I'm am trying to create a simple slider game using javascript. It's i simple 4 by 4 number slider game with each button being labeled 1-15 with the last block being a blank block. I just have no idea on how to scramble the buttons in a random order to start the game.
Below is the code I currently have.
<h1> Slider Game </h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
var blankrow = 3;
var blankcol = 3;
for (var r=0; r<4; r++)
for (var c=0; c<4; c++)
var bid = "b"+r+c;
var val = 4*r+c+1;
if (bid==="b33")
val = ' ';
var s = '<input type = "button" id = "' + bid + '" value = "'
+ val + '" onclick = "makeMove(;" />' + '\n';
document.write (s);
<input type = "button" id = "btnScramble" value = "Scramble" onclick = "scrambleBoard();"/>
<input type = "button" id = "btnReset" value = "Reset Board" onclick = "resetBoard();"/>
I created a function like this:
function scrambleBoard()
I just have no idea where to go from here. I am just learning Javascript so I am still learning how to code. Thanks!
This is the make move function I have
function makeMove(btnid)
//is btnid next to blank
var r = btnid.substr(1,1);
var c = btnid.substr(2,2);
if (blankrow==r && blankcol==c+1) // check right
document.getElementById(blankid).value = document.getElementById(btnid).value;
document.getElementById(btnid).value = ' ';
else if (blankrow==r && blankcol==c-1) // check left
document.getElementById(blankid).value = document.getElementById(btnid).value;
document.getElementById(btnid).value = ' ';
else if (blankrow==r+1 && blankcol==c) // check bottem
document.getElementById(blankid).value = document.getElementById(btnid).value;
document.getElementById(btnid).value = ' ';
else if (blankrow==r-1 && blankcol==c) // check top
document.getElementById(blankid).value = document.getElementById(btnid).value;
document.getElementById(btnid).value = ' ';
} else
alert("Move is invalid");
Now with this how would I take the function (makeMove) and put it into the scramble function. Sorry I am really having a hard time understanding this concept.
You will need a makeMove function that fills the hole from a selected direction anyway, in order to make the game. Scramble is very simple: repeat the makeMove operation a sufficient number of times with a random neighbour (ignoring invalid neighbours like sliding from left at the left edge).
EDIT: Style-wise, document.write is considered to be a bad practice. Much better would be to make an element such as
<div id="board"></div>
and then fill it up by either creating documents with document.createElement and adding it there, which is a bit of a pain, or you can go the easy route and assign HTML markup to innerHTML:
document.getElementById('board').innerHTML = allMyButtonsHTML;
Also, using onclick="..." is considered a bad practice; try to get used to not mixing JavaScript and HTML by simply leaving off the onclick="...", and instead assigning it from JavaScript:
var scrambleButton = document.getElementById('btnScramble');
scrambleButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
None of this is an error as it stands, but it will result in cleaner, more maintainable code in the future.
EDIT2: You would not be putting makeMove into the shuffle, you'd be calling it from there.
function shuffleBoard() {
// the hole starts here
var holeRow = 3, holeCol = 3;
// the number of shuffling moves
var moves = 100;
// repeat while moves is not yet at zero
loop: while (moves) {
// we want to move one space from our current hole, so start there
var nextRow = holeRow, nextCol = holeCol;
// get a random number from 0 to 3 using the |0 hack
// to convert a real number to an integer
var direction = (Math.random() * 4)|0;
// now to see what coordinate changes...
switch (direction) {
case 0:
// if we're going right, we increment the column
// if that puts us too far right, we jump to the start of the loop
// to pick a new direction again
if (nextCol++ > 3) continue loop;
case 1:
// same deal for down
if (nextRow++ > 3) continue loop;
case 2:
// and left
if (nextCol-- < 0) continue loop;
case 3:
// and up
if (nextRow-- > 0) continue loop;
// this should be more elegant but
// like this it will fit in with your existing function
makeMove('b' + nextRow + nextCol);
// now since we moved the hole, we update its current position
holeRow = nextRow;
holeCol = nextCol;
// that's one move down, lots to go!
// or is it? nope, all done.
After you add the first button, loop through however many more you need to create. Use math.random to pick a random number 0-1. If the number is 0, use insertadjacenthtml to add a new button to the left. If the number is 1, add the button to the right.
it's my first question here. I tried to find an answer but couldn't, honestly, figure out which terms should I use, so sorry if it has been asked before.
Here it goes:
I have thousands of records in a .txt file, in this format:
(1, 3, 2, 1, 'John (Finances)'),
(2, 7, 2, 1, 'Mary Jane'),
(3, 7, 3, 2, 'Gerald (Janitor), Broflowski'),
... and so on. The first value is the PK, the other 3 are Foreign Keys, the 5th is a string.
I need to parse them as JSON (or something) in Javascript, but I'm having troubles because some strings have parentheses+comma (on 3rd record, "Janitor", e.g.), so I can't use substring... maybe trimming the right part, but I was wondering if there is some smarter way to parse it.
Any help would be really appreciated.
You can't (read probably shouldn't) use a regular expression for this. What if the parentheses contain another pair or one is mismatched?
The good news is that you can easily construct a tokenizer/parser for this.
The idea is to keep track of your current state and act accordingly.
Here is a sketch for a parser I've just written here, the point is to show you the general idea. Let me know if you have any conceptual questions about it.
It works demo here but I beg you not to use it in production before understanding and patching it.
How it works
So, how do we build a parser:
var State = { // remember which state the parser is at.
BeforeRecord:0, // at the (
DuringInts:1, // at one of the integers
DuringString:2, // reading the name string
AfterRecord:3 // after the )
We'll need to keep track of the output, and the current working object since we'll parse these one at a time.
var records = []; // to contain the results
var state = State.BeforeRecord;
Now, we iterate the string, keep progressing in it and read the next character
for(var i = 0;i < input.length; i++){
if(state === State.BeforeRecord){
// handle logic when in (
if(state === State.AfterRecord){
// handle that state
Now, all that's left is to consume it into the object at each state:
If it's at ( we start parsing and skip any whitespaces
Read all the integers and ditch the ,
After four integers, read the string from ' to the next ' reaching the end of it
After the string, read until the ) , store the object, and start the cycle again.
The implementation is not very difficult too.
The parser
var State = { // keep track of the state
var records = []; // to contain the results
var state = State.BeforeRecord;
var input = " (1, 3, 2, 1, 'John (Finances)'), (2, 7, 2, 1, 'Mary Jane'), (3, 7, 3, 2, 'Gerald (Janitor), Broflowski')," // sample input
var workingRecord = {}; // what we're reading into.
for(var i = 0;i < input.length; i++){
var token = input[i]; // read the current input
if(state === State.BeforeRecord){ // before reading a record
if(token === ' ') continue; // ignore whitespaces between records
if(token === '('){ state = State.DuringInts; continue; }
throw new Error("Expected ( before new record");
if(state === State.DuringInts){
if(token === ' ') continue; // ignore whitespace
for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++){
if(token === ' ') {token = input[++i]; j--; continue;} // ignore whitespace
var curNum = '';
while(token != ","){
if(!/[0-9]/.test(token)) throw new Error("Expected number, got " + token);
curNum += token;
token = input[++i]; // get the next token
workingRecord[j] = Number(curNum); // set the data on the record
token = input[++i]; // remove the comma
state = State.DuringString;
continue; // progress the loop
if(state === State.DuringString){
if(token === ' ') continue; // skip whitespace
if(token === "'"){
var str = "";
token = input[++i];
var lenGuard = 1000;
while(token !== "'"){
if(lenGuard-- === 0) throw new Error("Error, string length bounded by 1000");
token = input[++i];
workingRecord.str = str;
token = input[++i]; // remove )
state = State.AfterRecord;
if(state === State.AfterRecord){
if(token === ' ') continue; // ignore whitespace
if(token === ',') { // got the "," between records
state = State.BeforeRecord;
workingRecord = {}; // new record;
throw new Error("Invalid token found " + token);
console.log(records); // logs [Object, Object, Object]
// each object has four numbers and a string, for example
// records[0][0] is 1, records[0][1] is 3 and so on,
// records[0].str is "John (Finances)"
I echo Ben's sentiments about regular expressions usually being bad for this, and I completely agree with him that tokenizers are the best tool here.
However, given a few caveats, you can use a regular expression here. This is because any ambiguities in your (, ), , and ' can be attributed (AFAIK) to your final column; as all of the other columns will always be integers.
So, given:
The input is perfectly formed (with no unexpected (, ), , or ').
Each record is on a new line, per your edit
The only new lines in your input will be to break to the next record
... the following should work (Note "new lines" here are \n. If they're \r\n, change them accordingly):
var input = /* Your input */;
var output = input.split(/\n/g).map(function (cols) {
cols = cols.match(/^\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+), (\d+), '(.*)'\)/).slice(1);
return cols.slice(0, 4).map(Number).concat(cols[4]);
The code splits on new lines, then goes through row by row and splits into cells using a regular expression, which greedily attributes as much as it can to the final cell. It then turns the first 4 elements into integers, and sticks the 5th element (the string) onto the end.
This gives you an array of records, where each record is itself an array. The first 4 elements are your PK's (as integers) and your 5th element is the string.
For example, given your input, use output[0][4] to get "Gerald (Janitor), Broflowski", and output[1][0] to get the first PK 2 for the second record (don't forget JavaScript arrays are zero-indexed).
You can see it working here:
Another option would be to convert it into something that looks like an Array and eval it. I know it is not recommended to use eval, but it's a cool solution :)
var lines = input.split("\n");
var output = [];
for(var v in lines){
// Remove opening (
lines[v] = lines[v].slice(1);
// Remove closing ) and what is after
lines[v] = lines[v].slice(0, lines[v].lastIndexOf(')'));
output[v] = eval("[" + lines[v] + "]");
So, the eval parameter would look like: [1, 3, 2, 1, 'John (Finances)'], which is indeed an Array.
And, it can also be written shorter like this:
var lines = input.split("\n");
var output = function(el) {
return eval("[" + el.slice(1).slice(0, el.lastIndexOf(')') - 1) + "]");
You can always do it "manually" :)
var lines = input.split("\n");
var output = [];
for(var v in lines){
output[v] = [];
// Remove opening (
lines[v] = lines[v].slice(1);
// Get integers
for(var i = 0; i < 4; ++i){
var pos = lines[v].indexOf(',');
output[v][i] = parseInt(lines[v].slice(0, pos));
lines[v] = lines[v].slice(pos+1);
// Get string betwen apostrophes
lines[v] = lines[v].slice(lines[v].indexOf("'") + 1);
output[v][4] = lines[v].slice(0, lines[v].indexOf("'"));
What you have here is basically a csv (comma separated value) file which you wish to parse.
The easiest way would be to use an wxternal library that will take care of most of the issues you have
Example: jquery csv library is a good one.
I have an if statement that loops through csv data. There are 51 rows that I have parsed in by new lines and by commas to give me individual arrays for each row. My issue is my if statement doesn't seem to be working and honestly I just don't see why. Raw is the csv file.
Updated heres how i split the csv file
console.log("Loaded: " + data.length);
console.log("feature layer graphics: " +;
var raw = data.split("\n");
var valMin = Infinity;
var valMax = -Infinity;
var arrayForBreaks = [];
console logs returns 51 false
then there is one console log of true
for (var i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) {
var row = raw[i].split(",");
var name = " ";
var amount = " ";
if (row.length >= 6) {
name = row[0];
amount = row[1];
stateData[name] = row;
valMin = Math.min(valMin, row[1]);
valMax = Math.max(valMax, row[1]);
}; //end for loop
So my question is in the if statement I'm checking to see if the length of the first element in the array is greater that 6 if it is dump that name and amount in those variables. I also had a else statement to fill in the last array. But it seems to keep adding one empty line to the end of the data.
So my question is in the if statement I'm checking to see if the length of the first element in the array is greater that
You are checking to see if there are more than 6 elements in the array, or 6 comma delimited items.
To check the length of the first element you would need to:
if (row[0].length >= 6) {
[…] in the if statment I'm checking to see if the lengh of the first element in the array is greater tha[n] 6
No, that’s not what you are doing. row.length will return the number of elements of row – and row is an array you got from splitting the raw string by commas. If you want to check the length of the first element, you should check row[0].length instead.
I have a hidden field on my page that stores space separated list of emails.
I can have maximum 500 emails in that field.
What will be the fastest way to search if a given email already exists in that list?
I need to search multiple emails in a loop
use RegEx to find a match
use indexOf()
convert the list to a
javascript dictionary and then
If this is an exact duplicate, please let me know the other question.
Thanks everyone for your valuable comments and answers.
Basically my user has a list of emails(0-500) in db.
User is presented with his own contact list.
User can then choose one\more emails from his contact list to add to the list.
I want to ensure at client side that he is not adding duplicate emails.
Whole operation is driven by ajax, so jsvascript is required.
The answer is: It depends.
It depends on what you actually want to measure.
It depends on the relationship between how many you're searching for vs. how many you're searching.
It depends on the JavaScript implementation. Different implementations usually have radically different performance characteristics. This is one of the many reasons why the rule "Don't optimize prematurely" applies especially to cross-implementation JavaScript.
...but provided you're looking for a lot fewer than you have in total, it's probably String#indexOf unless you can create the dictionary once and reuse it (not just this one loop of looking for X entries, but every loop looking for X entries, which I tend to doubt is your use-case), in which case that's hands-down faster to build the 500-key dictionary and use that.
I put together a test case on jsperf comparing the results of looking for five strings buried in a string containing 500 space-delimited, unique entries. Note that that jsperf page compares some apples and oranges (cases where we can ignore setup and what kind of setup we're ignoring), but jsperf was being a pain about splitting it and I decided to leave that as an exercise for the reader.
In my tests of what I actually think you're doing, Chrome, Firefox, IE6, IE7 and IE9 did String#indexOf fastest. Opera did RegExp alternation fastest. (Note that IE6 and IE7 don't have Array#indexOf; the others do.) If you can ignore dictionary setup time, then using a dictionary is the hands-down winner.
Here's the prep code:
// ==== Main Setup
var toFind = ["aaaaa100#zzzzz", "aaaaa200#zzzzz", "aaaaa300#zzzzz", "aaaaa400#zzzzz", "aaaaa500#zzzzz"];
var theString = (function() {
var m, n;
m = [];
for (n = 1; n <= 500; ++n) {
m.push("aaaaa" + n + "#zzzzz");
return m.join(" ");
// ==== String#indexOf (and RegExp) setup for when we can ignore setup
var preppedString = " " + theString + " ";
// ==== RegExp setup for test case ignoring RegExp setup time
var theRegExp = new RegExp(" (?:" + toFind.join("|") + ") ", "g");
// ==== Dictionary setup for test case ignoring Dictionary setup time
var theDictionary = (function() {
var dict = {};
var index;
var values = theString.split(" ");
for (index = 0; index < values.length; ++index) {
dict[values[index]] = true;
return dict;
// ==== Array setup time for test cases where we ignore array setup time
var theArray = theString.split(" ");
The String#indexOf test:
var index;
for (index = 0; index < toFind.length; ++index) {
if (theString.indexOf(toFind[index]) < 0) {
throw "Error";
The String#indexOf (ignore setup) test, in which we ignore the (small) overhead of putting spaces at either end of the big string:
var index;
for (index = 0; index < toFind.length; ++index) {
if (preppedString.indexOf(toFind[index]) < 0) {
throw "Error";
The RegExp alternation test:
// Note: In real life, you'd have to escape the values from toFind
// to make sure they didn't have special regexp chars in them
var regexp = new RegExp(" (?:" + toFind.join("|") + ") ", "g");
var match, counter = 0;
var str = " " + theString + " ";
for (match = regexp.exec(str); match; match = regexp.exec(str)) {
if (counter != 5) {
throw "Error";
The RegExp alternation (ignore setup) test, where we ignore the time it takes to set up the RegExp object and putting spaces at either end of the big string (I don't think this applies to your situation, the addresses you're looking for would be static):
var match, counter = 0;
for (match = theRegExp.exec(preppedString); match; match = theRegExp.exec(preppedString)) {
if (counter != 5) {
throw "Error";
The Dictionary test:
var dict = {};
var index;
var values = theString.split(" ");
for (index = 0; index < values.length; ++index) {
dict[values[index]] = true;
for (index = 0; index < toFind.length; ++index) {
if (!(toFind[index] in dict)) {
throw "Error";
The Dictionary (ignore setup) test, where we don't worry about the setup time for the dictionary; note that this is different than the RegExp alternation (ignore setup) test because it assumes the overall list is invariant:
var index;
for (index = 0; index < toFind.length; ++index) {
if (!(toFind[index] in theDictionary)) {
throw "Error";
The Array#indexOf test (note that some very old implementations of JavaScript may not have Array#indexOf):
var values = theString.split(" ");
var index;
for (index = 0; index < toFind.length; ++index) {
if (values.indexOf(toFind[index]) < 0) {
throw "Error";
The Array#indexOf (ignore setup) test, which like Dictionary (ignore setup) assumes the overall list is invariant:
var index;
for (index = 0; index < toFind.length; ++index) {
if (theArray.indexOf(toFind[index]) < 0) {
throw "Error";
Instead of looking for the fastest solution, you first need to make sure that you’re actually having a correct solution. Because there are four cases an e-mail address can appear and a naive search can fail:
At the begin: ...
At the end: ...
In between: ... ...
Now let’s analyze each variant:
To allow arbitrary input, you will need to escape the input properly. You can use the following method to do so:
RegExp.quote = function(str) {
return str.toString().replace(/(?=[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}-])/g, "\\");
To match all four cases, you can use the following pattern:
/(?:^|\ )user#example\.com(?![^\ ])/
var inList = new RegExp("(?:^| )" + RegExp.quote(needle) + "(?![^ ])").test(haystack);
Using indexOf is a little more complex as you need to check the boundaries manually:
var pos = haystack.indexOf(needle);
if (pos != -1 && (pos != 0 && haystack.charAt(pos-1) !== " " || haystack.length < (pos+needle.length) && haystack.charAt(pos+needle.length) !== " ")) {
pos = -1;
var inList = pos != -1;
This one is rather quite simple:
var dict = {};
haystack.match(/[^\ ]+/g).map(function(match) { dict[match] = true; });
var inList = dict.hasOwnProperty(haystack);
Now to test what variant is the fastest, you can do that at jsPerf.
indexOf() is most probably the fastest just keep in mind you need to search for two possible cases:
var existingEmails = "email1, email2, ...";
var newEmail = "";
var exists = (existingEmails.indexOf(newEmail + " ") >= 0) || (existingEmails.indexOf(" " + newEmail ) > 0);
You're asking a question with too many unstated variables for us to answer. For example, how many times do you expect to perform this search? only once? A hundred times? Is this a fixed list of emails, or does it change every time? Are you loading the emails with the page, or by AJAX?
IF you are performing more than one search, or the emails are loaded with the page, then you are probably best off creating a dictionary of the names, and using the Javascript in operator.
If you get the string from some off-page source, and you only search it once, then indexOf may well be better.
In all cases, if you really care about the speed, you're best off making a test.
But then I'd ask "Why do you care about the speed?" This is a web page, where loading the page happens at network speeds; the search happens at more or less local-processor speed. It's very unlikely that this one search will make a perceptible difference in the behavior of the page.
Here is a little explanation:
Performing a dictionary lookup is relatively complicated - very fast compared with (say) a linear lookup by key when there are lots of keys, but much more complicated than a straight array lookup. It has to calculate the hash of the key, then work out which bucket that should be in, possibly deal with duplicate hashes (or duplicate buckets) and then check for equality.
As always, choose the right data structure for the job - and if you really can get away with just indexing into an array (or List) then yes, that will be blindingly fast.
The above has been taken from one of the blog posts of #Jon Skeet.
I know this is an old question, but here goes an answer for those who might need in the future.
I made some tests and the indexOf() method is impossibly fast!
Tested the case on Opera 12.16 and it took 216µs to search and possibly find something.
Here is the code used:
var a=((Math.random()*1e8)>>0).toString(16);
for(var i=0;i<1000;++i)a=a+' '+((Math.random()*1e8)>>0).toString(16)+((Math.random()*1e8)>>0).toString(16)+((Math.random()*1e8)>>0).toString(16)+((Math.random()*1e8)>>0).toString(16);
var b=(' '+a).indexOf(((Math.random()*1e8)>>0).toString(16));
In the console you will see a huge output.
The timer 'a' counts the time taken to make the "garbage", and the timer 'b' is the time to search for the string.
Just adding 2 spaces, one before and one after, on the email list and adding 1 space before and after the email, you are set to go.
I use it to search for a class in an element without jQuery and it works pretty fast and fine.
This should be a quickie, but I'm scratching my head as to why this bit of JavaScript isn't working for me. The goal is to take the value of an input box (string of words separated by spaces), list these words as items in an array, and remove those which are fewer than 3 characters:
var typed = $('input').val();
var query = typed.split(" ");
var i=0;
for (i=0; i<query.length; i++) {
if (query[i].length < 3) {
Have this running onkeyup for the input box and it seems to work, but only about 50% of the time (strings of 1 and 2 characters somehow find their way into the array on occasion). Any suggestions would be hugely appreciated.
The problem is that you are iterating while removing the elements. Consider this array:
["he", "l", "lo world"]
Initially your loop starts at index 0 and removes "he" from the array. Now the new array is
["l", "lo world"]
In the next iteration i will be 1, and you will check "lo world"'s length, thus ignoring the "l" string altogether.
Use the filter method in Array to remove the unwanted elements.
var biggerWords = query.filter(function(word) {
return word.length >= 3;
Besides the iterating problem, you may also see unexpected entries if you type multiple spaces
var query = typed.split(/\s+/);
This way it will split on any number of spaces, instead of each individual one
The problem is that you're slicing the array while counting forward. Think about it...if you take an index point out of the array, thereby shortening it by one, incrementing i and moving on to the next one actually moves one further than you want, completely missing the next index. Increment i--, start at query.length-1, and make the condition that i>=0. For an example of this in action, check it out here:
input {
<input id="textbox" type="text" />
<div id="message"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
function checkStrings(e) {
var typed = $('#textbox').val();
if (typed == "") return false;
var query = typed.split(" ");
var querylen = query.length;
var acceptedWords = '';
var badWords = '';
for (var i = querylen-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (query[i].length < 3) {
badWords += query[i] + " ";
} else {
acceptedWords += query.splice(i,1) + " ";
$('#message').html("<div>Bad words are: " + badWords + "</div>" +
"<div>Good words are: " + acceptedWords + "</div>");
Try this code, it get's rid of any 3 character words, as well as making sure no empty array elements are created.
var query = typed.split(/\s+/);
hey i think you should use a new array for the result. since you are removing the element in array. the length is changed. here is my solution
var typed = "dacda cdac cd k foorar";
var query = typed.split(" ");
var i=0;
var result = [];
for (i=0; i<query.length; i++) {
if (query[i].length >= 3) {