index}]" id="value-minus"> </div>
 <div class="entry value score-value quantity-score[#{index}]" id="score-value"><%= uiq %></div>
 <div class="entry value-plus active quantity-plus[#{index}]" id="value-plus"> </div>
<% end %>
var add = document.getElementsByClassName( "quantity-plus" )["#{index}".to_i];
var remove = document.getElementsByClassName( "quantity-minus" )["#{index}".to_i];
var scoreValue = document.getElementsByClassName( "quantity-score" )["#{index}".to_i];
var int = 0;
add.addEventListener('click', function() {
int = parseInt(scoreValue.innerHTML, 10)+1;
scoreValue.innerHTML = int;
remove.addEventListener('click', function() {
int = parseInt(scoreValue.innerHTML, 10)-1;
scoreValue.innerHTML = int;
the css classes that you are generating looks like this:
<div class="entry value-minus quantity-minus[1]"
<div class="entry value-minus quantity-minus[2]"
but your javascript is looking for document.getElementsByClassName( "quantity-minus" ) with a mix of ruby syntax (["#{index}".to_i]) and js. Is your js template parsing ruby? You don't provide how index is initialized.
if it is, I would change the javascript as follows:
var add = document.getElementsByClassName( "quantity-minus[#{index.to_i}]" );
If your template isn't parsing ruby, you have to find another way.
As a side note, in your partial you are iterating over a list and giving static ids to the elements (id="value-minus") you should try avoid doing that

What's the best way to append an element using angular?

My objective is to show a grid of products and ads between them.
warehouse.query({limit: limit, skip: skip}).$promise
.then(function(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var auxDate = new Date(data[i].date);
data[i].date = auxDate.toISOString();
Array.prototype.push.apply($scope.products, data);
//add an img ad
var warehouseElem = angular.element(document.getElementsByClassName('warehouse')[0]);
var newAd = $sce.trustAsHtml('<img src="/ad/?r=' + Math.floor(Math.random()*1000) + '"/>');
skip += 9
Doesn't work.
I already tried simply using pure javascript like,
var warehouseElem = document.getElementsByClassName('warehouse')[0];
var newAd = document.createElement('img');
Also doesn't work.
I suppose I need to do something with angular, can't find out what. I think it's sanitize but maybe I just don't know how to use it.
Remember I need to inject an img every once in a while between products.
This is a job for ng-repeat!
<div ng-repeat="data in datas">
<div>[show data here]</div>
<img src="/ad/?r=' + Math.floor(Math.random()*1000) + '"/>
If you have bind your "datas" in scope and Math too like this in your controller like this it should works
$scope.datas // this is your list of products
$scope.Math = Math;
If you don't want to spam add for each line you can use ng-if with $index like this :
<div ng-if="$index%2==0">
<img src="/ad/?r=' + Math.floor(Math.random()*1000) + '"/>
This will make it display add every 2 lines.
Since you seemed to come from a jQuery-like (or native DOM manipulation) background, I suggest you to read that post : "Thinking in AngularJS" if I have a jQuery background?.
This will explain you why in angular you almost don't manipulate DOM and quite some other things (only in directives).
EDIT : to fix the grid problem, just merging my two html block build your array of datas like this :
$scope.myArray = [product[0], ad[0] or just an empty string it will work still, product[1], ad[1]]
And the html
<div ng-repeat="data in datas">
<div ng-if="$index%2==0">[show data here]</div>
<img ng-if="$index%2==1 src="/ad/?r=' + Math.floor(Math.random()*1000) + '"/>
In AngularJS you should generally avoid doing DOM manipulation directly and rather rely on angular directives like ng-show/ng-hide and ng-if to dynamically hide sections of a template according to the specific case.
Now back to the problem at hand.
Assuming that you are trying to render a list of products loaded with the code displayed above and display an ad for some of them, you can try the following.
<!-- place the img element in your template instead of appending -->
<div ng-repeat="product in products">
<!-- complex product template-->
<!-- use ng-if to control which products should have an ad -->
<img ng-src="product.adUrl" ng-if="product.adUrl" />
Then in your controller set adUrl for products that should have an ad displayed.
warehouse.query({limit: limit, skip: skip}).$promise
.then(function(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var hasAd = // set to true if this product should have an add or not
var auxDate = new Date(data[i].date);
data[i].date = auxDate.toISOString();
data.adUrl = "/ad/?r=" + Math.floor(Math.random()*1000);
Array.prototype.push.apply($scope.products, data);
skip += 9
I am most probably assuming too much. If that is the case please provide more details for your specific case.
If you declare a scope variable,
$scope.newAd = $sce.trustAsHtml('<img src="/ad/?r=' + Math.floor(Math.random()*1000) + '"/>');
and in your HTML template, have a binding like
<div ng-bind-html="newAd"></div>,
it should work.

chap links library - network- how to get table row id

I'm using chap links library for drawing an area of objects.
I want to be able to use the id that I have set to an object upon click, I have this code
function onselect() {
var sel = network.getSelection();
console.log("selected "+sel[0].row);
It works fine, only it retrieves the row number from the dynamically created table. I want to retrieve a value from that row (an object id that I set) but I don't know how to access it.
I have tired things like
But I don't know how they structure the data in their thing...
Anyonw run into this before and solved it?
This is the way I set the data
nodesTable.addRow([45, "myObjectName", "image", "images/container_icons/icon.png"]);
For my app I solved it by creating a parallel array...
//rendera objekt
window.clickHelper = []; //keep track of container id in conjunction with hierarchy-canvas-object's id
var i = 0; //counter for above
Populating it upon every node creation...
nodesTable.addRow([{{ }}, "{{ }}", "image", "{{ asset('images/container_icons/'~c.icon~'.png') }}"]);
Then calling in data from that array on my onSelect event...
function onselect() {
//get selected node from network
var sel = network.getSelection();
sel = sel[0].row;
//get path base structure
var path = '{{ path('editGroup') }}';
//fix path with the DB id of the clicked object
path = path+clickHelper[sel];
window.location.href = path;
The double {{ }} are TWIG templating for those unfamiliar with that. Mixed javascript and TWIG ServerSide code here, sorry.

Grails chain selects without domains

I'm trying to chain two, possibly three <g:select ...> statements together using Ajax like is shown here Populate dropdown list using ajax In grails but all the examples I find have two big differences from what I'm using. 1. I'm using the jQuery library, not prototype. And 2. I don't have domain objects for my select values, they are pulled from an Oracle table via a service call.
My problem looks like this:
<g:select name="degreeSubject" from="${majors}" noSelection="${['':'-Choose Subject-']}" value="${degreeInstance?.degreeSubject }"/>
<g:select name="degreeConcentration" from="${concentrations}" noSelection="${['':'']}" value="${degreeInstance?.degreeConcentration }"/>
Where the majors, and concentrations come through the controller but are populated in a service class.
I was thinking the controller method would look something like
def updateSelect = {
def concentrations = degreeService.getConcentrations(params.selectedValue)
render (template:"selectConcentration", model : ['concentrations' : concentrations])
But, I can't get it to work.
Thoughts? Or someone have an example of doing this with jQuery and no domain objects using Grails 2.2.4?
You can really do it without being javascript-library specific. If you use the grails built-in remoteFunction it will handle the jQuery portion for you. What you would then want for your degreeSubject select is:
<g:select name="degreeSubject"
noSelection="${['':'-Choose Subject-']}"
value="${degreeInstance?.degreeSubject }"
controller: 'yourControllerName',
action: 'updateSelect',
params: '\'value=\' + escape(this.value),
onSuccess: 'updateConcentration(data)')}/>
The key being the onChange event calling the remoteFunction. The remote function will make an ajax call to whatever controller action you want, but you'll need to call a javascript function to take in the results of your controller action and populate the other select. If you wanted to do this with simple js you could do this:
function updateConcentration(items) {
var control = document.getElementById('degreeConcentration')
// Clear all previous options
var i = control.length
while (i > 0) {
// Rebuild the select
for (i=0; i < items.length; i++) {
var optItem = items[i]
var opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.text = optItem.value
opt.value =
try {
control.add(opt, null) // doesn't work in IE
catch(ex) {
control.add(opt) // IE only
and finally your controller action should look like this:
def updateSelect(value) = {
def concentrations = degreeService.getConcentrations(value)
render concentrations as JSON // or use respond concentrations if you upgrade to 2.3
