Javascript custom validation - javascript

I'm writing a custom javascript validation script whereby i iterate through all input elements in a div named 'toggle' and select each that has a class named 'required' and if the value of the element is an empty string (empty) then i need to create labels containing the error message and place them right next to the textbox.
Here's the code:
function clientErrMsgs() {
var container = document.getElementById("toggle");
var inputArray = container.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
if (inputArray[i].getAttribute("class") == "required" && inputArray[i].value == "") {
var errmsg = inputArray[i].getAttribute("data-errormessage");
var labelErr = document.CreateElement('label'); = "ErrMsg" + i;
labelErr.value = errmsg;
var parent = inputArray[i].parentNode;
the program executes well (tested it with alert()) up until the following line:
var labelErr = document.CreateElement('label');
Where is the problem?

you can use custom validator to do this
i am giving you an example, how to do this....
<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator1" runat="server"
ErrorMessage="Sms length is exceeding over 160."
ClientValidationFunction="validateLength" ControlToValidate="txtSmsMessage"
SetFocusOnError="True" ValidationGroup="add">*</asp:CustomValidator>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function validateLength(oSrc, args)
args.IsValid = (args.Value.length < 160);
i suggest please try this...

I got things working with:
labels don't have a value attribute

Its document.createElement not document.CreateElement
MDC link : document.createElement
Update: you should access the innerHTML of the label and not the value
The snippet
var labelErr = document.createElement('label'); = "ErrMsg" + i;
labelErr.innerHTML= errmsg;
var parent = inputArray[i].parentNode;

This is not a direct answer to your question, but would your superior go for a different pre-built validation method? I'm partial to FlowPlayers jQuery based validator. Very simple to setup:
I've written several validation frameworks in the past. I finally got tired of reinventing the wheel.

May I suggest this:
function clientErrMsgs() {
var container = document.getElementById("toggle");
var inputArray = container.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var inp, i=0, n=inputArray.length; i<n; i++) {
inp = inputArray[i];
if (inp.getAttribute("class") === "required") {
var errMsg = container.getElementById("ErrMsg"+i);
if (!errMsg) {
errMsg = document.createElement('span'); = "ErrMsg" + i;
errMsg.innerHTML= inp.getAttribute("data-errormessage");
} (inp.value === "")?"":"none"


"jQuery requires a window with a document" on jquery $get

Why does this error happen when it try to use jquery? This code was working before but I don't even know what did I do for this error to happen. I tried to search about it and nothing I looked up makes sense or it's about this jsdom or whatever that I don't use. Exception is thrown on the 1st line in the try catch. That's the only error I could get from the browser debugger:
function DisplayName() {
if (Page_ClientValidate()) {
try {
$get("lblNameShow").html = $get("<%= txtNome.ClientID %>").value;
$get("lblDataAdmissaoShow").innerHTML = document.getElementById("datepicker").value;
var ddlD = document.getElementById("<%= ddlDepartamento.ClientID%>");
var strDDLDepart = ddlD.options[ddlD.selectedIndex].text;
$get("lblDepartamentoShow").innerHTML = strDDLDepart;
var ddlF = document.getElementById("<%= ddlFuncao.ClientID%>");
var strDDLFunc = ddlF.options[ddlF.selectedIndex].text;
$get("lblFuncaoShow").innerHTML = strDDLFunc;
//get valor radio button
var rstTel = $('#<%=rblTelemovel.ClientID %> input[type=radio]:checked').val();
if (rstTel == 0)
$get("lblTelemovelShow").innerHTML = "Não"
$get("lblTelemovelShow").innerHTML = "Sim"
var message = "";
var checkBoxList = document.getElementById("<%=cblAppAlternativas.ClientID%>");
var checkBoxes = checkBoxList.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
for (var i = 0; i < checkBoxes.length; i++) {
if (checkBoxes[i].checked) {
var value = checkBoxes[i].value;
var text = checkBoxes[i].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("LABEL")[0].innerHTML;
message += value + "-" + text + ",";
$get("lblAcessoShow").innerHTML = message;
$get("lblObShow").innerHTML = $get("<%= txtObservacoes.ClientID %>").value;
} catch (err) {
$get("demo").innerHTML = err.message;
return false;
The code works if I remove the get from the jquery selector, but the strange thing is the code was working before. I can't find any info about using $get in jquery to select elements so I'm not sure about it if it's a plugin. This code was already implemented in the project I'm working on so I have no idea which plugin uses $get.
on the original project these are the only references on it
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.css" />
<script src="jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/external/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="NOTY/js/noty/packaged/jquery.noty.packaged.js"></script>
So I was using a try catch to catch the error but I was doing it in the wrong way since I'm still new to javascript. The exception I got is that $get is not defined. So rather than asking where $get comes from, how do I define a variable in jquery like $get?

How to do this the with Jquery instead of javascript

I've been trying to convert this section of script to jQuery instead of vanilla javascript, but I'm not sure how to loop through the elements with jQuery. Basically, I'm grabbing a data attr value from each field to be used as an error message that displays near the field.
This is all inside a click event on the submit button, FYI
What's the jQuery way?
//Set some variables
var invalidFields = $(form).querySelectorAll(':invalid'),
errorMessages = $(form).querySelectorAll('.error-message'),
// Remove any existing messages
for (var i = 0; i < errorMessages.length; i++) {
//Get custom messages from HTML data attribute for each invalid field
var fields = form.querySelectorAll('.sdForm-input');
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var message = $(fields[i]).attr('data-ErrorMessage');
//Display custom messages
for (var i = 0; i < invalidFields.length; i++) {
parent = invalidFields[i].parentNode;
parent.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<div class='error-message'>' +
invalidFields[i].validationMessage +
I converted your code one-to-one to jQuery. But there might be other ways, when i will know where form, setCustomValidity and validationMessage is coming from.
var $form = $(form);
// Remove any existing messages
$(".error-message", $form).remove();
// Get custom messages from HTML data attribute for each invalid field
$(".sdForm-input", $form).each(function() {
var message = $(this).attr('data-ErrorMessage');
// i don't know where the 'setCustomValidity' function is coming from
// this is a custom function
// Display custom messages
$(":invalid", $form).each(function() {
// i don't know where 'validationMessage' is comig from
// this is a custom property
$(this).parent().append("<div class='error-message'>" + $(this)[0].validationMessage + "</div>");
You can simple replace this.
var fields = form.querySelectorAll('.sdForm-input');
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var message = $(fields[i]).attr('data-ErrorMessage');
Replace with jQuery way
var fields = form.find('.sdForm-input');
$.each(fields, function(index, el){
var message = $(el).attr('data-ErrorMessage');

how to get username via checked checkbox with javascript or jquery?

<div id="notApprovedUsers">
</div><button onclick="approveUsers()">Approve</button>
i like to get checked users in parameter userList to work with.
here is javascript there me generating list with users and checkboxes.
i like to approve just the checked one's of course!
function getNotAssignedUsers() {
server.getUsersByGroup("1eb33e30-c355-467f-af3c-e7d0b4a1fgt5").then(function (userDetails) {
for (var i = 0; i < userDetails.length; i++)
var vorname = userDetails[i].firstName;
var nachname = userDetails[i].lastName;
var newCheckBox = document.createElement('input');
newCheckBox.type = 'checkbox'; = "0"+i;
var newElement = document.createElement('div'); = i;
newElement.className = "notApprovedUsers";
newElement.innerHTML = vorname + " " + nachname;
HERE in userList I need to read just a checked users..
function approveUsers(userList)
var user1 = document.getElementById("00").checked;
var user2 = document.getElementById("01").checked;
var user3 = document.getElementById("02").checked;
alert(user1 || user2 || user3);
You want something like this then. There may be errors as I havent tested
var names = [];
$('input[type=checkbox]:checked').each(function(index, value){
var name = $(value).next("div").html();
Then do something with the names array
Edit - See jsfiddle
I think the best solution for you here is to use jQuery. You can use something like:
$('#notApprovedUsers input[type=checkbox]:checked')
to get all the elements that are checked, and work with them.
I've created a JSFiddle for you to demonstrate how to implement the behavior that I'm describing. You can see it in this link.

Having a difficulty adding a new form in each new <div>

In my adventure to create a To-Do list application, I've run into another problem. In my code, every time a user clicks New Category a new div will appear with their custom name and number of forms.
However, when another div is created, its' forms are given to the previous div. Here's that code:
<script src=""></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src="script.js"></script>
$(function() {
$("#new").click(function() {
var canContinue = true;
var newCategory = prompt("Enter the name you want for your category:");
if(newCategory.length === 0){
confirm("A new category can not be created - nothing was entered in the text area.");
canContinue = false;
var categorySections = prompt("Enter the number of sections needed for this category:");
$("body").append("<div id = \"newDiv\"><p>" + newCategory + "</p></div>");
for(var i = 0; i < categorySections; i++){
$("#newDiv").append("<form> Thing to do: <input type = \"text\"></form><br>");
So, I tried creating a separate function using the this keyword where the forms were created after the div was ready, but now no forms are created at all!
Here's that code:
$("#newDiv").ready(function() {
for(var i = 0; i < categorySections; i++){
$(this).append("<form> Thing to do: <input type = \"text\"></form><br>");
So, how do I create forms for each separate div?
You're repeatedly creating divs with the same ID. (a) that's not legal and (b) if you do it anyway, your $(#newDiv) selector will always apply to the first one.
Also, you're appending to #newDiv outside the if (canContinue) check.
var categorySections = prompt("Enter the number of sections needed for this category:");
var newDiv = $("<div>").appendTo($(document.body));
var header = $('<p>').text(newCategory).appendTo(newDiv);
for(var i = 0; i < categorySections; i++){
newDiv.append("<form> Thing to do: <input type = \"text\"></form><br>");
You can't use the ID newDiv multiple times, HTML IDs must be unique. Additionally, your flow can be cleaned up a bit, as below.
$(function () {
$("#new").click(function () {
var newCategory = prompt("Enter the name you want for your category:");
if (newCategory.length === 0) {
confirm("A new category can not be created - nothing was entered in the text area.");
return false;
var categorySections = prompt("Enter the number of sections needed for this category:");
var $div = $("<div />", {
html: "<p>" + newCategory + "</p>"
for (var i = 0; i < categorySections; i++) {
$div.append("<form> Thing to do: <input type='text'/></form><br>");

Get the element below the ready-function code, in jQuery?

For example:
$(document).ready( function() {
alert( $(this).getBelowElementToThisScript('form').id );
<form id="IamTheNext"></form>
<form id="Iamnot"></form>
This code should show this message: IamTheNext
In addition, the solution needs to work with this example too:
<script src="getbelowelement.js"></script>
<form id="IamTheNext"></form>
<form id="Iamnot"></form>
Try this:
var form = $('script[src="getbelowelement.js"]').next();
But I would suggest using the forms id:
var form = $('#IamTheNext');
You could also try giving the script tag an id.
This kind of approach is dangerous; script should never depend that much on where it is in the page.
That said, the following works in Firefox and Chrome and should work in the major browsers (use at your own risk).
See it in action at jsBin. Both <script> ... and <script src="..."> approaches are shown in the same page.
$(document).ready( function () {
invocationsOfThis = (typeof invocationsOfThis == 'number') ? invocationsOfThis + 1 : 1;
var scriptTags = document.getElementsByTagName ('script');
var thisScriptTag = null;
//--- Search scripts for scripts of this type.
for (var foundCnt = 0, J = 0, L = scriptTags.length; J < L; ++J)
/*--- Since the script can be either inline or included, search
both the script text and the script src link for our unique
var thisTag = scriptTags[J];
var scriptCode = thisTag.innerText || thisTag.textContent;
var scriptSrc = thisTag.src;
//--- IMPORTANT, change to the filename that you use.
if (/invocationsOfThis/i.test (scriptCode) || / (scriptSrc))
//--- Found a copy of this script; is it the right one, based on invocation cnt?
if (foundCnt == invocationsOfThis) {
thisScriptTag = thisTag;
if (thisScriptTag) {
//--- Get the target node.
var nextForm = $(thisScriptTag).next ('form');
var nextFormId = nextForm.attr ('id');
//--- Act on the target node. Here we notify the user
nextForm.text ('This is form: "' + nextFormId + '".');
} );
