Flatten nested JSON to array of unique objects without indexes - javascript

I have this simple nested object which I need to flatten to be able to insert it into my database.
const input = {
name: "Benny",
department: {
section: "Technical",
branch: {
timezone: "UTC",
company: [
name: "SAP",
customers: ["Ford-1", "Nestle-1"],
name: "SAP",
customers: ["Ford-2", "Nestle-2"],
The desired result is like this, each value in the arrays results in a new sub-object stored in an array:
name: "Benny",
"department.section": "Technical",
"department.branch.timezone": "UTC",
"company.name": "SAP",
"company.customers": "Ford-1",
name: "Benny",
"department.section": "Technical",
"department.branch.timezone": "UTC",
"company.name": "SAP",
"company.customers": "Nestle-1",
name: "Benny",
"department.section": "Technical",
"department.branch.timezone": "UTC",
"company.name": "SAP",
"company.customers": "Ford-2",
name: "Benny",
"department.section": "Technical",
"department.branch.timezone": "UTC",
"company.name": "SAP",
"company.customers": "Nestle-2",
Instead of the result below which all fields stored in single object with indexes:
name: 'Benny',
'department.section': 'Technical',
'department.branch.timezone': 'UTC',
'company.0.name': 'SAP',
'company.0.customers.0': 'Ford-1',
'company.0.customers.1': 'Nestle-1',
'company.1.name': 'SAP',
'company.1.customers.0': 'Ford-2',
'company.1.customers.1': 'Nestle-2'
My code looks like this:
function flatten(obj) {
let keys = {};
for (let i in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
if (typeof obj[i] == "object") {
let flatObj = flatten(obj[i]);
for (let j in flatObj) {
if (!flatObj.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue;
keys[i + "." + j] = flatObj[j];
} else {
keys[i] = obj[i];
return keys;
Thanks in advance!

You could take the array's values as part of a cartesian product and get finally flat objects.
getArray = v => Array.isArray(v) ? v : [v],
isObject = v => v && typeof v === 'object',
getCartesian = object => Object.entries(object).reduce((r, [k, v]) => r.flatMap(s =>
getArray(v).flatMap(w =>
(isObject(w) ? getCartesian(w) : [w]).map(x => ({ ...s, [k]: x }))
), [{}]),
getFlat = o => Object.entries(o).flatMap(([k, v]) => isObject(v)
? getFlat(v).map(([l, v]) => [`${k}.${l}`, v])
: [[k, v]]
input = { name: "Benny", department: { section: "Technical", branch: { timezone: "UTC" } }, company: [{ name: "SAP", customers: ["Ford-1", "Nestle-1"] }, { name: "SAP", customers: ["Ford-2", "Nestle-2"] }] },
result = getCartesian(input).map(o => Object.fromEntries(getFlat(o)));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

In the code below, I left your flatten functionality the same. I added a fix method that converts your original output into your desired output.
Note: I changed the name value of second company to FOO.
const flatten = (obj) => {
let keys = {};
for (let i in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
if (typeof obj[i] == 'object') {
let flatObj = flatten(obj[i]);
for (let j in flatObj) {
if (!flatObj.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue;
keys[i + '.' + j] = flatObj[j];
} else {
keys[i] = obj[i];
return keys;
const parseKey = (key) => [...key.matchAll(/(\w+)\.(\d)(?=\.?)/g)]
.map(([match, key, index]) => ({ key, index }));
const fix = (obj) => {
const results = [];
Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => {
const pairs = parseKey(key);
if (pairs.length > 1) {
const result = {};
Object.keys(obj).forEach((subKey) => {
const subPairs = parseKey(subKey);
let replacerKey;
if (subPairs.length < 1) {
replacerKey = subKey;
} else {
if (
subPairs.length === 1 &&
subPairs[0].index === pairs[0].index
) {
replacerKey = subKey
.replace(`\.${subPairs[0].index}`, '');
if (
subPairs.length === 2 &&
subPairs[0].index === pairs[0].index &&
subPairs[1].index === pairs[1].index
) {
replacerKey = subKey
.replace(`\.${subPairs[0].index}`, '')
.replace(`\.${subPairs[1].index}`, '');
result[replacerKey] = obj[subKey];
if (replacerKey) {
result[replacerKey] = obj[subKey];
return results;
const input = {
name: "Benny",
department: { section: "Technical", branch: { timezone: "UTC" } },
company: [
{ name: "SAP", customers: ["Ford-1", "Nestle-1"] },
{ name: "FOO", customers: ["Ford-2", "Nestle-2"] },
const flat = flatten(input);
console.log(JSON.stringify(fix(flat), null, 2));
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }
Original response
The closest (legitimate) I could get to your desired result is:
"name": "Benny",
"department.section": "Technical",
"department.branch.timezone": "UTC",
"company.name": "SAP",
"company.customers.0": "Ford-1",
"company.customers.1": "Nestle-1"
"name": "Benny",
"department.section": "Technical",
"department.branch.timezone": "UTC",
"company.name": "SAP",
"company.customers.0": "Ford-2",
"company.customers.1": "Nestle-2"
I had to create a wrapper function called flattenBy that handles mapping the data by a particular key e.g. company and passes it down to your flatten function (along with the current index).
const flatten = (obj, key, index) => {
let keys = {};
for (let i in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
let ref = i !== key ? obj[i] : obj[i][index];
if (typeof ref == 'object') {
let flatObj = flatten(ref, key);
for (let j in flatObj) {
if (!flatObj.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue;
keys[i + '.' + j] = flatObj[j];
} else { keys[i] = obj[i]; }
return keys;
const flattenBy = (obj, key) =>
obj[key].map((item, index) => flatten(obj, key, index));
const input = {
name: "Benny",
department: { section: "Technical", branch: { timezone: "UTC" } },
company: [
{ name: "SAP", customers: ["Ford-1", "Nestle-1"] },
{ name: "SAP", customers: ["Ford-2", "Nestle-2"] },
console.log(JSON.stringify(flattenBy(input, 'company'), null, 2));
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }

This code locates all forks (places where arrays are located which indicate multiple possible versions of the input), and constructs a tree of permutations of the input for each fork. Finally, it runs all permutations through a flattener to get the desired dot-delimited result.
Note: h is a value holder, where h.s is set to 1 as soon as the first fork is found. This acts like a kind of global variable across all invocations of getFork on a particular initial object, and forces only one fork to be considered at a time when building up a tree of forks.
const input = {"name":"Benny","department":{"section":"Technical","branch":{"timezone":"UTC"}},"company":[{"name":"SAP","customers":["Ford-1","Nestle-1"]},{"name":"SAP","customers":["Ford-2","Nestle-2"]},{"name":"BAZ","customers":["Maserati","x"],"Somekey":["2","3"]}]}
const flatten = (o, prefix='') => Object.entries(o).flatMap(([k,v])=>v instanceof Object ? flatten(v, `${prefix}${k}.`) : [[`${prefix}${k}`,v]])
const findFork = o => Array.isArray(o) ? o.length : o instanceof Object && Object.values(o).map(findFork).find(i=>i)
const getFork = (o,i,h={s:0}) => o instanceof Object ? (Array.isArray(o) ? h.s ? o : (h.s=1) && o[i] : Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(o).map(([k,v])=>[k, getFork(v, i, h)]))) : o
const recurse = (o,n) => (n = findFork(o)) ? Array(n).fill(0).map((_,i)=>getFork(o, i)).flatMap(recurse) : o
const process = o => recurse(o).map(i=>Object.fromEntries(flatten(i)))
const result = process(input)


Convert object to array of prorperties

I need to convert object:
middleName: null,
name: "Test Name",
university: {
country: {
code: "PL"
isGraduated: true,
speciality: "Computer Science"
to array:
key: "name",
propertyValue: "Test Name",
key: "middleName",
propertyValue: null,
key: "university.isGraduated",
propertyValue: true,
key: "university.speciality",
propertyValue: "Computer Science",
key: "university.country.code",
propertyValue: "PL"
I wrote algorithm, but it's pretty dummy, how can I improve it? Important, if object has nested object than I need to write nested object via dot (e.g university.contry: "value")
let arr = [];
Object.keys(parsedObj).map((key) => {
if (parsedObj[key] instanceof Object) {
Object.keys(parsedObj[key]).map((keyNested) => {
if (parsedObj[key][keyNested] instanceof Object) {
Object.keys(parsedObj[key][keyNested]).map((keyNestedNested) => {
arr.push({ 'key': key + '.' + keyNested + '.' + keyNestedNested, 'propertyValue': parsedObj[key][keyNested][keyNestedNested] })
} else {
arr.push({ 'key': key + '.' + keyNested, 'propertyValue': parsedObj[key][keyNested] })
} else {
arr.push({ 'key': key, 'propertyValue': parsedObj[key] })
A recursive function implementation.
I have considered that your object consist of only string and object as the values. If you have more kind of data types as your values, you may have to develop on top of this function.
const myObj = {
middleName: null,
name: "Test Name",
university: {
country: {
code: "PL"
isGraduated: true,
speciality: "Computer Science"
const myArr = [];
function convertObjectToArray(obj, keyPrepender) {
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([key, propertyValue]) => {
if (typeof propertyValue === "object" && propertyValue) {
const updatedKey = keyPrepender ? `${keyPrepender}.${key}` : key;
convertObjectToArray(propertyValue, updatedKey)
} else {
key: keyPrepender ? `${keyPrepender}.${key}` : key,
I'd probably take a recursive approach, and I'd probably avoid unnecessary intermediary arrays (though unless the original object is massive, it doesn't matter). For instance (see comments):
function convert(obj, target = [], prefix = "") {
// Loop through the object keys
for (const key in obj) {
// Only handle "own" properties
if (Object.hasOwn(obj, key)) {
const value = obj[key];
// Get the full key for this property, including prefix
const fullKey = prefix ? prefix + "." + key : key;
if (value && typeof value === "object") {
// It's an object...
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
throw new Error(`Arrays are not valid`);
} else {
// ...recurse, providing the key as the prefix
convert(value, target, fullKey);
} else {
// Not an object, push it to the array
target.push({key: fullKey, propertyValue: value});
// Return the result
return target;
Live Example:
const original = {
middleName: null,
name: "Test Name",
university: {
country: {
code: "PL"
isGraduated: true,
speciality: "Computer Science"
function convert(obj, target = [], prefix = "") {
// Loop through the object keys
for (const key in obj) {
// Only handle "own" properties
if (Object.hasOwn(obj, key)) {
const value = obj[key];
// Get the full key for this property, including prefix
const fullKey = prefix ? prefix + "." + key : key;
if (value && typeof value === "object") {
// It's an object...
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
throw new Error(`Arrays are not valid`);
} else {
// ...recurse, providing the key as the prefix
convert(value, target, fullKey);
} else {
// Not an object, push it to the array
target.push({key: fullKey, propertyValue: value});
// Return the result
return target;
const result = convert(original, []);
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max-height: 100% !important;
Note that I've assumed the order of the array entries isn't significant. The output you said you wanted is at odds with the standard order of JavaScript object properties (yes, they have an order now; no, it's not something I suggest relying on 😀). I've gone ahead and not worried about the order within an object.
This is the most bulletproof I could do :D, without needing a global variable, you just take it, and us it wherever you want!
const test = {
middleName: null,
name: "Test Name",
university: {
country: {
code: "PL"
isGraduated: true,
speciality: "Computer Science"
function toPropertiesByPath(inputObj) {
let arr = [];
let initialObj = {};
const getKeys = (obj, parentK='') => {
initialObj = arr.length === 0 ? obj: initialObj;
const entries = Object.entries(obj);
for(let i=0; i<entries.length; i++) {
const key = entries[i][0];
const val = entries[i][1];
const isRootElement = initialObj.hasOwnProperty(key);
parentK = isRootElement ? key: parentK+'.'+key;
if(typeof val === 'object' && val!==null && !Array.isArray(val)){
getKeys(val, parentK);
} else {
arr.push({ key: parentK, property: val });
return arr;
I wrote a small version using recursive function and another for validation is an object.
let values = {
middleName: null,
name: "Test Name",
university: {
country: {
code: "PL"
isGraduated: true,
speciality: "Computer Science"
function isObject(obj) {
return obj != null && obj.constructor.name === "Object"
function getValues(values) {
let arrValues = Object.keys(values).map(
v => {
return { key: v, value: isObject(values[v]) ? getValues(values[v]) : values[v] };

Get the difference object from two object in typescript/javascript angular

I am trying to get the change object from two objects using typescript in angular.
For example
this.productPreviousCommand = {
"id": "60f910d7d03dbd2ca3b3dfd5",
"active": true,
"title": "ss",
"description": "<p>ss</p>",
"category": {
"id": "60cec05df64bde4ab9cf7460"
"subCategory": {
"id": "60cec18c56d3d958c4791117"
"vendor": {
"id": "60ced45b56d3d958c479111c"
"type": "load_product_success"
model = {
"active": true,
"title": "ss",
"description": "<p>ss sss</p>",
"category": "60cec05df64bde4ab9cf7460",
"subCategory": "60cec18c56d3d958c4791117",
"vendor": "60ced45b56d3d958c479111c",
"tags": []
Now the difference between two objects are description: "<p>hello hello 1</p>". So I want to return {description: "<p>hello hello 1</p>"}
I used lodash https://github.com/lodash/lodash
import { transform, isEqual, isObject, isArray} from 'lodash';
function difference(origObj, newObj) {
function changes(newObj, origObj) {
let arrayIndexCounter = 0
return transform(newObj, function (result, value, key) {
if (!isEqual(value, origObj[key])) {
let resultKey = isArray(origObj) ? arrayIndexCounter++ : key
result[resultKey] = (isObject(value) && isObject(origObj[key])) ? changes(value, origObj[key]) : value
return changes(newObj, origObj)
This library is not working for me, it returns the whole object using this code const differenc = difference(this.productPreviousCommand, model);
The output of above code is
active: true
description: "<p>hello hello 1</p>"
id: "60f8f29dd03dbd2ca3b3dfd1"
title: "hello"
Try this function
differenceInObj(firstObj: any, secondObj: any): any {
let differenceObj: any = {};
for (const key in firstObj) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(firstObj, key)) {
if(firstObj[key] !== secondObj[key]) {
differenceObj[key] = firstObj[key];
return differenceObj;
You can check loop through each key of the first object and compare it with the second object.
function getPropertyDifferences(obj1, obj2) {
return Object.entries(obj1).reduce((diff, [key, value]) => {
// Check if the property exists in obj2.
if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const val = obj2[key];
// Check if obj1's property's value is different from obj2's.
if (val !== value) {
return {
[key]: val,
// Otherwise, just return the previous diff object.
return diff;
}, {});
const a = {
active: true,
description: '<p>hello</p>',
id: '60f8f29dd03dbd2ca3b3dfd1',
title: 'hello',
const b = {
active: true,
description: '<p>hello hello 1</p>',
id: '60f8f29dd03dbd2ca3b3dfd1',
title: 'hello',
const c = {
active: true,
description: '<p>hello hello 2</p>',
id: '60f8f29dd03dbd2ca3b3dfd1',
title: 'world',
console.log(getPropertyDifferences(a, b));
console.log(getPropertyDifferences(b, c));
function difference(origObj, newObj) {
const origObjKeyList = Object.keys(origObj),
newObjKeyList = Object.keys(newObj);
// if objects length is not same
if (origObjKeyList?.length !== newObjKeyList?.length) {
// if object keys some difference in keys
if (Object.keys(origObj).filter((val) => !Object.keys(newObj).includes(val))?.length) {
return Object.entries(origObj).reduce(
(acc, [key, value]) => (newObj[key] !== value ? { ...acc, ...{ [key]: newObj[key] } } : acc),
const a = {
active: true,
description: '<p>hello</p>',
id: '60f8f29dd03dbd2ca3b3dfd1',
title: 'hello',
const b = {
active: true,
description: '<p>hello hello 1</p>',
id: '60f8f29dd03dbd2ca3b3dfd1',
title: 'hello',
console.log(difference(a, b));
You can try this code.
function difference(origObj, newObj) {
const origObjKeyList = Object.keys(origObj),
newObjKeyList = Object.keys(newObj);
// if objects length is not same
if (origObjKeyList?.length !== newObjKeyList?.length) {
// if object keys is not same
if (Object.keys(origObj).filter((val) => !Object.keys(newObj).includes(val))?.length) {
return Object.entries(origObj).reduce(
(acc, [key, value]) => (newObj[key] !== value ? { ...acc, ...{ [key]: newObj[key] } } : acc),

Filter empty arrays from object of arrays in JS

I have an array of objects
"name":"DLF Shop",
"address":"Link Rd, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh",
I want to filter out all the empty arrays in this object. So, after filtering in the newly created object there will be no empty arrays or any empty key in this object.
You could take
filtering for arrays
filtering for objects
and get only the properties with values unequal to ''.
filter = data => {
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
const temp = data.reduce((r, v) => {
v = filter(v);
if (v !== '') r.push(v);
return r;
}, []);
return temp.length
? temp
: '';
if (data && typeof data === 'object') {
const temp = Object.entries(data).reduce((r, [k, v]) => {
v = filter(v);
if (v !== '') r.push([k, v]);
return r;
}, []);
return temp.length
? Object.fromEntries(temp)
: '';
return data;
data = { name: "DLF Shop", merchant_code: "EM499751e", address: "Link Rd, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh", longitude: 90.3937913, latitude: 23.7456808, mother_shop_slug: "test-qa-26f7d03d", shop_type: "regular", key_personnel: [{ name: "", designation: "", phone_no: "", email: "" }], category_head: [{ username: "" }], bdm: [{ username: "" }], kam: [{ username: "" }], vm: [{ username: "" }], organisation_type: "small", is_mother_shop: false, is_delivery_hero_allowed: false, is_cod_allowed: false },
result = filter(data);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
var str = '{"name":"DLF Shop","merchant_code":"EM499751e","address":"Link Rd, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh","longitude":90.3937913,"latitude":23.7456808,"mother_shop_slug":"test-qa-26f7d03d","shop_type":"regular","key_personnel":[{"name":"","designation":"","phone_no":"","email":""}],"category_head":[{"username":""}],"bdm":[{"username":""}],"kam":[{"username":"testforthis"}],"vm":[{"username":""}],"organisation_type":"small","is_mother_shop":false,"is_delivery_hero_allowed":false,"is_cod_allowed":false}';
let json = JSON.parse(str);
cleanObject = function(object) {
.forEach(([k, v]) => {
if (v && typeof v === 'object')
if (v &&
typeof v === 'object' &&
!Object.keys(v).length ||
v === null ||
v === undefined ||
v.length === 0
) {
if (Array.isArray(object))
object.splice(k, 1);
else if (!(v instanceof Date))
delete object[k];
return object;
let newobj = cleanObject(json);
From https://stackoverflow.com/a/52399512/1772933

Merge Array of same level

I have an array which I need to combine with comma-separated of the same level and form a new array.
let arr = [
[{ LEVEL: 1, NAME: 'Mark' }, { LEVEL: 1, NAME: 'Adams' }, { LEVEL: 2, NAME: 'Robin' }],
[{ LEVEL: 3, NAME: 'Williams' }],
[{ LEVEL: 4, NAME: 'Matthew' }, { LEVEL: 4, NAME: 'Robert' }],
[{ LEVEL: 1, NAME: 'Mark,Adams' }, { LEVEL: 2, NAME: 'Robin' }],
[{ LEVEL: 3, NAME: 'Williams' }],
[{ LEVEL: 4, NAME: 'Matthew,Robert' }],
I tried with the following code but not getting the correct result
let finalArr = [];
arr.forEach(o => {
let temp = finalArr.find(x => {
if (x && x.LEVEL === o.LEVEL) {
x.NAME += ', ' + o.NAME;
return true;
if (!temp) finalArr.push(o);
You could map the outer array and reduce the inner array by finding the same level and add NAME, if found. Otherwise create a new object.
var data = [[{ LEVEL: 1, NAME: "Mark" }, { LEVEL: 1, NAME: "Adams" }, { LEVEL: 2, NAME: "Robin"}], [{ LEVEL: 3, NAME: "Williams" }], [{ LEVEL: 4, NAME: "Matthew" }, { LEVEL: 4, NAME: "Robert" }]],
result = data.map(a => a.reduce((r, { LEVEL, NAME }) => {
var temp = r.find(q => q.LEVEL === LEVEL);
if (temp) temp.NAME += ',' + NAME;
else r.push({ LEVEL, NAME });
return r;
}, []));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Assuming you only want to merge within the same array and not across arrays, and assuming there aren't all that many entries (e.g., fewer than several hundred thousand), the simple thing is to build a new array checking to see if it already has the same level in it:
let result = arr.map(entry => {
let newEntry = [];
for (const {LEVEL, NAME} of entry) {
const existing = newEntry.find(e => e.LEVEL === LEVEL);
if (existing) {
existing.NAME += "," + NAME;
} else {
newEntry.push({LEVEL, NAME});
return newEntry;
let arr= [
{"LEVEL":2,"NAME":"Robin"} ],
let result = arr.map(entry => {
let newEntry = [];
for (const {LEVEL, NAME} of entry) {
const existing = newEntry.find(e => e.LEVEL === LEVEL);
if (existing) {
existing.NAME += "," + NAME;
} else {
newEntry.push({LEVEL, NAME});
return newEntry;
If the nested arrays can be truly massively long, you'd want to build a map rather than doing the linear search (.find) each time.
I'd try to do as much of this in constant time as possible.
var m = new Map();
array.forEach( refine.bind(m) );
function refine({ LABEL, NAME }) {
var o = this.get(NAME)
, has = !!o
, name = NAME
if (has) name = `${NAME}, ${o.NAME}`;
this.set(name, { NAME: name, LABEL });
var result = Array.from( m.values() );
I haven't tested this as I wrote it on my phone at the airport, but this should at least convey the approach I would advise.
Well... looks like the question was edited... So... I'd recommend adding a check at the top of the function to see if it's an array and, if so, call refine with an early return. Something like:
var m = new Map();
array.forEach( refine.bind(m) );
function refine(item) {
var { LABEL, NAME } = item;
if (!NAME) return item.forEach( refine.bind(this) ); // assume array
var o = this.get(NAME)
, has = !!o
, name = NAME
if (has) name = `${NAME}, ${o.NAME}`;
this.set(name, { NAME: name, LABEL });
var result = Array.from( m.values() );
That way, it should work with both your original question and your edit.
Looks like the question changed again... I give up.
Map the array values: every element to an intermediate object, then create the desired object from the resulting entries:
const basicArr = [
{"LEVEL":2,"NAME":"Robin"} ],
const leveled = basicArr.map( val => {
let obj = {};
val.forEach(v => {
obj[v.LEVEL] = obj[v.LEVEL] || {NAME: []};
obj[v.LEVEL].NAME = obj[v.LEVEL].NAME.concat(v.NAME);
return Object.entries(obj)
.map( ([key, val]) => ({LEVEL: +key, NAME: val.NAME.join(", ")}));
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }
if you want to flatten all levels
const basicArr = [
{"LEVEL":2,"NAME":"Robin"} ],
const leveled = basicArr.map( val => Object.entries (
val.reduce( (acc, val) => {
acc[val.LEVEL] = acc[val.LEVEL] || {NAME: []};
acc[val.LEVEL].NAME = acc[val.LEVEL].NAME.concat(val.NAME);
return acc;
}, {}))
.map( ([key, val]) => ({LEVEL: +key, NAME: val.NAME.join(", ")})) )
.flat() // (use .reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []) for IE/Edge)
.reduce( (acc, val) => {
const exists = acc.filter(x => x.LEVEL === val.LEVEL);
if (exists.length) {
exists[0].NAME = `${val.NAME}, ${exists.map(v => v.NAME).join(", ")}`;
return acc;
return [... acc, val];
}, [] );
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ES6 way:
let say attributes is multidimensional array having multimple entries which need to combine like following:
let combinedArray = [];
attributes.map( attributes => {
combined = combinedArray.concat(...attributes);

JavaScript - build a tree data structure recursively

I have a function called tree, which takes array of objects (as data fields from a database) and array of strings for keys. The function loops through rowsArray and recursively creates object with nested properties based on keyArray.
const tree = (rowsArray, keysArray) => {
return rows.reduce((acc, row) => {
const groupBy = (row, keys,) => {
const [first, ...rest] = keys;
if (!first) return [row];
return {
[row[first]]: groupBy(row, rest),
acc = {...groupBy(row, keys), ...acc};
return acc;
}, {});
The data is following:
const data = [{
ID: 1,
Main: "Financial",
Sub: "Forecasts",
Detail: "General"
}, {
ID: 2,
Main: "Financial",
Sub: "HR",
Detail: "Headcount"
const result1 = tree(data, ["Main", "Sub", "Detail"]);
When I log the result, I get:
// actual output
Financial: {
Forecasts: {
General: [Array]
Whereas, I would like to get following:
// expected
Financial: {
Forecasts: {
General: [Array]
HR: {
Headcount: [Array]
The problem is, that acc variable in main function gets overridden and I get new object, instead of accumulative and I am not quite sure how to recursively build this object. I tried to pass instances of acc to groupBy function (to remember previous results), but no luck.
Do you have any idea how I could rewrite tree function or groupBy function to accomplish my goal? Thanks!
You could do it like this:
function tree(rows, keys) {
return rows.reduce( (acc, row) => {
keys.reduce( (parent, key, i) =>
parent[row[key]] = parent[row[key]] || (i === keys.length - 1 ? [row] : {})
, acc);
return acc;
}, {});
const data = [{ID: 1,Main: "Financial",Sub: "Forecasts",Detail: "General"}, {ID: 2,Main: "Financial",Sub: "HR", Detail: "Headcount" }];
const result1 = tree(data, ["Main", "Sub", "Detail"]);
Be aware that the spread syntax makes a shallow copy. Instead, in this solution, the accumulator is passed to the inner reduce. And so we actually merge the new row's hierarchical data into the accumulator on-the-spot.
The problem is your merge function is not deep. When you assign the values to the accumulator you overwrite existing properties - in this case Financial.
I included a deep merge function from here and now it works.
I also fixed some reference errors you had:
rows => rowsArray
keys = keysArray
// deep merge function
function merge(current, update) {
Object.keys(update).forEach(function(key) {
// if update[key] exist, and it's not a string or array,
// we go in one level deeper
if (current.hasOwnProperty(key) &&
typeof current[key] === 'object' &&
!(current[key] instanceof Array)) {
merge(current[key], update[key]);
// if update[key] doesn't exist in current, or it's a string
// or array, then assign/overwrite current[key] to update[key]
} else {
current[key] = update[key];
return current;
const tree = (rowsArray, keysArray) => {
return rowsArray.reduce((acc, row) => {
const groupBy = (row, keys, ) => {
const [first, ...rest] = keys;
if (!first) return [row];
return {
[row[first]]: groupBy(row, rest),
acc = merge(groupBy(row, keysArray), acc);
return acc;
}, {});
const data = [{
ID: 1,
Main: "Financial",
Sub: "Forecasts",
Detail: "General"
}, {
ID: 2,
Main: "Financial",
Sub: "HR",
Detail: "Headcount"
const result1 = tree(data, ["Main", "Sub", "Detail"]);
You could iterate the keys and take either an object for not the last key or an array for the last key and push then the data to the array.
const tree = (rowsArray, keysArray) => {
return rowsArray.reduce((acc, row) => {
.map(k => row[k])
.reduce((o, k, i, { length }) => o[k] = o[k] || (i + 1 === length ? []: {}), acc)
return acc;
}, {});
const data = [{ ID: 1, Main: "Financial", Sub: "Forecasts", Detail: "General" }, { ID: 2, Main: "Financial", Sub: "HR", Detail: "Headcount" }];
const result1 = tree(data, ["Main", "Sub", "Detail"]);
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You can iterate over the data and created a unique key based on the keys provided and then recursively generate the output structure by deep cloning.
const data = [{
ID: 1,
Main: "Financial",
Sub: "Forecasts",
Detail: "General"
}, {
ID: 2,
Main: "Financial",
Sub: "HR",
Detail: "Headcount"
function generateKey(keys,json){
return keys.reduce(function(o,i){
o += json[i] + "_";
return o;
function merge(first,second){
for(var i in second){
first[i] = second[i];
first[i] = merge(first[i],second[i]);
return first;
function generateTree(input,keys){
let values = input.reduce(function(o,i){
var key = generateKey(keys,i);
o[key] = [];
return o;
return Object.keys(values).reduce(function(o,i){
var valueKeys = i.split('_');
var oo = {};
for(var index = valueKeys.length -2; index >=0 ;index--){
var out = {};
if(index === valueKeys.length -2){
out[valueKeys[index]] = values[i];
out[valueKeys[index]] = oo;
oo = out;
o = merge(o,oo);
return o;
console.log(generateTree(data,["Main", "Sub", "Detail"]));
jsFiddle Demo - https://jsfiddle.net/6jots8Lc/
