am totally new to Javascript , but i need it for using googlemaps in my project , am trying to set values for the latitude , longitude and map zoom for every certain city , so am getting the city name from a hidden form input and using Switch to switch regarding the city name .
cityDiv = document.getElementById('id_city');
cityDiv.value = idCity ;
switch (idCity)
case "city1":
var map_long = 31.37667;
var map_lat = 31.04306;
var map_zoom = 3;
case "city2":
var map_long = 31.33333;
var map_lat = 29.85;
var map_zoom = 7;
var map_long = 31.37667;
var map_lat = 31.04306;
var map_zoom = 3;
function onLoad() {
map = new GMap(document.getElementById("map"));
map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
map.centerAndZoom(new GLatLng(map_lat,map_long) , map_zoom);
GEvent.addListener(map, 'click', function(overlay, point) {
if (prev_pin) {
prev_pin = null;
//var yPoint = new YGeoPoint({{ place.latitude }},{{ place.longitude }});
if (point) {
pin = new GMarker(point);
prev_pin = pin;
latDiv = document.getElementById('id_latitude');
lngDiv = document.getElementById('id_longitude');
lngDiv.value = point.x;
latDiv.value = point.y;
Sorry for this newbie question .
Best regards .
EDIT from comment by geowa4:
The question and the problem are The Variables never set :( , so whats wrong with my code ?! i change "cityDiv.value = idCity ; " to " var idCity = cityDiv.value ; " which didn't work as well but this time the map refuses to load
Try the code below:
mapInfo =
"long": 31.37667,
"lat": 31.04306,
"zoom": 3
"long": 31.33333,
"lat": 29.85,
"zoom": 7
function onLoad() {
map = new GMap(document.getElementById("map"));
map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
var cityDiv = document.getElementById('id_city');
var idCity = cityDiv.value || "city1";
map.centerAndZoom(new GLatLng(mapInfo[idCity].lat,mapInfo[idCity].long) , mapInfo[idCity].zoom);
GEvent.addListener(map, 'click', function(overlay, point) {
if (prev_pin) {
prev_pin = null;
//var yPoint = new YGeoPoint({{ place.latitude }},{{ place.longitude }});
if (point) {
pin = new GMarker(point);
prev_pin = pin;
latDiv = document.getElementById('id_latitude');
lngDiv = document.getElementById('id_longitude');
lngDiv.value = point.x;
latDiv.value = point.y;
Have you tried dumping your values, stepping through and debugging? Alert statements, or console.log() statements, to see what the page thinks the value of that select is?
You might also consider making an object, that you can then update:
// Untested, but you should get the gist
var cityInfo = {
map_long : 0.0,
map_lat : 0.0,
map_zoom : 0
switch (idCity) {
case "city1":
cityInfo.map_long = 31.37667;
cityInfo.map_lat = 31.04306;
cityInfo.map_zoom = 3;
case "city2":
cityInfo.map_long = 31.33333;
cityInfo.map_lat = 29.85;
cityInfo.map_zoom = 7;
cityInfo.map_long = 31.37667;
cityInfo.map_lat = 31.04306;
cityInfo.map_zoom = 3;
Your problem is scope, pure and simple. Using var scopes your variables to the current lexical scope, which in the case of var map_long = 31.37667; et al is the switch statement. Once you fall out of that scope, any variables declared in that scope vanish unless an external reference is maintained. You could remove the var statement, but that would make the variables global. I would recommend declaring your variables in a scope that makes sense to you, making them global only if absolutely necessary.
I want to create a arrow in leaflet using poly lines of multipolylines whichever suits..
The arrow class should take in following param
baselatitude = base of the arrow where the arrow will be on map
baselongitude = base of the arrow where the arrow will be on map
pointlatitude = the tip of the arrow on the map
pointlongitude = the tip of the arrow on the map
angle = rotation degree
can anyone please provide guidance on creating the arrow using following param . It would be nice to if you can create a leaflet class extension L.arrow
did that myself for fit my requirement .. pasting in if somebody finds it useful someday
feature.geometry.coordinates[0] is the geoJson collection where all the coordinates are retrieved
L.Playback.WindArrowMarker = L.Marker.extend({
initialize: function (startLatLng, options, feature) {
this._min = 99;
this._max = 0;
this._arrowStyleOptions = [
{ color: '#ffff00' },
{ color: '#00ffff' },
{ color: '#00ff00' }];
var ArrowData = feature.geometry.coordinates[0];
var ArrowBaseLon = ArrowData[0];
var ArrowBaseLat = ArrowData[1];
var ArrowPointLat = ArrowData[2];
var ArrowPointLon = ArrowData[3];
var ArrowPointALat = ArrowData[4];
var ArrowPointALon = ArrowData[5];
var ArrowPointBLat = ArrowData[6];
var ArrowPointBLon = ArrowData[7];
var ArrowHeight = ArrowData[8];
var ArrowMagnitude = ArrowData[9];
var ArrowBearing = ArrowData[10];
if (ArrowMagnitude > this._max) this._max = ArrowMagnitude;
if (ArrowMagnitude < this._min) this._min = ArrowMagnitude;
var styleToUse=this._getArrowStyle(ArrowMagnitude);
//Create Arrow structure and assign first value from the playback data
//baseLtlg //PointLtlg
this._arrowbase = L.polyline([[ArrowBaseLat, ArrowBaseLon], [ArrowPointLat, ArrowPointLon]], styleToUse);
//PointLtlg //PointAtLtlg
this._arrowpointA = L.polyline([[ArrowPointLat, ArrowPointLon], [ArrowPointALat, ArrowPointALon]], styleToUse);
//PointLtlg //PointBLtlg
this._arrowpointB = L.polyline([[ArrowPointLat, ArrowPointLon], [ArrowPointBLat, ArrowPointBLon]], styleToUse);
//Call leaflet marker initialization to attach this as marker, [ArrowBaseLat, ArrowBaseLon], {});
//Calculate windspeed
var windspeed = this._calculateWindspeed(ArrowMagnitude, feature.modeldata.Adder, feature.modeldata.Multiplier)
//Attach a popup
this._arrowbase.bindPopup(this.getPopupContent(ArrowBearing, windspeed));
_calculateWindspeed: function (magnitude, adder, multiplier) {
return (magnitude - parseFloat(adder)) / multiplier
_getArrowStyle: function (magnitude) {
this._arrowMagMed = 7;
this._arrowMagHigh = 10;
if (magnitude > this._arrowMagHigh)
styleToUse = this._arrowStyleOptions[2];
else if (magnitude > this._arrowMagMed)
styleToUse = this._arrowStyleOptions[1];
styleToUse = this._arrowStyleOptions[0];
return styleToUse;
getPopupContent: function (bearing, windspeed) {
return sprintf("Wind blowing from: %s deg(from North)<br> Wind Speed(m/s): %s", bearing.toFixed(1), windspeed.toFixed(1));
addTo: function (map) {
move: function (windData,transitionTime, modelData) {
var ArrowBaseLon = windData[0];
var ArrowBaseLat = windData[1];
var ArrowPointLat = windData[2];
var ArrowPointLon = windData[3];
var ArrowPointALat = windData[4];
var ArrowPointALon = windData[5];
var ArrowPointBLat = windData[6];
var ArrowPointBLon = windData[7];
var ArrowHeight = windData[8];
var ArrowMagnitude = windData[9];
var ArrowBearing = windData[10];
var styleToUse = this._getArrowStyle(ArrowMagnitude);
//Assign color based on magnitude
//Set Base,Apoint,Bpoint LatLongs as they are the ones changing
this._arrowbase.setLatLngs([[ArrowBaseLat, ArrowBaseLon], [ArrowPointLat, ArrowPointLon]])
this._arrowpointA.setLatLngs([[ArrowPointLat, ArrowPointLon], [ArrowPointALat, ArrowPointALon]])
this._arrowpointB.setLatLngs([[ArrowPointLat, ArrowPointLon], [ArrowPointBLat, ArrowPointBLon]])
//Calculate windspeed
var windspeed = this._calculateWindspeed(ArrowMagnitude, modelData.Adder, modelData.Multiplier)
//Check if popup is attached
if (this._arrowbase._popup) {
//Set popup content while moving
this._arrowbase._popup.setContent(this.getPopupContent(ArrowBearing, windspeed));
It would be nice to if you can create a leaflet class extension L.arrow
No: this is not a place where people make things for you. But we can Google things, like Leaflet arrow which leads you directly to Leaflet.PolylineDecorator.
While re-writing one of my applications from scratch (to go from legacy to AMD) I'm encountering an error which I can't figure out. It is driving me crazy. I'm probably just misspelling something or have another minor mistake, but I just can't figure out what. Any help would be highly appreciated!
I'm still in development mode, so my code isn't that pretty at this time. You can see it live in action at here:
The javascript code:
//Define area and url's
var currentPath = window.location.pathname.split('/');
var AREA = currentPath[currentPath.length - 2];
if (AREA == 'europa' || AREA == 'wereld' || AREA == 'nederland') {
var AREAisProvince = false;
} else {
AREAURL = 'nederland';
var AREAisProvince = true;
}; //Ondervang provincies
var basemapURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + AREAURL + "_ondergrond/MapServer";
var contentFeatureURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + AREAURL + "/FeatureServer/0";
var CONTENT = 'cito100'; //Default to 'cito100', user can adjust manually
var TYPES = ''; //empty for now, will be defined later by the user
var TYPES = 'plaats'; //for testingunction's//
function generateUUID() {
var d = new Date().getTime();
var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
d = Math.floor(d / 16);
return (c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x7 | 0x8)).toString(16);
return uuid;
//Figure something out here to detect if the user as a new or returning visitor
//Create a basemap and load features//
var dojoConfig = { parseOnLoad: true };
var map;
require(["esri/geometry/Extent", "esri/SpatialReference", "esri/map", "esri/graphic", "esri/layers/ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer", "esri/tasks/query", "esri/tasks/QueryTask", "esri/tasks/FeatureSet", "esri/layers/GraphicsLayer", "esri/Color", "esri/symbols/SimpleMarkerSymbol", "esri/symbols/SimpleLineSymbol", "esri/symbols/PictureMarkerSymbol", "esri/renderers/UniqueValueRenderer", "esri/renderers/ClassBreaksRenderer",
"dijit/layout/BorderContainer", "dijit/layout/ContentPane", "dijit/TitlePane",
"dojo/domReady!", "dojo/dom", "dojo/on"],
function (Extent, SpatialReference, Map, Graphic, Tiled, Query, QueryTask, FeatureSet, GraphicsLayer, Color, SimpleMarkerSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, PictureMarkerSymbol, UniqueValueRenderer, ClassBreaksRenderer, dom, on) {
//#TODO: Can we actually define this on the basemap mapserver?
if (AREA == 'nederland' || AREAisProvince == true) {
var initExtent = new Extent(-165715, 6453119, 1435181, 7205260, new SpatialReference({ wkid: 102100 }));
if (AREA == 'europa') {
var initExtent = new Extent(-2827847, 2851709, 6838658, 11375669, new SpatialReference({ wkid: 102100 }));
if (AREA == 'wereld') {
var initExtent = new Extent(-19705424, -14849545, 21700207, 21624981, new SpatialReference({ wkid: 102100 }));
map = new Map("map", {
extent: initExtent
//let's add a basemap
var tiled = new Tiled(basemapURL);
where = 'Cito100_onderdeel=1';
if (AREAisProvince == true) {
where += ' AND Provincie=\'' + AREA + '\'';
map.on("load", getFeaturesToMapAndStorage(where));
function getFeaturesToMapAndStorage(whereClause) {
//query the featureService
var query = new Query();
query.returnGeometry = true;
query.outFields = ["*"];
query.outSpatialReference = new SpatialReference({ wkid: 102100 });
query.where = whereClause;
var queryTask = new QueryTask(contentFeatureURL);
queryTask.on("complete", function (event) {
var featureGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
//#TODO: Can't we find a way to use the symbols from the featurservice directly, instead of the url's?
defaultSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_SQUARE, 10,
new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
new Color([255, 0, 0]), 1),
new Color([0, 255, 0, 0.25]));
var renderer = new UniqueValueRenderer(defaultSymbol, "Type");
renderer.addValue("Plaats", new PictureMarkerSymbol("", 11, 11));
renderer.addValue("Gebied", new PictureMarkerSymbol("", 28, 28));
renderer.addValue("Water", new PictureMarkerSymbol("", 22, 22));
renderer.addValue("Provincie", new PictureMarkerSymbol("", 38, 32));
renderer.addValue("Land", new PictureMarkerSymbol("", 38, 32));
renderer.addValue("Werelddeel", new PictureMarkerSymbol("", 32, 38));
var features = event.featureSet.features;
var featureCount = features.length;
for (var i = 0; i < featureCount; i++) {
var graphic = features[i];
featureGraphicsLayer.renderer = renderer;
//#TODO: Update localstorage
}); //end on queryTask complete
queryTask.execute(query, queryComplete);
function queryComplete() {
console.log("fire function queryComplete");
//#TODO: reset progressbar
}; //End function queryComplete
} //end function getFeaturesToMapAndStorage
//The two closing tags below are essential and close the complete DOJO part.
} //end function after require (AMD style)
); //end require
Your issue is with: map.on("load", getFeaturesToMapAndStorage(where));
You're calling getFeaturesToMapAndStorage which returns undefined, and passing that in as the "load" handler. I'm guessing that the minified version of whatever it is that you're using uses g as a reference to your handler.
Since g is undefined, you're basically saying undefined(loadEvent).
EDIT: I'm guessing you meant to do something like this:
map.on("load", function(){
EDIT 2: For clarity, I'll explain what was wrong in more detail.
The difference between what you had and what I suggested above, is that you were calling getFeaturesToMapAndStorage on the line containing map.on("load", getFeaturesToMapAndStorage(where)); (as opposed to calling it after map's load event). In order to call your function getFeaturesToMapAndStorage with a predetermined parameter, you need to call it from a function (like the anonymous function above - function(){...}) that would then be passed in as the event handler.
Alternatively, due to how you have things scoped, you could reference your where inside of getFeaturesToMapAndStorage in place of having a whereClause parameter.
Please find polygon code as below. It works only with hard-coded data and not with data passed through database.
I want to change this so data is passed through database, not hardcoded.
Polygon comes from database in following format:
var data = "POLYGON ((174.605111568859 -37.119413675388707, 174.6051123299834 -37.119449718193458, 174.60515905129122 -37.119530204987136, 174.60540067619004 -37.119779304335452, 174.60554255499551 -37.120101860545844, 174.60568043759687 -37.120235191897571, 174.60572696965184 -37.1203066677341, 174.60572849253467 -37.120378753310746, 174.60570674933629 -37.120415100973361, 174.60560757225889 -37.120515590528086, 174.60554177129595 -37.120597601350227, 174.60549026791193 -37.120823630882519, 174.6054873903158 -37.121220253972716, 174.605111568859 -37.119413675388707))"
I'm calling following function to load ESRI maps:
function LoadEsriTrees() {
var $mover = $('#thingtypecontent');
//it gives polygon data as prescribed in above format
var polygonData = $mover.find('input#hdndata').val();
//following code formats polygon data in required format
var check1 = (polygonData.indexOf("POLYGON ((") !== -1);
if (check1 == true)
polygonData = polygonData.replace('POLYGON ((', '[[');
var check2 = (polygonData.indexOf("))") !== -1);
if (check2 == true)
polygonData = polygonData.replace('))', ']]');
polygonData = polygonData.replace(/,\s+/g, '],[');
//create polygon data
var coords = new Array();
var allLocs = new Array();
var anchorLat = null;
var anchorLon = null;
coords = polygonData.split(" ");
var thisLocs = new Array();
var anchorCoord = null;
if ((coords.length / 2) % 2) {
anchorCoord = coords.length / 2 - 1;
else {
anchorCoord = coords.length / 2;
for (k = 0; k <= coords.length - 1; k = k + 2) {
var thisLoc = [coords[k], coords[k + 1]];
if (k == anchorCoord) {
anchorLat = coords[k + 1];
anchorLon = coords[k];
//thisLocs finally presents data in following format:
thisLocs = [[174.605111568859, -37.119413675388707],[ 174.6051123299834, -37.119449718193458],[ 174.60515905129122, -37.119530204987136],[ 174.60540067619004, -37.119779304335452],[ 174.60554255499551, -37.120101860545844],[ 174.60568043759687 , -37.120235191897571],[ 174.60572696965184 , -37.1203066677341],[ 174.60572849253467, -37.120378753310746],[ 174.60570674933629 , -37.120415100973361],[ 174.60560757225889, -37.120515590528086],[ 174.60554177129595, -37.120597601350227],[ 174.60549026791193, -37.120823630882519],[ 174.6054873903158, -37.121220253972716],[ 174.605111568859, -37.119413675388707]]
var map;
function (
Map, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, Color,
Graphic, Polygon,
on, dom
) {
map = new Map("mapDiv", {
center: [174.605369, -37.120276],
zoom: 15,
basemap: "streets"
on(map, "load", addGraphic);
var sfs = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
new Color([255, 0, 0]), 2), new Color([255, 255, 0, 0.25])
function addGraphic() {
// Draw polygon
var singleRingPolygon = new esri.geometry.Polygon(); singleRingPolygon.addRing(thisLocs);
singleRingPolygon.spatialReference = new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 });
var poly_wm = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(singleRingPolygon);
var gra = new Graphic(poly_wm, sfs);;
If value of thisLocs is hard-coded in singleRingPolygon.addRing(thisLocs) it works fine, but not the above way.
Not sure why and if you're still having problems, but maybe it will help someone else. I had to use eval(thisLocs) for it to work for me.
I'm using OpenLayers with Waze (Maps layers) and having some problems with variables not propagating.
I've got this code:
var lonlat = new Array(), infodiv = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < stations.length; i++)
if (i == 0)
icon_temp = icon;
icon_temp = icon.clone();
lonlat[i] = new OpenLayers.LonLat(stations[i].lon,stations[i].lat);
infodiv[i] = "<div style='font-size: 14px;'><strong>" + stations[i].company + "</strong></div>";
marker = new OpenLayers.Marker(lonlat[i],icon_temp);
marker.setOpacity(0.8);'mousedown', marker, function(evt) {
popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud(null,
The code should iterate through the 'stations' array and add markers to the map. It works just fine!
The problem is with the 'lonlat' and 'infodiv' arrays. The 'OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud' doesn't see them - it is returned null (checked using FireBug). If I lose the array and only assign each time lonlat = ... and infodiv = ... like this:
for (var i = 0; i < stations.length; i++)
if (i == 0)
icon_temp = icon;
icon_temp = icon.clone();
lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(stations[i].lon,stations[i].lat);
infodiv = "<div style='font-size: 14px;'><strong>" + stations[i].company + "</strong></div>";
marker = new OpenLayers.Marker(lonlat,icon_temp);
marker.setOpacity(0.8);'mousedown', marker, function(evt) {
popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud(null,
it is being propagated to the FrameCloud function and is being shown - but then the problem is it shows only the last lonlat and infodiv (it's like it doesn't hold a copy of them but holds the actual objects - so every iteration 'lonlat' and 'infodiv' are being replaced by the latest info).
How can this be overcome?
This is due to closure of variable i.
Introduce another scope like,
(function(i){'mousedown', marker, function(evt) {
popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud(null,
I'm tryng to create a route planner to track my running routes. Using Bing Maps, I am able to create the route, but I'm struggling to remove to default 'beginning', 'end' and 'red circle' itinery icons.
Below is my code so far (based on this link). All I basically want is my own start icon at the beginning of the route and my end icon at the end. I don't need anything else in between apart from the route line.
Any help (along with code improvement tips) gratefully received!
jQuery(function() {
$("#btnStartRoute").click(function() {
map.AttachEvent('onclick', StartRouting);
var map = null;
var myRoute = [];
var noOfPushPins = 0;
function GetMap() {
map = new VEMap('mapContent');
function StartRouting(e) {
var xPoint = e.mapX, yPoint = e.mapY;
var pixel = new VEPixel(xPoint, yPoint);
var LL = map.PixelToLatLong(pixel);
cornerOne = LL; //cornerOne is a global level var
var latitude = map.PixelToLatLong(pixel).Latitude;
var longitiude = map.PixelToLatLong(pixel).Longitude;
myRoute[noOfPushPins] = new VELatLong(latitude, longitiude);
function GetRoute() {
var myRouteOptions = new VERouteOptions();
myRouteOptions.RouteMode = VERouteMode.Walking;
myRouteOptions.RouteColor = new VEColor(0, 102, 51, .7);
myRouteOptions.RouteCallback = RouteCallback;
map.GetDirections(myRoute, myRouteOptions);
function RouteCallback(route) {
var myRouteShapes = [];
var myRoutePoints = [];
var points = route.RouteLegs[0].Itinerary.Items;
$.each(points, function(i) {
var routePointCoordinates = new VELatLong(route.RouteLegs[0].Itinerary.Items[i].LatLong.Latitude, route.RouteLegs[0].Itinerary.Items[i].LatLong.Longitude);
var routePointShape = new VEShape(VEShapeType.Pushpin, routePointCoordinates);
if (i != 0) {
routePointShape.SetCustomIcon("<img id='pushPin" + noOfPushPins + "' class='pushPin' src='/Content/Images/Maps/pushPinEnd.gif'><span class='pushPinText'>" + (noOfPushPins + 1) + "</span>");
} else {
routePointShape.SetCustomIcon("<img id='pushPin" + noOfPushPins + "' class='pushPin' src='/Content/Images/Maps/pushPinStart.gif'><span class='pushPinText'>" + (noOfPushPins + 1) + "</span>");
There's an un-documented property called "Shape" on the Itinerary object. You can hide it...
More info here: