Eloquent JS Chapter 16 Exercise #3 Troble with positioning - javascript

The code sandbox is here: https://eloquentjavascript.net/code/#16.3
The game works by taking a string, and converting each character in the string to a DOM node. Then the player moves the player object via event listeners on the arrow keys.
The objective of exercise is to add a monster(the purple box), to the game. The monster moves in a certain direction, hits a wall, and goes the other way. If player touches monster game ends, unless you hit it from the top, in which case it is supposed to disappear.
I can't get the monster to disappear though, this is the relevant code:
collide(state) {
let player = state.player;
if (player.pos.plus(player.size).y <= this.pos.y) {
let filtered = state.actors.filter(a => a != this);
let status = state.status;
return new State(state.level, filtered, status)
here is code for whole exercise:
<!doctype html>
<script src="code/chapter/16_game.js"></script>
<script src="code/levels.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/game.css">
<style>.monster { background: purple }</style>
class Monster {
constructor(pos, speed,) {
this.pos = pos;
this.speed = speed;
get type() { return "monster"; }
static create(pos) {
return new Monster(pos.plus(new Vec(0, -1)), new Vec(3, 0));
update(time, state) {
let newPos = this.pos.plus(this.speed.times(time))
if (!state.level.touches(newPos, this.size, "wall")) {
return new Monster(newPos, this.speed);
else {
return new Monster(this.pos, this.speed.times(-1));
collide(state) {
let player = state.player;
if (player.pos.plus(player.size).y <= this.pos.y ) {
let filtered = state.actors.filter(a => a != this);
let status = state.status;
return new State(state.level, filtered, status)
else {
return new State (state.level, state.actors, "lost")
Monster.prototype.size = new Vec(1.2, 2);
levelChars["M"] = Monster;
runLevel(new Level(`
`), DOMDisplay);
Basically collide gets called when two actors, in this case the monster and the player object overlap in position. If they collide on sides game is supposed to end, and if they collide from the top, then monster should disappear. Now my code is pretty damn near the solution, the author adds .5 to this.pos.y and his and my code work perfectly. Basically what if (player.pos.plus(player.size).y <= this.pos.y ) does is it takes the player position, adds size which gives you the bottom border of player. If bottom border of player is lower than monster top border, then there has been a collision and player is on top which means monster should disappear AKA filtered out.
But where does this .5 come from?
Here is player object from book:
class Player {
constructor(pos, speed) {
this.pos = pos;
this.speed = speed;
get type() {
return "player";
static create(pos) {
return new Player(pos.plus(new Vec(0, -0.5)),
new Vec(0, 0));
Player.prototype.size = new Vec(0.8, 1.5);
So when a new player gets made, his position is -.5 on Y axis so that when size is factored, the player sits flush on the bottom with a block. i guess that is where the .5 comes from but I don't get why that should be added to the top border of the monster object.
Can anyone explain? here is the whole chapter: https://eloquentjavascript.net/16_game.html


Trying to get the dots to fill with color when I click on one in 24a2 browser game: JavaScript

I am creating a 24a2 browser game. I want to add another area to the game where you can not only draw using the key pad, but also when clicking on the dots, the dots within the 24x24 grid fill with the corresponding color. Here is the code:
function create(game) {}
function update(game) {}
function onKeyPress(direction) {}
let seen = {};
let config = {
create: create,
update: update,
onKeyPress: onKeyPress,
onButtonPress: onButtonPress
let game = new Game(config);
let player = {};
function onButtonPress(x, y) {
game.setDot(x, y, Color.Black)
function create(game) {
player = {
x: 5,
y: 10,
game.setDot(player.x, player.y, Color.Blue);
function update(game) {
for (var key in seen) {
let coordinates = seen[key];
game.setDot(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], Color.Indigo);
game.setDot(player.x, player.y, Color.Black);
// Drawing using the dot with a specific color
function onKeyPress(direction) {
let key = player.x + ',' + player.y; // setting a delimeter; if the position is 1,11 for example, the dot will move to 1, 11 and not '111'.
seen[key] = [player.x, player.y];
if (direction == Direction.Up) {
if (direction == Direction.Down) {
if (direction == Direction.Left) {
if (direction == Direction.Right) {
This code moves the black dot around to fill the grid with color. This is the code I was thinking about in order to fill the dots when clicked.
function onButtonPressed(x, y) {
game.setDot(x, y, Color.Yellow)
However, when I run this, the dots do not fill when I click on them. Where am I going wrong with this?

How to collide a player with walls?

I'm trying to create a top down shooter game and I am using Tiled to create my map. I've made my map and exported it as a .json file. I was finally able to make the map appear in my game, but I am having a hard time making the collision work.
I've been going through tutorials for hours and seem to have tried everything under the sun with no luck. I have an object layer in Tiled with the walls marked with the insert rectangle tool. I have every wall tile also marked with insert rectangle in the edit tileset menu. But I still cant get it to work. Walls are Tile Layer 1, ground is Tile Layer 2, object layer is called collision and the tile set name is tiles 48x48. Here's all my relevant code:
var game = new Phaser.Game(1440, 960, Phaser.man, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render });
var sprite
var music
var controls
var cursors
var fireRate = 200;
var nextFire = 0;
var Bullets
var map
var walls
var ground
//var collision
function preload() {
game.load.audio('groove', ['sewer groove.mp3']);
game.load.audio('gunshot', 'pistol.mp3');
game.load.image('player', 'player lite.png');
game.load.image('bullet', 'bullet.png');
game.load.tilemap('map', 'sewermap.json', null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON);
game.load.image('tiles 48x48','tiles 48x48.png')
function create() {
map = game.add.tilemap('map');
map.addTilesetImage('tiles 48x48');
//var tileset = map.addTilesetImage('map','tiles 48x48');
//map.physics.arcade.enable(sprite, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
ground = map.createLayer('Tile Layer 2');
walls = map.createLayer('Tile Layer 1');
//collision = map.createLayer('Object Layer 1')
map.setCollisionBetween(0, 65, true, 'Tile Layer 1');
//sprite.body.collideWorldbounds = true;
music = game.add.audio('groove',1,true);
game.stage.backgroundColor = '#313131';
bullets = game.add.group();
bullets.enableBody = true;
bullets.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE;
bullets.createMultiple(50, 'bullet');
bullets.setAll('checkWorldBounds', true);
bullets.setAll('outOfBoundsKill', true);
sprite = game.add.sprite(620, 920, 'player');
sprite.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
game.physics.arcade.enable(sprite, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
sprite.body.allowRotation = true;
cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
function update() {
game.physics.arcade.collider(sprite, walls);
sprite.rotation = game.physics.arcade.angleToPointer(sprite);
if (game.input.activePointer.isDown)
if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.LEFT))
sprite.x -= 4;
else if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.RIGHT))
sprite.x += 4;
if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.UP))
sprite.y -= 4;
else if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.DOWN))
sprite.y += 4;
function fire() {
if (game.time.now > nextFire && bullets.countDead() > 0)
nextFire = game.time.now + fireRate;
var bullet = bullets.getFirstDead();
bullet.reset(sprite.x - 8, sprite.y - 8);
game.physics.arcade.moveToPointer(bullet, 300);
function render() {
game.debug.text('Active Bullets: ' + bullets.countLiving() + ' / ' + bullets.total, 32, 32);
game.debug.spriteInfo(sprite, 32, 450);
Alright, I've had the chance to take a look at this, the issue should solely lie in how you're moving the main player:
sprite.x -= 4;
Collisions only fire if the body has a velocity, the following table by samme should sum it up
You can apply acceleration, for the sake of example, to move the character towards the direction you're pointing at:
if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.UP) || game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.W)) {
game.physics.arcade.accelerationFromRotation(sprite.rotation, 200, sprite.body.acceleration);
In the image I'm also applying a certain drag and reducing acceleration when nothing is pressed but that's your call:
sprite.body.drag.x = 200;
sprite.body.drag.y = 200;
If you wanted to strafe an idea could be at dealing with multiple presses and applying a different accelerationFromRotation accordingly (with a variety of degrees converted with Phaser.Math.degToRad)
For debug's sake, if needed, you might want to use some of the following:
walls = map.createLayer("Tile Layer 1");
walls.debug = true;
function collisionHandler(obj1, obj2) {
console.log("Colliding!", obj1, obj2)
game.physics.arcade.collide(sprite, walls, collisionHandler, null, this);

Object in Javascript undefined when calling a method

I'm building a game similar to the Chrome dinosaur in Vanilla JS. To animate the obstacles I have created a class Obstacle, which stores their position and size, and defines a method that changes the position.
var Obstacle = function (type, w, h, sprite) {
this.h = h; // Obstacle height
this.w = w; // Obstacle width
this.x = 600; // Starting horizontal position
this.y = GROUND - this.h; // Starting vertical position
this.type = type;
this.sprite = sprite;
this.speed = -4;
this.move = function () {
this.x += this.speed;
These are stored inside an array, defined as a property of a different class:
var ObstacleBuffer = function () {
this.bufferFront = [];
this.createObstacle = function () {
// Obstacle creators
this.createBox = function () {
if (Math.random() < 0.5) return new Obstacle ("box1", OBSTACLES.box1.w, OBSTACLES.box1.h, OBSTACLES.box1.sprite);
return new Obstacle ("box2", OBSTACLES.box2.w, OBSTACLES.box2.h, OBSTACLES.box2.sprite);
//Obstacle animation
this.animateObstacle = function () {
When running this an error pops up:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'move' of undefined.
I have logger the content of this.bufferFront[0] and it correctly show the Obstacle stored inside it.
I have also tried assigning this.bufferFront[0] locally to a variable and then tried to call the method from there. The data stored is correct but the error pops up whenever trying to access Obstacles methods or properties.
Any ideas ? Thank you very much.
EDIT - I have reviewed the code as per your suggestions and the problem seems to be at the point where I'm calling the function. Before generating the obstacles I am preloading a series of images and only generating obstacles once these have load:
this.loadWhenReady = function () {
if (self.resources.isLoadComplete()) {
this.obstacles.createObstacle(); // <--
} else {
setTimeout(self.loadWhenReady, 300);
And this is called in:
setTimeout(self.loadWhenReady, 300);
Of course const self = this has been defined before.
Everything seems to move forward when the method is called outside the SetTimeout.
Why is this happening though ? And is there a way of solving this while calling the method in there ?
SOLVED - As #Bergi and #Jaime-Blandon mention it was a context problem. Calling the method from outside the setTimeout loop or using self.obstacle.createObstacle() instead of this.obstacle.createObstacle() did the trick and solved the issue.
Try this change on the ObstacleBuffer Class:
var ObstacleBuffer = function () {
this.bufferFront = [];
this.createObstacle = function () {
// Obstacle creators
this.createBox = function () {
if (Math.random() < 0.5) this.bufferFront.push(new Obstacle ("box1", OBSTACLES.box1.w, OBSTACLES.box1.h, OBSTACLES.box1.sprite));
this.bufferFront.push(new Obstacle ("box2", OBSTACLES.box2.w, OBSTACLES.box2.h, OBSTACLES.box2.sprite));
//Obstacle animation
this.animateObstacle = function () {
Best Regards!

Phaser JS walk up tile based stairs

I'm creating a small 2d-minecraft clone, in Phaser js, on my own as a learning experience. So far I have gotten player movement and random level seeds to work ok.
I am using Phasers P2JS engine and have sprites that are box based. What I'm struggling with now Is I want the player to be able to walk unhindered up small elevations, (1-tile high) but I don't have any good idea of how I should Implement this.
I have tried changing the bounding box of the player so that it had a slope at the bottom but this gets me in to a bunch of trouble with wall climbing. I want a way to do this where it gets as seamless as possible. Preferably the player speed is not altered much by climbing the steps.
I am concidering writing some kind of collision detection function to handle this but I am uncertain if this is the best way to do it.
Thanks for your help.
Below is my code and an image that shows the kind of step I want to beable to walk up. Its the first elevation to the left in the image.
var pablo = require('../generators/pablo.js');
var destiny = {};
var socket;
var player;
var jumpButton;
var levelCollisionGroup;
var playerCollisionGroup;
destiny.create = function () {
console.info("game loaded");
// World
this.game.world.setBounds(0, 0, 4000, 1000);
this.game.physics.p2.gravity.y = 600;
this.game.physics.p2.applySpringForces= false;
this.game.physics.p2.applyDamping= false;
this.game.physics.p2.restitution = 0;
this.game.physics.p2.friction = 0.01;
// Player
playerCollisionGroup = this.game.physics.p2.createCollisionGroup();
player = this.game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX, 800, 'player');
player.body.fixedRotation = true;
player.body.mass = 2;
// Camera
this.game.camera.deadzone = new Phaser.Rectangle(200, 0, 400, 100);
// Controls
jumpButton = this.game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR);
leftButton = this.game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.A);
rightButton = this.game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.D);
// Level
levelCollisionGroup = this.game.physics.p2.createCollisionGroup();
for (i = 0; i < 280; i = i + 1) {
var block;
var height = pablo.getHeight(i);
for(j = 0; j < height; j = j + 1){
if(j === height-1){
block = this.game.add.sprite(15*i, 993-15*j, 'grass');
} else {
block = this.game.add.sprite(15*i, 993-15*j, 'dirt');
block.width = 15;
block.height = 15;
block.body.immovable = true;
block.body.collides([levelCollisionGroup, playerCollisionGroup]);
if(j == height){
this.game.stage.backgroundColor = "#5599CC";
destiny.update = function() {
if (leftButton.isDown) {
player.body.velocity.x = -200;
} else if (rightButton.isDown) {
player.body.velocity.x = 200;
if (jumpButton.isDown && this.checkIfCanJump()) {
player.body.velocity.y = -400;
destiny.render = function() {
this.game.debug.cameraInfo(this.game.camera, 32, 32);
this.game.debug.spriteCoords(player, 32, 550);
destiny.checkIfCanJump = function() {
var result = false;
for (var i=0; i < this.game.physics.p2.world.narrowphase.contactEquations.length; i++) {
var c = this.game.physics.p2.world.narrowphase.contactEquations[i];
if (c.bodyA === player.body.data || c.bodyB === player.body.data) {
var d = p2.vec2.dot(c.normalA, p2.vec2.fromValues(0, 1));
if (c.bodyA === player.body.data) {
d *= -1;
if (d > 0.5) {
result = true;
return result;
module.exports = destiny;
===================== Edit =====================
I have now tried creating slopes of the edge pieces when generating the world. But I realized that this makes me have to regenerate the world when I later add the feature for hacking away blocks. Thus this is not the solution. I think I will need to do some collision detection and move the player up when I hit an edge. But I'm not quite sure how to do this in phaser. Any help is still appreciated.
!!! Here is an image of what not to do !!!
Emanuele Feronato has a post on replicating the game Magick in Phaser.
There he covers the case of a block colliding with a barrier/wall, with the ability of the block to climb one level up.
You can check the tutorial, but what he appears to be doing is checking to see if the diagonal tile is empty (in other words, is it just a 'step' up), and if it is, running a 'jump' function, which looks more like a climb.
Depending upon how you want your character to step, you could potentially look at both the next tile (on the x-axis) as well as the one after it to check for the height.
So for example, if moving right and the next tile is flat, but the second tile has a step, you might start moving your character up on the y-axis.

Trying to draw multiple level scene in html5 canvas

this is my jsfiddle : jsfiddle.net/V8eKp/5/show
var p = new b2Vec2();
p = (ball.body.GetWorldCenter().x) * physics.scale;
var length = pos.length;
var s = (pos[length - 1] - pos[length - 2]); //in pixels
if ((halfwidth < (dw - p)) && (p > halfwidth)) {
ctx.translate(-s, 0);
I followed the code in here : http://www.codingowl.com/readblog.php?blogid=128
the rendering of the ball is acting weirdly and slow
i saw this example : http://www.emanueleferonato.com/2010/05/04/following-a-body-with-the-camera-in-box2d-the-smart-way/ but i didn't figure out how he do it he used 3 variables stage,x,y wish are undefined in the code he wrote.
and check out this demo by Impactjs and look how the camera move with the player movement i need this functionality : http://impactjs.com/demos/physics/
please can anyone help me in this
As long as ball.body.GetPosition().x > 48, this.current will start incrementing on each update, right? But your draw() only handles 0, 1 and 2.
Got a (kind of) working fix here: http://jsfiddle.net/u4Mv5/
You already got most of it right, just need a bit of work on the scene change logic.
My logic is, whenever the scene change, remove everything, manually shift the ball back or forward, and completely redraw the new scene.
As we are manually shifting the ball, the canvas does not need to be translated.
Draw and loop code: (Simplified)
draw: function () {
new Body(physics, { name: "Ground" });
ball = new Body(physics, { shape: "circle", x: ballx, y: bally, radius: 0.5 });
switch ( this.current ) {
case 0: // First scene
new Body(physics, { name: "Scene0Wall" });
new Body(physics, { name: "Scene0bricks0" });
new Body(physics, { name: "Scene0bricks1" });
case 1: // Second scene
new Body(physics, { name: "Scene1bricks0" });
case 2: // Third scene
new Body(physics, { name: "Scene2bricks0" });
update: function () {
ballx = ball.body.GetPosition().x;
bally = ball.body.GetPosition().y;
if ( ballx > scene_width ) {
ballx -= scene_width;
if ( ballx < 0 && this.current > 0) {
ballx += scene_width;
This is also easier on scene layout since each scene's origin is [0,0].
I'm only preserving the balls' position, not its state and velocity, which you should implement. The scene layout (and scene cut off point) should also be adjusted to make sure the ball can continue its journey instead of getting stuck in a block.
