How to align a pie chart to the left in highcharts js? - javascript

I'm trying to pin a pie chart to the left.
A negative marginLeft and center: ['20%', '50%'] don't give me what i need
since when changing the screen width the position of the chart also changes.
I am using Vue 3 composition api
series: [{
center: ['20%', '90%'],
size: '150%',
innerSize: '65%',
data: [
name: 'Valid',
y: 10,
color: '#13CE66'
name: 'Failed Verification',
y: 5,
color: '#FF4949'
showInLegend: true
It should be like this:

Use the chart.marginLeft property
Example config:
chart: {
type: 'pie',
width: 400,
height: 200,
marginLeft: -230
Example demo:
API Reference:


How to use chart in JavaScript with large data set

I need to visualize the bar chart with Javascript. So I'm used C3 JS to visualize the chart. Simply I'm using this Bar chart as follows,
<div id="chart"></div>
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto: '#chart',
data: {
columns: [
['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250],
['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25]
axes: {
data2: 'y2'
types: {
data2: 'bar'
axis: {
y: {
label: {
text: 'Y Label',
position: 'outer-middle'
tick: {
format: d3.format("$,") // ADD
y2: {
show: true,
label: {
text: 'Y2 Label',
position: 'outer-middle'
But the problem is when X-axis consists of the large data set Chart getting cramped. I have more than 700 data.
Have any possible way to avoid this? can I add scroll bar between primary and secondary X-axis?
Google, such a wonderfull thing ;)
or this
C3 / D3 bar chart with horizontal scroll

Is there is way to position the chart on the canvas and the legend individually in echarts?

I am trying to position my pie chart and move it a bit to the right from where it has originally rendered. I only want to move the chart and not the legend. Is there a way I can do that?
I went through the documentation and couldn't find anything. The grid doesn't work as well.
Considering this example:
Pie Doughnut on ECharts
How would I move the chart to the right while keeping the legend where it is?
In the options series set the center:
center: ['75%', '50%']
The full code with it shifted from the url you posted:
app.title = '环形图';
option = {
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
formatter: "{a} <br/>{b}: {c} ({d}%)"
legend: {
orient: 'vertical',
x: 'left',
series: [
radius: ['50%', '70%'],
avoidLabelOverlap: false,
label: {
normal: {
show: false,
position: 'center'
emphasis: {
show: true,
textStyle: {
fontSize: '30',
fontWeight: 'bold'
labelLine: {
normal: {
show: false
{value:335, name:'直接访问'},
{value:310, name:'邮件营销'},
{value:234, name:'联盟广告'},
{value:135, name:'视频广告'},
{value:1548, name:'搜索引擎'}
center: ['60%', '50%']
Even better, you can use grid
grid: {
width: '50%',
left: '3%',
right: '4%',
bottom: '3%',
containLabel: true
center: ['40','70']
the first property will be horizontal and second will be vertical

Can I assign a different radius for each pie slice using Highcharts?

I am using Highcharts and it is working just amazing, i am stuck at a place where i want to plot a pie chart in which every pie slice (in a single pie chart) has a different radius.
Below is the image attached of the expexted pie chart.
You can skip making it a donout or designing it this specific. I just want to know how each pie slice can have different radius.
Each series in a pie chart can have their own size. So, I stacked a bunch of pie series calculating their begin and end angles. You'll have to do a little clean up to get the tooltips displaying the value instead of 100, but I think it's a workable solution.
Note: The following code makes a bad assumption that the data points add to 100. void fixes that assumption in his fiddle
$(function() {
var data = [{
name: 'Thane',
y: 25,
color: 'red'
}, {
name: 'Nagpur',
y: 15,
color: 'blue'
}, {
name: 'Pune',
y: 30,
color: 'purple'
}, {
name: 'Mumbai',
y: 30,
color: 'green'
var start = -90;
var series = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var end = start + 360 * data[i].y / 100;
data[i].y = 100;
type: 'pie',
size: 100 + 50 * i,
innerSize: 50,
startAngle: start,
endAngle: end,
data: [data[i]]
start = end;
series: series
Another way I toyed with, that I didn't like as much, was having each series have invisible points:
series = [{
type: 'pie',
size: 100,
innerSize: 50,
data: [{y:25, color: 'red'}, {y:75, color:'rgba(0,0,0,0)'}]
type: 'pie',
size: 150,
innerSize: 50,
data: [{y:25, color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},{y:15, color: 'blue'}, {y:60, color:'rgba(0,0,0,0)'}]
}, ... ];
The variablepie series type, introduced in Highcharts 6.0.0, handles this with less code. In this series type you can specify a z-parameter for each data point to alter its z-size.
For example (JSFiddle, documentation):
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'variablepie'
title: {
text: 'Variable pie'
series: [{
minPointSize: 10,
innerSize: '20%',
zMin: 0,
name: 'countries',
data: [{
name: 'Pune',
y: 35,
z: 25
}, {
name: 'Mumbai',
y: 30,
z: 20
}, {
name: 'Nagpur',
y: 15,
z: 15
} , {
name: 'Thane',
y: 25,
z: 10
This requires including:
<script src=""></script>

Double donut-like chart with negative values

I've been asked to do this kind of graph (40,9% and 16,4% are examples, they should indicate something like -6% and 9%):
Any idea on how I can get that kind of result, using a javascript library, if possible (but it is not a must) Highcharts?
It's possible with HighCharts, Documentation
$(function () {
data = [{
valSecond: 25,
valFirst: 62.5
// Build the data arrays
var secondData = [];
var firstData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
// add second data
name: "Second",
y: data[i].valSecond,
color: "#00FF00"
// add first data
name: "First",
y: data[i].valFirst,
// Create the chart
chart: {
type: 'pie'
title: {
text: ''
plotOptions: {
pie: {
animation: false,
shadow: false,
center: ['50%', '50%']
tooltip: {
valueSuffix: '%'
series: [{
name: 'second',
data: secondData,
size: '30%',
startAngle: 270,
endAngle: 360,
innerSize: '20%'
}, {
name: 'first',
data: firstData,
size: '80%',
startAngle: 0,
endAngle: 225,
innerSize: '60%',
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="container" style="width: 600px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
In the highcharts you can adapt donut chart, remove connectors, set useHTML for dataLabels and rotate by css / rotation SVG element. Missing elements can by added by renderer.

Show Pie Chart Name as Title

Is there a way to show the pie chart name on top, bottom, right or left of a pie chart without having to use the labels, like they use in this highcharts demo:
labels: {
items: [{
html: '<b>Total fruit consumption<b>',
style: {
left: '40px',
top: '8px',
color: 'black'
The labels have an absolute position in pixels, and for the pies I am using percentages.
When there is a resizing, the labels stay on the same place and the pies move, and I can't get the same relative position in percentage for both.
Example pie:
{ data: [{ color: '#31B7C9', name: 'Slice 1', y: 1266364.92333333 }, { color: '#9ED93E', name: 'Slice 2', y: 7284620.73 }, { color: '#DABF12', name: 'Slice 4', y: 2330663.39333333 }], name: 'Pie Chart Name', type: 'pie', center: ["25%", "25%"], showInLegend: true, size: "20%", dataLabels: { enabled: false }}
Any idea how to get the pie chart name to display as its title?
Example in jsFiddle here.
Thank you in advance
So it looks like you want to have the same chart as in the demo and not just a pie chart. If that is the case my answer below fails. You will need to use labels and position them.
----Keeping below code for future reference---
Use the title property.
Example here:
title: {
text: 'A Title!'
I found a plugin that allows to show the pie chart titles here.
