ignore folder with specific ending using glob - javascript

I try to find all project.json files in all subdirectories of a specific folder:
import glob from 'glob'
glob.sync('apps/**/project.json', {
ignore: ['apps/**-e2e/project.json']
This gives me a result like:
I would like to ignore all folders, which ends with e2e. Is this possible. My attempt using the ignore part doesn't work

Add an extra /*, perhaps the ** doesn't allow for partial directory names
import glob from 'glob'
glob.sync('apps/**/project.json', {
ignore: ['apps/**/*-e2e/project.json']


How to load a variable form my app into package.json?

I know this sounds as easy as using globals, but I'm not so sure.
Here's my case:
I have multiple files within /src directory of my React app, let's call them src/a.js, src/b.js,
every single of these files exports one object which I then use within my app:
export default {
filename: 'a',
foo: 'bar',
export default {
filename: 'b',
foo: 'bar',
blah: 'hah',
Now I have a command to check whether or not structure of objects within these files match (they are being changed by many developers multiple times a day), so when I do npm check in terminal it will return false for above input, because blah does not exist within two files.
My package.json looks like this:
"scripts": {
"check": "node check.js runCheck",
My question is: how the heck do I load these variables to compare them in package.json?
I have a file called:
function check(files) {
// checking files there
module.exports.check = check;
Approach #1 - imports
This is a build file, not part of the application itself, so when I try to do:
import a from './src/a';
import b from './src/b';
I'm getting:
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module.
Approach #2 - require
This is going to cause trouble, because I'm using imports, not modules within my app, therefore doing:
const a = require('./src/a');
const b = require('./src/b');
Error: Cannot find module './src/a'.
Of course I can't do module.exports within the a.js/b.js files, because they're part of my app and they should use exports, I've tried using both export and module.exports, but it does not work as well and looks shitty.
How do I tackle this? Should I load the files using some file loader, parse it as JSON an then compare? Or maybe there's an easier way?
You'll need to use something like esm (https://github.com/standard-things/esm) to run node with module support.
It should be as simple as:
npm install esm
Then update your package script to be:
"check": "node -r esm check.js runCheck",
Edit Btw, a very clear and well structured question.

my config.js file is not being recognized

In my index.js file, I have const config = require('config'); written as one of the first lines.
And I have a file in my project folder called config.js
But I keep having my console tell my that it Cannot find module 'config'
My config file is this basically:
module.exports = {
'secretKey': 'mySecretCode12232',
'mongoUrl' : 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test'
This doesn't make any sense it should be working.
const config = require( path.join(__dirname, 'config'+'.js' ) );
I also have own function which loads atomaticaly from specified subdirectory at it's definition, it saves a lot of time.
When you don't provide any path selector in the require statement (eg. require('./config')), your code will search for the package named config and fail as it cannot find this specific one, as require will assume that it was the package name that was provided (and will start searching e.g. in your node_modules etc. - search path for it is not a trivial topic :) ).
If you want to require the module from another file, you have to provide a correct path to it, so assuming your config.js resides in the same catalog as your other file, the correct statement would be:
const config = require('./config'); // Extension can be omitted

Exporting a class with ES6 (Babel)

I'm writing some frontend code with ECMAScript 6 (transpiled with BabelJS, and then browserified with Browserify) so that I can have a class in one file, export it and import it in another file.
The way I'm doing this is:
export class Game {
constructor(settings) {
And then on the file that imports the class I do:
import {Game} from "../../lib/pentagine_browserified.js";
var myGame = new Game(settings);
I then compile it with grunt, this is my Gruntfile:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
"use strict";
"babel": {
options: {
sourceMap: false
dist: {
files: {
"lib/pentagine_babel.js": "lib/pentagine.js",
"demos/helicopter_game/PlayState_babel.js": "demos/helicopter_game/PlayState.js"
"browserify": {
dist: {
files: {
"lib/pentagine_browserified.js": "lib/pentagine_babel.js",
"demos/helicopter_game/PlayState_browserified.js": "demos/helicopter_game/PlayState_babel.js"
grunt.registerTask("default", ["babel", "browserify"]);
However, on the new Game( call, I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
As so, what I did was analyse the generated code by Babel and Browserify and I found this line on PlayState_browserified.js:
var Game = require("../../lib/pentagine_browserified.js").Game;
I decided to print the require output:
And it is nothing but an empty object. I decided to check out the pentagine_browserified.js file:
var Game = exports.Game = (function () {
It seems like it is correctly exporting the class, but for some other reason it is not being required on the other file.
Also, I'm sure the file is being required properly because changing the string "../../lib/pentagine_browserified.js" spits out a Not Found error, so it is going for the right file, that I'm sure about.
Browserify is meant to be fed a single "entry point" file, through which it recursively traverses all of your require statements, importing the code from other modules. So you should be require'ing the _babel.js versions of modules, not _browserified.js ones.
From the looks of it, you intend for your app's "entry point" to be demos/helicopter_game/PlayState_browserified.js, yeah? If that's the case:
In PlayState.js, change it to import {Game} from "../../lib/pentagine_babel.js";.
In Gruntfile.js, remove "lib/pentagine_browserified.js": "lib/pentagine_babel.js".
Works for me. Let me know if that suffices or I am misunderstanding your requirements here.
P.S. You can use babelify to avoid having separate Grunt tasks for Babel and Browserify. See my answer here for an example.
I had a slightly different file configuration, that gave me some difficulty to get the "require" syntax to work in Node, but this post gave me the hint on how to used the babel-ified version of the file name.
I am using WebStorm with the FileWatcher option set to Babel, and I have the FileWatcher configured to watch all files with suffix .jsx, and rename the compiled output file from {my_file}.jsx to {my_file}-compiled.js.
So in my test case, I have 2 files:
class Person { ... }
export { Person as default}
and another file that wants to import it:
var Person = require('./Person-compiled.js');
I couldn't get the "require" statement to find the module until I started the file path with './' and also add '-compiled.js' to properly specify the file name so that Node es5 could find the module.
I was also able to use the "import" syntax:
import Person from './Person-compiled.js';
Since I have set up my WebStorm project as a Node ES5 project, I have to run 'Test-compiled.js' (not 'Test.jsx').

How to get the r.js build script working

I've read through the documentation and the example app.build.js file but just can't get my js files to concatenate and minify into one single file. I think I'm just not understanding exactly what settings I need in the build script and was hoping for some help.
My app is set up like this:
src >
js >
app >
lib >
vendor >
build >
// Where concat and minified file would go
config.js looks like this:
"baseUrl" : "src/js/lib", // Used because when setting dependencies in modules, this is used
"paths" : {
"app" : "../app",
"jquery" : [
"validate" : "../vendor/jquery.validate.min"
"shim" : {
// Allow plugins with dependencies to load asynchronously
validate : ["jquery"]
// Load the main app module to start the app
main.js looks like this:
require(["module1", "module2", "module3"], function(Module1, Module2, Module3) {
return [
And then the build.js is where I'm lost. I thought I should load a mainConfigFile because I'm using the shim, but I'm not sure. If I do load that config file, it uses the baseUrl from that config file. I'm not sure what name: is supposed to refer to exactly and whether I'm missing some necessary configuration options.
//baseUrl: ".",
paths: {
jquery: "empty:",
//main: "../app/main",
//app: "app"
name: "app/main",
out: "../build/main.js",
//mainConfigFile: "config"
If I run that build file as it is (with those lines commented out) I get:
Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory
'/Users/davidpaul/Sites/require/src/js/module1.js' In module tree:
I'm not really sure what's being referred to when it says 'module tree'. I keep making changes to paths in the build file but not making progress so hoping for someone to explain this a bit to me.
The builder parses all paths relative to the build file location (unless changed via the baseUrl property). If you look relative to src/js/build.js, your main.js is in ./app/ and module1/2/3.js are in ./lib/. All paths inside modules have to be specified relatively to the common root, so to make your example work it's enough to change the signature of main.js to:
require(["lib/module1", "lib/module2", "lib/module3"], function(M1, M2, M3) {
// (...)
Note that config.js doesn't take part in the build process, you may need to change it as well to make your application work both "raw" and optimized.

Require JS files from bower_components by saying "require('library')" possible?

I'm new to RequireJS and it seems it might not actually be possible but I'll still go ahead and ask away in case I'm missing something.
In the docs it says..
This setup assumes you keep all your JavaScript files in a "scripts" directory in your project.
But what if I have to require files from my bower installed files in bower_components:
As you see, not all libraries have the same directory hierarchy and naming convention.
So I was wondering is there a simple way to require these bower libraries without actually knowing where their main files are, maybe by simply saying
setup your requirejs config to use paths
// ... config ...
paths: {
jquery-mousewheel: 'bower_components/jquery-mousewheel/jquery.mousewheel',
loadash: 'bower_components/lodash/dist/lodash'
// ... config ...
documentation for reference
I think this is a better solution...
baseUrl: 'bower_components/',
paths: { // path to your app
app: '../'
requirejs( [
], function( imagesLoaded, myComp ) {
imagesLoaded( '#container', function() { ... });
