Update image button src onclick for subsequent trials - javascript

I’m coding an experiment with a 12x12 grid of image buttons in jsPsych. Participants receive feedback based on which squares they choose to click. These squares are all initially white (white squares are saved as an img file called “old”) but after a square has been clicked I want it to turn grey (saved as an img file called “new”) for all subsequent trials (100 total). To do this, I’ve been trying to get the src of a button to update after it has been clicked. I'm relatively new to coding so any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
I was able to change the image on an individual trial. Usually the trial would end upon click, so I turned that off and was able to see the square change to grey after it was clicked. However, all the squares revert back to white for the next trial.
var squares = new Array(144);
for (var t = 0; t < squares.length; t++) {
squares[t] = t;
var responseGrid = {
type: jsPsychHtmlButtonResponseGridFeedback, // plugin arranges buttons in 12 x 12 grid
stimulus: [],
prompt: "<p>Please select a key</p>",
choices: squares,
button_html: '<button class= "jspsych-btn-grid" style = "display: grid" onclick = "color(this)"><img id="%choice%" src="imgRareEnvironment/%choice%-old.jpg"></button>',
image_size: 100,
response_ends_trial: false,
trial_duration: 6000,
on_finish: function(data){
i = i + 1;
data.i = i;
var lastSquare = data.response;
function color(el){
var img_id = el.querySelector('img').id;
var img_el = document.getElementById(img_id);
img_el.src = img_el.src.replace("old","new");
To try and fix this so the colour change carried over for all future trials, I made the button_html a function and included an on_finish function that goes through all the squares and updates them to grey if they are included in the "clicked squares" array. However, this gives an error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'src')". I'm not sure why it can't find the images to update the src, or if there's a better way to go about this.
var responseGrid = {
type: jsPsychHtmlButtonResponseGridFeedback,
stimulus: [],
prompt: "<p>Please select a key</p>",
choices: squares,
button_html: function(choice) {
var button_html = '';
var choice = '%choice%';
var id = 'square-' + choice;
var src = "imgRareEnvironment/" + choice + "-old.jpg";
button_html += '<button class="jspsych-btn-grid" style="display: grid"><img id="' + id + '" src="' + src + '"></button>';
return button_html;
image_size: 100,
on_finish: function(data){
i = i + 1;
data.i = i;
var lastSquare = data.response;
for (let t = 0; t < 144; t++) {
let image = document.getElementById('square-' + t);
if (clickedSquares.includes(t)) {
image.src = "imgRareEnvironment/" + t + "-new.jpg";


Sizing images equally coming from Facebook Graph API's album pictures

I've created a modal window that will show thumbnails for each of my Facebook albums. But the problem I'm having is when I fetch my album pictures with the Fb Graph API, the images are different sizes! So, while my modal window might be forcing a certain width for each thumbnail, the heights can vary according to the size of the picture returned. I can't correct this by forcing a max-height or min-height because it stretches and shrinks the pictures and they end up looking funny! I've been looking at fetching the album images with some type of parameter to 'square' the images or 'crop' the images but haven't had any luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the call to the Fb Graph API that I'v ebeen playing with in the graph explorer to try and force a standard size for each image.
here are some failed attempts to make each picture equal.
Here is my js code to fetch the album images and then put them into a modal window.
scope.getFbAlbumData = function(accessToken) {
var albumIds = [];
var columnCount = 0;
FB.api('me?fields=id,name,albums{cover_photo,photo_count,picture,name}', 'get', {
access_token: accessToken
}, function(response) {
if (response.error) {
yb.base.displayNotification('Oh no! Something went wrong. Please contact YogaBandy Help Desk', 'danger');
return false;
$('#uploadModal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function() {
var data = response.albums.data;
var rowContents = "";
$('#modalContainer').load(scope.enumControllers.getAlbumModal, function(response, status, xhr) {
for (var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) {
if (columnCount < 3) {
rowContents += "<div class=\"col-sm-4\" style=\"padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px;\"><div class=\"thumbnail\" data-albumid=\"" + data[i].id + "\"><img style=\"\" src=\"" + data[i].picture.data.url + "\" alt=\"...\" class=\"d\"><div class=\"caption\"><p class=\"album-title-name\">" + data[i].name + "</p><p>" + data[i].photo_count + " photos</p></div></div></div>";
if (i == l || columnCount == 3 || i + 1 == l) {
$("#albumPicturesModalBody").append("<div class=\"row\">" + rowContents + "<\div>");
rowContents = "";
columnCount = 0;
Here is what the modal window looks like, you can see the images are different sizes.
I want the images to be more uniform like this!

Adding Footer to pdf using jsPDF

I am generating pdf from jsPDF api , I want to add footer to each page with page number .
How to achieve this . It is having option of adding footer from fromHTML plugin , but I am writing without HTML.
var doc = new jsPDF("portrait","px","a4");
You have to implement it yourself. You can do something like this:
var doc = new jsPDF();
doc.page=1; // use this as a counter.
function footer(){
doc.text(150,285, 'page ' + doc.page); //print number bottom right
doc.page ++;
// and call footer() after each doc.addPage()
Stephen Collins is the best answer! It works well with jspdf-autotable plugin.
With this is made after all is added to the doc, so we can use easy the total page number!
Add some style to the Stephen Collins answer: "page x of total"
const addFooters = doc => {
const pageCount = doc.internal.getNumberOfPages()
doc.setFont('helvetica', 'italic')
for (var i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) {
doc.text('Page ' + String(i) + ' of ' + String(pageCount), doc.internal.pageSize.width / 2, 287, {
align: 'center'
let doc = new jsPDF()
I know this post is old but I'm going to offer another solution.
First define your total amount of pages. There's multiple ways to determine this so I won't go into that.
var doc = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'letter');
doc.page = 1; // use this as a counter.
var totalPages = 10; // define total amount of pages
doc.text("Report", 50, 22);// set your margins
var str = "Page " + doc.page + " of " + totalPages;
doc.setFontSize(10);// optional
doc.text(str, 50, doc.internal.pageSize.height - 10);//key is the interal pageSize function
// Add Page content
//Add new page and increase page count
doc.page ++;
//Begin process all over again.
This works well in a loop as you can set your page count by taking your array.length + 1 (as it's zero based).
Run this function before you run doc.save()
function addFooters() {
const pageCount = doc.internal.getNumberOfPages();
for(var i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) {
doc.text(String(i), 196, 285);
It's work for me:
I just put coordenates for A4 Paper;
Just add the for before doc.save() like this;
// Create a document
var doc = new jsPDF('p','mm','a4');
// Some stuff
doc.text("Some text", 74, 150);
doc.text("Some text", 74, 150);
doc.text("Some text", 74, 150);
doc.text("Some text", 74, 150);
doc.text("Last page", 74, 150);
// Add Page number at bottom-right
// Get the number of pages
const pageCount = doc.internal.getNumberOfPages();
// For each page, print the page number and the total pages
for(var i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) {
// Go to page i
//Print Page 1 of 4 for example
doc.text('Page ' + String(i) + ' of ' + String(pageCount),210-20,297-30,null,null,"right");
// Save the doc
If you need something like "current page / totalPage" displaying for each page.
Using "Total page number" plugin available in jspdf v1.0+
How to use:
var doc = new jsPDF();
doc.page=1; // use this as a counter.
var totalPagesExp = "{total_pages_count_string}";
function footer(){
var str = "Page " + doc.page;
if (typeof doc.putTotalPages === 'function') {
str = str + "/" + totalPagesExp;
doc.text(150,285, str); //print number bottom right
// call footer() after each doc.addPage()
// and before doc.save() do not forget put
if (typeof doc.putTotalPages === 'function') {
It should work. Hope this helps.
After digging into the code, I think the feature you ask is not implemented. But there is a function to generate a footer from html and you can use this code to fullfill your need. But beware some part of the code is marked as "bad hack".
From plugins/from_html.js
checkForFooter = function (elem, renderer, elementHandlers) {
//check if we can found a <footer> element
var footer = elem.getElementsByTagName("footer");
if (footer.length > 0) {
footer = footer[0];
//bad hack to get height of footer
//creat dummy out and check new y after fake rendering
var oldOut = renderer.pdf.internal.write;
var oldY = renderer.y;
renderer.pdf.internal.write = function () {};
DrillForContent(footer, renderer, elementHandlers);
var footerHeight = Math.ceil(renderer.y - oldY) + 5;
renderer.y = oldY;
renderer.pdf.internal.write = oldOut;
//add 20% to prevent overlapping
renderer.pdf.margins_doc.bottom += footerHeight;
//Create function render header on every page
var renderFooter = function (pageInfo) {
var pageNumber = pageInfo !== undefined ? pageInfo.pageNumber : 1;
//set current y position to old margin
var oldPosition = renderer.y;
//render all child nodes of the header element
renderer.y = renderer.pdf.internal.pageSize.height - renderer.pdf.margins_doc.bottom;
renderer.pdf.margins_doc.bottom -= footerHeight;
//check if we have to add page numbers
var spans = footer.getElementsByTagName('span');
for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; ++i) {
//if we find some span element with class pageCounter, set the page
if ((" " + spans[i].className + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ").indexOf(" pageCounter ") > -1) {
spans[i].innerHTML = pageNumber;
//if we find some span element with class totalPages, set a variable which is replaced after rendering of all pages
if ((" " + spans[i].className + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ").indexOf(" totalPages ") > -1) {
spans[i].innerHTML = '###jsPDFVarTotalPages###';
//render footer content
DrillForContent(footer, renderer, elementHandlers);
//set bottom margin to previous height including the footer height
renderer.pdf.margins_doc.bottom += footerHeight;
//important for other plugins (e.g. table) to start rendering at correct position after header
renderer.y = oldPosition;
//check if footer contains totalPages which shoudl be replace at the disoposal of the document
var spans = footer.getElementsByTagName('span');
for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; ++i) {
if ((" " + spans[i].className + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ").indexOf(" totalPages ") > -1) {
renderer.pdf.internal.events.subscribe('htmlRenderingFinished', renderer.pdf.putTotalPages.bind(renderer.pdf, '###jsPDFVarTotalPages###'), true);
//register event to render footer on every new page
renderer.pdf.internal.events.subscribe('addPage', renderFooter, false);
//render footer on first page
//prevent footer rendering
SkipNode['FOOTER'] = 1;

Changing image to another on click

We are currently creating an image inside a holder (ch-item) as shown below:
<div class="ch-item ch-img-1" style="background: url(<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/image1.jpg);">
If possible we would like to make this image change to another when clicked, and repeat this process six times in all, so each time it is clicked it changes to another image.
We would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you!
This is one way to do it using solely Javascript:
// Counter to keep track of which the current image is
var counter = 0;
// List of images
var images = [
// Add more images here
window.onload = function () {
// Get the container div
var gallery = document.getElementById('gallery');
// Run updateImage function on click
gallery.addEventListener('click', updateImage);
// Run updateImage on start
function updateImage() {
// Get the container div
var gallery = document.getElementById('gallery');
// Set background image
gallery.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + images[counter] + ')';
// Update counter
// Remove old class name
if (counter == 1) { // Remove last
gallery.className = gallery.className.replace(
' ch-img-' + images.length,
} else { // Remove previous
gallery.className = gallery.className.replace(
' ch-img-' + (counter - 1),
// Add new class name
gallery.className = gallery.className + ' ch-img-' + (counter);
// Reset counter when at the end of the images list
if (counter == images.length) {
counter = 0;
And here is a JSFiddle to try it out:

Can't get counter to work inside function in Javascript

I am trying to create the proverbial quiz in Javascript as my first 'from scratch' exercise. This is my fiddle, which has all the other code.
This is my question:
var allQuestions = [{
"question": "Who was Luke's gunner in the battle at Hoth?",
"choices": ["Dak", "Biggs", "Wedge", "fx-7"],
"correctAnswer": 0
Here in this function, I included the loop which should go over the radio buttons vs. the users selection. See below.
function answerFwd() {
var answerOutput = " ";
var itemAnswers = allQuestions;
var answer = 0;
var playerTally = 0;
var playerFeedback = "";
var playerMessage = document.getElementById("playerMessage");
Right now I am stuck with this;
Matching the correct answer in the array, with what a user would select in the radio buttons and then dynamically displaying a score.
Right now, I can get the 0 to display, but no increment.
var radioValue = $("input[type='radio'].radioButtons:checked").val();
if (currentAnswer <= itemAnswers.length) {
for(i = 0; i < radioValue.length; i++) {
if(radioValue[i].checked) {
if(radioValue[i].value == itemAnswers.correctAnswer) {
playerFeedback += "<h4>" + playerTally + "</h4> <br/>";
playerMessage.innerHTML = playerFeedback;
I am not opposed to a solution with jQuery, but would prefer a vanilla JS alternative, just so I can really see what is going on!
Thank you all in advance!
Before you progress to the next question, you can figure out if an answer is correct with
if (document.querySelectorAll("#responses input")[allQuestions[currentQuestion].correctAnswer].checked)
The complete solution is
var radios = document.querySelectorAll("#responses input");
var correct = allQuestions[currentAnswer].correctAnswer;
if (radios[correct].checked) {
playerFeedback += "<h5>" + playerTally + "</h5> <br/>";
playerMessage.innerHTML = playerFeedback;
if (currentAnswer <= itemAnswers.length) {
And now I look closely it is the same as Mr. Me's

javascript not working when page is loaded qtip2

I wrote a nice heatmap in javascript, and that worked pretty nice so far. The heatmap is basically a table with a coloring variation, based on the threshold of the value displayed in the table. I used JavaScript to create the table, and to set up the colors. However, I wanted to show a nice pop up window, so when the user hover over the table's cell, some additional information is displayed. I found this library qTip2
$('#mytable td').qtip({
overwrite : false, // make sure it can't be overwritten
content : {
text : function(api){
return "Time spent: " + $(this).html();
position : {
my : 'top left',
target : 'mouse',
viewport : $(window), //keep it on-screen at all time if possible
adjust : {
x : 10, y : 10
hide : {
fixed : true // Helps to prevent the tooltip from hiding occassionaly when tracking!
style : 'ui-tooltip-tipsy ui-tooltip-shadow'
This function creates the heatmap:
function makeTable(data)
var row = new Array();
var cell = new Array();
var row_num = 26;
var cell_num = 44;
var tab = document.createElement('table');
tab.setAttribute('id', 'mytable');
tab.border = '1px';
var tbo = document.createElement('tbody');
for(var i = 0; i < row_num; i++){
row[i] = document.createElement('tr');
var upper = (i+1)*44;
var lower = i*44;
for(var j = lower; j < upper; j++){
cell[j] = document.createElement('td');
//cell[j].setAttribute('class', 'selector');
if(data[j] != undefined){
var count = document.createTextNode(data[j].diff);
var index = parseInt(data[j].diff);
/* specify which color better suits the heatmap */
if(index >= 0 && index <= 100){
cell[j].style.backgroundColor = '#00BFFF';
else if(index > 100 && index <= 1000){
cell[j].style.backgroundColor = "#6495ED";
else if(index > 1000 && index <= 4000){
cell[j].style.backgroundColor = "#4682B4";
else if(index > 4000 && index <= 6000){
cell[j].style.backgroundColor = "#0000FF";
cell[j].style.backgroundColor = "#00008B";
Inside of my <body> tag I have:
<div id="body">
<div id="mytable"></div>
However, when I load the page, I expect to see the pop up box when I hover the mouse over the table's cell, however something happens. Also, when I execute that $(document).ready part from firebug's terminal, then the program starts to execute as suppose to. I also made sure the library is being loaded into my page before I used it. I also don't see any errors in the firebug's terminal.
<script src="http://localhost/heatmap/javascript/jquery.qtip.js">
Could someone please give me a clue why is this happening?
The main function of my javascript is
function OnLoad() {
var data = eval('(' + answer + ')');
var list = [];
whis is called on load: google.setOnLoadCallback(OnLoad);
You need to create the qtip after you have loaded the table like this:
function OnLoad() {
var data = eval('(' + answer + ')');
var list = [];
$('#mytable td').qtip({
overwrite : false, // make sure it can't be overwritten
content : {
text : function(api){
return "Time spent: " + $(this).html();
position : {
my : 'top left',
target : 'mouse',
viewport : $(window), // keep it on-screen at all time if possible
adjust : {
x : 10, y : 10
hide : {
fixed : true // Helps to prevent the tooltip from hiding occassionaly when tracking!
style : 'ui-tooltip-tipsy ui-tooltip-shadow'
