Create a textfile from the input of an html-form with the browser (client-side) - javascript

I have an html site with a form in it and I want the user to be able to create a text/xml file depending on the input. But I wan't to avoid setting up a webserver only for this task.
Is there a good way, to do that, e.g. with Javascript? I think you can't create files with Javascript, but maybe create a data url and pass the text, so the user can save it to file?
Or is there another way to achieve this simple task without a webserver?

Solved it, somehow. I create a data url data:text/xml;charset=utf-8, followed by the XML.
function createXML() {
var XML = 'data:text/xml;charset=utf-8,<MainNode>';
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('input'),i;
for (i in elements) {
if (elements[i].checked == true) {
XML += elements[i].value;
XML += '</MainNode>';;
So the url looks like data:text/xml;charset=utf-8,<MainNode><SubNode>...</SubNode>...</MainNode>
Unfortunately this doesn't work for me on Chromium(Chrome) and on Firefox. It just displays the XML instead of showing a save dialog. But I think that's because of my settings and at least you can save it as a XML-file manually.

I haven't tried this but it should work.
After getting form data, system will call page A.
page A will have javascript that gets query strings and builds the page accordingly.
After finishing page build, user can save current page with following statement in javascript


Ajax call to update values in HTML

I am trying to implement a JS that updates an otherwise static HTML table in a set interval without any sort of websockets etc. just using ajax calls. The page is regularly updated with new data on the source server and I want the HTML, once open in the users browser, to load the new values and replace them dynamically.
My solution is matching the user HTML's id-tags with it's updated pairs in the new version on the server and inserting them using the ajax load function.
function updateVals () {
for (var i = 0; i < (idList.length); i++) {
$('#' + idList[i]).load('SamebutUpdated.html #' + idList[i])
Now, my problem is that when I try to update the source HTML's values on a simulated live server (VSC) while the user's HTML is open, the user's HTML jumps back to it's original data values before reloading the new ones and I'd like for it not to do that but instead keep the previously loaded ones and then replace them yet again.
Hope this is clear and cohesive enough.
Cheers in advance!

Javascript file for multiple html pages

I am beginner in Javascript. I am currentlyworking on a Phonegap app with it. I am stuck in between as I have 4 html pages for signup process, and I have to pass all the html pages input value to single js file as in final all data must be POSTed to server URL and also I have read on many sites that they have recommended using same js file for all the pages of your site to speed up the site. So I have two problems to solve. I searched on many sites but could not find the accurate answer.
I need to pass 4 html page's input value to single js file.
I have to make single js file for both sign-in and sign-up.
My codes for JS page is:
var firstName="";
var lastName="";
var email="";
var password="";
var retypePassword="";
var gender="";
var DOB="";
var institute="";
var course="";
var branch="";
var semester="";
var teachers = [];
function signUpStarting() {
alert(firstName + " "+lastName+" "+email+" "+password+" "+retypePassword+" "+gender+" "+DOB+" "+institute+" "+course+" "+branch+" "+semester+" "+teachers.join(","));
function signUp1() {
firstName[0] = $("#first_name").val().trim();
firstName[1] = $("#last_name").val().trim();
email = $("#email").val().trim();
password = $("#password").val();
retypePassword = $("#retype_password").val();
alert(firstName + " "+lastName+" "+email+" "+password+" "+retypePassword);
function signUp2() {
gender = $('#gender').find(":selected").text();
DOB = $('#DOB').val();
alert(gender+" "+DOB);
function signUp3() {
institute = $('#institute').find(":selected").text();
course = $('#course').find(":selected").text();
branch = $('#branch').find(":selected").text();
semester = $('#semester').find(":selected").text();
alert(institute+" "+course+" "+branch+" "+semester);
function signUp4() {
$(":checkbox" ).map(function() {
teachers.push($('label[for="' + + '"]').text());
In html pages I am calling JS functions for each pages:
On first page:
<a onclick="signUp1()" href="register-two.html">continue</a>
On second page:
<a onclick="signUp2()" href="register-three.html">continue</a>
On third page:
<a onclick="signUp3()" href="register-four.html">continue</a>
On fourth page:
<a onclick="signUp4()">continue</a>
On each transaction from one page to next I have set alert in JS, and I am getting alert with accurate values also. But after clicking the continue button from fourth page of html, I transferred the code to main signup function. I tried to see alert in signUpStarting() function but there I am getting response of just fourth page values and other values are showing nothing as the variables are null.
I am not getting how to save variable values for always without using localStorage or cookies and POSTing all data to server.And I think this would have been easier if I would know to code for all html pages for my site to single JS file.
Please help me !
I am not getting how to save variable values for always without using localStorage or cookies and POSTing all data to server.And I think this would have been easier if I would know to code for all html pages for my site to single JS file.
This is exactly right. You cannot store data in memory between page loads in a web browser environment because all javascript variables are naturally destroyed when the browser navigates away from the page to a new page (even if they use the same javascript on both pages). Thus, you have to save it somewhere with more permanence: localStorage, cookies, or on the server via POST or GET.
What I would recommend is scrapping the four different html pages and simply using one html page that changes dynamically as the user fills in data. This way the browser will not eliminate data before you are ready to POST it to the server.

Send a user to a certain URL depending on his text field input

Basically I want the ff. done:
User inputs a text in my text field. If his text matches a text in my "list," he is sent to a certain URL once he hits the submit button.
I found a similar code on this site but his is just one specific text value. [ Get input text field from HTML into JavaScript and go to URL ]
I want mine to determine the user's text input from a list I provide. My list will have a lot of texts/urls and it will continue to grow, so manually inputting values into the script won't work for me.. I want to be able to edit the list (possibly in an admin panel or something?) instead of the js code.
input text: aaaa, go to URL1
input text: mmne, go to URL2
input text: lhfj, go to URL3
input text: tigf, go to URL4
input text: gred, go to URL5
Can anyone help me with this please? Thanks!
Hope this helps you
var Something =$("#TextBoxID").val();
if(Something == "aaaa")
window.location.href = 'URL1'; //Will take you to URL1
if you want to configure the list on an admin console you need to have some kind of server side technology like php (or node.js if you want to keep using javascript). You need to think of where this data will be stored. A possibility would be fetching the list of text/url pairs using ajax (e.g. with jQuery) and storing the data in some database or in your case also a plain text file probably would suffice. The functionality you are looking for is not possible with plain HTML and JavaScript on cient side.
Use a function like this, if you store your URLs on the client side (HTML/JS page):
function determineAndGoToURL(text) {
var url = "#";
switch(text) {
case "aaaa":
case "bbbb":
url = "";
url = "";
window.location.href = "http://" + url;
If you have an updated list of URLs on the server side, get them from server-side to client side, and iterate over them with a for statement.
I'd suggest, you'd get them from the server as JSON, and use JSON.parse(text) to create an object out of them, and then iterate.

Can i pass information through the URL when i am using jQuery Mobile?

I have a mobile application that opens an in-app browser that uses the URL to pass information to my server , like the deviceID.
For example the browser will open the web-page (jquery Mobile) :
On the server part using JavaScript inside the doWork.html file, I get the deviceID like this:
var userId = window.location.hash.substring(1);
Is it ok that i pass information using the hash # ? In jquery mobile the hash # is used to change between pages when someone uses the Multi-Page template structure . So i am afraid that maybe i should use something else , like a question mark (?) ?
Or its perfectly fine ?
NO. Stop using # for your data transfers. Let jQM do its thing. Don't disturb it. Use Query strings( adding ? in url). My advice is to stop using query strings (? tags) and # tags to send data to the next page. Handle it using localStorage. Its more secure compared to Query strings because the user wont see the URL change, so your sensitive data is hidden, at least to a little extent. localStorage is HTML5's API which is like a temporary storage set aside per domain. This data will persist until data is cleared in cache. Assuming you have an anchor tag which goes to dowork.html,
Go to Do work
Add an attribute for device ID in the tag itself, like this :
Go to Do work
You'd be doing this dynamically you might also use it the same way. You get the gist right?
A click event for this would look like this :
$(document).on("click", "a", function(e) //use a class or ID for this instead of just "a"
//prevent default
//get device id from tag attribute
var deviceId = $(this).data("deviceid");
//set it in localStorage
localStorage["dId"] = deviceId;
Then, in the other page's pageinit (or any event), get the device id from storage and send the ajax call to the server.
//assuming #dowork is the id of a div with data-role="page"
$(document).on("pageinit", "#dowork", function() {
//get from storage
var deviceId = localStorage["dId"];
//make ajax call or server call with deviceId here
But, if you still want to use URL for this, look at this question. I've given a decent enough answer over there.
To pass variables to the server you should avoid using the # symbol because regardless of the framework you are using this symbol is used for other purposes, to pass info to the server in a GET request you should use the ? symbol, something like this should do it:

How to get the title of a link using JavaScript

I want to get the title of a webpage without opening it, i.e. without using
I basically want to check whether the page i am providing the link for exists or an error is returned.
What I am trying is checking for similar links. Here is the code
(I want to know when to break out of this loop, i.e. at what point the link I am writing exists).
if (month<10) var m="0"+month;
else var m=month;
for(var i=1;;i++){
var a=""+year+"/"+m+"/"+date+"/CAP_"+year+"_"+month+"_"+date+"_"+i+".pdf";
if(link.document.title!="The page cannot be found"){
document.getElementById("TOI").innerHTML=document.getElementById("TOI").innerHTML+"<a href='"+year+"/"+m+"/"+date+"/CAP_"+year+"_"+month+"_"+date+"_"+i+".pdf' target=_blank>Page "+i+"</a> ";
See to check if a url exists or not, you must use a server-side scripting language. Javascript is client-side and can't access server. So, first of all make a server side script (maybe php) that returns the status of url that you wanna check. Then from javascript side, use an ajax call to get the result of that script. That way you can check your url array, if all of them exists or not.
var attribute = element.getAttribute("title");
I want to get title of a webpage
without opening it(that is without
using I basically want
to check whether the page i am
providing the link for exists or an
error is returned
Just because a page has a title doesn't mean it exists.
Examine HTTP status codes rather than page titles:
Can Prototype or JQuery return an HTTP status code on an AJAX request
